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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Super nervous about my surgery on Friday.

Glad the van will be back within a few days because the Chrysler is dead in my driveway. I'm just glad I got it home.

And glad my meds are working. :) I don't want to relive last night.

I should probably eat now. :)

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A relative sent me a friend suggestion for my mom on facebook.

I'm feeling baffled as to what I should do. I don't particularly want my mom on my facebook list. :/

Dear mom, I love you but no way in hell are you getting on my friend's list. Love, Your son.

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A relative sent me a friend suggestion for my mom on facebook.

I'm feeling baffled as to what I should do. I don't particularly want my mom on my facebook list. :/

Back when I had a facebook, I would just ignore friend requests from family..left them in limbo.

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Back when I had a facebook, I would just ignore friend requests from family..left them in limbo.

I should have had the foresight to do this - unfortunately, a good chunk of my friend list reads like a family reunion. :X They rarely post anything, but I know they are watching. :fear:

I already had a ton of animosity re: fb anyway, so it doesn't bother me *too* much more. :dry:

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A relative sent me a friend suggestion for my mom on facebook.

I'm feeling baffled as to what I should do. I don't particularly want my mom on my facebook list. :/

Now WHY would your relative do that? It's sort of rude, and pushy-- especially considering how strained your relationship with your parents is, due to your differences in beliefs. Is this relative not aware of the personal issues, or are they trying to be a shit-stirrer?

DON'T respond to the request, unless you want to hear your mom nagging and whining about your lifestyle, even more! As soon as she got a load of most of your friends' profiles, you KNOW she'd flip out. Just leave it there in limbo. Of course, if that relative is already in your friends, they can just copy and paste things you've posted on FB to your mom.

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