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trick or treating

Simon Bar Sinister

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I must admit, I still go begging every year. :) When I'm in a masque and a baggy costume, no one can tell I'm not a kid, because I'm a shrimp. I love candy, and seeing all the little ones dressed up so cute-- so I can't pass it up. One of my little eccentricities. I will probably be begging until I can't walk anymore (or I develop diabetes from all that sugar candy)..

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I think I was like 12.

I always TAKE my kids (when I have them, sometimes the ex takes them, according to the day of the week ... we've also done it together in past years if we live close enough) but I haven't dressed up and really trick or treated in about 17 years.

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i've always hated trick or treating. i love halloween but not the candy/trick or treating part. i hate candy. even as a kid i didn't like it. i think i was 12 the last time i actually went for myself and i think it is because my mom made me. i didn't want to go or dress up. but she was always really into it. still is. she loves costumes. she loves to make them too.

i take my kids. but i am kind of mean about it and by that i mean this:

i only let them go a couple of blocks. then we are DONE.

i go through all the candy before they can even see what they got.

i throw out ANYTHING that could easily have been opened and closed (so that means they never get suckers, tootsie rolls, etc) or anything they should not have (i.e. the youngest can't have big, hard candy or gum)

i let them only pick out their 5 favorites for that night.

next day they get about 3.

it continues on like that for awhile til i just end up giving the candy to other people or throwing it out.

i am VERY anti-candy for kids. it's unnecessary.

i know. i'm mean. or weird. whatever. ;) i'm glad my kids don't care that much about candy. my one daughter likes gum the other likes m & m's and that's about it.

my son on the other hand- when candy is around he will sneak it if he can, as much as he can. all because he knows mom won't allow it in the house otherwise. only during halloween and easter....

don't even get me started on easter...

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well every year I hit a couple house around my house I'm short but only like a block just to get some candy

But one year I did not go I was at my frineds house and we had no candy to give are light was off but kids kept knocking so we went to the mc d's grabed a bunch of salt, kectup, mustrad, pepper and other packet and evrytime they knocked we answered the door with a big bowl and gave them that

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