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Back to Work


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Today I go back to work. *woohoo* I'm so happy.. it's been about 7 months since I worked the road. I feel like this is my first time working. :grin

The funny thing is, our ambulances now have MDT computers in them along with many new upgrades and I have no idea how to use them. I didn't go to the manditory training becuase I was pregnant at the time and didn't feel I needed too... MY BAD. Hopefully I can get my supervisor to go over it with me. I was have just a lil bit of anxiety over it lastnight.

Also, I will be working with a rookie that doesn't have driving status yet so I'll be having to drive for a few weeks which sux!

Other than that I'm super happy!!


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so you're a emt/driver?

if like there's not a lot of bloody messes to pick up, could you possibly grab a loaf of bread for me from the market and swing by my place? I'm not saying you need to to stop if there's a gunshot victim or anything, but I'm also NOT telling you to not stop if there's a gunshot victim. Either way it's cool, no ones gonna die if I do or don't get bread. Well maybe someone will, but that's your problem.

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aye. time to stop yer freelopadin and get back to work skiver!


Smiley makes it okay

good to hear your back in work... but i cant help but think "that was quick" or maybe time has flown since.

gtood luck with the new brain squeezy in thingies with computer talkie thingies

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so you're a emt/driver?

if like there's not a lot of bloody messes to pick up, could you possibly grab a loaf of bread for me from the market and swing by my place?  I'm not saying you need to to stop if there's a gunshot victim or anything, but I'm also NOT telling you to not stop if there's a gunshot victim.  Either way it's cool, no ones gonna die if I do or don't get bread.  Well maybe someone will, but that's your problem.


so all you want her to bring you is some bread but yet you want me to like bring you pizzas and taco bell and stuff. sheesh.

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So far everything is going good. My regular schedule starts this Tuesday 11am-11pm.. I told the bitch at work to put me on an EARLY shift cuz I didn't want to be getting off of work late at night.. dumb ass.

Anyway, I'm way happy to be back in the work force once again. It got kinda old not having any sweet moola around. And dig this, I got a friggin raise while I was on leave.. how krazey is that?

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