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Introducing: Tiki!


You're seeing right - Tiki only has 3 legs. Our little tripod had been brought into our vet's office as a tiny kitten with her brother just before Christmas - both of them had been hit by a car. Both lost a leg, but the brother got adopted out right away. As of last week, she still didn't have a home, so, of course, we took her in.

She's doing fantastic. She hops around about as fast as the rest of the brood, and has no problem taking on the biggest cat - she's feisty as all get-out.

And also introducing - Mama & the Fabulous Foursome!


We decided to take the plunge and do a little rescue work. The intention is to adopt out mama and at least 2, maybe 3 of the babies. The babies' daddy is a purebred Persian, and mama, seen here, is a basic tabby. Though she has signs of Scottish Fold in her, or possibly some other dwarf breed. Long story how we came by them.

It's so much fun seeing these little ones grow. They had just started to open their eyes when we got them. Documenting it all on video and photos.

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I'd agree that mama has some scottish fold in her.


If I had take a better picture, you'd see it even more. Her snout is not very pronounced, though it's much longer than a Persian. And her eyes are HUGE.

I really hope the kittens end up snouted. Persians are not cute in my opinion, and those flattened faces can cause major respiratory problems.

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Aww their to cute! Don't you just hate that they grow up so fast?! When ours was a baby, we'd sit and play with him and wish he wouldn't ever grow up :wink We take pics of our baby Legion still to this day and he's 2 years old now lol :happy:

The flat nose kitties do have a hard time with the eye crusty's too. My dad bought my mom a scottish fold once and we always had to wipe out his little eyes with that serum stuff. Poor kitty...

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Part of me DOES wish some would stay kittens forever. But I feel jinxed saying that - we first said that about our little Jack, and Jack ended up terminally ill from birth, stunted in growth and dead before he was 10 months old. So I try to be careful what I "wish" for.

I truly enjoy EVERY one of the "cats" our kits have developed into. They are each individual in personality, and I can't imagine not having every one of them around me. I really, truly wish I could live until I'm an old woman with these same 10 right there with me and my husband. The thought of my deadly, yet affectionate Ripley, or my faucet-drinking Grover, or my spirited Fletcher not being there just doesn't register - I can't conceive of it.

Some people think it's insane to have so many cats. But the thing is, with each one we add, it just doesn't seem like it's "too much". For the sake of their own sanity & having some space to themselves, we will quit - eventually. More than likely keep one or both of the white kits from Mama, and just put a halt on taking any more in. That is, unless I continue the rescue work once we move back to Michigan and buy a house. But I've found myself very able to remain distant from Mama, caring for her and enjoying her company, but fine with the knowledge she's not staying more than a couple months or so. I think this is a good test of whether I could "rescue/release" in the future.

We have a tiny house here that's 4 rooms, with one closed-off at all times. And all our cats get along, and know which cats need space (oddly, the female black cats are all anti-social except with us, so everybody leaves them alone). There are never any fights, just incredible galloping play sessions that are hilarious - one darting by and up to three following - zip, zip zip!

It's also rare all 10 are in one room at the same time. So it's not like we're "surrounded" by felines 24/7. But on the rare occasion 7 or more are together at once, it's very cool, and again, "doesn't seem like that much."

This is an exciting experience, seeing these tiny ones growing. I've never even been close to such tiny babies - odd for someone with such a cat affinity.

I hope I can find good homes for mama & whatever babies I give up. I'll be screening carefully - indoors only, no declawing, etc.

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I agree declawing is cruel. Just to give the owners peice of mind that their stuff isn;t going to be torn up.. well then possibly a cat isnt the best thing for them to have then right?!! I do not ever think we will get Legion declawed. It was bad enough getting him fixed - yes I wanted him to, but the surgery was way to expensive since his one fuzzy little member decided it would be lodged in his abdomen and not drop.

Sometimes I mess up when talking to new people when they ask if we have any kids- We have a joke about our cat being a kid to us so we say "haha yep one". But if we did declaw him, I think it would tear apart his little personality. He's been a jumper/climber since birth. He plays fetch, mows at our door to open or close it, asks us to turn on the faucets so he can drink from it - although I can blame myself for that since I used to feed him fresh water at every meal and here, since his family has 3 of their own cats, they don't do that and it pisses my cat off so he always comes to us crying lol meanwhile driving them nutz over it. He wakes us up as a second alarm clock and curls up with us daily to sleep and then he talks to us and gives us kitty hugs (he reaches up to ya and stands there till you give him a pet or hug). We've taught him to do a bunch of cool stuff and he's a copy cat - if he sees someone or some other pet doing something fun - he has to try it. It's like we have a cat/dog/child all in one. So all that is why I'd never declaw him - Jesse's cat Satan had gotten declawed not by his own wishes either... and his left paw got damaged and every once in a while he can't walk right on it.. Jess also said he acted way different afterwards.. I'd be scared because of that.

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