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DGN Night Aftermath - Aug 30th

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I went early and stayed to about close. I guess I made up for all the time I missed not having been in a while. I danced quite a bit, more then I usually do. They were playing some good stuff! My thighs got the best workout, that wasn't sex, in a long time.

Let's see, I had the pleasure of seeing the following:

Candy and Odims : You guys are great company. It's nice to get to know you better

Chernobyl and Raven: Yes, girl, I so agree and I liked the hair too

Constantin: you sounded like you had some good stuff before you showed up, hope you were able to get out of your work funk

Shade: I'm glad I was able to help you get rid of your inadvertent forehead ink before too long. Nice to see you out and dancing.

Hunhee: as gorgeous and vibrant as ever. I am so glad to hear about the face tingles :animier:

Burrich: Nice to see you again and with all those smiles. It was nice to meet your friend too. He had a great sense of humor and good taste and music (Sonic Youth rocks!)

Bean and Eternal: Nice to see you guys out and as a married couple. Eternal, also with the awesome taste in music. So nice chatting to you about SY :band

Angel of Death: Good to see you sweetheart. Every time I saw you go by, you were all smiles. I hope this means the night was good

Enishi: Thanks for coming and saying hi. I thought that was you but wasn't sure. I enjoyed our discussion

Tanuki: Good to see you again. And no, I have never confused you for someone else.

Tzura: Nice to see you beautiful, didn't get to talk much, but we danced!

Riku: Nice chatting with you as always, sir. I look forward to what is coming

Darque Metallion: Nice to see you as always, thanks for the hugs and support

OMG and Rev: My favorite married couple! Thanks for the good night kisses. You too are beautiful, sexy, amazing....I'm sure you had a swell time after you all left :pimp

Fin: Yes, I had the pleasure of getting kissed by you as well, actually, we did more teasing each other with our lips so close, just about to touch, and then, pull away. We danced quite a bit, that was quite enjoyable. You were trying to tell me about what you do and asking me some personal questions. It was so difficult to hear you on the dance floor. I'm not sure what it is you really wanted to know. It sounds like you weren't either ;) Oh, and when I commented about how I saw the 13 word novel post that was a rhyming mirror of mine, and thought it was clever, it seemed to bring you a small amount of satisfaction. If you think about whatever it was you wanted to know, feel free to ask me just about anything, anytime.

Hope that helps clear up a small part of the evening.

It was great seeing everyone! Everyone take care, stay safe, and have a blast until next time I see you

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Never have I had such a night of reckless abandon. Somehow, I managed to drink just the right amount of alcohol to keep myself nicely buzzed throughout, which is good, because it's shaping up to be a few weeks of having to work weekends...

It was my good fortune to be escorted by the amazingly lovely and charming Tszura...I bow before thee, my Goddess. :swoon

Reverend Reverence...what happens at City Club stays at City Club. :whistle:

Oh My Goth & TastyWonderBunny...you both looked exquisite and I love the way you dance. :wink

Fin...most triumphant to speak with you again...apparently, I'm the only one you didn't kiss last night. It was because those jeans made my ass look fat, isn't it? I knew it...

Angel of Death...You give "bubbly" a whole new meaning... :)

Tanuki...Let it be known that I did not fondle your breasts. This time. :p

StormKnight...You sir, are an RPG god.

DarqueMetallion...So glad you made it out. I don't know what I'd do without my weekly Smegmaholics Anonymous support group.

MyOwnSavior...Great to meet you in person! It was cool reminiscing about good ol' sCuM U.

Chernobyl...After bumbling about for a while, I finally found you in a content state of bee-ing, although I have to tell you, some of your words stung a little. :p

DarkChylde...It was great seeing you after so long! Can't wait for the 5th!

Hunhee...Beautiful and classy as ever.

Constantin...Saw you early on and alas, our paths didn't cross much after that. :no

Enishi...Good things come to the patient ones. ;)

Punk Princess...Nice to see our resident gadfly at the top of her game. :wink

It seems I missed seeing a few people who were there. Next time! And apologies if I missed anyone I did talk to in the above list.


**Edited because I did indeed forget someone. :verymad:

Edited by Nightgaunt
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had a lot of fun got wasted and got to hang with alot of dgn peeps that i havent seen in a long time. still it is hot as fuck in there i will start going more often in fall/winter. i hope to see you all again soon

haha love the avatar. So close to Jay from Jay and Silent Bob character lol

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'Twas an epic night to be had by all. Nothing catastrophic happened to anyone named Storm Knight this time, so that's always a big ass thumbs up.

Was nice to see people I haven't seen in awhile, i.e. Candy, Odims, Bean, The Eternal, and congrats to Bean Water and The Eternal for finally gettin' hitched!!! :peanutbutterjellytime: I will also say I miss Candy and Odims on a regular basis since they have to be all rebellious by living out in Westland with all the other members of DGN. Well then maybe us Eastsiders are the rebels, whatever the case, it was nice that you two made it out.

Punk Princess - I FOUND MY BUTTON. Well Constantin found the button in my parking lot, but the ultra awesome yellow day-glo button LIVES ON muh friend. So no worries.

Tanuki - Good to see you as always, didn't get to chat as much as I coulda.

Shade - It's pretty custom to come up and chat when I go to CC, something to look forward to.

Ice Queen - I'm such a gossip sometimes :blushing:. Oh well, everyone's gotta get girly here and there and vent about some stuff, nice chillin with you on the seats and going off about it :laugh:.

Nightgaunt - Wtf did I say?

Crank and Rambo, you guys are still Crank and Rambo. No need for the formalities on DGN, see you this Friday.

Saw Tszura for a short second, fab as always.

Met My Own Savior, you look a bit different in you pics on DGN. Nice to meet you and hope to see you around at CC more.

If I forgot anyone, I apologize...my brains just went through a few hours of college and no longer think too good. Feel free to let me know if I forgot you.

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Woooooo-hooooooooo!!! Another fantastic night was had at City last Saturday!! Lots of DGN’ers there~sweet!! It was indeed a wild and wicked evening with tons of peascod and……er, I mean fun and pleasure!!

Nightgaunt :whip …..My Dark Lord, YOU are AMAZING!! :kiss Fin doesn’t know what he’s missing!! lol

OhMyGoth + Tastywonderbunny + RevReverence= Hot! Hot! Hot! You all looked ravishing, and the energy about you was fantastic….thanks for sharing it! :tongue:

Bean and The Eternal….Yay!!! You made it out!! It was so cool to see you. Hope to chat more next time :wink

Hunhee…..Big hugs for my gorgeous Goddess!!

Punk Princess…..We still need that dance!! :)

Tanuki……“Shoot, did a fly just land on my leg?“ Oh, man! I laughed so hard at that the rest of the night!

Enishi……Great to see you out! You are getting to be a regular party animal!!

DarkChylde………Looking forward to the par-tay, par-tay, par-tay, on Fri-day, Fri-day, Fri-day!!

DarkMetallion………………………………............................(cheese!) :peanutbutterjellytime:

Fin………Hmmmmm, definitely a studly Captain Kirk night, lol *Muwah!*

Riku………I think we talked for a whole 5 seconds more that we did last time :0 More Riku!!

Chernobyl and Raven………Awesome to see you guys out!! Loved the outfit Cher!! You looked smokin!

MyOwnSavior……..Cool to finally meet a fellow Lenaweean from DGN! Rock on! :jamin

Angel of Death and Dani…….**Big Hugs** So nice to see you both again!! You looked beautiful!

ShadeEverdark……What moves, what grace!!

IceQueen………What a doll!! You looked beautiful as always!

Jane Dazzle….. Yay! So glad I finally got to meet you in person!

HeadlessGoth……Saw ya!

BlackJack………..**Squeeze!** Good to see you again!

Candy…………Saw you briefly, and completely missed Odims! You looked gorgeous!

StormKnight……..Awesome to see you again Sir! I’m still scoping for you!!

Burrich……...Saw ya, but didn’t even get to say hi! “HI!!” :)

Constantin…….Said “hi,” but didn’t get a chance to chit-chat~next time its a must!

And just in case the two Canadians, Alex and Cliff, make it on DGN…….You guys were totally cool! And I see you BOTH had your shirts all the way unbuttoned by he end of the night…..that’s a good sign, ay!?! LOL

Last Saturday was completely awesome, the vibe was good, and it looked like everyone was having an excellent time! Yay!!!


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Bumble, bee-ing, stung...all lame attempts at puns concerning the yellow and black ensemble you were wearing. Fear not, you were charming and classy as always. :)

Ohh right right, when you said "stung" I wanted to make sure I didn't say something somehow that pissed anyone off, just wanted to make sure you were talking about the outfit. Thanks for the outfit finessing :happydance

OH and while I'm posting, I ran into Hunhee and Burrich last at the stage, they were leaning over the railing and I just went up under it and started doing some crazy mad raise-the-roof jig until I got their attention. Then we bought CC from the owner for $10 cash and renamed it Hunobyl. Totally awesome.

Edited by Chernobyl
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This was definitely one of THE BEST, most EPIC nights ever at CC for me... and I have to thank all of the following..I was really crazy drunk, so you'll have to excuse me, my memory may be a bit fuzzy.. :blushing:

Burrich1: :blushing: You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. :)

Ravi: OMG it was a pleasure meeting you, and you better join the board :glares at you: Heh.. some wonderful conversations, witty banter, and umm..we just won't go there.. :blushing:

Ice Queen: You my dear, are always a complete joy to be around, your sexual essence is to be admired and worshiped! :bow

Fin: I didn't get a kiss from you :cry

Odims: Good to see you sir, and sorry for using you as a jungle gym ;)

Candy: Gorgeous as ever!!! *HUGS* Always great seeing you dar'ling!!! You "illuminate" my CC-ing.. ;)

Nightgaunt: As always, a pleasure seeing you good sir. :)

Tszura: You pulchritudinous goddess you!

Bean and The Eternal: Always a pleasure seeing you two, and an extreme pleasure seeing you two hitched!!! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!!! *HUGS*

Punk Princess: Very lovely to see you, I think you were busy with your friend (the one you came with), I didn't get much of a chance to say hi. :( Next time!

Tanuki: Always a pleasure seeing you!! My oh my did you look cute!! (as per usual)

Enishi: You're like a wizard dood, you're always materializing and dematerializing when least expected!

DarkChylde: Good seeing you out again sir!

DarkMetallion: Got to say hi briefly to you sir, but you seemed like you were on a mission. I always love getting my hugs tho. :)

Riku: Good seeing you sir, if you weren't there, I think the place would fall apart! *HUGS*

Bishop: OMG thank you sir for pouring the drinks.. nice and umm... *coughs* stiff.. *giggles* Always a pleasure!

Chernobyl and Raven: Cher! You looked more than lovely and radiant as usual!!! Thanks for hunting me down like a ninja, and introducing me to your mom!! *manly punch to the shoulder* hehe Hunobyl ROX!!!!!

Boshy: It was lovely, and a great pleasure to meet you ma'am *curtsies* Happy Birthday!! :fun:

AngelofDeath & DaniTGirl: AoD, thank you darling for the wonderful hugs all throughout the night they were lovely!!! and Dani you looked lovely as usual! :) *HUGS*

ShadeEverdark: You sir, are the supreme ruler of the dance floor! It is always a pleasure to have your sweat hugged off on me!! :respect:

HeadlessGoth: As always sir, very good to see you and get very welcoming hugs from you!

JaneDazzle: I saw you, but you were entranced in conversation, and I didn't want to butt in, you looked ravishing.

StormKnight! Great seeing you out again sir! Sorry I didn't get much of a chance to talk, I was a bit tipsy.. :blushing:

Constantin: Good getting hugs from you my dear! Glad you're still out and about!

I seem to have missed a lot of people. :( Maybe next time!!!!

Edited by hunhee
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