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What do you beleive happens when you die..

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Rev! Have you forgotten to give us your view?? I wanna hear what you've got to say :happy:


But hardly anyone was serious... so I lost my motivation... but since you asked...

Are you all familiar with QUANTUM REALITY THEORY?

How about... Quantum Mechanics & Chaos Theory...


An experimenter sits in front of a loaded gun which is triggered or not triggered depending on the decay of some radioactive atoms.

Repeated runs of the experiment

With each run of the experiment there is a 50-50 chance that the gun will be triggered and the experimenter will die. According to the Copenhagen interpretation, the gun will eventually be triggered and the experimenter will die. If the many-worlds interpretation is correct then at each run of the experiment, the experimenter will be split into one world in which he lives and another world in which he dies. After many runs of the experiment, there will be many worlds. In the worlds where the experimenter dies, he will cease to exist.

So.. we see within the working confines of this theory... ALL THINGS are not only possible & probable, but also mandated.

I take this (via my own tailor-warped logic) to another level altogether... that since there are an Infinite number of Universes... and all possibilities are played out in each individual Universe... (It all at once reminded me of the words of Hassan I Sabbah , "There are no Truths. All things are permissible"... words I have held dear to my heart for many years.)

Are you all familiar with The Collective Unconscious Mind?

How about Weltanschauung?


Lao Tzu, on: account for the origins of the ‘ten thousand things’ and their manner of growth and development.

All things arise from Tao. They are nourished by Virtue. They are formed from matter. They are shaped by environment. Thus the ten thousand things all respect Tao and honour Virtue. Respect of Tao and honour of Virtue are not demanded. But they are in the nature of things. Therefore all things arise from Tao. By Virtue they are nourished, developed, cared for, sheltered, comforted, grown and protected. Creating without claiming; doing without taking credit; guiding without interfering - this is Primal Virtue. (verse 51. tr. ibid )

The great Tao flows everywhere, both to the left and to the right. The ten thousand things depend upon it; it holds nothing back. It fulfils its purpose silently and makes no claim. It nourishes the ten thousand things. And yet is not their lord. It has no aim; it is very small. The ten thousand things return to it, yet it is not their lord. It is very great. It does not show its greatness, And is therefore truly great. (verse 34. tr. ibid)

Yield and overcome; bend and be straight; empty and be full; wear out and be new; have little and gain; have much and be confused. Therefore wise men embrace the one and set an example to all. Not putting on a display, they shine forth. Not justifying themselves, they are distinguished. Not boasting, they receive recognition. Not bragging, they never falter. They do not quarrel so no one quarrels with them. Therefore the ancients say, "Yield and overcome." Is that an empty saying? Be really whole and all things will come to you. (verse 22. tr. Gia Fu Feng)

STILL FOLLOWING? I know it is a long way to make a point... but it is coming...

I have studied these & other principles in my wondrous journey to find the knowledge that will satiate my thirsts...

From what I understand of these conceptual theories & Metaphysical Systems... what ever you think happens; will happen... Some Consciousnesses will remember reincarnation (through force of will).. others will be dissolved in the G*DHEAD, mixed, & reportioned for their next existence (hence most do not remember)... & since ALL THINGS ARE PERMISSIBLE.. if your Subconscious mind judges your Consciousness, as Righteous, you will goto Heaven/Nirvana/Shangri-La/Summerland/The Great Hunting Ground.....

Any Questions?

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I'm going to take it a step further....

By following your line of thought then, once we have reached whatever afterlife we have self determined ourselves to subconsciously - we can then also be re-born (if we so believe) - but what state we get re-born into will then still depend on our beliefs? Because my belief is in the cyclical nature of all things, so that's what my logical next step would be in your theory.

What do you think?

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I'm going to take it a step further....

By following your line of thought then, once we have reached whatever afterlife we have self determined ourselves to subconsciously - we can then also be re-born (if we so believe) - but what state we get re-born into will then still depend on our beliefs? Because my belief is in the cyclical nature of all things, so that's what my logical next step would be in your theory.

What do you think?

It is the conscious mind that decides where...

It is the subconscious that judges whether or not a Righteous life was led.

Many Guru/Rabbi/Shamen from many lands... state quite clearly... YOU CAN NOT FIND G*D; BECAUSE YOU LOOK TOO FAR, IT IS NOT HERE OR THERE... BUT INSIDE.

IF your decisions line up... to send you to Heaven for example... you will perceive an eternity pass... in happiness (so they say)(I would be board)... then... in as short a time as *snaps fingers* you go back to physical existence via new body... (I FIGURE)...

THEORETICALLY...(because most Religions agree)... when EVERYONE reaches a certain level of Enlightenment... We get a surprise... :wink ..I hope it is a pizza party... or like, we all get our own Universes to 'play with'...

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THEORETICALLY...(because most Religions agree)... when EVERYONE reaches a certain level of Enlightenment... We get a surprise... :wink ..I hope it is a pizza party... or like, we all get our own Universes to 'play with'...

Mmmm...pizza :drool. So, what you're trying to tell me if I follow you correctly, heaven is probably a huge Major Magic's with every DDR mix anyone could ever want and no matter what happens I totally own Timata in every song? I mean, hell, that's what I've been figuring what happens when we die all along anyway...what else could heaven possibly be? :tongue:

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Mmmm...pizza :drool:. So heaven could be a huge Major Magic's with every DDR mix anyone could ever want and no matter what happens I totally own Timata in every song? I mean, hell, that's what I've been figuring what happens when we die all along anyway...what else could heaven possibly be? :tongue:

Sounds INDISPUTABLE... to me.

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as much as i wonder, we get into free will, or the lack of it, do we have power to change our path, or is our power a effect from a million causes, ie birth, childhood, culture, everything we see and hear about. our genetic personality. is our freewill dictated bye a million math problems created bye cause and effect. chaos needs pure randomness. but we already know random is order. there is no such thing as pure random. all of mans creations of being random is just a formula on a timer and a seed. anything can be predicted, uncluding all of our lives if enough information is given, in essence your whole life can be predicted if you had all the information with every little detail. in essence chaos and math do not exsist. and math controls everything in this world and any world if we got our hands on it. so more so if a afterlife exsisted. whould it just be a predetermined evolution for those who pass and others fail, as some cristian religions believe and support. predestination makes me not believe in the cristian god

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You catch up on all the sleep you missed in life. I don't know if there really will be an afterlife or not, but if there isn't I'm going to be dead anyway so it really won't matter much to me. I think people put way to much thought into if theres something after death, because they are scared of dying and well want to hold onto a warm and fuzzy feeling that it'll be alright.

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You catch up on all the sleep you missed in life. I don't know if there really will be an afterlife or not, but if there isn't I'm going to be dead anyway so it really won't matter much to me. I think people put way to much thought into if theres something after death, because they are scared of dying and well want to hold onto a warm and fuzzy feeling that it'll be alright.


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cristianity even took those with the lack of fear of death, bye putting the hell factor in it. of course this keeps morals at its highest and allows the church to instill its own moral code. sad how people can believe in god on the what if there was a hell and a afterlife, id be damned to hell. then follow like sheep to the flock

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I don't know what happens. I just hope that when it is my time, I will be as at peace with it as was my grandfather whose last words to my mother were, "I just want to see what happens next."

Those weren't his last words, though. lol. Also in that last conversation my mom had with him, John intimated that he just hoped he lived to get one more Social Security check. His very last words went like this, to a nurse in the Hospice:

John: "What day is it?"

Nurse: "Tuesday."

John: "No, I mean what date?"

Nurse: "The fourth."

John: "Oh, good."

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I don't know what happens. I just hope that when it is my time, I will be as at peace with it as was my grandfather whose last words to my mother were, "I just want to see what happens next."

Those weren't his last words, though. lol. Also in that last conversation my mom had with him, John intimated that he just hoped he lived to get one more Social Security check. His very last words went like this, to a nurse in the Hospice:

John: "What day is it?"

Nurse: "Tuesday."

John: "No, I mean what date?"

Nurse: "The fourth."

John: "Oh, good."

omg...that's HILARIOUS!!!

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