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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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like living in the bible belt is killing me. i have ZERO problem with religion...but when i have people trying to force it down my throat it drives me mad.....I'm an Atheist, please leave me alone...my not believing in god isnt hurting you any...i'm not belittling you're faith, i'm not walking up to the Christians and Catholics and Baptists here and name calling or causing harm to them for doin their thing, i'm not hanging outside any places of worship holding up signs trying to promote Atheism ..so please stop telling me i'm going to hell..stop trying to hand out scripture to me...stop trying to get me to go to you're bake sale...you're priest, pastor, or reverend will not and can not cure me of any illness i have,will not make me see the light,and will not save my non existent soul so please let me be.... thats how i feel -.-

That is the only thing I didn't like about living in the south, and I am a christian but I didn't go to church. Although, how can you pass up on good baked goods?

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That is the only thing I didn't like about living in the south, and I am a christian but I didn't go to church. Although, how can you pass up on good baked goods?

very very true....but this pastor down here is hardcore...and i swear he thinks hes Benny Hinns cousin or somthin...claiming to have healed the blind and make a physically disabled walk, oh he also re grew a girls lost leg threw his beliefs.... o.o

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very very true....but this pastor down here is hardcore...and i swear he thinks hes Benny Hinns cousin or somthin...claiming to have healed the blind and make a physically disabled walk, oh he also re grew a girls lost leg threw his beliefs.... o.o

Now he's just crazy. But seriously, look into those bake sales you will find some awesome stuff. For some reason really religious women can bake like no other. Even if you don't believe, you can't turn down good cookies.

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I feel excited for my first check because it's going to be SUPER thick and chunky :jamin.

Hopefully we're going to get DGN Laser Quest underway soon. Being sans work at the beginning of 2011 really fucked me over, glad I was able to get employment when I did as some people search for months in this economy. Even if the spring events need a slight shove back (the reason I left May and June massively free), at least I know I will be able to fund them now and they're actually going to occur. I should maybe make a thread about it in the events forum, as I've had a few people inquire about what is going on with the projected upcoming events.

I feel excited for my first check because it's going to be SUPER thick and chunky :jamin.

Hopefully we're going to get DGN Laser Quest underway soon. Being sans work at the beginning of 2011 really fucked me over, glad I was able to get employment when I did as some people search for months in this economy. Even if the spring events need a slight shove back (the reason I left May and June massively free), at least I know I will be able to fund them now and they're actually going to occur. I should maybe make a thread about it in the events forum, as I've had a few people inquire about what is going on with the projected upcoming events.

Edited by Chernobyl
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great advice sometimes comes from the most unusual sources. this was in a mike tyson interview, and really struck a chord with me...

“I used to think nobody liked me and nobody wanted to help me,” Tyson said. “No. People were waiting for me to do the right thing. Once you help yourself, people will help you. That’s just how it goes, and I found out late. People are just waiting for you to change so they can participate in cultivating your life. Or, they’re waiting for you to kill yourself and watch you self-destruct.

“And what I finally learned is that people say, ‘So, what are we going to do? I’m not going to help you self-destruct. If you’re self-destructive, I’m going to stay away. But once I see you are trying to cultivate your life and change and throw away those bad habits, I’ll get involved in your life and try to help. Other than that, I’m not involved.’ “

He pauses and sighs.

“They’re right, of course, but that’s what I didn’t realize,” he said. “It just took so long for me to realize that people didn’t just hate me. They hated the behavior they saw and they wanted to help me if they could, if I gave them a chance and try to start by helping myself.”

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    • So, what you're saying is you still have no free time and I believe you even less now.  I hope some things lighten up so you have a bit more room to breathe.  At least you've delegated the 4th planning.  You should delegate more things if possible too, as it seems like everyone expects everything of you which as far as I can tell leaves little to no actual time for yourself. @Serxerais having a party at his place that starts after 3 and goes until late since most don't have to work the next day.  You are of course welcome to stop by either before/after your festivities.  I'm not going to DJ but there will be a playlist that you're welcome to add to.  Anyone else that is reading is also welcome to DM me for the details (whether or not I actually give them is another story.)
    • ~~~~~ So that must be it.  People keep treating me like I have free time just because they see me out of the house.   Where it is true that I did help raise my niece and nephew until our mother passed away in 2015, I wasn't granted custody of them until they were 13 and 10 years of age respectively.  Until that time, I was fulltime employed in automotive administration then went into fulltime on-call home care provider services (starting in 2008).  Executor to the Estate was tacked on after the settling of our mother's Will.   Yes my niece lives 6 minutes down the road, but I still help support her.  And yes, my nephew is on campus during the school year 15 minutes away, but otherwise, he stays at the HomeHouse and I still support him.  All the while I am 24/7 on-call assist with Trene.     Add property maintenance, family everything, legal responsibilities, pets, wildlife and everyday living into the mix and sometimes it's all I can do to keep up.  If I can't automate a system to be self-reliant for some period of time, I have to throw what I can at it until I can officially get back around to it.   All the while, I'm ducking and dodging the neighbors because if they see me out, they have a request for me because they don't think I do anything but sit at home and cut the lawns.   I had a carpet bug infestation a couple of weeks ago and ended up pulling everything out of place throughout my entire house, minus the basement, and, honestly, my current living situation isn't even organized chaos...I'm at warehouse status with four legged security patrol.   The only things I can say for certain, at this moment in time, are: my computer is on, all the grass is cut, all the Feral Furs and new born Feral Babies have been fed, I found something to eat, I have a package on the front porch over at the HomeHouse and the shed is half assembled.  I left this year's 4th of July planning up to the rest of the family.
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