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It was a good night, and I saw MANY DGNers. Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet either b-day person last night. I would have bought you both a drink. However, it sounds like you both probably had your share...

Here is my LONG list:

Enishi--It was good talking about politics with you.

Miss Kitty--I'm sorry I didn't recognize you right away in your dress, which turned out great.

DBK--It was a pleasure to meet you, sir.

Christian--I don't remember your DGN screen name, but I know your DBK's roomie.

Slogo--It was nice meeting you, though I'm sorry I missed your girlfriend.

industrial_girl--You looked awesome last night. Nice meeting you.

Muscles--It was nice meeting you as well, good man.

Slingerlanstyx--It was cool seeing you after not running into you for...I don't even know how long...

Marmee Noir--It was nice to make your acquaintence, fair lady.

Fin--We didn't get to chat much, but you looked like you were having fun on the dance floor.

Darque Metallion--As always, it was good to see you. I'm glad we chatted.

DarkeChylde--We didn't talk much, but I'm glad you're doing well.

Black Jack--I'm glad I finally got to meet you at CC.

TitsMcGee--I enjoyed seeing you, and your dress looked very pretty.

Saga--Quiet and mysterious, you have a presence.

TheLordofSins--It was nice to meet the man behind the screen name.

punk princess--It's always nice to see you, party princess.

tanuki1985--You looked like you were having a good time. Good to see you.

Rev. Reverence--I LOVED your outfit, though I'm sure you were really hot. Great meeting you, though I couldn't hear you very well.

Oh My Goth--I liked the blonde hair. We didn't get to talk, but perhaps another time.

tasteewonderbunny--You and Oh My Goth looked so cozy together on the dance floor. Nice meeting you.

Bernadette--I'm glad we met. You seem very sweet.

eleven--You are a darling, and your dress was lovely.

MinaRose--You are also a real sweetheart and a lovely girl.

Tszura--We shared a brief hug.

Nightgaunt--I know we said "Hello" a couple of times, but it was a busy night.

Bczarthings--We met on the dance floor.

CandyQuackenbush--It was good meeting you.

TheOsakaKoneko--We waved to each other a couple of times.

OK, I believe I mentioned everyone I saw and/or met last night. I have a pretty good memory, but it does fail me at times. Damn, it was muggy and hot last night. I was drenched on the dance floor, but that didn't stop me from dancing. There also seemed to be more predators than usual on the dance floor.

Come to Japan and learn the meaning of humidity.... :ralph

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Lol I know how you feel, thats why I stopped listing names along time no ago. (Btw it was cool meeting you and your fun to talk to).

I highly thank tzura for the angel drink, that gave me one hell of a kick throughout the night!. For those I met it was cool meeting you guys and the ones I couldnt talk much I apologize.

I think last night was actually one of the best nights I had at cc for a long time. Its a shame that every weekend cant be fun like this. Oh yeah, I do remember getting a pic takin with misskitty, lol cant wait to see our drunk ass's posted here soon.

I can't wait to see those pictures too!!

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Guest greyhalo

That describes here pretty well. I haven't gone outside yet and not instantly started sweating to some degree... It should cool down soon.

I'm not sure where you are in Japan. But, I had some friends who taught English there for a while. They said that the winters were horrid where they were staying.

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Wow.....What a night..... :w00t:

I came with: Rev. Reverence, tasteewonderbunny, Prick, & Vampire..... :bunny:

DBK- Awesome to finally meet you.....You are adorable..... :kiss

Tszura- You were gorgeous as always..... :flower:

Nightgaunt- Always wonderful to see you..... :jamin

Fin- Your an amazing person..... :sorcerer:

Angle of Death- You seemed to be having a great night..... :wink

Dani- You defiantly looked like you had a bit too much fun..... =P

Grey Halo- I saw ya havin' fun on the dance floor..... :peanutbutterjellytime:

Miss Kitty- Loved the dress..... :yes

industrial_girl- You looked ravishing..... :)

Muscles- I saw ya a few times..... :welcome:

Slingerlanstyx- Great to see you..... :biggrin:

Marmee Noir- Glad to see you there..... :thumbup:

Darque Metallion- Thanx for the hug..... :happy:

DarkeChylde- Always a pleasure, Sir..... :spank

Black Jack- Good to meet you..... :)

TitsMcGee- I loved the outfit..... :welcome:

Saga- You looked like you had a good night..... :biggrin:

punk princess- You are such a fun person..... :fun:

tanuki1985- Happy to see you there..... :wave

Bernadette- I saw you, I think we said words..... :biggrin:

eleven- You looked fabulous, good to meet you..... :animier:

CandyQuackenbush- I saw ya here & there..... :welcome:

TheOsakaKoneko- You looked perty..... :biggrin:

There were soooo many DGNerz there, I know I missed people.....I was pretty drunk.....{and/or duh}.....

I still wuvs yous though..... :happy:

Thanx to those who helped make Me night a great one.....

See y'all next time..... :p

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I had an AMAZING time last night. I know I said I did not enjoy last Saturday and that I would give it another shot...so I did and loved it! :) I guess I was just a grump last week :/

Anywhore, I met a lot of people with Eleven last night...I am not so great with remembering things all of the time, so I apologize if I forget anyone! Plus, it was busy last night and hard to hear, plus me with my bad eyesight does not help at all either!

greyhalo-You are so awesome...I know we didn't get to talk that much, but I loved saying hi, having a brief moment to speak, and giving hugs! Hope to see you next week chica! :)

DarkChylde-Great to meet you after talking to you online! You are very nice.

Darque Metallion aka Crank: It was a pleasure to meet you. You are very down to earth and it is awesome.

Fin: I finally know who you are now! Love the facial artwork by the way!

DBK: I was so excited to meet you! I cannot wait to see the pictures. :)

I did not get to talk to many people for long, as it was a bit hectic, but I also met:

Rev.Reverance, BlackJack (but we did hang at the diner!), Slingerlanstyx, StormKnight,vDani T Girl (officially), and Xanthein.

Let me know if I missed anyone! It was a crazy night. :)

Take care this week everyone and hope to see you next week!

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I had an awesome time. Sooo glad I went.

I saw a ton of pppl so if I forgot anyone feel free to let me know!! I know I'm probably missing at least a couple...





Miss Kitty


Marmee Noir

Darque Metallion


Black Jack



punk princess



Lance (and Chris)




Oh My Goth


Tits McGee



Riku Namako

Mina Rose

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I was so close to dragging my corpse down there, just didn't quite make it. *slaps self*

Troy you were definately missed ! ! ! !

I think you would have enjoyed the HUGE # of DGNers who were there, from birthday girl Jessika to the return of DBK ! ! ! ! !

All of us @ Leland City Club hope you are doing well and can't wait to see you back among us ! ! ! !

All the Best my friend.......

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I was knocked up on my 21st, so I went bar-hopping for free Shirley Temples while my boyfriend got too tanked to walk.

JessicaFxckinRocks--don't feel bad, babygirl. I puked last night too and from drinking too much............................................................................







.............................................................................WATER. I was too stoned to realize that 66.8 fluid ounces over 3 hours without ever emptying one's bladder is a bad idea. Thanks, Rev, OMG, Prick and Vampire for tolerating the smell on the way home. I am soooo sorry.


OMFG, I wish I had a pic.....I would post it on the epic fail thread.....


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I had an AMAZING time last night. I know I said I did not enjoy last Saturday and that I would give it another shot...so I did and loved it! :) I guess I was just a grump last week :/

Anywhore, I met a lot of people with Eleven last night...I am not so great with remembering things all of the time, so I apologize if I forget anyone! Plus, it was busy last night and hard to hear, plus me with my bad eyesight does not help at all either!

greyhalo-You are so awesome...I know we didn't get to talk that much, but I loved saying hi, having a brief moment to speak, and giving hugs! Hope to see you next week chica! :)

DarkChylde-Great to meet you after talking to you online! You are very nice.

Darque Metallion aka Crank: It was a pleasure to meet you. You are very down to earth and it is awesome.

Fin: I finally know who you are now! Love the facial artwork by the way!

DBK: I was so excited to meet you! I cannot wait to see the pictures. :)

I did not get to talk to many people for long, as it was a bit hectic, but I also met:

Rev.Reverance, BlackJack (but we did hang at the diner!), Slingerlanstyx, StormKnight,vDani T Girl (officially), and Xanthein.

Let me know if I missed anyone! It was a crazy night. :)

Take care this week everyone and hope to see you next week!


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Okay now that I've had 16 hours of sleep to recover from Saturday night lets see what I can remember lol. I got way to drunk for what I had, and ended up being not so graceful and slipped walked down steps and now I have a giant bruise on my ass lol. But the night out was definatly worth it, I had a blast.

Now who I saw:

Saga - MWAH

Jessika - Hun you were so tanked when I got there at 11, but I'm so glad you had a good 21st.

Slogo - It was awesome seeing you hun

The Lord of Sins - Bridge's mended :) and I was highly amused seeing you drunk

GRG - You looked beautiful

Punk Princess - Good to see you as always :)

Tanuki1985 - You looked great and it was nice to see you

DBK - Nice to finally meet you ^_^

Tszura - You looked beautiful. It was great to meet you

Nightgaunt - Nice to see the man behind the posts

Fin - Nice to finally have a chance to talk to you, but I didn't see you do anything you had to pre-apologize for lol

Miss Kitty - I loveed your dress hun, it was great to finally have a chance to talk

Slingerlanstyx - Thanks for the drink :)

Marmee Noir - We didn't have a chance to talk but I thought you looked wonderful

Darque Metallion - Great to see you :)

DarkeChylde - Fun to talk to you as always

Black Jack - You saved me from my drunken fall, thank you :)

Eleven - Hot damn child...and that's all I'm saying about that one lol

Enishi - You were quite drunk dear

Rev.Reverence - It was great talking to you, and definately nice to finally meet the man behind the posts

Taysteewonderbunny - You looked beautiful dear, it was nice to meet you

Oh My Goth - You looked beautiful dear, it was nice to meet you. You and taystee made me kinda jealous too lol

Vampire - We didn't talk much but it was nice to meet you

Prick - Great talking to you dear

StormKnight - You looked like you had a great time and it was nice to talk to you

Grey Halo - It was nice talking with you, you looked like you had fun

CandyQuackenbush - I loved the coat

Angel of Death - Can I have the leash hehe

Dani T Girl - You're beautiful, never let anyone tell you any different.

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Awesome night! There were so many DGNers there that I am not going to try to list them all (especially since a few people above already did! I am happy to say that I was able to talk to a few people I never got to talk to before or had never met in person!) A few of the evenings' notables:

I wasn't trying to be anti-social, so sorry if I missed anyone or seemed distant. My stomach was kinda annoying me at the beginning of the night, so I only had one shot the entire night (in honor of my friend Christine's B-day.....I couldn't find Jessica! Sorry girl!). I even had to take my corset off for a little while...not sure what was going on with my belly, but it was being a royal pain! It was kinda nice to be off my feet for a little while to let my belly stop gurgling (I think it was the McD's burger I had before I got to CC). After Muscles brought me a bottled water & some patient time spent on the couch, I was fine by the end of the night (thank goodness).

Kudos to the Gothic Prom queen (Ms Kitty) who looked amazingly regal in her "tape" dress. :)

I was thrilled (at long last) to have met DBK & have my leg humped by him TWICE!

And Darkchylde, I'm glad I finally got to talk to you for a while as well since I have missed talking to you in the past. It's nice to put a name with a face. You have a gentle demeanor which I am sure is very popular with the ladies. AND I still don't think you are all that hairy, LOL. I promise to make your next party!

I was thrilled to *finally* meet the DBK! That AA battery you gave me at the end of the night will be put to good use, and I will always think fondly of you humping my leg & enjoying my time sitting on your lap, LOL! Hugs & looking forward to seeing you again! :)

Did anyone see Mrs.Chi-vous? I looked for her all night (she was supposed to be there).

Darque Metallion: I don't know what kind of eye liner you used on your lips, but I had a hard time getting it off my neck when I took a shower the next day. What brand do you use? Made me want some since that is my biggest issue with eyeliner (it not staying on my eyes)!

Spent about an hour at the entrance talking with my friends Catwoman & Slave2Catwoman (I haven't seen them in 6 months). Then proceeded to catch up with the Rubber twins after that since they will be in Florida at the same time I will in about a month. We are making plans to meet up down there, so that's a very cool thing. :)

GRG & Lord of the Sins: I nominate you two for the cutest couple at CC. I still think GRG has awesome boobs! :)

Grey Halo: Glad to finally have met you in person! You look just like your avatar pic so it was easy to find you. :) Hopefully we can talk more next time.

Punk Princess & Enishi - good to see both of you as well. Next time we have to work harder on keeping Enishi away from the long island ice teas, LOL!

Reaper & Troy - where were you guys???

Msterbeau - you are missed, and we are all counting down the days till you come back to us!

And Muscles....who ran around the entire night being a social butterfly & 2-fisted beers all night. Hugs to you baby! ;)

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I had a blast at CC. I got to see alot of DGNers.

Here's a list:







Miss Kitty


Darque Metallion

Dark Chylde

Black Jack

Tits McGee



Oh My Goth


Lord of Sins

Storm Knight

Jessica Fxckin Rocks

Grey Halo

(sorry if I forget anyone)

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Had a blast with my boy, DBK and his friend..... And above all, ok well besides my boy.............. Loved loved loved seeing my baby Angel of Death... Gawd missed ya so much... Thank you for wearing the leash.. :* lol Oh and Loved seeing sexy Dani.... Mwah* You're sexy.......

Eeeeps thinking about it.... It was a great night all my fav DGNers were there.. Angel, Dani, Rev and Oh my and FIN.... And a few others but YAY YAY YAY... Best night in a long time.. Well besides the wet floors that sucked in 5" heels...


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