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    • ~~~~~ So that must be it.  People keep treating me like I have free time just because they see me out of the house.   Where it is true that I did help raise my niece and nephew until our mother passed away in 2015, I wasn't granted custody of them until they were 13 and 10 years of age respectively.  Until that time, I was fulltime employed in automotive administration then went into fulltime on-call home care provider services (starting in 2008).  Executor to the Estate was tacked on after the settling of our mother's Will.   Yes my niece lives 6 minutes down the road, but I still help support her.  And yes, my nephew is on campus during the school year 15 minutes away, but otherwise, he stays at the HomeHouse and I still support him.  All the while I am 24/7 on-call assist with Trene.     Add property maintenance, family everything, legal responsibilities, pets, wildlife and everyday living into the mix and sometimes it's all I can do to keep up.  If I can't automate a system to be self-reliant for some period of time, I have to throw what I can at it until I can officially get back around to it.   All the while, I'm ducking and dodging the neighbors because if they see me out, they have a request for me because they don't think I do anything but sit at home and cut the lawns.   I had a carpet bug infestation a couple of weeks ago and ended up pulling everything out of place throughout my entire house, minus the basement, and, honestly, my current living situation isn't even organized chaos...I'm at warehouse status with four legged security patrol.   The only things I can say for certain, at this moment in time, are: my computer is on, all the grass is cut, all the Feral Furs and new born Feral Babies have been fed, I found something to eat, I have a package on the front porch over at the HomeHouse and the shed is half assembled.  I left this year's 4th of July planning up to the rest of the family.
    • 4:11pm - Who's Online   1 Member, 0 Anonymous, 87 Guests (See full list) TronRP
    • The nice thing about having a good relationship is that I know she already knows.  I know this because my mom knew this, even though I probably should have told her more often. Though since I'm late to the party (per usual) I hope things went well and you are seeing/got to see her.  As Tron said (sorta) my thoughts are with you as well.
    • See, I don't believe you, like at all.  I don't really know your day to day struggles, but you seem like you keep up on things really well.  At least you have more free time with the kids gone but you're still doing lots of things every day so that everything is okay and continues to be okay.   I just stopped giving a damn a long, long...  long time ago.  Every once in a while something comes along and makes me care just a little bit.  These days even that seems like a bandage that has fallen off and the wound just festers.  If I could quantify my depression I would, but I do not possess the mental acuity to properly quantify just how much things suck (at least not without being involuntarily sent off to a grippy sock vacation.) Usually I just feel numb.  The bonus of ADHD is I constantly forget I'm depressed and that things suck.  However if something lurks in my head long enough it kind of sticks. I've been watching more TV to distract me, it helps a little.  Friends help more.
    • Not strictly a lefty, but this song is great:  I will continue to overtip too.
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