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DGN Night Aftermath - October 18th


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Thank you to everyone who helped make Rev's birthday a happy one.....

I had soooo much fun.....I danced ALLOT {I hurt still today}

I don't know how many people grabbed my ass..... :w00t:

Or how many of you & outsider ladies hit on Me.....

It made Me feel very loved =P

Came with Rev & twb..... :swoon

Vampire.....thanx for the ride, bro :respect:

DBK.....You are the best.....You silly leg humper..... :kiss

Greyhalo.....You are a beautiful Lady..... :bow

DammagedAngel.....Great to see you..... :wave

Neinna.....Um, yeah :drool

Mean Sally.....I do remember you now..... :stuart:

Nightgaunt&Tzaura.....Me favorite couple..... :wub:

{thanx for letting Me rub on you noggin NG}

Enishi.....I saw ya..... :wave

Eleven.....We had matching rainbow socks.....except I forgot my arm ones..... :thumbsup:

PeelingChrome.....You are AWESOME.....Thanx for all your help at the parte' :sorcerer:

EAF & Crispus.....You 2 are sooo cute together, sorry we didn't get to chat more..... :fun:

BOSHY.....Great to meet you..... :welcome:

Cherny & PEST.....You guys ROCK..... :p

TitsMcGee.....Nice to hang with ya through the weekend..... :peanutbutterjellytime:

saga.....Grand to see you again..... :)

pRick.....Love ya, Bro..... :kiss

Riku.....You are such a cutie..... :biggrin:

Fin.....How many time did you grab my ass?????.....Well you and everyone else..... :bunny:

Tatsumi.....You looked great.....Thanx for letting molest your moobies on the dance floor..... :pirate:

Angel of Death.....Beautiful as always..... :flower:

StormKnight.....You are an excellent person.....{w/ great taste in boose} :thumbup:

IceQueen.....Yummy as always.....I enjoyed watching you change in my kitchen..... :spank

Jessikafxkin'rox.....I had fun feelin ya up for a sec..... :)

LordOfSins.....You totally rocked the tin hat.....& you have vry nice hair..... :yes

SLOGO.....Met ya I believe..... :stuart:

GRG....I liked the dress..... :wink

PunkPrincess.....The outfit was so cute.....& I can't belive you drank all those..... :ohmy:

Tanuki.....I saw ya a bit..... =P

DarquMet.....You Rock.....PeasCod for you..... :w00t:

TheOsakaKoneko.....You are aborable..... :jamin

Sachlynn.....Thanks for the dance.....& stuff..... :rolleyes:

spammerofthegods.....Awesome to see you..... :wave

TigerLily.....I love the new hair.....You always look beautiful..... :flower:

Shade.....Rockin' the dance floor as always..... :happydance

Constantin.....I am glad you came to the house party.....Grand to see you..... :stuart:

& Michi.....You're like a bubble of funz..... :tongue:

A special thanx to Rev for the list, that he stole from Tiger Lilly.....I ganked it from them & added Me own special hellos..... :whistle:

Edited cuz I forgot a BUNCH of people..... :blink:

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^^^(message from the dancefloor tiles)^^^

I'm not entirely sure.. :whistle: ..so it was a good night... :thumbup:

I showed up Drunk with the thought of getting D-runk... :dj:

I did...while I did that...I chatted it up with the kiddz from me Tin-Hat-Brigade..& found some new kiddz to add to our numbers...

(we brought the stack of extra hats)..

..& those kiddz should really thank Nightgaunt, PeelingChrome & Anaemic&Sweet..they made them..(whilst I am always FULL of ideas..I sometimes cannot implement them on my own){I took as long to make 1 hat as they took to finish like 20 or more}...

I (as stated above) was drinkin' & talkin' , greetin' & meetin'& I handed out a couple of cards......I saw:

O_M_G&twb...(&OR DUH!)

Vampire...(drove the girls & I there)

Enishi...(was less shy than 'normal')

Greyhalo...(was hot & looked like she was at a business funeral) :drool

DammagedAngel...(needed a hug)

Neinna...(don't I know you?)

Mean Sally...(feathered & splendid...good to meet you Bro)

Nightgaunt&Tzaura...(you guys are so HOT&PERFECT together)

Eleven...(I think I saw you...did I miss you or did you cut your hairs?)(I was D--runk by then)

PeelingChrome...(got the #1NINJA Award for the eve)*hands him an empty plaque*(it's empty 'cause you don't see Ninja)(get it?)

EAF & Crispus...(don't be strangers...that's my job!) ;)

BOSHY!!!...(I did not get to talk at you too much..but we did have fun making fun of Cherny for a min..)


TitsMcGee...(got bitten...just a bit.)(WHAT? she liked it)

saga...(good to see ya)

pRick...(DUDE! I barely saw you...but we see each other all the time so...meh)

Riku...(cheer up Bro...it get's better..I swear.)

Fin...(PWNin' the dancefloor!)

Tatsumi...(glad to see your pretty hairs intact)

Angel of Death...(thanx for the leg hump)

StormKnight...(thanx for the great company Bro!)(you get Ultramarine Blue.) ;)

IceQueen...(me sis brought her OWN tin-hat! :jamin)(I really DID LOVE the skit ;))

Jessikafxkin'rox&GRG&LOS&SLOGO...(I have no ideal whom is with whom...{except the boys stay apart...I THINK}....GOOD JOB KIDDZ!)

PunkPrincess...(more like CrunkPrincess!!! :rofl:)(..THANX FOR THE BOOZEZ..Whatever it was called...)(& to clarify: I was never in her lap..I was behind her..giving her a "my junk is on your neck & shoulders dance" :yes)

Tanuki...(was all tired..or..drunk..I don't know)(LUVZ CUZ)


TheOsakaKoneko...(you know you rock!)

DBK...(made a mess on everyones leg...had peoples lined up for humps...I SWEAR!)

Sachlynn..(sp?)...(always a pleasure to see you Doll)

spammerofthegods...(saw him grovin' on the dancefloor..kinda' wading through the peoples...I love doin' that dance!..)

TigerLily...(was there one moment & then...NINJA gone...& thanx for the attendance record..)(((HUGZ)))


THER WAS GROPING ON THE DANCEFLOOR...& THE BENCHES...& THE HALLWAYS...THE DGN CORNER...(till the rubber people showed up & were too scary to stand){SO we went back to owning the center of the dancefloor & leasing a good part of the edges} ...EVEN AT THE BAR..IN THE BAR LINE!!!HOLY CHAO! IT WAS GRAND...


always forgetting about me rev how do you forget flavor flav i mean you and omg blessed me with such a great tin hat and not even mention it (tear rolling down cheek) tsk tsk

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Guest greyhalo

I think all the REALLY fun stuff happens after I leave. More people tend to show up after 2 am too. I have to keep ingesting the Red Bull so I can stay up later and stay at the club longer.

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I think all the REALLY fun stuff happens after I leave. More people tend to show up after 2 am too. I have to keep ingesting the Red Bull so I can stay up later and stay at the club longer.

I think most of the people who show up after 2 are not the best people there...mostly runover from all the regular clubs that let out then. No thanks. :p They just make it crowded and gross and slimy.

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always forgetting about me rev how do you forget flavor flav i mean you and omg blessed me with such a great tin hat and not even mention it (tear rolling down cheek) tsk tsk

OMG.....You was even at the house party.....

Sorry I didn't even add you after stealing his list.....

So I will Now..... :rolleyes:

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Well, of COURSE I was at CC!

Didn't get to the before party, but was tied up a bit at that time. Playing archery and fighting with swords distracted me xD

Met some more people, like Chern, Rev, Goth, DBK, and um.... I think that's it.

All of you are awesome!

I was with the GRAND Eleven again! She's my best BEST friend, and we always have a great time together just hanging out.

Well, at least, I DO! lol

Left early, just was tired from prancing around spending all my energy... sparing and what not.

My feet really hurt that night too, didn't bring my nice comfy boots like usual.

& it didn't seem like I wanted CC to be, since I totally missed Rev's before party.

BUT! There shall be other CC nights, when I'm not working the weekends.

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Well, of COURSE I was at CC!

Didn't get to the before party, but was tied up a bit at that time. Playing archery and fighting with swords distracted me xD

Met some more people, like Chern, Rev, Goth, DBK, and um.... I think that's it.

All of you are awesome!

I was with the GRAND Eleven again! She's my best BEST friend, and we always have a great time together just hanging out.

Well, at least, I DO! lol

Left early, just was tired from prancing around spending all my energy... sparing and what not.

My feet really hurt that night too, didn't bring my nice comfy boots like usual.

& it didn't seem like I wanted CC to be, since I totally missed Rev's before party.

BUT! There shall be other CC nights, when I'm not working the weekends.

SHIT.....How did I forget to mention I met YOU.....

You are a doll, Mah dear :kiss

I suppose that's what I get for stealing a list and not really just remembering for Meself.....

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^^^(message from the dancefloor tiles)^^^

I'm not entirely sure.. :whistle: ..so it was a good night... :thumbup:

I showed up Drunk with the thought of getting D-runk... :dj:

I did...while I did that...I chatted it up with the kiddz from me Tin-Hat-Brigade..& found some new kiddz to add to our numbers...

(we brought the stack of extra hats)..

..& those kiddz should really thank Nightgaunt, PeelingChrome & Anaemic&Sweet..they made them..(whilst I am always FULL of ideas..I sometimes cannot implement them on my own){I took as long to make 1 hat as they took to finish like 20 or more}...

I (as stated above) was drinkin' & talkin' , greetin' & meetin'& I handed out a couple of cards......I saw:

O_M_G&twb...(&OR DUH!)

Vampire...(drove the girls & I there)

Enishi...(was less shy than 'normal')

Greyhalo...(was hot & looked like she was at a business funeral) :drool

DammagedAngel...(needed a hug)

Neinna...(don't I know you?)

Mean Sally...(feathered & splendid...good to meet you Bro)

Nightgaunt&Tzaura...(you guys are so HOT&PERFECT together)

Eleven...(I think I saw you...did I miss you or did you cut your hairs?)(I was D--runk by then)

PeelingChrome...(got the #1NINJA Award for the eve)*hands him an empty plaque*(it's empty 'cause you don't see Ninja)(get it?)

EAF & Crispus...(don't be strangers...that's my job!) ;)

BOSHY!!!...(I did not get to talk at you too much..but we did have fun making fun of Cherny for a min..)


TitsMcGee...(got bitten...just a bit.)(WHAT? she liked it)

saga...(good to see ya)

pRick...(DUDE! I barely saw you...but we see each other all the time so...meh)

Riku...(cheer up Bro...it get's better..I swear.)

Fin...(PWNin' the dancefloor!)

Tatsumi...(glad to see your pretty hairs intact)

Angel of Death...(thanx for the leg hump)

StormKnight...(thanx for the great company Bro!)(you get Ultramarine Blue.) ;)

IceQueen...(me sis brought her OWN tin-hat! :jamin)(I really DID LOVE the skit ;))

Jessikafxkin'rox&GRG&LOS&SLOGO...(I have no ideal whom is with whom...{except the boys stay apart...I THINK}....GOOD JOB KIDDZ!)

PunkPrincess...(more like CrunkPrincess!!! :rofl:)(..THANX FOR THE BOOZEZ..Whatever it was called...)(& to clarify: I was never in her lap..I was behind her..giving her a "my junk is on your neck & shoulders dance" :yes)

Tanuki...(was all tired..or..drunk..I don't know)(LUVZ CUZ)


TheOsakaKoneko...(you know you rock!)

DBK...(made a mess on everyones leg...had peoples lined up for humps...I SWEAR!)

Sachlynn..(sp?)...(always a pleasure to see you Doll)

spammerofthegods...(saw him grovin' on the dancefloor..kinda' wading through the peoples...I love doin' that dance!..)

TigerLily...(was there one moment & then...NINJA gone...& thanx for the attendance record..)(((HUGZ)))


THER WAS GROPING ON THE DANCEFLOOR...& THE BENCHES...& THE HALLWAYS...THE DGN CORNER...(till the rubber people showed up & were too scary to stand){SO we went back to owning the center of the dancefloor & leasing a good part of the edges} ...EVEN AT THE BAR..IN THE BAR LINE!!!HOLY CHAO! IT WAS GRAND...


I do remeber you shoveing my face in to punk princess tits durrying our 3 person humping of her and You grabed my boobs

I'm with slogo and grg and los are 2there though grg and I made out and she poked my underwear :ohmy:

I also made out with angel of death, eleven, and Some one else I just can't put my finger on the name LOL

No takers in the show though LOL

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Thank you to everyone who helped make Rev's birthday a happy one.....

I had soooo much fun.....I danced ALLOT {I hurt still today}

I don't know how many people grabbed my ass..... :w00t:

Or how many of you & outsider ladies hit on Me.....

It made Me feel very loved =P

Came with Rev & twb..... :swoon

Vampire.....thanx for the ride, bro :respect:

DBK.....You are the best.....You silly leg humper..... :kiss

Greyhalo.....You are a beautiful Lady..... :bow

DammagedAngel.....Great to see you..... :wave

Neinna.....Um, yeah :drool

Mean Sally.....I do remember you now..... :stuart:

Nightgaunt&Tzaura.....Me favorite couple..... :wub:

{thanx for letting Me rub on you noggin NG}

Enishi.....I saw ya..... :wave

Eleven.....We had matching rainbow socks.....except I forgot my arm ones..... :thumbsup:

PeelingChrome.....You are AWESOME.....Thanx for all your help at the parte' :sorcerer:

EAF & Crispus.....You 2 are sooo cute together, sorry we didn't get to chat more..... :fun:

BOSHY.....Great to meet you..... :welcome:

Cherny & PEST.....You guys ROCK..... :p

TitsMcGee.....Nice to hang with ya through the weekend..... :peanutbutterjellytime:

saga.....Grand to see you again..... :)

pRick.....Love ya, Bro..... :kiss

Riku.....You are such a cutie..... :biggrin:

Fin.....How many time did you grab my ass?????.....Well you and everyone else..... :bunny:

Tatsumi.....You looked great.....Thanx for letting molest your moobies on the dance floor..... :pirate:

Angel of Death.....Beautiful as always..... :flower:

StormKnight.....You are an excellent person.....{w/ great taste in boose} :thumbup:

IceQueen.....Yummy as always.....I enjoyed watching you change in my kitchen..... :spank

Jessikafxkin'rox.....I had fun feelin ya up for a sec..... :)

LordOfSins.....You totally rocked the tin hat.....& you have vry nice hair..... :yes

SLOGO.....Met ya I believe..... :stuart:

GRG....I liked the dress..... :wink

PunkPrincess.....The outfit was so cute.....& I can't belive you drank all those..... :ohmy:

Tanuki.....I saw ya a bit..... =P

DarquMet.....You Rock.....PeasCod for you..... :w00t:

TheOsakaKoneko.....You are aborable..... :jamin

Sachlynn.....Thanks for the dance.....& stuff..... :rolleyes:

spammerofthegods.....Awesome to see you..... :wave

TigerLily.....I love the new hair.....You always look beautiful..... :flower:

Shade.....Rockin' the dance floor as always..... :happydance

Constantin.....I am glad you came to the house party.....Grand to see you..... :stuart:

& Michi.....You're like a bubble of funz..... :tongue:

A special thanx to Rev for the list, that he stole from Tiger Lilly.....I ganked it from them & added Me own special hellos..... :whistle:

Edited cuz I forgot a BUNCH of people..... :blink:

You felt me up I'm having an issue remebering that Though I'm sure I enjoyed it yay

Did i feel you up?

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You felt me up I'm having an issue remebering that Though I'm sure I enjoyed it yay

Did i feel you up?

You did grab mah titties.....

But then again allot of people did.....

Along w/ Me ass.....What was with the insane ass grabbing?????

{not that I did ant less ass grabbing than otherz} =P

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always forgetting about me rev how do you forget flavor flav i mean you and omg blessed me with such a great tin hat and not even mention it (tear rolling down cheek) tsk tsk

And the Men at Work party! WTF! And the fact that you fessed up to owning their greatest hits album.

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