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How Are You Feeling?

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Guest Megalicious

Fucking annoyed...on rant...

I worked the last two nights with one of the bitchiest nurses ever. She has been on my unit six months less than I and kisses management's ass. She gets wonderful perks like being in charge a week out of the month so she doesn't have to provide patient care. Her and I worked with another nurse the other night who is 7.5 months pregnant. Prego nurse got a patient from OR who was quite agitated and combative and needed a lot of attention, she also had another patient who was quite heavy. Stupid bitch nurse had quite an easy assignment as her patients were getting ready to leave the ICU in the morning. I had to listen to stupid bitch nurse say how her assignment was cake while me and prego nurse are running our asses off. I go into prego nurse's other patient's room to check on that patient and this tips off stupid bitch nurse that maybe she should get off her fucking ass to help. Then after the patients were settled down, I had to listen to stupid bitch nurse say how she wants to be in charge more so she don't have to provide patient care. The last time I checked the charge nurses still do provide patient care, at least the good charge nurses I work with do. Thie stupid bitch nurse thinks she is above everyone else. I can't fucking stand her. :rant:

Tell me about it!! That PISSESW ME OFF TO NO END. During one of my clinicals this semester I saw a charge just siting there watching TV, while the rest of the Peds staff were running around like chickens with their heads cut off - ASSHAT. :rant:

I feel tired. I have rearranged, reorganized and completely cleaned (and I MEAN I CAN EAT OFF THE FLOOR CLEAN) Keegans play room.

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Better now that my new glasses aren't rubbing on my ear. And maybe that was my headache issues, I haven't had one in a few days ... but not even with the new glasses either and usually I do.

I still haven't started on Christmas shopping ... I need to do that ...

And trying to find time to go to the doctor. Broken toe + no pain meds = SUCK! But I'm too busy the next couple days to deal with it. Guess I'm doing crutches and massive amounts of Motrin (though not too much because of my kidney issues) for the next few days until I can get the time to get in.

That's going to make the 18 hour drive much worse than I had planned. :(

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Tell me about it!! That PISSESW ME OFF TO NO END. During one of my clinicals this semester I saw a charge just siting there watching TV, while the rest of the Peds staff were running around like chickens with their heads cut off - ASSHAT. :rant:

You will find in your nursing career, I'm assuming that's what you are going to school for, that some charge nurses are better off being charge nurses because they suck at bedside care. Or you'll get the charge nurses who ask you if you want help but it doesn't really mean they want to help. I took care of stupid bitch nurse's patients the next night when I worked, she couldn't even change all of her expired IV tubing, which is a severe pet peeve of mine and she could have done this as she had such an easy assignment the night before. This girl though is seriously digging her own grave as she's already pissed off a good amount of staff so I can't wait to see what happens. I really shouldn't let it get to me but sometimes I can't help it.

Edited by KatRN05
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You will find in your nursing career, I'm assuming that's what you are going to school for, that some charge nurses are better off being charge nurses because they suck at bedside care. Or you'll get the charge nurses who ask you if you want help but it doesn't really mean they want to help. I took care of stupid bitch nurse's patients the next night when I worked, she couldn't even change all of her expired IV tubing, which is a severe pet peeve of mine and she could have done this as she had such an easy assignment the night before. This girl though is seriously digging her own grave as she's already pissed off a good amount of staff so I can't wait to see what happens. I really shouldn't let it get to me but sometimes I can't help it.

I feel that the nurses who aren't in the nursing field to TAKE CARE OF PATIENTS, should have their asses LAID OUT by the nurses who ARE.

What I have read in those last few posts, is an outrage...and as someone who has been mortally ill, this really bothers me.

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I feel that the nurses who aren't in the nursing field to TAKE CARE OF PATIENTS, should have their asses LAID OUT by the nurses who ARE.

What I have read in those last few posts, is an outrage...and as someone who has been mortally ill, this really bothers me.

i agree...my mom had a friend who was telling me about a nurse who was just fired because she neglected her patients and turned out to be a morphine addict and when she would go into rooms to give a shot of morphine if the patient was asleep she would just pocket the vile and take it home and just write on the chart it was given to them...sooo when the patient woke up in pain asking for pain meds they would say we cant were sorry you were just given a drip 1hr ago when in reality they never did...thank god she got fired and her license taken away

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Guest Megalicious

I feel that the nurses who aren't in the nursing field to TAKE CARE OF PATIENTS, should have their asses LAID OUT by the nurses who ARE.

What I have read in those last few posts, is an outrage...and as someone who has been mortally ill, this really bothers me.

The problem lies in people that get into nursing because they are under the ASSUMPTION that it's a relatively easy job that pays well - which is NOT the case.

Nursing is psychically and EMOTIONALLY demanding on ALL levels and it takes a certain kind of person to thrive in this profession. These ADN programs (no offense intended to you our there that hold ADNs) are very attractive to people who are just looking to make money - fast. So A LOT of these nursing students are just looking to make good money with the least amount of schooling possible, which should NOT be ones motivation to become a nurse. :rant:

Furthermore the lack of universal protocol of ANY KIND is nothing short of DISTURBING. It's the " I learned it right, my way is right" with out ANY evidence based research to back anything up that just blows my mind. Everything is SO subjective, depending on where you learned it and WHO you learned it from - there is no structure. And they wonder why nurses vary so much in competence outcomes... :rant:

That being said there are certain types of nursing roles that have limited patient to nurse interaction, but that is found in a MSN and above - which makes sense, most nurses on this level are in research, and as such focus on research and not direct patient care.

i agree...my mom had a friend who was telling me about a nurse who was just fired because she neglected her patients and turned out to be a morphine addict and when she would go into rooms to give a shot of morphine if the patient was asleep she would just pocket the vile and take it home and just write on the chart it was given to them...sooo when the patient woke up in pain asking for pain meds they would say we cant were sorry you were just given a drip 1hr ago when in reality they never did...thank god she got fired and her license taken away

I don't know where that nurse works but at U of M two nurses have to sign off for anything that strong, to avoid this type of patient abuse - because that is exactly what it is. To think of what that nurses POOR PAIENT went through and how much pain they where in because their junkie nurse pocketed their morphine... fucking sickening. :rant:

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I feel that the nurses who aren't in the nursing field to TAKE CARE OF PATIENTS, should have their asses LAID OUT by the nurses who ARE.

What I have read in those last few posts, is an outrage...and as someone who has been mortally ill, this really bothers me.

THANK YOU! I kid you not as to how often I see some nurses come in and do as little for their patients as possible. It frustrates the shit out of me and it seems like there is no accountability sometimes. I take care of some of the sickest patients, nurses who work in that area should have their shit together because these patients can crash at any fucking minute. So yeah, I'd like to lay out stupid bitch nurse sometimes. I figure there is no point in saying anything as she is a favorite among my managers so I will let her dig her way into the ground.

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.....to quote of myself from yesterdays..... :biggrin:

..I'm great.

....in fact, right now, many of you wish you were me; the vast majority of the remainder, just wish you were doing half as well; & the last 2%, well, you all know, you're never really happy when you're happy... :p

:secret: Oh, yeah, & I'm a lil' cocky this morn. ;)

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