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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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I am so freaking pissed right now... stupid freaking room mate... I swear to god... two and a half hours to clean two little things..... so she says.. hardly nothing is done... and now she's trying to guilt me into doing shit.. (which i had ALREADY planned on doing anyways) freaking c**t erg!

she never knows when to keep her mouth shut... its one thing to ask nicely.. its another thing to try and guilt me into doing something

I am exhausted. I haven't slept well, and she's complaining that she "pushed her self so hard" OMG it was ONE hour worth of work. if it took her two and half hours, she's a dumb @$$

I am so sick and tired of living here. so sick of her bull $h!T. so tired of it.. sadly I have to continue to put up with that crap because I have no where else to go. jesus... its like its my house and they are the lazy ones.. they are constantly asking me to do things.... because me not having a job is their excuse to do nothing.. seriously... they expect me to pick up after them (I'm talking the trail of clothing they leave in the living room, among other things.. I don't just mean "my share" of the household chores... OH, and one only works one day a week, because his hours got cut and the other one doesn't work at all anymore, not even her. um... "hanging out with friends" job lol) I'm the only one that will clean the bathroom and they use only bleach cleaners in there which gives me a raging headache every time, because I'm mildly allergic to the crap... granted I haven't been able to do much since I hurt my wrist, but seriously. I've done TONS more than they have.. *rips hair out* I'm so pissed... there are no words to describe how mad I am right now....

yeah, two hours worth of work... whatever... she hardly did anything at all... what a loser and a freaking lair. I'm sick of this...

This is the reason why I refuse to ever have roommates. I hope ya feel better.

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in pain...go put foot up soon


I feel ... really, really stressed out.

Hugs. More Hugs.

From the film "Nightbreed" based on "Cabal" both by my Heart-throb CLIVE BARKER

Thank you. Hugs.

Not so hot, I have an inner ear virus which is throwing off my balance and causing massive dizzy spells. It was so bad yesterday at school my mom had to come pick me up and take me to the doctor..which means my car is still at the school.

If I may, hugs

I feel sick. Nose is plugged, ears are plugged, I have a headache, I'm dizzy, and I feel sick to my stomach. No fever though. I'm stuck at work becuase I used the last bit of paid time off yesterday and can't afford to stay home today.


I feel like I just walked into the doomsday thread of gothyness! Well, it IS a goth board, what else should I expect?

I feeeeel...like my new house hates me and doesn't want me to move in. It's the two month anniversary today of purchasing it and yet there's so much to be done we're probably STILL few weeks, or more, away from inspection and everyone is getting antsy about wanting to move in...YET...won't fucking help me do shit. The only one who has helped a lot besides Pestilence and Boshy has been Jabberwok, so let's just say I'm pretty disappointed in my potential roommates and don't like the signs of this, which is bad because we're not even living there yet. Timata is fine...but a certain other person who is moving in has not done SHIT to help out and hasn't even contacted us to hang out in over three to four weeks.

(End Rant)


I have no hot water (again), a filling has fallen out (OUCH!!!), and I am NOT a happy camper.


Lost and alone. crybaby.gif

Not literally, of course, but I feel like I am not on the same page with several people in my life, and I miss the one person I always used to be able to talk to about these things.


I am so freaking pissed right now... stupid freaking room mate... I swear to god... two and a half hours to clean two little things..... so she says.. hardly nothing is done... and now she's trying to guilt me into doing shit.. (which i had ALREADY planned on doing anyways) freaking c**t erg!

she never knows when to keep her mouth shut... its one thing to ask nicely.. its another thing to try and guilt me into doing something

I am exhausted. I haven't slept well, and she's complaining that she "pushed her self so hard" OMG it was ONE hour worth of work. if it took her two and half hours, she's a dumb @$$

I am so sick and tired of living here. so sick of her bull $h!T. so tired of it.. sadly I have to continue to put up with that crap because I have no where else to go. jesus... its like its my house and they are the lazy ones.. they are constantly asking me to do things.... because me not having a job is their excuse to do nothing.. seriously... they expect me to pick up after them (I'm talking the trail of clothing they leave in the living room, among other things.. I don't just mean "my share" of the household chores... OH, and one only works one day a week, because his hours got cut and the other one doesn't work at all anymore, not even her. um... "hanging out with friends" job lol) I'm the only one that will clean the bathroom and they use only bleach cleaners in there which gives me a raging headache every time, because I'm mildly allergic to the crap... granted I haven't been able to do much since I hurt my wrist, but seriously. I've done TONS more than they have.. *rips hair out* I'm so pissed... there are no words to describe how mad I am right now....

yeah, two hours worth of work... whatever... she hardly did anything at all... what a loser and a freaking lair. I'm sick of this...

I am okay. Just dealing with school.

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To the Ladies of DGN who Are Going Through Rough Times,

To each one of you ladies, If I may, I send hugs of comfort.

I would like to also send each one of you, flowers.

I hope it can help bring some sunshine, your way.

I hope things get better for all of you ladies.

If I may again, more hugs,



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I'm feeling like I wish I was born female so I could get affection and attention more easily when I'm feeling down....

thats not true always ....

I feel like i just laid in bed with my eyes closed pertending i was asleep all night....

Edited by Lillylu29
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Worried about having to cut Michigan Works today. Seriously, I can't help it that I don't have a car, or a ride. Ain't much I can do about it, at the moment. I really wish that the referee would acknowledge my letter-- then perhaps I wouldn't have to worry about this class at ALL, anymore.

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Guest Megalicious

Completely and UTTERLY frustrated.

We had a sub in lab today that made us work in pairs.... yeah, ummmm I just spent 3 fucking hours trying to explain what is an EASY concept to someone who was just not ... getting it ( I am being nice here).

I am fucking just pissed - seriously, if you don't get fucking double replacement reactions one - you should not BE in this class two - you need to stay far away if you have no desire to learn the basic underlining concept.

I feel like a damn misanthrope.

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