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I'll list what I remember......it won't be much...lmao

remember I can't spell.......

I saw:


Dark Matallion




Angel of Death?



Oh My Goth




Punk Princess



Grey Halo


^ and hims woman...(i can't remember your s/n)

Industrial Girl


Tits Magee

That's all that I can remember right now. I was pretty wasted in muh duct tape dress. So, if I forgot anyone, don't get mad. :p I know I had to have forgotten quite a few.

I was teh tanked!

Oh, I won't be back up there until the second weekend of Nov. This was my last hurrah for about a month. :(

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thanks for the b-day gift Rev. I couldn't ask for anything more :thumbsup: what can I say, she's perfect :D

damn, it did kinda suck, I was waiting to see jessika(sp) but after hearing that she never quite made it, I drank in both of our honor last night ^_^

last night was great, well, except for me having to rush home at 7:30 am, but.......it was still loads of fun.

Thanks to Eleven (I love you!) for taking good care of me in city bites, lord knows I needed it....:p~

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thanks for the b-day gift Rev. I couldn't ask for anything more :thumbsup: what can I say, she's perfect :D

damn, it did kinda suck, I was waiting to see jessika(sp) but after hearing that she never quite made it, I drank in both of our honor last night ^_^

last night was great, well, except for me having to rush home at 7:30 am, but.......it was still loads of fun.

Thanks to Eleven (I love you!) for taking good care of me in city bites, lord knows I needed it....:p~

Last night was very much a Happy Birthday for all ! ! ! !

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OK I was at the leland from 6pm till 9ish when i went to decorate I came back up to the room drank ALLOT and WAY TO FAST. I did in fact make it down to the club i just sat for a bit then threw up for what seemed like forever!!

The only dgner i remeber seeing other than the ones i was with Was dbk. Awesome cake thanks. And I seen eleven on my way out back up to the room I was way to drunk. Then I remeber sleeping between Slogo and Miss Kitty lol

Other than that I kinda sucked I got drunk amd threw up allot

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OK I was at the leland from 6pm till 9ish when i went to decorate I came back up to the room drank ALLOT and WAY TO FAST. I did in fact make it down to the club i just sat for a bit then threw up for what seemed like forever!!

The only dgner i remeber seeing other than the ones i was with Was dbk. Awesome cake thanks. And I seen eleven on my way out back up to the room I was way to drunk. Then I remeber sleeping between Slogo and Miss Kitty lol

Other than that I kinda sucked I got drunk amd threw up allot

Well JESSIKA, just had to say you and your crew did great, lots of people liked it ! ! ! ! ! !

It was great to see you before you came down, kinda good that I missed you after your time in the ladies room.

For today, drink lots of clear liquids and get some rest.

Last night truely was a great night out with friends ! ! ! ! ! !

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OK I was at the leland from 6pm till 9ish when i went to decorate I came back up to the room drank ALLOT and WAY TO FAST. I did in fact make it down to the club i just sat for a bit then threw up for what seemed like forever!!

The only dgner i remeber seeing other than the ones i was with Was dbk. Awesome cake thanks. And I seen eleven on my way out back up to the room I was way to drunk. Then I remeber sleeping between Slogo and Miss Kitty lol

Other than that I kinda sucked I got drunk amd threw up allot

....one word...m.o.d.e.r.a.t.i.o.n..... ;)

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I think I made you take a bunch of pics of me.

This can't be good. lol. I was obliterated.

I won't be back for a little over a month...tis Halloween season now. :)

whats wrong with halloween season? its like the one time out of the year where we can go out in public with no makeup on........

and thank you Leland Cityclub :D last night was a blast! I don't think I've had that much fun in quite awhile.....I also have to say that if I hadn't drank that bottle of redline(shameless plug, but its only available at gnc, Jessika, invest in this drink next time! trust me!) before going inside, I might've ended up in the corner somewhere passed out....otherwise, I would say that last night was definately great!

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Guest greyhalo

It was a good night, and I saw MANY DGNers. Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet either b-day person last night. I would have bought you both a drink. However, it sounds like you both probably had your share...

Here is my LONG list:

Enishi--It was good talking about politics with you.

Miss Kitty--I'm sorry I didn't recognize you right away in your dress, which turned out great.

DBK--It was a pleasure to meet you, sir.

Christian--I don't remember your DGN screen name, but I know your DBK's roomie.

Slogo--It was nice meeting you, though I'm sorry I missed your girlfriend.

industrial_girl--You looked awesome last night. Nice meeting you.

Muscles--It was nice meeting you as well, good man.

Slingerlanstyx--It was cool seeing you after not running into you for...I don't even know how long...

Marmee Noir--It was nice to make your acquaintence, fair lady.

Fin--We didn't get to chat much, but you looked like you were having fun on the dance floor.

Darque Metallion--As always, it was good to see you. I'm glad we chatted.

DarkeChylde--We didn't talk much, but I'm glad you're doing well.

Black Jack--I'm glad I finally got to meet you at CC.

TitsMcGee--I enjoyed seeing you, and your dress looked very pretty.

Saga--Quiet and mysterious, you have a presence.

TheLordofSins--It was nice to meet the man behind the screen name.

punk princess--It's always nice to see you, party princess.

tanuki1985--You looked like you were having a good time. Good to see you.

Rev. Reverence--I LOVED your outfit, though I'm sure you were really hot. Great meeting you, though I couldn't hear you very well.

Oh My Goth--I liked the blonde hair. We didn't get to talk, but perhaps another time.

tasteewonderbunny--You and Oh My Goth looked so cozy together on the dance floor. Nice meeting you.

Bernadette--I'm glad we met. You seem very sweet.

eleven--You are a darling, and your dress was lovely.

MinaRose--You are also a real sweetheart and a lovely girl.

Tszura--We shared a brief hug.

Nightgaunt--I know we said "Hello" a couple of times, but it was a busy night.

Bczarthings--We met on the dance floor.

CandyQuackenbush--It was good meeting you.

TheOsakaKoneko--We waved to each other a couple of times.

OK, I believe I mentioned everyone I saw and/or met last night. I have a pretty good memory, but it does fail me at times. Damn, it was muggy and hot last night. I was drenched on the dance floor, but that didn't stop me from dancing. There also seemed to be more predators than usual on the dance floor.

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I had a fucking blast, especially since I was able to drink heavily and NOT drive. It was nice to see so many DGNers out last night! You people rock my socks off.

I saw:

Darque Metallion - always a blast, dude :rofl:

DarkChylde - my pleasure, as always ;)

DeadBurgerKing - So nice to finally meet you! :D

Nightgaunt - good to see you again

Fin - my pleasure, as always

Tszura - good to see you again

Angel of Death - always a blast, you sexy thang

Dani T Girl - always a blast

Lance (and Chris) - So nice to see you guys outside of the house!!

Enishi - Thanks for the ride. It was fun hanging out! *hugs*

MissKitty - nice dress ;)

Rev.Reverence - always a blast, my fellow trickster

taysteewonderbunny - nice to see you again

Oh My Goth - so nice to see you again

LordOfSins - it was fun seeing you again

JessicaFxckinRocks - hope you had a memorable 21st, even if it ended abruptly ;)

Punk Princess - bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............................

Constantin - nice to see you again

GothicRavenGoddess - my sexy twin ;)

greyhalo - nice to see you again :)

Slingerlandstyx - it looks like you had a blast

Industrial Girl - beautiful, as always

SaGa - always a blast

Tits McGee - very nice to see you out again

StormKnight - always nice to see you

eleven - We hardly had a chance to talk, but it was nice meeting you!

I don't think I forgot anyone, but if I did, just remind me that I saw you. Thanks again for a memorable night.

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OK I was at the leland from 6pm till 9ish when i went to decorate I came back up to the room drank ALLOT and WAY TO FAST. I did in fact make it down to the club i just sat for a bit then threw up for what seemed like forever!!

The only dgner i remeber seeing other than the ones i was with Was dbk. Awesome cake thanks. And I seen eleven on my way out back up to the room I was way to drunk. Then I remeber sleeping between Slogo and Miss Kitty lol

Other than that I kinda sucked I got drunk amd threw up allot

Hey, that's a much better way to spend your 21st than I did mine (back in the day).

I pulled an all-nighter study-session in the stacks @ the library!


When I got home the next morning, the entire flat was filled with people passed out on the floor, still too drunk to move. They had been partying in my honour. LOL

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Guest greyhalo

Hey, that's a much better way to spend your 21st than I did mine (back in the day).

I pulled an all-nighter study-session in the stacks @ the library!


When I got home the next morning, the entire flat was filled with people passed out on the floor, still too drunk to move. They had been partying in my honour. LOL

I had a 70s disco party for my 21st. My b-day is two days before Halloween, so it was a costume party. My roommates let these homeless people in to drink with everyone, and then they didn't want to leave. They came back the next night too. And then the night after...

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I had a 70s disco party for my 21st. My b-day is two days before Halloween, so it was a costume party. My roommates let these homeless people in to drink with everyone, and then they didn't want to leave. They came back the next night too. And then the night after...

I was knocked up on my 21st, so I went bar-hopping for free Shirley Temples while my boyfriend got too tanked to walk.

JessicaFxckinRocks--don't feel bad, babygirl. I puked last night too and from drinking too much............................................................................







.............................................................................WATER. I was too stoned to realize that 66.8 fluid ounces over 3 hours without ever emptying one's bladder is a bad idea. Thanks, Rev, OMG, Prick and Vampire for tolerating the smell on the way home. I am soooo sorry.

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i am not even going to try and list everyone i saw last night :) that would take a long ass time and i might miss people and i would feel horrible...

anytime riku

Lol I know how you feel, thats why I stopped listing names along time no ago. (Btw it was cool meeting you and your fun to talk to).

I highly thank tzura for the angel drink, that gave me one hell of a kick throughout the night!. For those I met it was cool meeting you guys and the ones I couldnt talk much I apologize.

I think last night was actually one of the best nights I had at cc for a long time. Its a shame that every weekend cant be fun like this. Oh yeah, I do remember getting a pic takin with misskitty, lol cant wait to see our drunk ass's posted here soon.

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whats wrong with halloween season? its like the one time out of the year where we can go out in public with no makeup on........

Nothing is wrong with Halloween! I just work at a haunted house. lol.

Oh yeah, I do remember getting a pic takin with misskitty, lol cant wait to see our drunk ass's posted here soon.

This will be a fun one. lmao.

oh and Fin......

I missed you again! .....That I remember. lmao.

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