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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Pleased with myself 'cos I was able to channel some anger into doing something positive

Grateful to the person on Zen Jar who helped me realize it

Amused at Sasuke's (male gecko) attempts to get at the new juvie female in the next cage... I have a pedophile gecko!

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Glad Eternal is settling in to the new job

+) 1. Good to hear Eternal.

I feel tired... which is nothing new.

I feel crampy...

I feel broke ($$) and the household is suffering, because my room mate's are also lackin in funds from their own jobs. *sigh* the house is broke. I mean seriously broke. If it weren't for food stamps, we would have an empty kitchen... and I'm not even kidding about that...

I feel useless, cuz of girl time (I always feel exhausted during this time...) eventhough its not barely even there, nor should be called what its called.. should be named from "I'll arrive whenever I want to, barely be there, and make you feel like shit, just because I can" time, instead of a "monthly" LOL

I hope that the updates to my resume will help me get my foot in the door, to be able to sit behind a desk, answer phones, and tap away on a keyboard, even though almost every office position, of such mindless tasks want you to be a high school grad, and some sort of college degree... so stupid.. I need a degree for doing something in an office, that I already do at home... how much sense does that make? Please tell me?!

I am feeling kinda of depressed. *sigh*

I feel like I'm tired of hearing people bitch, even if they aren't venting to me... Jeeze.. STFU! (no one here, I mean at home LOL... Room mate is venting to our friend LOL)


I feel like I am now the proud owner of Sinical Enterprises, LLC

DBA Kimberly Sinical

I feel official


tired and frustrated

If I may, hugs.

I went into the ER yesterday morning. My heart was racing very badly. The doctors said it due to one of new medicines I am on, and due to the caffeine of Excedrin. Which I thought was weird. The emotional stress of seeing my dad in pain, really hurts me and stress me out. I go this Friday to get a heart montior. I have to wear that for a few days, to make sure my heart is okay.

I am not worried. I have a good feeling, that everything will work out.

I been through worst. I am a domestic abuse survivor. I can handle this. :)

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What a mess. I live off of whatever I can scrounge, and here I am worried about income tax bullshit, all of a sudden.

The money I have received as gifts, which has all gone to pay living costs, may get me into tax troubles. I haven't filed any claims or forms, because I was completely ignorant as to how to go about it (not to mention, I have been completely preoccupied with the simple task of getting back on my feet, staying alive, and keeping a roof over my head). There is really no physical proof to show where some of this money came from. I'm cursing my new-found knowledge.

Great, more shit to worry about. After having spent years homeless, and living off the kindness of others and my own ingenuity; after years of scavenging from rubbish and cheap resale shops to have anything tangible. I am NOT particularly thrilled, right now.

What am I going to do? This could really cause a lot of problems. :cry

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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What a mess. I live off of whatever I can scrounge, and here I am worried about income tax bullshit, all of a sudden.

The money I have received as gifts, which has all gone to pay living costs, may get me into tax troubles. I haven't filed any claims or forms, because I was completely ignorant as to how to go about it (not to mention, I have been completely preoccupied with the simple task of getting back on my feet, staying alive, and keeping a roof over my head). There is really no physical proof to show where some of this money came from. I'm cursing my new-found knowledge.

Great, more shit to worry about. After having spent years homeless, and living off the kindness of others and my own ingenuity; after years of scavenging from rubbish and cheap resale shops to have anything tangible. I am NOT particularly thrilled, right now.

What am I going to do? This could really cause a lot of problems. :cry


I'm feeling tired even though I got about 9.5 hours of sleep last night.

Edited by bean water
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I went into the ER yesterday morning. My heart was racing very badly. The doctors said it due to one of new medicines I am on, and due to the caffeine of Excedrin. Which I thought was weird. The emotional stress of seeing my dad in pain, really hurts me and stress me out. I go this Friday to get a heart montior. I have to wear that for a few days, to make sure my heart is okay.

I am not worried. I have a good feeling, that everything will work out.

I been through worst. I am a domestic abuse survivor. I can handle this. :)

*hugs/healing vibes*

(Excedrin contains caffeine b/c it's marketed specifically as a headache remedy... sounds like you got the synergistic thing going w/that and your new meds)

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Guest Megalicious

I feel like my house is DUST FREE!!! *laughs*

I feel like I am now ready for school for the most part - I still need to go shopping for clothes, which I am NOT looking forward too.

I feel like it's time for a Keegan nap and then off to the Arb with the human and furry child!!!!

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