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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Like I haven't even started my Christmas shopping, with the van breaking down, we weren't sure how much we had to spend.

And I feel stressed about having to go to Tennessee and South Carolina without the car situation being remedied.

And I feel like my Arabic teacher just has to deal with the fact that my custody agreement does not accommodate a Saturday or Sunday extra class. If he had actually TAUGHT us this semester, I wouldn't be in need of it anyway. I have NEVER had such a hard time with a language, and I speak/read/write a few.

Edited by Rayne
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ok so after standing quite enough yesturday....

we go to fraser tree lighting ceremony.

Not much going on there...so we trec over to fort fraser. If you have NEVER taken your kid...take them/it.

This is a kids dream! Its on the S/E corner of Garfield and 14 Mile Rds

Just one trip through the WHOLE THING one way, then turn around and do it going back down.

I am sore all over hell even my neck. Anyone wanna give a massage?

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my teeth hurt. my head hurts. I'm annoyed, and a bit disappointed... (for some reason, my Firefox doesn't have the correct spelling of "disappointed"... I have to select "disappointing" and then edit the word LOL)


cold is a very good word for how I am feeling, because it covers both the physical and the non....

Edit: "work" and "word" do NOT mean the same thing. I dunno how I even typo-ed that, because the "k" and the "d" are on opposite sides of the keyboard. literally. Both are three in, if you place your fingers on the "home row keys" o.O Actually, that my be the exact reason why I mistyped LOL

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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Guest Megalicious

Well since this day stared off on a REALLY GOOD note :innocent:I am in an awesome mood.

Shoppings done, just finished up my last project paper, and I am now feeling extremely good going through all these sketches I did yesterday morning downtown. :) Life is good....

*hugs* to all that are feeling down and not having the greatest days.

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Fucking annoyed...on rant...

I worked the last two nights with one of the bitchiest nurses ever. She has been on my unit six months less than I and kisses management's ass. She gets wonderful perks like being in charge a week out of the month so she doesn't have to provide patient care. Her and I worked with another nurse the other night who is 7.5 months pregnant. Prego nurse got a patient from OR who was quite agitated and combative and needed a lot of attention, she also had another patient who was quite heavy. Stupid bitch nurse had quite an easy assignment as her patients were getting ready to leave the ICU in the morning. I had to listen to stupid bitch nurse say how her assignment was cake while me and prego nurse are running our asses off. I go into prego nurse's other patient's room to check on that patient and this tips off stupid bitch nurse that maybe she should get off her fucking ass to help. Then after the patients were settled down, I had to listen to stupid bitch nurse say how she wants to be in charge more so she don't have to provide patient care. The last time I checked the charge nurses still do provide patient care, at least the good charge nurses I work with do. Thie stupid bitch nurse thinks she is above everyone else. I can't fucking stand her. :rant:

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I feel very lonly today...

And find myself asking today why not me?

Why am I never good enough?

Even thoe I feel like a Damn fool cause a relationship is not what I need. It just feels good knowing someone is there.

I think this cold is messing with my head.... :X

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Tired, sick of being at work, sick of being late to work every Sunday because hubby has work at the same time I do and refuses to wake up/remind me that he works early on Sundays. Maybe just annoyed with Hubby... :\ I don't like being annoyed with him, so now I feel badly. :(

Bipolar! I am feeling Bipolar!!!

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Ok so I just got a list of the 'things he doesn't like about me...'

I pencil in my brows.

I cut off all my hair.

It is now pink...this happened awhile ago btw

I am obnoxious (so is he)

I have fake boobs.

Don't have much money

My attitude? He didn't even go into that so I am ASSuming its a bad thing...

Have weird friends...yah well...thats true.

I dress weird. Again, like thats a bad thing. I don't get mugged. Thats all I know.

So I feel like two thumbs up is in order....guess which two fingers I am holding up? Yaaaah. Those.

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Tired, sick of being at work, sick of being late to work every Sunday because hubby has work at the same time I do and refuses to wake up/remind me that he works early on Sundays. Maybe just annoyed with Hubby... :\ I don't like being annoyed with him, so now I feel badly. :(

Bipolar! I am feeling Bipolar!!!

Tell him all future Sundays, you get dropped off to work first and he can pick you up. Or, he can buy you a shiny new car... Problem solved.

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Ok so I just got a list of the 'things he doesn't like about me...'

I pencil in my brows.

I cut off all my hair.

It is now pink...this happened awhile ago btw

I am obnoxious (so is he)

I have fake boobs.

Don't have much money

My attitude? He didn't even go into that so I am ASSuming its a bad thing...

Have weird friends...yah well...thats true.

I dress weird. Again, like thats a bad thing. I don't get mugged. Thats all I know.

So I feel like two thumbs up is in order....guess which two fingers I am holding up? Yaaaah. Those.

I'm confused.... Why do you have a list of why someone isn't happy with you?

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