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Who do you think you'll be voting for?  

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i'm still voting nader, as i think he's the only non-republicrat who could garner 5% of the popular vote, and i'll be voting non-republicrat for the rest of my life, at least until we have more than two parties involved in the national debates. ultimately, i want to see a third party (or independant) in the white house, but that likely won't happen in my lifetime...

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I am still waiting for McCain to describe exactly how he intends to govern differently than George W Bush has. I can think of many other things to do with ten billion dollars a month than to continue in the blunder that is the Iraq war/occupation. Perhaps he was a Maverick prior to the last several years, but I am in awe as to how quickly he buckled to the Republican base. Stay tuned--we'll see.

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I am still waiting for Obama to describe exactly how he intends to govern. Period.

From what i can tell.. He is going to use Hope to it's fullest... and that will being about change...

So... He is going to pray alot and shit will either get better or it wont... either way it will be different than it was before... so there is the change.

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And by voting not "yes" and not "no" but rather "present" well over 100 times, Obama has offered us nothing.

Right-wing distortion based on time spent in the Illinois State Senate--not the U.S. Senate.

Furthermore the "present" vote was made in ratio of 1 in 30 votes. That's 3%. Not too high, eh?

Don't believe everything you read.

The important issue to focus on is how these two men voted with regard to important U.S. Senate votes of our day. I want to give McCain a fair shot to earn my ballot, but voting for war in Iraq & voting against the Webb GI Bill don't sit very well.

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Currently I'm scared that Palin could become president. I'd not lose to much sleep with any of the other three, but Palin as president? That would be one of a half dozen low points in my life I think. Not sure I'm up for 2 in one 365 day period.

McCain (despite me favoring Obama) really is quite different than Bush. Palin's differences from bush are all that shes MORE extreme than bush is in many of the key areas that are bad about bush. That's scary.

Now that I've vetted Palin a bit more, despite what seems to be the country-wide opinion, the McCain ticket is less desirable with her on it, not more.

Really gotta look into why Hillary isn't Obama's running mate, that is one part of my homework I've not done. Seems like a no brainer to me if they (the democratic party) actually wanted to win.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Currently I'm scared that Palin could become president. I'd not lose to much sleep with any of the other three, but Palin as president? That would be one of a half dozen low points in my life I think. Not sure I'm up for 2 in one 365 day period.

McCain (despite me favoring Obama) really is quite different than Bush. Palin's differences from bush are all that shes MORE extreme than bush is in many of the key areas that are bad about bush. That's scary.

Now that I've vetted Palin a bit more, despite what seems to be the country-wide opinion, the McCain ticket is less desirable with her on it, not more.

Really gotta look into why Hillary isn't Obama's running mate, that is one part of my homework I've not done. Seems like a no brainer to me if they (the democratic party) actually wanted to win.

while it would have been politically smart on one side, I can see a couple of reasons why Obama didn't pick her.

She doesn't share his ideas....and a fighting pair of contenders to the throne would be too disruptive.

He didn't want to play the Race/woman cards together....and thats how media would have hit him...

It sets him apart from the Clintons, which can get paired into the "same tactics" group that he is trying to get away from.

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  • 2 weeks later...

According to this website (and others) the polls generally agree that the electoral college would turn out approximately

275 / 254 in slight favor of Obama.


Which could turn around at any moment. Looking at the votes here on DGN... omg its true, there is a liberal bias compared to the public at large here. *faints*

Assuming the total number of votes doesn't change much by the time you read this to be in line with the polls the votes here should be something like:

USA as a whole:

52% Obama 48% McCain

Current DGN Vote:

71% Obama 29% McCain

Mathematically challenged or no that's roughly correct I think.

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Taken from the USCCA Newsletter:

“We the People…”

By Steven Schultz

“We the people…” Aside from the Bible, perhaps the three most important words ever penned by human hands. As we enter into what is without a doubt the most important presidential election in recent history, we would do well to always remember that we are a “…government of the people, by the people, for the people” and it is only through our eternal vigilance that “…this Nation, under God…shall not perish from the earth.”

I’m sure patriots like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson would state emphatically that government should be dependent on the people and not the other way around. Unfortunately, far too many people today are dependent on the government. It seems the words “personal responsibility” are now something to never be uttered in polite company and certainly something that should never be taught to our children for fear of hurting their self-esteem. Far too many people now expect the government to care for them from cradle to grave, regulating everything so no one has to do the dirty job of accepting personal responsibility.

As a result of this attitude, we have begun “producing” a rash of elected officials in all levels of government who think their job is to regulate the people. As George Stephanopoulos so eloquently put it at the time of Clinton’s first administration, “Sometimes the people don’t know what’s best for them.” While this attitude is already epidemic in liberal Democrat politicians, it’s beginning to infect too many Republican politicians as well. It must be stopped and “we the people” must take back our government.

“We the people.” Those of you in office at every level and from every political party would do well to never forget those words. YOU work for us, not the other way around. When “we the people” tell you what we want you to do, we don’t want to hear that you “will consider our views.” We’re your boss and as such, “we the people” provide your marching orders. The next time my boss tells me to do something, I’ll have to tell him I’ll “consider his views” and see how well that goes over.

We live in dangerous times. We are engaged in a life and death struggle with, and started by, Islamic extremists who want to destroy us simply because we believe in freedom. We face the very real possibility of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them within the next two years. We face a rising and increasingly aggressive Russia. China continues to increase her military strength and is not hiding her ambition to be a regional, if not world, power. We have leaders of the Democrat party who seem to think anyone who hates George Bush must be their friend, including avowed enemies of the United States. Their presidential nominee, promising to hope for change, has been all but anointed Messiah by a fawning media, but in reality is nothing more than a self-serving Chicago Democrat Machine politician who associates with convicted felons, America haters and unrepentant terrorists. Yes, we live in dangerous times.

Is all lost? Do we give up all hope? Not by a long shot! “We the people” would do well to recall the words of Winston Churchill to the people of Great Britain in the early days of World War Two, when Nazi Germany appeared on the brink of victory: “These are not dark days; these are great days – the greatest days our country has ever lived; and we must all thank God that we have been allowed, each of us according to our stations, to play a part in making these days memorable in the history of our race.”

It’s time to take back our “…government of the people, by the people, for the people.” We need leaders, not organizers. We need people who have dedicated their lives to service before self, not those who arrogantly seek power for their own self-interest. How do we get there? We roll up our sleeves, accept the words of “personal responsibility,” and then get out and work.

We get the leaders we deserve. If we remain ignorant and satisfied with the status quo of government running our lives, then we get the arrogant community organizers who are convinced they know how to run our lives for us. If instead, we draw a line in the sand, take a stand and take action, even though it’s not easy and not popular, we will take back our government. In the end, we will live up to our founding fathers’ charge of “We the people.”

Steve Schultz is a former active duty US Air Force intelligence officer and pilot. He is an NRA Certified Basic Pistol and Personal Protection Instructor. As an avid student of history, Steve believes our Founding Fathers clearly intended a citizenry actively involved in the oversight of government and not giving up power to career politicians. He hopes his thoughts will inspire more people to become involved citizens, actively protecting the rights and freedoms to which our founders pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor.

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Guest greyhalo

This seems to happen with every election--the more the candidates talk, the less I like them. It happened with Gore and Kerry, two candidates I liked quite a bit at first. Now I don't care for McCain and Palin as much as I did even a few weeks ago. I still like them better than Obama and Biden though.

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