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Hayden Panettiere says VOTE MCCAIN!

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like some little rich girl has any sway on my vote. pfft.

I like how thats about the worst thing anyone who dislikes McCain can come up with... He's old.

Shallow and self centered much?

Um... :unsure:

Thats the worst you have heard about McCain??? Who have you been talking to? And which news do you pay attention to?

Thats like me saying "The worst anyone can say about Obama is he has a silly haircut and is too skinny"

In fact on this board I have heard people who dislike McCain say much MUCH worse

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Um... :unsure:

Thats the worst you have heard about McCain??? Who have you been talking to? And which news do you pay attention to?

Thats like me saying "The worst anyone can say about Obama is he has a silly haircut and is too skinny"

In fact on this board I have heard people who dislike McCain say much MUCH worse

...yeah...like..."he's got an evil look in his eyes"..

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Should I dig up the posts where his age is brought up as a major factor as to why not to vote for him? Not just here.. but all over the internet. It's the most common reason given to not vote for him. It's brought up more than his stance on the war or anything else.

that is more of a rip on Palin then him... fear that she will be in charge when he dies.....

(I was not trying to speak for the internet...lol)

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I'm so sick of slam ads, remind me to mark "Heroes" down on my list of things not to watch or anything Hayden Pantiesinabunch has done.

I like the quote from Bruce Willis (which I'm paraphrasing because I don't know the exact quote), "Just because people are celebrities doesn't mean they know anything more about anything than anybody else. What made them an expert and why should we listen to them?"

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This is probably the first time in 30 years of voting in this country that I am considering the Socialist candidates.

So which one? McCain or Obama? Both supported the Socialist stickup bailout.

You think Obama is Republican-lite? His policy proposals have more in common with Socialist ideals than Democratic ideals and are no where near Republican ideals.

And McCain represents Republican ideals? You're talking about John McCain, right? Wow. I mean, seriously? Neoconservative? Maybe. Corporate Fascist? Definitely. So far the only difference between McCain and Obama that I've seen is that Obama wants women to be drafted and McCain doesn't. For now.

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that is more of a rip on Palin then him... fear that she will be in charge when he dies.....

(I was not trying to speak for the internet...lol)

..a little of both for me...I do not like his age because I see him as Old Guard...& I would like to see something new. (from neither left nor right.)(this country needs to be CENTERED.)(wobbling has gotten us in trouble.)

...& Palin in charge scares the crap out of me...& this is weird/scary lookin me saying something about it...SHE IS WEIRD.

...TOO normal. (almost serial killer levels of "normal" here...)


...not enough experience. (Mayor of itty bitty town & short while as Gov. is not alot to put into my conciderations)

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Obama doesn't have that much experience, and he is on the top of the ticket.

...& I knew you were goin' to say that.....but that is not the ticket that I am supporting...

..did you not realize I think he is another lying sack of shit? Like every other puppet THEY cart out to put on their little shows...


SO...I will "waist" my vote on a third party until:

  1. I die
  2. There are three Fed-funded Parties..NOT 2
  3. There are not Elections

SERIOUSLY GAF...please stop trying to pigeon hole me into this fucking dichotomy you keep trying to limit me to...it is in bad form.

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