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Where is your life headed?


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Do you find yourself growing more "normal" as you get older or headed further and further towards the "fringe"?

When I was married I was definitely headed in the more normal direction. And I hated it... it didn't feel right at all... It probably contributed to the collapse of the marriage. And even though I don't feel entirely comfortable or entirely happy with where things are at with my life right now, I can definitely say I feel more comfortable headed in the opposite direction.

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Experiencing the joy of morbid, clinical depression.. I would say my life is headed towards comedy and celebration. The economy is shit, and any number of freak accidents could happen killing me tomorrow, so I'd say I'm only going to get more crazy in the good way.. I dunno, from my outlook if your not on the fringe then your either asleep or on the edge.

This guy explains my p.o.v. better though, because he has a beard.

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In some ways more normal - I would rather drink beers and barbecue and watch the kids play than go see some avant-garde interpretive dance where all of the actors are supposed to represent vegan food groups (maybe because once you've seen one avant-garde interpretive dance, you've seen them all? Who knows...)

In some ways more fringe - the circle of people from whom I need any sort of approval or validation or from whom I will even take restaurant recommendations continues to shrink while my collection of random nonsense from dead old ladies, usually Polish, - rings, cake plates, handkerchiefs - continues to grow.

And besides, the controller of my company, a big corporate The Man sort of company, has full sleeve tattoos, and his CPA. While my great aunt, my sweet, little itty bitty bakes you cookies and always has hard candy in the bottom of her purse type of great aunt, is now taking a hip-hop dance class.

So, to be honest, the line between fringe and normal, really, only exists on paper as far as I can tell.

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My life is headed for greatness!

in order to truly understand where I am headed, one must know from where I came, and the journey I have been on so far. That would take a series of books. The road has been long, hard, and full of obstacles. I have overcome them all, to persevere, climb out of the gutter, and reach for the stars. I am still reaching, ever so higher. The "fringe" is where I am home, where I can be me, it's always calling me, I will, hopefully, never stop exploring it. I, like Miss jynxxxedangel am comfortable in most situations, and am can be equally charming in them.

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I'm definitely more "normal" now. I'm more calm, cautious, and healthier. There are times I miss being wild and crazy, but I know I can't be that way anymore because it was destructive and unhealthy.

I'm much pickier about who I will associate with, and I don't hesitate to cut ties with people who bring negativity into my life.

These days I know who I am. I know what I like, and what I believe. I'm much less swayed by what others think.

I care more about how my actions affect others.

I feel like I'm boring as hell now that I don't drink or party or do any of the other things anymore, but my current lifestyle is much healthier and rewarding in many ways.

-I've gone back to school and I'm working on my Master's degree so that I can hopefully get a job in the field that I love.

-I've lost a lot of weight (though I'm still at a plateau that has gone on for way too long), and I will continue to work on losing weight so I can hit my goal.

-For once, I'm in a healthy, loving, reciprocal relationship that has only grown stronger as time passes.

-I finally realized that I am an alcoholic and that I needed to end my relationship with the bottle. Do I miss the feeling of being drunk? All the time, but I don't miss all the negative things that came with drinking.

-Mentally, I'm in a better place, and I am better able to recognize when I'm starting to slip into "the darkness."

I feel like my life is finally heading in the right direction.

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Guest Megalicious

I'm definitely more "normal" now. I'm more calm, cautious, and healthier. There are times I miss being wild and crazy, but I know I can't be that way anymore because it was destructive and unhealthy.

Exactly, I am so proud of you Rach, it takes a strong person to step back and self reflect and change. :grouphug

I am more normal then I have ever been, between Keegan and school, I don't have time to get into trouble. :rofl:

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Exactly, I am so proud of you Rach, it takes a strong person to step back and self reflect and change. :grouphug

I am more normal then I have ever been, between Keegan and school, I don't have time to get into trouble. :rofl:

Which begs the question: Does "normal", ie. assimilating with society automatically mean you're causing trouble/bucking the system, etc?

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i can't say i am more "normal" or headed towards the "fringe", not even sure what that means, guess that it is because i have never lived my life either way?

i think i am headed towards knowing what i like, what i don't like, what i will accept and what i will no longer accept from myself, other people, situations, etc. i guess i am just headed towards being more myself and not compromising who i am for no good reason, because of someone else.

so basically i just hope that i am always changing into a better version of ME. right now it might not look that way to some on the outside looking in but in the end that IS what i am doing. sometimes it's just a rough road to get there.

i'm still not fully aware of what i "want" or how to get it but that is what i am figuring out now. all i know for sure is what i do not want and will not tolerate anymore. period.

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I'm most likely headed away from Michigan again in the next year or so. I HATE Midwestern winters with a passion.

I second that.

I've never really known where my life was headed. I've just sort of lazily drifted down stream. There have been two occasions that I can recall where my life had a definite sense of direction and I was passionately (or obsessively?) pursuing a goal. I got so close each time but neither situation worked out. Now I'm feeling lost. I have no direction, no passion ... I have no idea what I want anymore. I'm not even drifting downstream; I'm stuck on a sand bank and too apathetic to push myself off. I need a spark to get me going again.

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Guest greyhalo

I second that.

I've never really known where my life was headed. I've just sort of lazily drifted down stream. There have been two occasions that I can recall where my life had a definite sense of direction and I was passionately (or obsessively?) pursuing a goal. I got so close each time but neither situation worked out. Now I'm feeling lost. I have no direction, no passion ... I have no idea what I want anymore. I'm not even drifting downstream; I'm stuck on a sand bank and too apathetic to push myself off. I need a spark to get me going again.

Michigan's economy is just pushing me away as well. I'm even looking at jobs in OH right now because they pay more.

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