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Way after the party over at the diner is the place to be for catching up on old times or just trying to perk up for another day. I remember the night being a blaze from so many people which had me sweating bullets so exceedingly I was out on the dance floor praying to the fans. Suffice it to say DGN conquered the Cc that night.

Still trying to recover a bit I'll get into names later.

Nevertheless be it as it may the ones I did briefly meet and chat or viceversa was indeed profound and significant to the fact that this event had come to pass from being in a similar group.

You guys/ girls (men & women) rock.

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I am full of lying. I said I was going to go, but didn't. I helped someone move Saturday and they invited me to a bash, so I decided for a change of scenery. No DGN people there of course, but the party was about as debauch as City Club, so I guess it was just different people.

I'm starting to recognize a lot of people from the list now, so I'm sure I'll have met you soon enought.

Rev Reverence, and Oh My Goth, I now realize, I used to talk to the two of yous on occasion about 4-5-6-7 years ago, but either you guys disappeared, or I went on the wrong nights.

Sorry for not showing to meet the people I see on here, hopefully next week.

I am great liar, and because I am a liar you must tie me down on a bed and spank me.


And after you have given me a good spanking you may deal with me as you like. And then...

spank the next poster...

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Guest greyhalo

I am full of lying. I said I was going to go, but didn't. I helped someone move Saturday and they invited me to a bash, so I decided for a change of scenery. No DGN people there of course, but the party was about as debauch as City Club, so I guess it was just different people.

I'm starting to recognize a lot of people from the list now, so I'm sure I'll have met you soon enought.

Rev Reverence, and Oh My Goth, I now realize, I used to talk to the two of yous on occasion about 4-5-6-7 years ago, but either you guys disappeared, or I went on the wrong nights.

Sorry for not showing to meet the people I see on here, hopefully next week.

I am great liar, and because I am a liar you must tie me down on a bed and spank me.


And after you have given me a good spanking you may deal with me as you like. And then...

spank the next poster...

I did look out for feathers too because I wanted to meet you.

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I am full of lying. I said I was going to go, but didn't. I helped someone move Saturday and they invited me to a bash, so I decided for a change of scenery. No DGN people there of course, but the party was about as debauch as City Club, so I guess it was just different people.

I'm starting to recognize a lot of people from the list now, so I'm sure I'll have met you soon enought.

Rev Reverence, and Oh My Goth, I now realize, I used to talk to the two of yous on occasion about 4-5-6-7 years ago, but either you guys disappeared, or I went on the wrong nights.

Sorry for not showing to meet the people I see on here, hopefully next week.

I am great liar, and because I am a liar you must tie me down on a bed and spank me.


And after you have given me a good spanking you may deal with me as you like. And then...

spank the next poster...

I'll bring some pine tar! So we can stick them to you...

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Hey Everyone! I only stopped in City for a short visit this time, had been out and about that nite.

So I didn't get a chance to catchup with everyone. Next time, and soon.

Candy - good chatting with you as always. Loving the retro look these days.

Tszura - glad I ran into you. You look MAHvelous!

GreyHalo - SO good to finally meet you.

OhMyGoth - hey! ... we'll talk soon.

Fin -- *wave* from the dancefloor - good to see you in passing.

Saw DBK, Saga, Darque Metallion and others... yet skipped out before I could make the rounds. Sorry!

It was a good nite. (my friend said he found it interesting and enjoyable -- his first time there)


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Lets see....

Arrived with:

  • Slogo
: Sorry about the two bed hogs, dude, and thanks for closing the curtains while we were sleeping. :)TheLordOfSins: :wub: Thanks for keeping me warn while I was passed out, and thanks so much for being there for me when I wasn't feeling well... I love you! :wub:
  • Jessika
: Happy birthday, hun. Sorry that you got sick!MissKitty: Your dress turned out great!!!!DBK: !!!!! OMG, I'm SO SO SO happy I got to see you again! I missed you SO much!!!! Who the hell was that HOTT chick that stopped to talk to you, real skinny, wearing red? OMG... OOOO was she the one that you gave the card to but didn't get her number?!?! She was beautiful!!!slingerlandstyx: good to see you again, after all those months... you look so happy with the new woman in your life. ^_^Marmee_Noir: as beautiful as ever, in your corset and skirt. OMG... a sight to behold. I'm so glad that you and styx are happy together... so damn CUTE!!!! lolAngel of Death: very cute, as always... you wear the leash well. *giggles*Danni: Beautiful, hun... your boobs look amazing, by the way! ^_^DarkChylde: great seing you again. We didn't really get to talk much, but great to see you out of the house. :)Black Jack: Good to actually meet you face to face. I knew who you were, my brain was all fogged from being drunk... lol you were very quiet. lolTitsMcGee: OMG, woman, you are beautiful! Your skirt turned out wonderful, despite the unforgiving sewing machine. :) Thanks for the drink. I had never had it before, and I will definatly have it again!! I am so glad that I got to introduce you to DBK! isn't he great! lolSaGa: great to see you again... you stole my man for 20 mins talking about quantum physics. lol glad you too geeked out together... lmao~Tszura~: :drool : oh man... I swear... i know i was drunk, and I know I hit on you, real hard, but I mean every word of it! You are a beautiful creature, and any man who snags you is a lucky one!Nightgaunt: Big ole hug! Great seing you again! And you, my dear, are a gentleman, even if you were oggling my goodies, when i turned around to talk to ~Tszura~ :pFin:Wonder of the deep. I saw you dancing out

there. Great seing you again, my dear. its always a pleasure. Loved the war

paint. lol Lets see... who else....*scratches head*ah yes:punk_princess: it looked like you were having LOADS

of fun! lol you were already drunk, when we got there, it seemed (either that or

I was so drunk you just looked tanked lol) glad you made it out. :) very cute,

outfit, by the way. :)industrial_girl_2000: you

looked great! OMG, you got legged humped by DBK?! I am SO jealous!!! lol great to

see you again!!!!!! :)Lets see... who else....

ah, yes...

  • Darque Metallion
: you introduced me to some guy, but for the life of me, I can't place who he is (so sorry!!!!) And I was drunk to, and i didn't recognize his name, either... lol Great seing you again, hun. Always a pleasure!tanuki1985: I love how everyone thinks that we are the same person, when at the Club. lol or that i am you or you are me. Its a complament, I tell you what!!! :rofl: I saw what you did to Rambo's hair... OMG... braided pigtails... :rofl:CandyQuackenbush: I know you don't come on here, anymore, but it was great seing you again, and so happy to hear that your massage theropy thing is going well... You looked great, by the way! (Even if your hair wasn't glowing :p ) Heard that your man, Odims was there, but didn't run into him. Next time! Enishi: you were VERY drunk. Glad to see you made it out. Hope that you had fun. :)StormKnight: Ran into you several times, throughout the night. You and TheLordOfSins talked quite a bit about randomness. Happy to have met you. :)Muscles: Industrial_Girl_2000 introduced us. Glad to have met you. She talks, all the time, about you two going to CC tegether, yet we never met. :) Glad we finally did. :)Who the hell else did I meet??? I know I missed QUITE a few of you, and when i say missed, i mean you were there, but i never saw you!!! lol :cry so, of those that ran into me, did i list you all? I hope so... so sorry if I didn't. I still :wub: you!!! I Promise!!! lol


Darque Metallion: you introduced me to some guy, but for the life of me, I can't place who he is (so sorry!!!!) And I was drunk to, and i didn't recognize his name, either... lol Great seing you again, hun. Always a pleasure!

It was Prick! lol Nice meeting you, though i don't really remember it. I remember the choker you had on, and the kilt... i was pretty smashed by then, so I'm sure that i looked like a half naked deer in headlights. lol :blushing:

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Oh, for the love of all that is holy, I would love to go into who I met and talked with, but 1) being terrible with people's names, and 2) having little time during the week to post, I can't go into depth. :( It was nice to see a turnout of people like that. I will see you all the next time our karmas dictate having us in the same location at the same time

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Whooooo-hoooooo!!! City was slammin’ and jammin’ with DGN’rs last Saturday!! Everywhere I looked~THERE WE WERE!!! What a beautiful site to behold!!! But who were those two shluppy geezers sleeping by the coat-check……………oh, wait, that was US!! Tee-hee! By nights end, my sweets and I were zonked :0 OMG and Tasty…..you guys just looked so comfortable on that futon, we just had to try it for ourselves! Who knew that damn thing would end up of feeling like a floating cloud! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Rockin’ it out last Saturday………

Riku: **Squuuuuueeeeeeezzzzeeee!!** You know I completely lost my mind when you said what you know you said…..you know? LOL You rock!!!

DBK: YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I finally got to meet you!! **Jumping up and down, happy as a little school girl!** You’re awesome DBK! I want some of those leg humpin’s I keep hearing about, though!! Next time, my friend….next time!! lol

OMG: Mmmmmmm, warm and fuzzy!!! Me likey!!! Gorgeous and fantastic as always!!

RevReverence: Thanks again for the blanket hug!!

TasteyWonderBunny: Bodacious!!! Thanks for the “Towlie” chuckles darlin’!

Fin: Your face paint stayed on as far as I could tell~Hooray!! BUT, I did lose track of you, and I didn’t see you leave………….;0!!

Punk_princess: Where’s our dance!?! LOL Great to see you beautiful!

Tanuki1985: I swear…..one of these days I’m just going to inappropriately touch those gorgeous boobies of yours!! I’ve been trying not to! MUST RESIST!!! CAN’T!!!! BUT I MUST!!! NOOOOOO!!!! lol

Xanthien: Sexy Momma!!! Great to see you guys there! You’re awesome!!

Chris: The best line alllll night….”you want to meet my mom?”

StormKnight: Looked like you were having a wonderful night ;-> You know what would have made it better?………dryer vent fashion :0 lol

Bernadette: Simply Marvelous!!! So glad you made it out!

Marmee_Noir: **Insert Wile E. Coyote Leg Stomp, hanging tongue (with salivation), and howls here** lol

Slingerlandstyx: Lucky dog You!!!

GothicRavenGoddess: How could I not like tit….errr….I mean “it” whenever you hit on me!?! You are definitely a Goddess! ;)

TheLordOfSins: I am jealous of your lady talents ;)

TitsMcGee: Yaaaayyyy!!! It was wonderful to finally meet you in person!

You’re hot and awesome!!!

OsakaKoneko: Thanks for the hug Sexy!! You always look fantastic!!

DarkChylde: Great to see you again!! I got an Angel too!! Thanks for suggestion~it was delicious!!

Darque Metallion: Big Squeezies!!!! We need a new word………Squant!! lol

GreyHalo: Saw you briefly~more conversing is needed!! ;->

Vampire: Traveling in shadows…..he twists and turns, galactic, under the shaded lights of the oogie boogie beats!

Enishi: Great chatting with you!!

Constantin: Whaaaaaaaazzzzzzuuuupppp!! (sorry, I’m sleepy and goofy right now!)

Jessika: So sorry about the barf-a-rama!! Sounds like you had a good birthday, though!! Hooray!!

MissKitty: Duct Tape Corset Dresses Rock!!! You looked beautiful!

Slogo: Saw you from afar!!

Eleven: So cute!!! Glad I got meet you sugar!

Angel of Death: So luscious!! Awesome to see you!!

Dani: You looked beautiful!

Lance: So glad to have met you sir!

Black Jack: **Hugz!!**

SaGa: Great to see you again! Thanks for bringing precious cargo!!

Industrial_girl_2000: Said “hi” briefly on the dance floor….you looked like you were on a mission!

CandyQuackenbush: Kick ass outfit!! You looked gorgeous!

Muscles: Saw you shooting past me a couple of times, but never had a chance to chit-chat L

Oh, and I miss my Alaskan Poppets!!!! Please come back!!!

Thanks everyone for a wonderful time!!


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[*]DBK: !!!!! OMG, I'm SO SO SO happy I got to see you again! I missed you SO much!!!! Who the hell was that HOTT chick that stopped to talk to you, real skinny, wearing red? OMG... OOOO was she the one that you gave the card to but didn't get her number?!?! She was beautiful!!!

No, that was Fae. I talk to her all the time :p

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Latest aftermath post EVER!

I was there for about an hour? Maybe two? Who cares, it was great! This was supposed to be a NO-CITY weekend due to my bf being up from Chicago on tour (haha) so I was at his show both Friday and Saturday, but they were downtown Detroit, and only about 15 min from City, so since the boys were hanging out after the shows just talking, I decided to cut out a little both nights and come party. Damn I love City too much - I can't stay away no matter what!! So I was there, but not really prepared for City, wearing my concert-going outfits (haha lots of music themes!) and without a proper clubbing bag, and without much decorativeness, but anyway, who cares, it was fun. I felt underdressed for the gothic prom, and I hate feeling underdressed - I am used to being one of the more dressed-up people!! Gotta make up for that this weekend with something truly weird. (Please don't judge me for my outfit this Friday! I think I'm gonna be totally SILLY! =^.^=)

Anyway, I babble. I had a good time despite its shortness. Saw lots of people. As soon as I came in I was in the bathroom seeing Jessika throwing up...poor girl. Met Miss Kitty finally - hard not to talk to someone dressed so uniquely and awesomely! I loved it! More like that, dear! It was great!! :D:D

Oh well, almost next week now! I CANNOT WAIT. I finally get to go for a whole night again this Friday. Though I might be a tad bit late...but I will be there, for sure.

Saturday I'm not sure, since I will be at the Noir Leather party. Depends what time it finishes.

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