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DGN Night Aftermath - October 18th


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Guest greyhalo

I didn't end up going. Was not feeling like it. So I took it easy and chilled at my friend's house, had a couple of drinks and listened to my City playlist. It's a good thing I didn't end up going because today I feel really sick. I was laying down practically the whole day, minus the forty minute drive back home. In bed again already and hoping to sleep it out...I want to be in good shape for my 20th birthday on Friday because I plan on being @ City both nights! Hope to see all of the lovely faces this weekend! <3

Aw, sorry you're sick. Sorry I'll be missing your b-day at CC next weekend too. :sad:

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I will eventually do a full detail post.....When I can think straight..... :nut

I have ta say the pre-party was fab.....One of Me friends called Me this morning asking if I found his pants..... :rofl:

He was too fucked up to go to the Club, so we left him at the house & apparently he either pissed himself or puked on his pants & tried to wash them, then got locked out of the house pantless..... :blink:

You know it's a party when somebody looses their pants..... :fun:

And leaves their liver next to the toilet.

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I had a good time. Showed up pretty late, around 1, because it was my friend Bryan's birthday and we all got a room upstairs and hung out there a bit first, throwing balloons around, taking pictures, and laughing at the penis cake. ^^ XD We finally came down and had some good dancing. Left around 3-3:30. Not a very long time at the club, but then we hung out upstairs again until 5-5:30, eating said penis-cake and throwing balloons around some more. It was pretty awesome.

I didn't talk to many of you because I was busy with my birthday-boy friend, but there were a bazillion DGNers, weren't there! Wow. Awesome. Talked to a few of you tinny-hat people. :D Looked like that party was pretty fun too. I would have liked to spend some time with the DGN party as well, but..while Rev is an awesome guy, I have only met him once, so alas my friend took priority. Actually it really did kinda suck timing-wise, because I *really* wanted to go to Hellbound, but couldn't. DAMMIT. More parties, Noir, please! And with costume contests! I really really didn't wanna miss that...oh well, damn, can't be helped. Had a great damn weekend though.

If anyone was there on Friday I apologize for the balloons out of control everywhere - you can totally blame that on me. -.-;;

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First, I'd like to thank PunkPrincess for my button. Next, hello and thank you to everyone who came to Rev's party. Much love, as always, to Rev and Oh_My_Goth, without whom my life right now would be considerably dull. At Rev and OMG's, I met, first, and again, but more properly, DBK. It was nice to talk to you on an evening and at a time I was capable of completing my sentences. More later.

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I want to thank all those for making Rev's birthday so great. Now as for Saturday night. I want to say thanks to Oh My Goth and Taystee wonder bunny for always making me feel attractive(which is real hard). To Storm Night for being a caring friend and watching out for everyone. To Ice Queen for being the one who understands me. To Vampire for having my back. To Eleven for looking so beautiful and classy that night. To Rambo for appreciating great timing. To Dead Burger King for making me laugh. To Tits Mcgee for being an angel. To Peeling Chrome for being cool as hell. To Reverence for looking how I feel. To all the rest of you for being you. It was a blast.

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Happy belated birthday Rev. I wanted to go but couldn't borrow a car. My boss and I got fired Tues and the way things were going, I didn't think it would be a good idea to ask to borrow her car. Sorry, not trying to jack the thread or screw it up. Just wanted to explain why I didn't make it.

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We had fun...was nice getting to meet new people and see some people who i've known for a while but had never seen in person. I got to drag along my b/f. Rev your party was a blast. :) CC was fun. :) Was nice talking to you PeelingChrome, you made the way there and back fun. :p The ride the rest of the way home however...yeah all i'll say is it was definitaly one hell of a night in good and very bad ways. XD lol

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We came......

............We saw...............

We got drunk............

.............We kept our pants on.......lol

I'll hopefully have more time later to write down a list, but I just wanted to say that I had a fantastic time seeing everyone!! Thanks for making it a great night!!

Big hugz to everyone!!

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So, who all did I try to make out with last night? Come on, don't be shy. Anyone get molested by me? Apparantly I was molesting people so I just wanna know who, I generally never molest anyone so since this is all new to me I wanna know who it was got groped by me, and did you like it?

You know, as much as I try to shuffle off guilt, I can honestly say I never got groped by you. *shrug* Such is my karma.

I can say that I'm grateful that I didn't throw up on StormKnight this time. Congrats man, but I'll get you next time I swear.

*tsk**tsk* Oh, promises, promises. :p

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^^^(message from the dancefloor tiles)^^^

What the heck happened?

I'm not entirely sure.. :whistle: ..so it was a good night... :thumbup:

I showed up Drunk with the thought of getting D-runk... :dj:

I did...while I did that...I chatted it up with the kiddz from me Tin-Hat-Brigade..& found some new kiddz to add to our numbers...

(we brought the stack of extra hats)..

..& those kiddz should really thank Nightgaunt, PeelingChrome & Anaemic&Sweet..they made them..(whilst I am always FULL of ideas..I sometimes cannot implement them on my own){I took as long to make 1 hat as they took to finish like 20 or more}...

I (as stated above) was drinkin' & talkin' , greetin' & meetin'& I handed out a couple of cards......I saw:

O_M_G&twb...(&OR DUH!)

Vampire...(drove the girls & I there)

Enishi...(was less shy than 'normal')

Greyhalo...(was hot & looked like she was at a business funeral) :drool

DammagedAngel...(needed a hug)

Neinna...(don't I know you?)

Mean Sally...(feathered & splendid...good to meet you Bro)

Nightgaunt&Tzaura...(you guys are so HOT&PERFECT together)

Eleven...(I think I saw you...did I miss you or did you cut your hairs?)(I was D--runk by then)

PeelingChrome...(got the #1NINJA Award for the eve)*hands him an empty plaque*(it's empty 'cause you don't see Ninja)(get it?)

EAF & Crispus...(don't be strangers...that's my job!) ;)

BOSHY!!!...(I did not get to talk at you too much..but we did have fun making fun of Cherny for a min..)


TitsMcGee...(got bitten...just a bit.)(WHAT? she liked it)

saga...(good to see ya)

pRick...(DUDE! I barely saw you...but we see each other all the time so...meh)

Riku...(cheer up Bro...it get's better..I swear.)

Fin...(PWNin' the dancefloor!)

Tatsumi...(glad to see your pretty hairs intact)

Angel of Death...(thanx for the leg hump)

StormKnight...(thanx for the great company Bro!)(you get Ultramarine Blue.) ;)

IceQueen...(me sis brought her OWN tin-hat! :jamin)(I really DID LOVE the skit ;))

Jessikafxkin'rox&GRG&LOS&SLOGO...(I have no ideal whom is with whom...{except the boys stay apart...I THINK}....GOOD JOB KIDDZ!)

PunkPrincess...(more like CrunkPrincess!!! :rofl:)(..THANX FOR THE BOOZEZ..Whatever it was called...)(& to clarify: I was never in her lap..I was behind her..giving her a "my junk is on your neck & shoulders dance" :yes)

Tanuki...(was all tired..or..drunk..I don't know)(LUVZ CUZ)


TheOsakaKoneko...(you know you rock!)

DBK...(made a mess on everyones leg...had peoples lined up for humps...I SWEAR!)

Sachlynn..(sp?)...(always a pleasure to see you Doll)

spammerofthegods...(saw him grovin' on the dancefloor..kinda' wading through the peoples...I love doin' that dance!..)

TigerLily...(was there one moment & then...NINJA gone...& thanx for the attendance record..)(((HUGZ)))


THER WAS GROPING ON THE DANCEFLOOR...& THE BENCHES...& THE HALLWAYS...THE DGN CORNER...(till the rubber people showed up & were too scary to stand){SO we went back to owning the center of the dancefloor & leasing a good part of the edges} ...EVEN AT THE BAR..IN THE BAR LINE!!!HOLY CHAO! IT WAS GRAND...

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