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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Sickly again.

If I may, hugs

Only mildly hung over and pretty content overall. And only moderately embarrassed about the drunken FB posting last night.


Talkin to moms...I had one grandpa logger who's eyes popped out of his head when A tree rolled on him...they got them back in but he was blind after that...another grandpa who limped cause a cherry tree squished his leg...I almost cut off my own arm once as my saw got away from me...

thus I may let lonnie cut up this tree for me...

not sure...

I am feeling like the reason we have to share the good guys...there are just not enough to go around. Between half being gay or taken then the rest most of them something is like major wrong...addicts...crazy people...lazy or stupid...or not fun...not kinky....whatever...oh and lets not forget the ones sent over seas...there are not many left to choose from when you add it all up. Not just the one's being sent over sea's but the ones being shot up or incarcerated over here as well...so we sometimes have to share whats left.

Which I don't mind since I am bi, I really don't mind sharing...so much...

well sometimes I do.

Thanks for sharing. Hugs.

Sad.... feelin stupid.. its the begining of the end crybaby.gif

If I may, hugs

Depressed. DInner is done but I have no appetite. All I want to do is get drunk. Sad.

If I may, hugs


Hugs. More Hugs. Feel better.

I am okay. Just the usual care giving.

Have a good week DGN.



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If I may, hugs

Hugs. More Hugs. Feel better.

I am okay. Just the usual care giving.

Have a good week DGN.



Yes you may. Hugs are always good. I'm just tired of being thwe good guy/nice guy while assholes get the rewards. I'd be an asshole but have been told that I can't be one. So I guess all that's left is a biullet to the head. Anyone wanna take me behind the woodshed and pull an old yeller? I'll let ya

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Like becoming an asshole. I'm tired of being jealous of those who have someone. Being a nice guy has gotten me nowhere. Maybe being an asshole will get me someone. I care deeply for someone but being a nice guy has gotten me nowhere. Maybe being an asshole will get her attention since she seems to go for that type of guy. Won't be easy since I've been told I can't pull it off but I bet if I try I can. If that is what it takes to win her, then so be it, an asshole I'll become. It's better than crying myself to sleep wondering why I can't be with her like other can. It's either that or a bullet to the back of the head. That's another option I am considering. Tired of the heartache and always being there while other get the rewards. I can't control my heart as far as who I love but I can control what I do as far as curing the hurt.

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A bit housebound. I hope Chris can work up the confidence to change Chariot's spark plugs tomorrow. We've been cooped up in this shoebox for three days, now (due to the snow, and the mechanical troubles)! I would like to get out and do some fun stuff, while he's still here.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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Like becoming an asshole. I'm tired of being jealous of those who have someone. Being a nice guy has gotten me nowhere. Maybe being an asshole will get me someone. I care deeply for someone but being a nice guy has gotten me nowhere. Maybe being an asshole will get her attention since she seems to go for that type of guy. Won't be easy since I've been told I can't pull it off but I bet if I try I can. If that is what it takes to win her, then so be it, an asshole I'll become. It's better than crying myself to sleep wondering why I can't be with her like other can. It's either that or a bullet to the back of the head. That's another option I am considering. Tired of the heartache and always being there while other get the rewards. I can't control my heart as far as who I love but I can control what I do as far as curing the hurt.

Honestly, is a girl who likes jackasses who you really want, or since you're a nice guy, wouldn't you prefer someone who would love you for who you are? It's sad that there are so many girls who like the jackasses, but there's also an equally numerous number of single girls who don't love jackasses. You totally deserve one of those. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and start thinking positive. The more positive you are, the more positive person you will attract. I'm not saying this is all going to happen in one day, but it will happen, little by little, even small changes.

Positive thinking will reap positive results. I'm not saying be Johnny B Sunshine all the time (that's just creepy), but if one thing bad happens to you, don't let it ruin your entire day. Pick out the POSITIVE things that have happened in your day (even if it's just ONE positive thing), and choose to embrace that, make that your mood enhancer. You'd be amazed at how much that little positive thought will change your outlook on the day, and will be seen and noticed by others.

Don't forget to smile, those are usually attractive.. :)

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