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A penny for your thoughts..


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Phee has me thinking more about winter than earlier. I absolutely LOVE winter.

In my mind's eye:

I see a swirling mayhem of snowflakes dancing in a maelstrom of blizzard. The fallen snow which covers the ground is sparkling with the reflection of the streetlights. As I venture out to the shed to gather more wood, I can smell the woodsmoke from my fireplace, as it lends its seasoning to the crisp, ozone laden winter wind. I can hear the sound of the snow deftly pelting my jacket, and I can feel the dry, snappy cold-- and the snowflakes melting as they peck at my cheeks and nose. I drag my boots gleefully through the fresh fallen snow, and it sings with every stroke of my feet.

The woodshed door is snowed in, so I shuffle the light, feathery crystals aside. I give the door a mighty yank, and it opens with a weary groan. The shed is dark. It smells of cured hickory and ash, motor oil, and the herbs I hung to dry over summer-- all the more piquant in the frosty closeness of the air. I lay my basket down, and begin stacking the wood-- good Lady Ash and Mother Hickory's bounty. At the last piece, I see a small spider (a baby Larinoides corunutus) crawl feebly from under the bark of one of the pieces, like a reminder of the summer past. I put that piece back into the woodpile where I found it, in hopes I will see my small friend again come spring. I hoist the basket up on top of my head, and shuffle through the dry, powdery snow through the tracks I made on the way out. UGH! OOF! I toil up the stairs with the weight of the bundle of wood, taking care not to fall upon my ass. I heave the door open against the wind, and the cozy, slightly hickory-scented warmth of home greets me once more.

I lay down my burden, and stack it neatly against the wall. I say a thanks to the spirits of the trees who have given me this gift of warmth, as I feed the flames with their bones. I then stretch out on the big furry Flokati rug in front of the hearth, and watch the snowsquall rage on outside-- appreciative of the beauty and silence of winter; and I doze contentedly..

These memories past are the things I think of, with winter in mind at the moment.

P.S. And then, the memory of those GAS BILLS shocks me back into a cruel alternate reality! :rofl:

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Phee has me thinking more about winter than earlier. I absolutely LOVE winter.

In my mind's eye:

I see a swirling mayhem of snowflakes dancing in a maelstrom of blizzard. The fallen snow which covers the ground is sparkling with the reflection of the streetlights. As I venture out to the shed to gather more wood, I can smell the woodsmoke from my fireplace, as it lends its seasoning to the crisp, ozone laden winter wind. I can hear the sound of the snow deftly pelting my jacket, and I can feel the dry, snappy cold-- and the snowflakes melting as they peck at my cheeks and nose. I drag my boots gleefully through the fresh fallen snow, and it sings with every stroke of my boots.

The woodshed door is snowed in, so I shuffle the light, feathery crystals aside. I give the door a mighty yank, and it opens with a weary groan. The shed is dark. It smells of cured hickory and ash, motor oil, and the herbs I hung to dry over summer-- all the more piquant in the frosty closeness of the air. I lay my basket down, and begin stacking the wood-- good Lady Ash and Mother Hickory's bounty. At the last piece, I see a small spider (a baby Larinoides corunutus) crawl feebly from under the bark of one of the pieces, like a reminder of the summer past. I put that piece back into the woodpile where I found it, in hopes I will see my small friend again come spring. I hoist the basket up on top of my head, and shuffle through the dry, powdery snow through the tracks I made on the way out. UGH! OOF! I toil up the stairs with the weight of the bundle of wood, taking care not to fall upon my ass. I heave the door open against the wind, and the cozy, slightly hickory-scented warmth of home greets me once more.

I lay down my burden, and stack it neatly against the wall. I say a thanks to the spirits of the trees who have given me this gift of warmth, as I feed the flames with their bones. I then stretch out on the big furry Flokati rug in front of the hearth, and watch the snowsquall rage on outside-- appreciative of the beauty and silence of winter; and I doze contentedly..

These memories past are the things I think of, with winter in mind at the moment.

P.S. And then, the memory of those GAS BILLS shocks me back into a cruel alternate reality! :rofl:

I am thinking that was nice writing

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Merely observations from last winter's snow storms. Praise Mother Nature for showing me these wonders. I only transcribed for Her. ;)

Now, I am pondering something interesting which just happened to me. In my Yahoo 360 message folder, I received an odd message from a person called Fishy Guy. It merely read, "Ding Dong," nothing else. Upon visiting this person's page, there is no personal info, there are no friends listed; just a single blog entry. It reads (and I have no idea who actually quoted this):

"Matter is in fact illusion. A construct of perception that overlies the true nature of a macroverse composed of wave form energy. Nothing exists outside of the aggregate flow of oscillating energy and thus we and all that we grasp and all that we have not yet grasped are parts of the larger whole. As individuals we can pretend that we are not connected or we can embrace our connectedness and expand our energy to share with others. When we share, we grow. When we isolate, we shrink. The challenge is to add positive energy to the macroverse, to expand one's understanding and share knowledge with others, to encourage, motivate and invigorate, and to ensure that our conscious present time is spent well. To exist is less than to partake is less than to create is less than to empower. As positive energy is projected it attracts and increases positive energy in a synergistic symphony. Contribute well."

Whoa. That's deep. I have this incredible urge to be magnanimous, all of a sudden. What a strange, empowering, and serendipitous message of love. I figured I would spread it. :)

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I am thinking about the land lady's son, getting drunk and threating us... I am thinking about how my roomates are looking for a new place to live, and i don't know where that will be... and i don't want to move so far away from my snuggle bunny, and not be able to see him... i hardly get to see him as it is... and my best friend, who has to drive an hour to see me... so we are hanging out even less, too... :sad:

I am thinking about if I move in with a really nice lady and her cats, that things will work out for both of our best interests. lol I have my own computer and my own furniture, and sewing machine... we could be manufactuing machines! (being crafty, together.lol)

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I'm trying to figure out just how I'm explaining to the kids what Mark's face is going to look like tomorrow. He had surgury today fixing someone in his mouth and well he's going to be not so nice looking for a while. Why this became my job I'm still trying to figure out, the parents of said children should have talked to them about this last week already.

I'm also thinking about starting the baby quilt I'm making for a friend tomorrow, just have to take a trip to JoAnn's to get some things.

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Thinking about getting my ass in gear to go pick up money orders to pay bills with. Yay. Not much to motivate me, there. I just have to keep in mind it will be one less worry when it's DONE.

Thinking about FOOD. Cripes, I'm starving! Maybe I'll hit Taco Bell or something while I'm out.

Thinking about how stinky my cats' litterbox becomes overnight at times. I think they hold shitting conventions while I sleep. Note to self: buy kitty litter while out.

Thinking about booking for the rest of the week. Gawd, I dread it, but we gotta eat and pay bills.

Thinking about how fall is right around the corner, and natural gas prices are supposed to be SKY-NORMOUS this year. I don't know how I'm gonna make it through-- my gas was an arm and a leg LAST year. Each month of winter cost me at least $130 dollars. It makes me wonder where the money trees grow, as it's almost autumn, and time for leaves and fruit to fall. *straightface* It's an absolute travesty how everyday needful things have become high-priced luxuries.

These are my current thoughts, jumbled as they may be.

the concept of using natural gas in houses is bad enough. that gas could be liquified and used as a portable fuel anyways. while houses CAN be heated with electricity. but home builders went the gas approch. probly best to keep the place at winter to 65-70 and use a electric heating unit in the place you sleep

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I was thinking about how drugs change people's personality.

After the DXM trip I went on, I felt a sense of permanent difference without understanding what it was, if anything.

After spending the past week just smoking miniature cigars to deal with stress, I think I've become even more reckless and cynical.. I'll probably quit smoking and go back to just wondering "What the hell?" all the time.

Watching other people change from drug use interests me, watching people I know change from it frightens me.. I dunno if that makes me an apathetic p.o.s., it's all perception I guess.

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Thinking about someone who is far away, but has never left my heart. He's the only lover I have ever been completely truthful about certain aspects of my life with; it's such a good feeling to be able to strip away the facade, and be honest. I have never felt more of a star-crossed bond with any other person, as I feel for him (well, maybe ONE other person, and he's my bro! He knows who he is! ;)). We are the only monsters ugly enough in the entire world for one another.

For him to still be there, even after he knows details, says a lot about his steadfast character-- and it convinces me even more that I was not wrong in my devotion all those years ago. When I met him, I fell for him that very instant. I've never been more sure of someone as long as I have been alive. Maybe the time wasn't right for us in the past, but I'll be damned if I ever lose him to life's circumstances again. Now is OUR time. We have so much to make up for. I can't wait for happiness to begin again.

Even old piratesses can be sentimental. :)

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Guest GodfallenPromos

that it's a shame that Marc is over there in Japan...and not giving us all photos....*hint*

That Angelica, from Rugrats, was a complete bitch!!!

about how much more patience I can possibably have with "the beast"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thinking about how much I dislike unrecognizable numbers ringing in on my cell phone. Everyone who knows me, knows if they change their number to text me first, so I know who it is calling. Otherwise, ya gets the cold shoulder.

Thinking how crummy I feel right now. Female troubles suck wind.

Thinking about going to the store, but so far, it's just thinking.

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