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School Field Trip to Teacher's Lesbian Wedding Sparks Controversy

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This is the real world, men fuck women, women fuck women, and men fuck men. This isn't some sick porno, this is how things are. It isn't indoctrination, it's SHOWING kids how the real world is.

Do you really feel about teaching first graders that at this stage in their lives?

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Do you really feel about teaching first graders that at this stage in their lives?

I've always felt that hetero/homosexuality is an unconscious choice a person makes based upon their life experience during their early years. I have never believed one is born into it.

So showing kids both sides of the coin, and letting them know up front that it's ok either way, will save those that are homosexuals a LOT of grief, guilt, and depression.

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Yes they have been to hetro weddings on a field trip, and that is just as wrong IMO

Why? What do you think the percentage of kids who've either been to a family/friend wedding already, or will go to one in the next couple of years, is? Is it wrong for parents to take kids to weddings? Why/Why not?

The institution of marriage is a beautiful thing, whether it lasts or not. Kids should not be hidden from a man and woman's commitment to each other in love and family.

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Read back a bit in the thread

The fact of the matter is,

Whether you are there or not... the child is watching their teacher, one whom they most likely look up to, respect, must answer to, learn from.... One of their teachers personal rituals in their personal life.... They are going to get some impression that goes far beyon the role of Teacher/Student... no matter what happens....

Seperation of church and state people

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I dunno...I feel like the teacher's personal life shouldn't be mixed in with her professional school life what-so-ever. I understand trying to teach tolerance and all, but this seems like it pushes it. I wouldn't even have felt comfortable having my kid go to any teacher's wedding, especially in the first grade. Maybe if they were in high school and had a teacher they were close with and they were getting married, it may even be a little different because that's more age appropriate, imo. First grade? I don't know, just reeks of inappropriateness, especially having the entire class go.

And here sir

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I've always felt that hetero/homosexuality is an unconscious choice a person makes based upon their life experience during their early years. I have never believed one is born into it.

So showing kids both sides of the coin, and letting them know up front that it's ok either way, will save those that are homosexuals a LOT of grief, guilt, and depression.

...hm..they might end up teaching something that some of the parents are REALLY afraid of...BROTHERLY LOVE & TOLERANCE... :shock:

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Read back a bit in the thread

What does separation of church and state have to do with it? Someone seems to be twisting Jefferson's words completely around.

Was she pushing personal religious beliefs on students? No, she was taking them to what she probably considered a joyful event.

She was giving them a lesson in how the real world worked.

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What does separation of church and state have to do with it? Someone seems to be twisting Jefferson's words completely around.

Was she pushing personal religious beliefs on students? No, she was taking them to what she probably considered a joyful event.

She was giving them a lesson in how the real world worked.

Would you be comfortable if a teacher took your first grader to a barmitzfa? or a ceremony of becoming baaligh in Islam? Or a Communion ritual in the Catholic faith?
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A field trip is supposed to be a demostration of something that has been recently taught as part of the school curriculum. I know a lot of the field trips organized are pretty loosely based on those concepts, but I fail to see how a wedding, of any type, fits into first grade curriculum. A few people mentioned sex-ed or home-ec, but come on. First graders aren't being taught sex-ed.

If the teacher was close to the families of some of her students and had privately invited the families, that would be different.

Though I do agree that the parents who blindly signed permission slips without finding out what the trip was are morons and have no room to complain.

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Kindergarden Shape Wrokssheets

These are Kindergarten homework sheets that parents and teachers can download to work with their children on. Shape recognition and pattern recognition.

Make a nice sand which out of your bullshit and shenanigans and eat it.

...nope...just because the "professionals" keep lowering the bar so that people FEEL their kids are "normal" & can be justified having a TV/Computer as their nanny/babysitter...I AM SPEAKING FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE...I still say...BULLSHIT & SHENANIGANS...I read at 5...I have seen many children start reading at or near this age...

*slides sandwich back to Gaf*

YOU take a nice bite YOU bought it...& pass it on to anyone else that buys that shit...

There is no "NORMAL" when dealing with Humanity...peoples make a distinction between one person and another due to age...they do not believe that we all go as far as the path laid before us...so ya'll go ahead...buy it..buy it & eat it...& when in 2-3 Generations there are a mass of near moronic peoples walking around BELIEVING that they are "NORMAL", & not one of them can think for themselves; don't worry...BIG BROTHER will feed & clothe them as long as they pick the soy beans...


THEY are manipulating you with their pie charts & statistics.

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Their own perspective about what is and is not appropriate in that setting, beyond your control... for example, (and I am not talking about this wedding, I am talking in general)

What if there was a hetrosexual couple who's religion including sacraficing a goat while naked.... it may be a joyous occasion that also scares the tar out of your kids..... and the permission slip didn't mention that

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Like it's ok if men kiss men and women kiss women, and it's perfectly ok if they have those feelings too?

Homophobia is a much more disgusting curse than racism, because it affects men and women from all colours and religions.

Read the thread this has nothing to do with their sexuality from my perspective

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Would you be comfortable if a teacher took your first grader to a barmitzfa? or a ceremony of becoming baaligh in Islam? Or a Communion ritual in the Catholic faith?

As long as they took them, or taught them, about all 3, I would have no problem.

People seem to misinterpret the public schools' policies regarding religion. It is perfectly OK to teach history and practices of religions, it is NOT ok to teach kids that one religion is the correct one.

Teachers should be showing kids how the real world works, that is why there is such things as sex ed.

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Their own perspective about what is and is not appropriate in that setting, beyond your control... for example, (and I am not talking about this wedding, I am talking in general)

What if there was a hetrosexual couple who's religion including sacraficing a goat while naked.... it may be a joyous occasion that also scares the tar out of your kids..... and the permission slip didn't mention that

Because that would be breaking the law twice over. One, indecent exposure to a minor. Two, animal abuse.

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As long as they took them, or taught them, about all 3, I would have no problem.

People seem to misinterpret the public schools' policies regarding religion. It is perfectly OK to teach history and practices of religions, it is NOT ok to teach kids that one religion is the correct one.

Teachers should be showing kids how the real world works, that is why there is such things as sex ed.

yes but there is a time and a place to teach things in a kids life... first grade?

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What does separation of church and state have to do with it? Someone seems to be twisting Jefferson's words completely around.

Was she pushing personal religious beliefs on students? No, she was taking them to what she probably considered a joyful event.

She was giving them a lesson in how the real world worked.

:rant:I do not understand how religion keeps rearing it's ugly head...there was NO:


NONE...for a Marrige to be RELIGIOUSLY toned...you must have a PREIST of ONE religion there..

...just how it works.

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Their own perspective about what is and is not appropriate in that setting, beyond your control... for example, (and I am not talking about this wedding, I am talking in general)

What if there was a hetrosexual couple who's religion including sacraficing a goat while naked.... it may be a joyous occasion that also scares the tar out of your kids..... and the permission slip didn't mention that

...that is NEVER going to hapen at CITY HALL! :whistle:

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