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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

(You know I love you :welcome: )

Good thing we both already know I'm insane..

AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHH! No, you're not insane. Insanity is the action of constantly moping and pining for

a guy that's moved on in hopes that he'll turn around and come back. "

It sucks what he did.

It really fucking sucks. But now that it's been, what a year? You need to let go and start,

(notice I said START, I know Rome wasn't built in a day) getting your life back together.

You're not insane but you have a tendency to attach yourself to one thing and hold on tight.

You can't wrap you're entire life with one person, even if they're not gone, WHICH HE IS.

You need to have a life, in and of yourself.

You need to realize you can and have been surviving without him.

You need to seek self-satisfaction

(I mean that emotionally and spiritually but if a Hello Kitty Magic Bullet "massager" helps, go to it)

I need some release from this pain.

You need a better therapist, and some self discovery or you'll be in this rut forever.

whats the point in feeling anything anymore..

I'm feeling like I need to give M a BIG, HUGE HUG- I wish you weren't so far. :grouphug

I DON'T. Honestly Meg, sometimes you're blindly too nice. Like when you felt bad for that guy at the party we were at, because he had a recent hardship. That didn't excuse him being a dick to all of us and spilling his drinks everywhere (Though in retrospect it was kinda funny and he gave me a whole new person to imitate--one that I'll feel much less guilty about)

Tits. You don't need a hug at this point. I think that would be one of the worst things to give you.

At this point you are CHOOSING not to get better.

You need to WANT to get better. You need to TRY to get better.

You need to make the effort. It's hard It's really really hard. But until you fight back against the pain,

you won't recover. And a hug will do absolutely nothing but coddle the pain that you are refusing to fight against.

Furnace dies on coldest day of the winter,,,awesome

Ok now YOU need a hug. A hug of a thousand virgins wrapped in a thousand down blankets.

Did I warm you up yet?

BTW I've got a space heater if you need it.

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Guest Megalicious

I DON'T. Honestly Meg, sometimes you're blindly too nice. Like when you felt bad for that guy at the party we were at, because he had a recent hardship. That didn't excuse him being a dick to all of us and spilling his drinks everywhere (Though in retrospect it was kinda funny and he gave me a whole new person to imitate--one that I'll feel much less guilty about)

I am NOT blindly nice... damnit, I just am extremely empathic (not saying you are not). I just find in my personal life (and a problem professionally for me) I just want people to feel loved and comforted- hugs do that *nods*. But yeah... I get your point.

As for "the guy" I just felt empahty too, we have all BEEN THAT DRUNK - at least I have. I think under different circumstances he would have been a really nice guy.. but there I go again being all optimistic and shit... so not good for a goth board. =P

I'm feeling like I let my emotions get the best of me sometimes... I have to KEEP MYSELF IN CHECK- I HATE that. I long to have the freedom .. always... *meh*

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Okay, had an alright night at CC. Hadn't been in what seemed forever, had to leave early due to a long car trip back and a friend who was super sleepy who had work early today lol. I didn't get to say hello to everyone I wanted to. But eh, that just means i'll have to go again sooner this time. :p

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i feel blah...i'm home sick and wanna go home...but i know school and work is for the best just have to tough threw it and enjoy the time i have when i make trips back...i'm sure the home sickness will pass...just one of those nights *shrugs*

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