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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Hmmmm..I thought it might have been me, who was the culprit! :hrhr: I have great disdain for both ineptitude and immaturity, and I can be harshly truthful about it. My bad. gallery_1079_935_4423.gif

Perhaps instead of reacting in a defensive manner, some folks should be more introspective about the annoying behaviours that their peers have pointed out-- and find within themselves the pride and self-love to work upon rectifying them.

Just my $.02...

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Like I feel a little bad b/c I think someone left the board b/c of me but at the same time,

the spell check button could've solved ALL her problems here and

<pardon this rant>

How the f*ck do people get through school without learning how to type three words w/o misspelling two of them??????

Like A. I love the external's posts...B. I bitched at that girl WEEKS ago (apparently, e was harsher)...

Hmmmm..I thought it might have been me, who was the culprit! :hrhr: I have great disdain for both ineptitude and immaturity, and I can be harshly truthful about it. My bad. gallery_1079_935_4423.gif

Perhaps instead of reacting in a defensive manner, some folks should be more introspective about the annoying behaviours that their peers have pointed out-- and find within themselves the pride and self-love to work upon rectifying them.

Just my $.02...

If I had to guess, I wouldn't have guessed any of you. Duplicity is lost on some people.

Anyway...I feel like I just woke up from a coma. I feel a little anxious about the interview today, but basically pretty good. I feel like I need to go shower and eat.

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That things are now officially chaotically full-bore nuts. :X:help:

Like I am a lot calmer appearing and acting than the chaos around me would lead someone to believe. Otherwise I would be in a full-bore linear panic (FBLP.)

Crichton: "Hey, D'Argo, how come I'm not afraid?"

D'Argo: "Fear accompanies the possibility of death. Calm shepherds its certainty."

Crichton: "I *love* hangin' with you, man."

Like I really need a physical cuddle and a hug. :confused:

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glad the the Externals new job seems to be better received than working for ass hole racist slave-drivers (and hey, without a challenge there's no impetus to grow and get good sense of achievement)

missing my wife.

feeling disillusioned about my current role and hopeful for one of the three jobs i'm chasing

wanting to pamper my wife

i wants tea, but coffee will do

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Glad Eternal is settling in to the new job

Like Eternal is right about Ponyo... it is rare for me to be able to sit in a movie house for 2 hours without getting restless

Like getting 3 pair of intensely sexy $18 Cacique panties for $12 is a good thing

Like I really shouldn'tve spent $25 on the purple crochet skirt, but it was a good deal, it's gorgeous, and it made me feel less angry & frustrated.

and like I share Eternal's frustration with current politics-related matters. Gawd what is wrong w/these people?

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I feel tired... which is nothing new.

I feel crampy...

I feel broke ($$) and the household is suffering, because my room mate's are also lackin in funds from their own jobs. *sigh* the house is broke. I mean seriously broke. If it weren't for food stamps, we would have an empty kitchen... and I'm not even kidding about that...

I feel useless, cuz of girl time (I always feel exhausted during this time...) eventhough its not barely even there, nor should be called what its called.. should be named from "I'll arrive whenever I want to, barely be there, and make you feel like shit, just because I can" time, instead of a "monthly" LOL

I hope that the updates to my resume will help me get my foot in the door, to be able to sit behind a desk, answer phones, and tap away on a keyboard, even though almost every office position, of such mindless tasks want you to be a high school grad, and some sort of college degree... so stupid.. I need a degree for doing something in an office, that I already do at home... how much sense does that make? Please tell me?!

I am feeling kinda of depressed. *sigh*

I feel like I'm tired of hearing people bitch, even if they aren't venting to me... Jeeze.. STFU! (no one here, I mean at home LOL... Room mate is venting to our friend LOL)

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I MADE DEADBABES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Expect to see me soon on

:animier: for Jynxxxedangel!

I feel like I am now the proud owner of Sinical Enterprises, LLC

DBA Kimberly Sinical

I feel official

Edited by Ice Queen
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Like this is really adding up to be a busy week. I really wish I could just stay home and rest tomorrow, but I have to go to the doctor and do some job-hunt-related stuff tomorrow. At least I got the essential errands done today, even if they were not very pleasant in dealing with.

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