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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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oh hai hunhee. I feel it has been some time since I've seen you.

My diets backsliding, I'm withing the top 10% of people in my sector, and Im still making no fucking $$$

But worst of all, just spent 2+ hours on a PM that got deleted in two secs. "You are not logged in"

Fuck you DGN. How could I have stsrted a PM if I wasnt logged in AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Must leave now to pick up my laptop after the hard drive crashed again.

On the brightside, I threatened to bolt to WOW! and Comcast gave me another 6-month promotion.

Oh yes fans of winter arriving and killers getting sliced up. Game of Thrones

and Dexter will continue at the beanternal abode.

And courtesy of OnDemand next Wednesday's bad Movie Night (14th) will have Rabid Grannies and Surf Nazis


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Guest Megalicious

I feel many different things .... first it was the sadness, then it was the guilt .... then it was the relief ... and now it is the numbness.

Must not think. Must just emerge myself in prototypes.... so I can be the strange, odd, one that asks too many questions, the one that should be a doctor, the one that everyone hates, the one that prides herself on never getting anything wrong, the one with all the answers... when all I am really doing is emerging myself in perfect isolation, here behind my wall.

And so here I am .....

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I am NOT sick!!!

With classes winding down next week, that is an EXCELLENT thing. :happydance

All my final projects are turned in. I just have finals to take, then that's it for this semester. One more ... then I am DONE. :happydance

My health is pretty good, which is GREAT for me. With all my disorders and diseases, that is WONDERFUL. My meds are working and nothing is showing any immediate concerns.

For the first itme in about 20 YEARS ... I FEEL okay. :happydance

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^ Happy to hear this, Rayne.

As to myself, I'm feeling optimistic that my meeting with a counselor on Wednesday will result in the treatment I need (read: Wellbutrin) to get back on my feet and get active again.

Thanks Critter.

It took them 20 years, but they have figured out what is causing the bulk of my issues. Lupus, with an underlying heart condition and Rheumatoid Arthritis. They FINALLY put me on meds in August and I'm doing much better. There are still some things they need to figure out, but for the most part, the Lupus meds are addressing a huge portion of my issues. It is a wonderful feeling. I still have some days that are worse than others, but my ratio of good to bad has shifted dramatically. :animier:

Glad to hear you're headed in the right direction too. :biggrin: Proper treatment makes a WORLD of difference for a lot of us with all sorts of different issues. :thumbsup:

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Guest Megalicious

I feel like the morning has been spent wrapped in blankets.

I feel like death.

You know it's bad when I miss class.

It felt SO good.... I MISSED it so much ..... I WISH I COULD JUST COVER MYSELF.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Megalicious

I feel like it has been quite the last 6 and a half years .... and ... this is just another chapter... in this huge adventure ... .. and this is the end of this one. :cylon-pancarte06:

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I think I really screwed things up with this guy I was talking to. I really like him....

But I went through an isolation period and sort of just dropped of the face of the planet. Then when I was feeling better, I felt sort of ashamed to talk to him. Like I was just gonna bother him or something.


He is understanding, since he's got similar issues to me, but I know it still hurt him. :(

So to keep in with the topic: I feel kind of like a screw up and let down...

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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