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Pray for money and protection from witchcraft, Palin

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I was on the student government at my community college, I learned my lesson then. My main point was though, who, at one point in their lives, hasn't prayed for money to come their way, such as winning the lotto?

I never have...I've prayed for luck..good heath....never for money.....or even for material goods.

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I think the part you are missing is that Christian/Muslim/Jewish belief is that witchcraft is real and Evil. Many modern religious organizations gloss over that part of the Bible/Quran... others embrace it.

She could be guilty of being within the organization that does not have the politically correct use of language yes.

But I think it is also the context of the other things that she has said which makes this seem suspect. The comments about the Iraq war, praying for the funds to finish the pipeline, etc...

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lol...thats right...phee is gonna vote for me...or he'll never get out of the trunk...lol

Seriosuly....EVERY politicians religious views are brought into question when it comes to the running of this country...and if you don't think so....find me a politician who has either ran for presidental office, or been president, who has NOT made his/her faith part of their banner in the race to the white house....hasn't happened...

We, the American people, bring their religious views into the open because their faith will dictate many descision they will make in office, just as it has been a guiding factor in their former/ current positions. If someone is going to come across as overly prejudice against a certian belief, especially one that becomes more and more prevalent in this country, then the people that follow those beliefs have a right to be concerned.

While he may not agree with such faiths...I have not seen a statement from Obama, nor an act, that is near to the zealotism that Palin is exhibiting, or has exhibited in the past...and if you bring up the fact that he is/was a Muslim, and on that fact a zealot, I'll find someone who will be more then happy to quote the entirety of the base muslim faith to you.

I'm waiting for the day when we have a President that isn't religious, because IMO that would be wonderful.

Although I do recall reading somewhere when JFK ran people were freaking out because he was catholic, and thought he would take orders from the pope.

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It could be pandering. I never said it wasn't. I merely present another option, that to me, is more plausible.

I am of nearly the same age as Sarah Palin. I know the times she grew up in. I come from the same small town, hunting and fishing American as her. On this level I can relate to her. My Faith in God is strong, but I have never found a religion that best fit my beliefs. I have attended many Sunday/Saturday services over my years. I have sat in a circle while old ladys chanted, waved candles, incense and crystals around my body. I have accepted every prayer and or blessing bestowed upon my by men and women of Faith.

That said, I can not fault others for being in the same predicament of Faith as I am.

Love the answer... very tight... I am with you on that... (see my sig?)... but in taking a blessing from one man she MAY have alienated the Pagan community (larger than we know... they are secretive)... & ... if any of them were Blessing her... that is kaput...

...my point is..I guess... while you see her searching... I see her pander... BECAUSE... WE (you & I), have not turned away ANY blessing... SHE SEEKS OUT CERTAIN ONES... but shuns the 'fringe'...

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lol...thats right...phee is gonna vote for me...or he'll never get out of the trunk...lol

Seriosuly....EVERY politicians religious views are brought into question when it comes to the running of this country...and if you don't think so....find me a politician who has either ran for presidental office, or been president, who has NOT made his/her faith part of their banner in the race to the white house....hasn't happened...

GEORGE WASHINGTON... amongst his other early Brothers...

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I really stopped praying when I was 11.... bloody waste of energy for me...

and your personal definition of prayer is different then what mine is...lol...think of it more like...negotiating

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lol...thats right...phee is gonna vote for me...or he'll never get out of the trunk...lol

Seriosuly....EVERY politicians religious views are brought into question when it comes to the running of this country...and if you don't think so....find me a politician who has either ran for presidental office, or been president, who has NOT made his/her faith part of their banner in the race to the white house....hasn't happened...

We, the American people, bring their religious views into the open because their faith will dictate many descision they will make in office, just as it has been a guiding factor in their former/ current positions. If someone is going to come across as overly prejudice against a certian belief, especially one that becomes more and more prevalent in this country, then the people that follow those beliefs have a right to be concerned.

While he may not agree with such faiths...I have not seen a statement from Obama, nor an act, that is near to the zealotism that Palin is exhibiting, or has exhibited in the past...and if you bring up the fact that he is/was a Muslim, and on that fact a zealot, I'll find someone who will be more then happy to quote the entirety of the base muslim faith to you.

I had no intention of brining up Obama's "Muslim faith". We can talk about it if you like. Just to be clear though, I'll state my stance on that.

Obama is a practicing Christian, who by choice, attended a radical Christian sect that promotes racism and separatism. A Church that promotes Hate from the pulpit. It's not the Church he was brought up in or was born into... it is one he CHOSE to attend because of those beliefs. He attended that Church right up to the point that the public saw it for the place it was. Then his political needs forced him to stop attending. He has to yet disavow his "mentor".

Thats the problem I have with Obama's faith.

Other may have a different problem with Obama's faith. Like leaders of Muslim controlled countries. Like Saudi Arabia. They may just have a problem receiving a head of state that to them, is the ultimate sinner. Obama's father was a Muslim who turned his back on Muhammad and renounced his Muslim faith. That is about the worst crime a Muslim can commit. It's a death sentence in many countries. Obama's problem stems from that... by birth, He is a Muslim who has reject Islam. How exactly is he going to interact with World leaders who consider him as the worst kind of criminal?

Here's an article written by a Muslim that addresses this problem.


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She could be guilty of being within the organization that does not have the politically correct use of language yes.

But I think it is also the context of the other things that she has said which makes this seem suspect. The comments about the Iraq war, praying for the funds to finish the pipeline, etc...

Palin has stated that she would not allow her personal religious beliefs to dictate her political positions.[211] She has come under scrutiny in the press for comments made at a commencement address to a graduating class of ministry students at the Wasilla Assembly of God church in June 2008. In that address, Palin stated, "Pray... for this country, that our leaders... are sending [u.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan".[212] Critics have argued that she was justifying the Iraq war as part of God's plan,[213] while Palin has stated, "I would never presume to know what God’s will is...that's a repeat in my comments [of Abraham Lincoln's words], "let us not pray that God is on our side, in a war, or any other time. But let us pray that we are on God’s side."

So... here we se her putting forth contrary statements LEFT & RIGHT!

First pray for our soldiers & THEN "let us not pray that God is on our side, in a war, or any other time. But let us pray that we are on God’s side."


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I really stopped praying when I was 11.... bloody waste of energy for me...

I don't really pray much either, I feel it makes me look crazier than I already am. But it's not unheard of, which is just the point I'm trying to make. When I do pray, which like I said is rare, I pray for my family, never for me.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

GEORGE WASHINGTON... amongst his other early Brothers...

sorry cuz...you get a buzzer on this one...they were Masons/ Quakers/ Etc...their religious beliefs very much influenced the early makings of this country.

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I had no intention of brining up Obama's "Muslim faith". We can talk about it if you like. Just to be clear though, I'll state my stance on that.

Obama is a practicing Christian, who by choice, attended a radical Christian sect that promotes racism and separatism. A Church that promotes Hate from the pulpit. It's not the Church he was brought up in or was born into... it is one he CHOSE to attend because of those beliefs. He attended that Church right up to the point that the public saw it for the place it was. Then his political needs forced him to stop attending. He has to yet disavow his "mentor".

Thats the problem I have with Obama's faith.

Other may have a different problem with Obama's faith. Like leaders of Muslim controlled countries. Like Saudi Arabia. They may just have a problem receiving a head of state that to them, is the ultimate sinner. Obama's father was a Muslim who turned his back on Muhammad and renounced his Muslim faith. That is about the worst crime a Muslim can commit. It's a death sentence in many countries. Obama's problem stems from that... by birth, He is a Muslim who has reject Islam. How exactly is he going to interact with World leaders who consider him as the worst kind of criminal?

Here's an article written by a Muslim that addresses this problem.


So... how did Obama sin if his Father was the 'ex-Muslim'?

Do they (Muslims) hold you to the sins of your Father?

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I don't care what was prayed for her really...and I already have an assumption that she is not for any lifestyle other than her own. But I am sort of bothered that everything is made into a big deal...and where did this video leak from? Maybe her opponents? Maybe her own campaign to get more hype and face time, pluse make her out to be a victim? Maybe to show she is devoted to her own way of life? I am more concerned about where this came from and why...

Overall though I don't like the idea of religion with politics and it's place in who votes for who. It should be on the merit of a person and what they can do for us, not what greater being or none being or nothing or whatever they want to pray to and for they wish to pray. Now I do not like the idea of them mentioning witchcraft since I agree that it is very ignorant, but who are we to say for certain they mean't modern day wiccans and pagens? Would that not be just as ignorant to assume upon a practice and it's meaning?

I am pissed off that people try to use religion as ammo one way or another in politics, for, against...is it not possible for someone to share the same values as someone else from another religion? We don't all have common humanity goals?

As for the other articles...very inetresting things we find when taking time to actually look into things...

And for the record the first 3 parts I wrote on the top...were written before reading the other articles...I DO NOT want people thinking I am overlooking a man using "witch-hunts" to hurt others.

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sorry cuz...you get a buzzer on this one...they were Masons/ Quakers/ Etc...their religious beliefs very much influenced the early makings of this country.

I'm with you on this one. The Quakers had a very large say in how our government was formed. The Constitution was based off the Pennsylvania Constitution... and that was written by a Quaker to incorporate Quaker values and customs.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I had no intention of brining up Obama's "Muslim faith". We can talk about it if you like. Just to be clear though, I'll state my stance on that.

Obama is a practicing Christian, who by choice, attended a radical Christian sect that promotes racism and separatism. A Church that promotes Hate from the pulpit. It's not the Church he was brought up in or was born into... it is one he CHOSE to attend because of those beliefs. He attended that Church right up to the point that the public saw it for the place it was. Then his political needs forced him to stop attending. He has to yet disavow his "mentor".

Thats the problem I have with Obama's faith.

Other may have a different problem with Obama's faith. Like leaders of Muslim controlled countries. Like Saudi Arabia. They may just have a problem receiving a head of state that to them, is the ultimate sinner. Obama's father was a Muslim who turned his back on Muhammad and renounced his Muslim faith. That is about the worst crime a Muslim can commit. It's a death sentence in many countries. Obama's problem stems from that... by birth, He is a Muslim who has reject Islam. How exactly is he going to interact with World leaders who consider him as the worst kind of criminal?

Here's an article written by a Muslim that addresses this problem.


I don't think that it was a proper religious reason that he left his church...that was a political move and anyone that things otherwise is a fool...that I agree with you on...but, to many of these Muslim countries, being an American is almost as bad as a sin as leaving one's faith, if not worse to many of the zealous sects.

Palin would be seen as worse...not only is she female, but she has no defined faith to speak of...I think that leaves her much worse to many of the world leaders then it would Obama.

I share half of your stance...but I don't think the sins of the father should carry over to the son...this isn't the story of Bane (batman referance, for those following) we are talking about...While Palin has no defined faith currently, Obama still holds a defined faith.....+1 to Obama among world leaders....

Also, it can be argued that the majority, if not all, christian based religions...possiably ALL religions...are on the separatism view. That, however, is more a PM discussion, if not another thread entirely.

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So... how did Obama sin if his Father was the 'ex-Muslim'?

Do they (Muslims) hold you to the sins of your Father?

Because there is no such thing as an Ex-Muslim. Not according to Muslims. If you are born of Muslim parents, you are a Muslim and subject to Muslim law. To reject Islam is to bring down a death sentance.

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“We forgot to talk about Pastor Muthee. As I was mayor, and Pastor Muthee was here, and he was praying over me, you know he speaks, and he’s so bold. He’s praying, ‘Lord, make a way. Lord, make a way.’

I’m thinking this guy is really bold. He doesn’t know what I’m going to do. He doesn’t know what my plans are, and he’s praying not, ‘Oh Lord, if it be your will, may she become Governor.’ No. He just prayed for it. ‘Lord, make a way and let her do this next step,’ and that’s exactly what happened. So, again very, very powerful coming from this church, so that was awesome about Pastor Muthee.”


I hear things sometimes.....Just sharing.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I'm with you on this one. The Quakers had a very large say in how our government was formed. The Constitution was based off the Pennsylvania Constitution... and that was written by a Quaker to incorporate Quaker values and customs.

*ruffles your complete lack of hair*...someone was paying attention in history class...lol

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sorry cuz...you get a buzzer on this one...they were Masons/ Quakers/ Etc...their religious beliefs very much influenced the early makings of this country.

Dude... G.W. was a Mason... NOTHING to do with Quakers...

The Masons were of a decidedly "DEIST" theosophy... so... you can take your buzzer &..........you know ;)

Deism is the belief that a supreme God exists and created the physical universe, but shall not intervene in its normal operation.
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I don't think that it was a proper religious reason that he left his church...that was a political move and anyone that things otherwise is a fool...that I agree with you on...but, to many of these Muslim countries, being an American is almost as bad as a sin as leaving one's faith, if not worse to many of the zealous sects.

Palin would be seen as worse...not only is she female, but she has no defined faith to speak of...I think that leaves her much worse to many of the world leaders then it would Obama.

I share half of your stance...but I don't think the sins of the father should carry over to the son...this isn't the story of Bane (batman referance, for those following) we are talking about...While Palin has no defined faith currently, Obama still holds a defined faith.....+1 to Obama among world leaders....

Also, it can be argued that the majority, if not all, christian based religions...possiably ALL religions...are on the separatism view. That, however, is more a PM discussion, if not another thread entirely.

I have to answer this then I am done because for the most part we agree.

Islam (Muslims) are exactly the opposite of a Separatist view.

Not having a set religion is not that big a sin in Islam, it's a reson to convert. Turning your back on your religion is a Major sin, turning your back on Islam is the worst sin. Go ask any Muslim whats a bigger sin... being a half ass Christian or renouncing Islam.

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Because there is no such thing as an Ex-Muslim. Not according to Muslims. If you are born of Muslim parents, you are a Muslim and subject to Muslim law. To reject Islam is to bring down a death sentance.

I did not know this... thanx dude..

I see that point quite clearly...

*writes a -1 by Obama's name*

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Because there is no such thing as an Ex-Muslim. Not according to Muslims. If you are born of Muslim parents, you are a Muslim and subject to Muslim law. To reject Islam is to bring down a death sentance.

Christians have done this for years....it's called Origional Sin....and then a good part is Excommunication, which has happened several times because a Catholic of high office didn't agree with the Pope....

plus...IF we were going to tote around an award ceremony for most vicious and intolerant persecutor of religions, lemme toss out some historical events for ya....Spanish Inquisition....Persecution of Native Americans in Central and South America....Persecution of Protestants in Europe...Jesuit actions in the Orient....I can go on..but I would rather not...

and Rev...I was talking about the founding fathers IN GENERAL...you did add to the George Washington mention..."GEORGE WASHINGTON... amongst his other early Brothers"....and the design of our money tosses much of that "DEIST" right out the window...the Masons were deeply involved in the foundation of our official government procedures and the wording of the Constitution, as well as the Bill of Rights....just like they were responsiable for the Magna Carte...and true identity behind Jack the Ripper...I will take my Tin Hat now please....I think I earned...

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I did not know this... thanx dude..

I see that point quite clearly...

*writes a -1 by Obama's name*

did you just give Obama a negative for the sins of his father???....

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