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Iraq war a task from God?

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Where exactly did you get the qoute by Fin?

It's always too close to call until the Tuesday following the first Monday of November and even then not until well after 8PM.

The Poll averages put McCain ahead by 20(5) in the electorial college. Until recently, Obama was way ahead in Polls. Now, he is falling behind and loosing ground.

The news that Obama tried to talk Iraqi officials into stalling troop pullouts until after the election is not going to help his cause. http://www.nypost.com/seven/09152008/posto...awal_129150.htm

He also needs to stop trying to beat that dead horse about his bipartisanship. McCain, in the last two Congresses, has had Democratic Partners 55% of the time compared to Obama's teaming with Republican's 13%. http://washingtontimes.com/news/2008/sep/1...ore-bipartisan/

When there is 100 points outstanding 20(5) ain't that much to brag about.

Not that I think I am voting for either of these dweebs...

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well...lets take it from a conspiracy point of view, just for hypothetical reasons...k?

Palin becomes VP running mate to McCain....she pushes war efforts in an oil rich area, stating that it is a "holy task".....war in this area has already bumped our gas prices up, taking a serious effect on our economy....Palin now makes the statement of a oil pipline in Alaska being "gods will"....and Saudi Arabi just takes their "whole ball of yarn" and leaves OPEC...which, interestingly enough (if this was a conspiracy), makes Palin's pipeline project look much more important....and the company that her husband works for..BP..has better breaks in Alaska then any other oil company.

so...IF I was the conspiracy kind of person...I would say thats too many co-incedences to not be a conspiracy to keep the republicans in the white house....but I'm not a conspiracy nut...so I will say that maybe everyone should watch "Wag the Dog" and see exactly what kind of stuff our goverment is capable of...


Okay, okay, IF you were a conspiracy kind of person.

And THEN IF ALL of these things that you say will come to pass DO come to pass...

But then again, you're not a conspiracy type of person now are you? (she says ignoring the tinfoil hat on GFP's head)

And come on, our government can't even get their act together to accomplish national health care, so I have trouble believing they can pull off ANY sort of stunt AND hide it. I have too much faith in their incompetence to believe that. :)

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Guest GodfallenPromos


Okay, okay, IF you were a conspiracy kind of person.

And THEN IF ALL of these things that you say will come to pass DO come to pass...

But then again, you're not a conspiracy type of person now are you? (she says ignoring the tinfoil hat on GFP's head)

And come on, our government can't even get their act together to accomplish national health care, so I have trouble believing they can pull off ANY sort of stunt AND hide it. I have too much faith in their incompetence to believe that. :)

lol...you ever think of that as a way to keep the public from things they don't think we should know??

Area 51 REALLY exists...but as far as whats there....no-one outside of that place is really sure....

I'm not saying it IS happening...I'm saying there are MAYBE too many co-incidences...and that MAYBE the goverment banks on the american public thinking their all too stupid...

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I think every non-christian deep in their mind thinks that christians deep in their mind think this is a war from god.

both are true if you rounded everything to the top. but if they believe in the bible or torah, anything that destroys babylon is aligned with gods will. logically i CAN say all cristians, if they believe in the bible in its whole. has to believe its gods will for this war(well initiatial war) perhaps cristians could argue now that we have abused the power of war, and did not destroy the city, but destroyed its current king. and replaced it as us being the new king. with a puppet in iraqis name.

in all honesty in my opinion... we won the war a long time ago with iraq. we control the land and say where we build our outposts. where we police. that to me is winning the war with iraq when saying iraq is not our enemy but is our baby to feed and grow.

amarica controls the city of evil. heh heh heh

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both are true if you rounded everything to the top. but if they believe in the bible or torah, anything that destroys babylon is aligned with gods will. logically i CAN say all cristians, if they believe in the bible in its whole. has to believe its gods will for this war(well initiatial war) perhaps cristians could argue now that we have abused the power of war, and did not destroy the city, but destroyed its current king. and replaced it as us being the new king. with a puppet in iraqis name

amarica controls the city of evil. heh heh heh

Well, I was just thinking that the Pope (both John Paul and Benedict) have both spoken out numerous times against the Iraq war, publicly and to President Bush specifically. Love him or hate, listen to him or ignore him, I would definitely say that those two count as bible-reading and bible-believing christians and they, far from thinking the war in iraq is from God, think it's very specifically NOT the will of God.

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Well, I was just thinking that the Pope (both John Paul and Benedict) have both spoken out numerous times against the Iraq war, publicly and to President Bush specifically. Love him or hate, listen to him or ignore him, I would definitely say that those two count as bible-reading and bible-believing christians and they, far from thinking the war in iraq is from God, think it's very specifically NOT the will of God.

like i said if rounded to the top.

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Mondale. I still can't beleive the Dems tried to run him against Reagan.

Mondale? You mean Captain Blinky? I can't remember too much about that campaign except the fact that Mondale blinked an awful lot.

Area 51 REALLY exists...but as far as whats there....no-one outside of that place is really sure....

Let's lure the President down to the tunnels beneath Mt. Vernon and kidnap him in a secret passage way and get him to reveal the location of The Book of Secrets.

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September 5, 2008 · On June 8, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin dropped in on the Wasilla Assembly of God, the church she and her family attended until 2002. During the service, she addressed a group of young missionaries and said she had a "word" from the Lord for them. She prayed that Jesus would give them a spirit of wisdom and revelation.

"That spirit of revelation also including the spirit of prophecy that God's going to tell you what is going on, and what is going to go on, and you guys are going to have that within you, and it's just going to bubble up and bubble over and it's going to pour out throughout the state of Alaska," Palin said at the time.

Margaret Poloma, at the University of Akron, has written several books on Pentecostalism and is herself a Pentacostal Christian.

Poloma has listened to the tape of the governor's Assembly of God address and says of Palin's faith: "It seems to me that she's the real McCoy."

Poloma says faith in divine revelation, prophecy and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit are hallmarks of the Pentecostal faith.

Palin now goes to a nondenominational Bible church when she's in Wasilla, but her years attending Pentecostal churches, including the one she currently attends in Juneau, have no doubt shaped her faith and, possibly, her view of world events.

For example, at the same service, Palin talks about the war in Iraq.

"Pray our military men and women who are striving to do what is right also for this country — that our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," Palin said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."

Poloma says some people might hear that and say Palin believes this is a holy war, or that Pentecostals think this is a holy war.

"I would think it's fair to say. Yes," Poloma says.

One reason, Poloma says, is that most Pentecostals believe Islam is a false religion.

"Many times you hear it referred to as a kind of diabolical religion, and that comes from the idea of Christianity being the true religion, but also their support for Israel, because they contend that Israel [represents] God's chosen people and you dare not touch them."

She says this points to a central belief that there is a cosmic battle between the forces of good and evil. It was language Palin used when accepting the nomination on Wednesday night when she spoke of the war on terrorism and it was language used by Palin's current pastor, Mike Rose, at Juneau Christian Center.

"Have you ever felt that way about devil, the ultimate terrorist?" he asked.

Pentecostals believe God routinely intervenes in human affairs and Palin sounded like a Pentecostal when she asked people at Wasilla Assembly of God to pray about building a gas pipeline through Alaska.

"I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.

Darrell Bock, a New Testament scholar at Dallas Theological Seminary, says some Pentecostals hold to their convictions in the face of opposition because they believe they are in tune with the will of God.

"What faith does in this case is fuel a sense of mission and direction," Bock says. "It can also produce a little bit of element of certainty about that direction."

Bock, however, warns against drawing conclusions about anyone's policies from his or her faith.

"Trying to figure out what the link is between a person's faith and their politics is very, very difficult business because there is so much pragmatically and ideologically that's also driving what's going on," he says. "There's not just the faith element."

Bock says President Bush and Democratic nominee Barack Obama have already been through this sort of spiritual vetting. Now it's Palin's turn.

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