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Iraq war a task from God?

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Guest GodfallenPromos

It's not an independent clause, else it would have a semi colon.

Can not stand as a sentence on it's own. So no semi-colon.

The word "that" in the beginning is the subordinating conjunction that hints at needing a word from the first clause. In this case, Pray.

I know a little bit about grammar and it seems Palin's speech writer does to.

It's not the punctuation, or lack there-of, that make the statement disturbing...It's the fact that she is calling it a holy war and a TASK from God....since when did Palin become the Right Hand??

She has made statements that come dangerously close to blasmphemy (and yes...I checked with a priest before I decided to write this....he confirms that the statements made by her are dangerously close to blasphemy...and that the oil pipeline comment might very well BE blasphemy...and he has done his OWN looking into the subject).

Blasphemy, one way or another...really hold no sway in my descision...but her making statements that are close to religious zealotism when it concerns this country does. Laying claims to a US "Holy War" and "God's will is a gas pipeline" are statements that should have never made it past the editor's desk.

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Any fundamentalist leaning interpretation of the Abrahamic (Islam/Judism/Christianity) God is a no-brainer on this score. Everything is, in one way or another a task/blessing/curse/jugement/test/creation from/by god as the first-mover of all things either directly or indirectly.

If its not, then the basic concept of the Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent creator (All Knowing, Seeing, Powerful) entity is wrong (along with the majority of doctrine for the last 4000+ years.) In modern day the idea that god might put us through something "bad" intentionally, seems a bit grotesque, but this wasn't a problem in earlier societies. The idea that god wouldn't do anything to put us in harms way violently in this sort of what might seem to some as a "sick joke" on us, isn't at odds with tradtional teachings. Just seems that way to our silly independently thinking minds. We as a modern society, tend to have our own ideas about morality. Independent of some "received wisdom" handed down as fact from ancient times.

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"Lord - protect my family and me. Forgive my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will." --Barack Obama - his prayer on Jerusalem’s Western Wall - that he may or may not have leaked to the press in advance.

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It's not the punctuation, or lack there-of, that make the statement disturbing...It's the fact that she is calling it a holy war and a TASK from God....since when did Palin become the Right Hand??

She has made statements that come dangerously close to blasmphemy (and yes...I checked with a priest before I decided to write this....he confirms that the statements made by her are dangerously close to blasphemy...and that the oil pipeline comment might very well BE blasphemy...and he has done his OWN looking into the subject).

Blasphemy, one way or another...really hold no sway in my descision...but her making statements that are close to religious zealotism when it concerns this country does. Laying claims to a US "Holy War" and "God's will is a gas pipeline" are statements that should have never made it past the editor's desk.

The punctuation, along with the rest of the words, changes the meaning of the sentence. With them, it is a prayer to God that we are on the right path and not going against God. It doesn't proclaim anything, it hopes.

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Guest GodfallenPromos


"Lord - protect my family and me. Forgive my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will." --Barack Obama - his prayer on Jerusalem’s Western Wall - that he may or may not have leaked to the press in advance.

"Make me an instrument of your will" is hardly "our soldiers in Iraq are on a holy task from God", and the comparison of the two is far from correct.

Barack is asking for guidance from who/what he believes in, He asks for forgiveness, and to help him be just, fair, and patient.

Palin, on the other hand, proclaimed that "Gods will is the construction of an oil pipeline." and basically that the American troops are on a US-proclaimed Religious war in Iraq. She claims the US to be on a religious crusade!! Her statement can ALMOST be spun to be taken as anti-muslim...since that is the leading faith in the region that we are fighting in.

Thats hardly asking for personal guidance.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

The punctuation, along with the rest of the words, changes the meaning of the sentence. With them, it is a prayer to God that we are on the right path and not going against God. It doesn't proclaim anything, it hopes.


"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."


"God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.


""I can do my job there in developing our natural resources and doing things like getting the roads paved and making sure our troopers have their cop cars and their uniforms and their guns, and making sure our public schools are funded," she added. "But really all of that stuff doesn't do any good if the people of Alaska's heart isn't right with God."

I don't see a prayer for hope in any of those statements....I see statements made that lay claim to a US decreed holy Crusade and dictating, like a televangalist, what God's will is, and that nothing will help you if your heart isn't right with God.

So....Anti-freedom of religion is in there.....Blasphemy is there.....and the claim to a Crusade is there....

thats not bad punctuation....thats Palin showing that she is a religious zealot in the Christian Faith....might as well photo shop her face onto Osama Bin Laden's body....cuz it would fit.

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"Make me an instrument of your will" is hardly "our soldiers in Iraq are on a holy task from God", and the comparison of the two is far from correct.

Barack is asking for guidance from who/what he believes in, He asks for forgiveness, and to help him be just, fair, and patient.

Palin, on the other hand, proclaimed that "Gods will is the construction of an oil pipeline." and basically that the American troops are on a US-proclaimed Religious war in Iraq. She claims the US to be on a religious crusade!! Her statement can ALMOST be spun to be taken as anti-muslim...since that is the leading faith in the region that we are fighting in.

Thats hardly asking for personal guidance.

hmmm maby bush IS the antichrist. and palin is just a sub demon....middle-east - babylon. 555 days after sep 11 to iraq war = fifth trumpet. 4445 from golf war to iraq war 4445 4th going to fifth. fallujah, an najah, an nasiriyah, and al basra joined the insurgency on 4 am at 4/4/2004 = six trumpet, 4 angels of the euphrates unbound. lol i could go on and on. im sure you could justify anything as a prophecy from god with the right math...... so maby palin is crazy with bible prophecy theories.

yes im talking like a crazy man :p i

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"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."


"God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.


""I can do my job there in developing our natural resources and doing things like getting the roads paved and making sure our troopers have their cop cars and their uniforms and their guns, and making sure our public schools are funded," she added. "But really all of that stuff doesn't do any good if the people of Alaska's heart isn't right with God."

I don't see a prayer for hope in any of those statements....I see statements made that lay claim to a US decreed holy Crusade and dictating, like a televangalist, what God's will is, and that nothing will help you if your heart isn't right with God.

So....Anti-freedom of religion is in there.....Blasphemy is there.....and the claim to a Crusade is there....

thats not bad punctuation....thats Palin showing that she is a religious zealot in the Christian Faith....might as well photo shop her face onto Osama Bin Laden's body....cuz it would fit.

Ofcourse not. you leave relavent parts of the woutes out so it means what you want it to. Nice spin that some morons might believe.

Most people see it for the bullshit it is.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Ofcourse not. you leave relavent parts of the woutes out so it means what you want it to. Nice spin that some morons might believe.

Most people see it for the bullshit it is.

I took those quotes DIRECTLY from the OP...so I didn't leave anything out, nor add anything that wasn't already there.

again, Gaf....don't be mad at me for pointing out her flaws and zealotism.....thats her very own garden that she tends that this is coming out of...not mine.

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I'm not mad at you at all. No point in it.

I know that those are not the full quotes. So do most other people. It's not hard to find the full quotes and for those of us that have a firm grasp on our native language; it's also not hard to see that the full quotes have different meanings than the truncated statements. Most of America can see that and ignoring this bullshit.

The media's days are numbered with this type of "journalism" going on. I expect the fines and litigation to start soon for it. People seem to have forgotten that there are laws that govern media coverage of elections. This smear campaign on Palin needs to end. No one else in the race is being treated with the level of scrutiny and abuse that Palin is.

MSNBC has already had to demote two of it's most popular news anchors because of their blatant bias in the election. Too late in my opinion, they have lost their credibility as a legitimate news agency. Who's next?

Whats truly amusing to me... these bogus overblown things about Palin keep getting reported. People research them and get more details... and her popularity goes up, not down. Obama's campaign is in full defense mode now. McCain's numbers are going up in the polls every day. Obama's huge money making machine is slowing to a near stand still as people loose confidence in him. While McCain and Palin as raising record numbers. Democratic leaders are wondering if pushing Obama wasn't a huge mistake. They fear it is 2004 all over again.

but hey... you keep pushing this trivial bullshit... it's doing wonders for your cause.

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The media's days are numbered with this type of "journalism" going on. I expect the fines and litigation to start soon for it. People seem to have forgotten that there are laws that govern media coverage of elections. This smear campaign on Palin needs to end. No one else in the race is being treated with the level of scrutiny and abuse that Palin is.

I would have to agree with this

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I just listened to this speech for the first time.

Listened, not read it.

Seeing as how it was delivered orally, I figured I should actually LISTEN to it.

I listened to the speech, and transcribed the excerpt here, as she said it:

Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan, and that plan is God’s plan.

GFP - Here is your quote.


"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."

Honestly, I'm surprised, GFP. You omitted the first part of her sentence, effectively changing the meaning of the speech. Why would you do that? Why wouldn't you just post her whole sentence? I assume you also listened to the speech as it was delivered, so why would you chop off her thought halfway through?

She is NOT saying that Iraq is a task from God. She is asking students to pray...THAT our leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God.

In other words, we need to make sure always that we are doing God's will and not get sidetracked by our own ambitions.

I see no error in her statement. Her actual statement, as she said it. Not how it was written here in this thread.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I just listened to this speech for the first time.

Listened, not read it.

Seeing as how it was delivered orally, I figured I should actually LISTEN to it.

I listened to the speech, and transcribed the excerpt here, as she said it:

Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan, and that plan is God’s plan.

GFP - Here is your quote.


"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."

Honestly, I'm surprised, GFP. You omitted the first part of her sentence, effectively changing the meaning of the speech. Why would you do that? Why wouldn't you just post her whole sentence? I assume you also listened to the speech as it was delivered, so why would you chop off her thought halfway through?

She is NOT saying that Iraq is a task from God. She is asking students to pray...THAT our leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God.

In other words, we need to make sure always that we are doing God's will and not get sidetracked by our own ambitions.

I see no error in her statement. Her actual statement, as she said it. Not how it was written here in this thread.

The "godly" task would be to pull them back home...neither McCain or Palin want that.

and I see error in her statement...and her thinking....you think she wants gods will.....or Palin's will....

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The only error I have with her words, and I take to task anyone else who would say the same sort of thing, is that they try to justify and sanctify a war. A war that is wholly unjustifiable by any measure and a vast loss of life to no purpose that I can see. She's patronizing her base of support like many before her, by using religion and god to make war palatable. It isn't and it never should be, and people should stop using religion to further they're political agenda.

Mark, Phee.... Be serious. Obama has had a new asshole ripped for him from the conservative media and many others not wishing to see him in office for months. The media gets a very short time to dig out Palin's skeletonsand report on her in general. What your seeing is that time crunch. I'm assuming Biden isn't getting the same treatment because he's a known quantity. And just so you don't get the wrong idea, I don't support this sort of behavior either. But both sides are in on it. If the media is to be punished, both sides deserve that punishment.

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The "godly" task would be to pull them back home...neither McCain or Palin want that.

and I see error in her statement...and her thinking....you think she wants gods will.....or Palin's will....

Would that really be the godly task? To leave a power vauum so wide and so deep that anyone and everyone will be fighting to fill it? How well has that worked historically? I'm no fan of the war in Iraq, I would like to see it over too, but I can't believe that to just up and leave immediately would minimize the lives lost. But here we're arguing policy here, not her speech.

In her speech she said that she pray that our leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God.

I pray for that all the time - I pray that what they are doing is what is in the interest of God's people (that would include, well, ALL people) and not in the best interest of Americans at the expense of Iraqis, or Iraqis at the expense of Americans, or GW's will, or, hell, Al Franken's will...I pray that everything that I personally do and that our nation does is really and truly in the best interest of God's people and not for the sake of one person's, or a group's particular ambitions.

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Whats truly amusing to me... these bogus overblown things about Palin keep getting reported. People research them and get more details... and her popularity goes up, not down. Obama's campaign is in full defense mode now. McCain's numbers are going up in the polls every day. Obama's huge money making machine is slowing to a near stand still as people loose confidence in him. While McCain and Palin as raising record numbers. Democratic leaders are wondering if pushing Obama wasn't a huge mistake. They fear it is 2004 all over again.

Here's USA Today's poll tracker:

Poll Tracker since 1/08

Obama has not trailed McCain since the first poll. I think the bump is a result of Palin galvanizing the right-wing base that McCain has not been able to convince himself. Obama's support amongst Democrats continues to increase, as well. If the election were held today, Obama would be the next president. It will be interesting to see how McCain courts swing-voters when his running mate is so clearly entrenched in right-wing rhetoric.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

....I find it interesting that if you take out the "toss up states"...which MI is NOT a toss up state in the first place....Obama wins....and you put in the "toss up states"...and there are 104 EV's sitting there....and several of those states are Democratic majorities...

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Would that really be the godly task? To leave a power vauum so wide and so deep that anyone and everyone will be fighting to fill it? How well has that worked historically? I'm no fan of the war in Iraq, I would like to see it over too, but I can't believe that to just up and leave immediately would minimize the lives lost. But here we're arguing policy here, not her speech.

In her speech she said that she pray that our leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God.

I pray for that all the time - I pray that what they are doing is what is in the interest of God's people (that would include, well, ALL people) and not in the best interest of Americans at the expense of Iraqis, or Iraqis at the expense of Americans, or GW's will, or, hell, Al Franken's will...I pray that everything that I personally do and that our nation does is really and truly in the best interest of God's people and not for the sake of one person's, or a group's particular ambitions.

well...lets take it from a conspiracy point of view, just for hypothetical reasons...k?

Palin becomes VP running mate to McCain....she pushes war efforts in an oil rich area, stating that it is a "holy task".....war in this area has already bumped our gas prices up, taking a serious effect on our economy....Palin now makes the statement of a oil pipline in Alaska being "gods will"....and Saudi Arabi just takes their "whole ball of yarn" and leaves OPEC...which, interestingly enough (if this was a conspiracy), makes Palin's pipeline project look much more important....and the company that her husband works for..BP..has better breaks in Alaska then any other oil company.

so...IF I was the conspiracy kind of person...I would say thats too many co-incedences to not be a conspiracy to keep the republicans in the white house....but I'm not a conspiracy nut...so I will say that maybe everyone should watch "Wag the Dog" and see exactly what kind of stuff our goverment is capable of...

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Where exactly did you get the qoute by Fin?

It's always too close to call until the Tuesday following the first Monday of November and even then not until well after 8PM.

The Poll averages put McCain ahead by 20(5) in the electorial college. Until recently, Obama was way ahead in Polls. Now, he is falling behind and loosing ground.

The news that Obama tried to talk Iraqi officials into stalling troop pullouts until after the election is not going to help his cause. http://www.nypost.com/seven/09152008/posto...awal_129150.htm

He also needs to stop trying to beat that dead horse about his bipartisanship. McCain, in the last two Congresses, has had Democratic Partners 55% of the time compared to Obama's teaming with Republican's 13%. http://washingtontimes.com/news/2008/sep/1...ore-bipartisan/

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Where exactly did you get the qoute by Fin?

It's always too close to call until the Tuesday following the first Monday of November and even then not until well after 8PM.

The Poll averages put McCain ahead by 20(5) in the electorial college. Until recently, Obama was way ahead in Polls. Now, he is falling behind and loosing ground.

The news that Obama tried to talk Iraqi officials into stalling troop pullouts until after the election is not going to help his cause. http://www.nypost.com/seven/09152008/posto...awal_129150.htm

He also needs to stop trying to beat that dead horse about his bipartisanship. McCain, in the last two Congresses, has had Democratic Partners 55% of the time compared to Obama's teaming with Republican's 13%. http://washingtontimes.com/news/2008/sep/1...ore-bipartisan/

McCain has also been a long time politician....wonder how much of his career is spent as a bi-partisan.....

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