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Holistic or alternative health for neuroligical disorders


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does anyone know any good supliments or herbal treatments for tics or neurological disorders? I have tourette's syndrome. Its a misfiring of the dopamine in my brain. those of you who know me, I cough badly. that is my latest tic. Ive also gone back to squishing my eyes (which hurts over time), rubbing my nose and my new thing is sucking on the back of my toungue with my roof and throat. its making it swollen. but the coughing is the WORST!!! Ive been kickjed out of coffee shops, been accused of having taburculosis by several old men (always in walmart NATURALLY) and I get the dirtiest looks everyone I go. I understand that they think Im sick and thats okay, I dont hold it against them. but some people are just MEAN!

I take haldol for it mostly, every night- not the phychiatric dose, but higher than they like to go for tourette's. was in the ER a few monthys ago because it was really bad and I couldnt breathe, and they put me on sedatives called clonodine. its to raise your blood pressure actually, but I guess helps with tics. it DOES help, but taking it makes me tired and so I do caffien with it and then it effects my bi-polar :( and I take a cough suppressant. its not a real cough, but it helps when I cant tell the diff between the tourette's and being sick.

anyone have any ideas??? I cant take most vitamins. multivitamins make me sick, not stomach, but tired and icky. Ive tried TONS of kinds. I have a bcomplex in liquid that helps but need to get some vitamin C since Im on the atkins diet and cant drink orange juice. anyone know of any herbal, homeopathic, supliments, etc I can take to help me or how to research this?? I knwo all about the medical part, but theres not alot in the nutritional books that address this, just neurological in general.

thanks for any help you can give!

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1Diffuse tremors and tics with teas made from chamomile, passionflower, skullcap, lady's slipper and wood betony. These herbal remedies can provide vitamins and minerals that relax the nerves and muscles. To make tea, add one tsp. of each herb to one cup of boiling water. Strain and drink three times a day.

Step2Take tinctures of St. John's wort or valerian root to help relieve muscle tension and relax nerves. Add 20 drops of the chosen extract to a cup of water and drink daily.

Step3Include wheat germ and avocados in your regular diet. These foods are rich in niacin, which is known to stop tics when accompanied by a healthy diet.

Step4Alleviate tremors by taking evening primrose, which can help to normalize the vital functions of the nervous system. Take two 500 mg capsules, three times a day.

Step5Drink herbal effervescent teas, herbal remedies that calm the senses. Teas such as Japanese green tea or eucalyptus help to relieve stress and tension, which can trigger attacks.


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does anyone know any good supliments or herbal treatments for tics or neurological disorders? I have tourette's syndrome. Its a misfiring of the dopamine in my brain. those of you who know me, I cough badly. that is my latest tic. Ive also gone back to squishing my eyes (which hurts over time), rubbing my nose and my new thing is sucking on the back of my toungue with my roof and throat. its making it swollen.

Damn...I think have tourettes too, I do all that and then some.

Good luck with finding info on anything herbal/holistic for this, that's hard to do in this country where people are so stuck on western medicine.

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Im on the atkins diet and cant drink orange juice.

!!!!!! I do not mean to threadjack, nor do I mean to butt into your personal life, but I can't let stuff like this go.

Atkins diet is killing you, your liver and your kidneys, and reassuring that you'll either need dialysis when you're in your forties or will be dead. It's no laughing matter. Atkins does NOT support long term weight-loss (doesn't even always work for short term weight loss) and since protein is the source of energy your body wants THE LEAST it it FULLY POISONING you by way of AMMONIA (yes...the shit you clean your windows with...that is what protein is basically broken down into, among other things). The source of energy that your body wants the most is Carbohydrates, after that is fat, and after that is protein. No more than TWELVE percent of what you eat daily should come from protein, if it is, then you are literally killing yourself, probably worse or the same than cigarettes do.

Also, when you're eating only protein sources, you are only getting in fat soluble vitamins (i.e. A, D, K, E vitamins) which can collect in your body (since they're stored in fat) and too many fat soluble vitamins are TOXIC (especially vitamin D, which too much of, from unnatural sources like milk, can kill you). When you're eating only protein and fat, your missing out on the most vital vitamins your body can have, water-soluble vitamins (which would be alll 8 billion B vitamins and vitamin C). The reason water-soluble vitamins are much more important is because they leave your body sooner than fat-soluble ones. For instance, the vitamin C (water soluble) you get out of say, a red pepper, will fully pass out of your system within a few days, whereas the vitamin E (fat soluble vitamin) you get from one tablespoon of say olive oil will stay with you for a few weeks.

Protein based foods are actually bad for your digestive track leaving you HIGHLY suseptible to colon cancer and appendicitis, your chances of getting these two diseases is almost ENTIRELY based on how much meat and cheese type foods you eat. If you are eating foods with fiber (i.e. veggies, fruits, grains) then you can be assured that parastolysis is actually going fast and smooth in your digestive system, ensuring that feces don't stay in your colon for an extended period of time, meaning toxins aren't entering back through the membranes of your intestines, which poison your body causing you to lose energy, feel sluggish, gain weight, and elevating your toxicity levels, and won't cause colon cancer.

If you are trying to lose weight there is ONE and only one way to do it: Moderation, discipline and activity. Anyone else who tells you otherwise is lying and trying to sell you something. If you do not get off of Atkins it WILL (not may) kill you or severly impact your health in the following decades. If you would like to know the key to weight loss, the ONLY KEY to weight loss (literally) then follow this:

Try to consumer (this is for females) roughly 1,400 - 1,800 calories a day (more toward the 1,400 mark if you want quicker results, but if you aren't good with disciplining yourself this isn't recommended. Any lower than this is unhealthy and you put yourself at risk for other health issues and stopping your metabolism. Remember, I said MODERATION, not starving yourself, and that's coming from a moderator :tongue:) and of those calories, your daily energy should come from the following sources:

12% - Protein

35% - Fat


Make sure you're getting a VARIETY of food, especially fruits, vegetables and grains. Try to eat whole wheat and whole grain of anything, ANYTHING refined is bad for you including white bread and sugar, it causes your insulin to spike, usually has no nutritional value, does not contain fiber, and will leave you hungry and unsatisfied. Try also to eat colored foods more, not just for antioxidants, but they tend to have different vitamins and minerals in them.

Annnnd here's the kicker that most girls don't like: If you do not work out AT LEAST five days a week for AT LEAST 30 minutes per workout you will NOT HEALTHILY LOSE WEIGHT. It's impossible. Our bodies are designed to constantly be active, and when I say working out for 30 minutes a day, you MUST be breaking a sweat. None of this sissy "I'm going on the treadmill" and then you get on that shit and walk like an 80 year old, that will not get you ANYWHERE.

I've heard girls say, actually I think it was a girl on here, she got frustrated because she said she was doing like 200 sit-ups a day, and was wondering why she wasn't losing weight. Doing sit-ups, while healthy for ANEROBIC weight training, does not burn you many calories. The reason being is exactly as I stated, it's considered anerobic (without oxygen), whereas you need AEROBIC (with oxygen) exercise. Aerobic exercise is what is key in losing weight, without it, weight loss is near impossible. Aerobic exercise can be the following: Dance Dance Revolution (the most effective form of aerobic exercise on the planet, other than being Chuck Norris), basketball, running, jogging, swimming, biking, rowing, dancing, tennis, jump rope, etc. Anything that works up a sweat, makes breathing labored, makes your heart beat out of your chest, and takes about a half hour or more to do is aerobic exercise.

Weight training is always encouraged, it builds up strength, prevents osteoprosis in women (it makes your bones stronger and harder), BOOSTS the fuck out of your metabolism, and will "fill you out" so that when you do lose all of your weight you won't be all saggy and baggy and gross, you'll be tight, toned and sexy. Weight training in women will NOT MAKE YOU A MAN...unless you're me and you really try hard at it.

So...with all that said, if there's anyone who still wants to go on Atkins after reading all of this well then....that's stupid, have fun being unhealthy, unhappy and dying.

Quite honestly also, Piggymama, that's my answer for you when it comes to holistic medicine :laugh:. I can guarantee that many people in the US who have some form of mental illness, ESPECIALLY DEPRESSSION and also bipolar, are basically just unhealthy, not quite sure how to take care of their bodies, and don't get enough exercise. I can guarantee that if you were to actually follow my advice on being healthy you would have lessened symptoms and feel better. All it takes is discipline, and LEARNING (since nobody ever comes with it) how to have discipline makes people less depressed as it is. All you have to do is try knowing that it will not kill you, yes you have to pass up food and try hard, and no, as humans we're NOT supposed to always be rewarded, getting what we want when we want it, and we're DEFINATELY NOT supposed to be happy with it. But we must understand that if we are to better ourselves as individuals, thus bettering our communities, that we MUST follow this and force ourselves to do the right thing even if we don't want to...if we don't we will always be in the same place in life, never get anywhere, and waste our time here on Earth.

For the record, all of the health things I stated in here are fact. I tell you the truth as someone concerned about the health of the general population - NOT as someone working for a fringe diet company like Atkins that will lie to your face, destroy your health, and furthermore KILL YOU, just for your money.

Big pharmacy does the same, they do worse for the country than they do good. Sorry about the health rant, it's just everything is so diluted with people trying to sell you this fat pill, and people trying to get your on such and such diet plan, that I wanted to take a minute of my life to share the truth with all of you on your health and weight loss. There is no, and NEVER EVER will be an easy way to lose weight - and personally I love that. Challenges are what this world is made of, either you step up to that challenge, or you basically die out.

Edited by Chernobyl
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1Diffuse tremors and tics with teas made from chamomile, passionflower, skullcap, lady's slipper and wood betony. These herbal remedies can provide vitamins and minerals that relax the nerves and muscles. To make tea, add one tsp. of each herb to one cup of boiling water. Strain and drink three times a day.

Step2Take tinctures of St. John's wort or valerian root to help relieve muscle tension and relax nerves. Add 20 drops of the chosen extract to a cup of water and drink daily.

Step3Include wheat germ and avocados in your regular diet. These foods are rich in niacin, which is known to stop tics when accompanied by a healthy diet.

Step4Alleviate tremors by taking evening primrose, which can help to normalize the vital functions of the nervous system. Take two 500 mg capsules, three times a day.

Step5Drink herbal effervescent teas, herbal remedies that calm the senses. Teas such as Japanese green tea or eucalyptus help to relieve stress and tension, which can trigger attacks.


thanks hun! this is GREAT! when I get paid again I'll go get these herbs. do you know of a good place near enouhg to ann arbor or a chain that sells herbs NOT int he capsuls? I think that wholefoods just has capsuls right? Ill have to look.

I wont be able to do the velarian root or st johns wort tho. cant take st johns when you are on psychiatric meds. and alotho its FOR anxiety, it actually makes alot of peoples worse. it did mine. and velerian knocks me silly. the issue is not the relaxing part. Im always high strung and altho it would be good, with my ADD I cant function without being high strung. if Im too relaxed I cant focus at ALL. as in cant make words come out right, not just sleepy.

but the rest ROCKS!!!! thank you! thank YOU! Im gonna run out and get those herbs right away. I already drink japanese green tea. I get the good japanese green cherry tea at the specialty tea store. but the other stuff will be good too. wonder if I can put them IN the green cherry tea?

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!!!!!! I do not mean to threadjack, nor do I mean to butt into your personal life, but I can't let stuff like this go.

wow. do you have it out for me tonight Chernobyl? lol Ive been on the atkins diet for 2 weeks. Ive done this before. I am not harsh on myself. I get plenty of vegies, not just meats. and I dont do it long term. last time I did it I was on it for 5 weeks, and then slowly went off and just didnt eat white foods or sweets. I continued to loose pretty well and was my ideal size within a few months. not everything is good for everyone hun. I also have fibromialgia. I know I must sound like a hypochondriac, but these mental illness and other symptoms were much wirse when I was EXTREMELY active and eating EXTREMELY well. I was a health and activity buff in highschool and just out of it. I was even in weight traning class all 3 years. thats when my mental illness started and was BAD. oh, and tourette's syndrom ISNT a mental illness. its a neurological disorder. and fi you want to talk about high protien, Ive read several alternative health books on anxiety disorders and bipolar and they actually TELL YOU to be on something similar to the atkins diet. not so hard, but something very very similar to what Im doing. and back to my point. I have fibromialgia. if I wasnt so damn hyper and driven Id be stuck in bed all day. I do my stretches against advice and the doctors tell me that I should limit my amount of activity. fibrom,ialgia is ALSO a neurological disorder. it has nothignt o dow ith muscels like originally thought. its your brain misfiring your pain receptors, so it actualy hurts me more to do more activity than it helps me. but my body will be easier on itself if I lost weight. I am not interested in "looking good" but I am proud that I am now under 200lbs for the firstt ime in a year.

I really dont mind you posting to my stuff. however off-topic it may be. but seriousely, do you have something against me? I am just very sensitive and I was asking for HELP in a seriouse situation and you kinda bombarded me with what Im doing WRONG, instead of telling me what I can do RIGHT. Id like a bit more possitive energy :) no ill feelings. I have to stay possitive or Im dead. point blank. hope you understand and dont hate me know =P thank you for caring tho :) I knwo thats all you are trying to do :)

BTW... if you have an issue with my writing and spelling too you can just eat me...just kidding lol =P

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thanks hun! this is GREAT! when I get paid again I'll go get these herbs. do you know of a good place near enouhg to ann arbor or a chain that sells herbs NOT int he capsuls? I think that wholefoods just has capsuls right? Ill have to look.

I wont be able to do the velarian root or st johns wort tho. cant take st johns when you are on psychiatric meds. and alotho its FOR anxiety, it actually makes alot of peoples worse. it did mine. and velerian knocks me silly. the issue is not the relaxing part. Im always high strung and altho it would be good, with my ADD I cant function without being high strung. if Im too relaxed I cant focus at ALL. as in cant make words come out right, not just sleepy.

but the rest ROCKS!!!! thank you! thank YOU! Im gonna run out and get those herbs right away. I already drink japanese green tea. I get the good japanese green cherry tea at the specialty tea store. but the other stuff will be good too. wonder if I can put them IN the green cherry tea?


They ship it...they has the highest quality.

...if you are already on a sedative, ANY herb that will "calm the nerves" is a sedative...(so you know)..

....& a BIG FAT +1 to Cherny's post...& an extra +1 to the part about the kidneys & related systems...(because the Haldol does that already)

...Lots of luck doll.

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They ship it...they has the highest quality.

...if you are already on a sedative, ANY herb that will "calm the nerves" is a sedative...(so you know)..

....& a BIG FAT +1 to Cherny's post...& an extra +1 to the part about the kidneys & related systems...(because the Haldol does that already)

...Lots of luck doll.

I really have no choice than drugs. I have been without them, I have tried it. and I was so sick I couldnt get out of bed. litterally. drugs are basically based on plants and minerals. even tho things are very altered these days... if you think about it, EVERY drug comes from plants minerals, etc. everything physical does. I am perfectly happy to be addicted to my meds because all I care is that I feel alot better. as for the haldol, I take an extremely low dose. get everything checked every 6 months and not even a blip. I also dont drink alcohol, so that helps too. oh, and my sedative is special, not just for the sake of being a sedative. only thing I can take for the tourette's that is a more fast acting med than a every night ongoing meds. so if I am doing better I can stop them or take less as needed. and thats the hard part about tourettes, is that they come and go and change. didnt start coughing until last spring. had a TINY bit of it for the last few years, but not a real cough until recently. Ive squinted my eyes since I was a child, but it comes and goes. the sucking on my tounge is new, did it when I was 7 or 8, not a whole lot since them. there was one time period I was flexing and squishing my toes so bad my foot contorted. never really is the same even tho its done now.

anyway, thanks for the site!

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They ship it...they has the highest quality.

weirdest thing... the link doenst work and it didnt work when I put it in. so I searched for it and the EXACT same address showed up "goodherbs.com" weird huh???

anyway, thier stuff is all extracts and capsils. looking for the dried herbs form. thanks tho rev!

Oh, and Ive also thought about hypnotherapy. I knwo professionals who do it but not sure if they would specifically cater to something like that. and I wonder if medicare or medicaid will pay for acupuncture if its recommended by my doc for this? hmmmm....

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wow. do you have it out for me tonight Chernobyl? lol Ive been on the atkins diet for 2 weeks. Ive done this before. I am not harsh on myself. I get plenty of vegies, not just meats. and I dont do it long term. last time I did it I was on it for 5 weeks, and then slowly went off and just didnt eat white foods or sweets. I continued to loose pretty well and was my ideal size within a few months. not everything is good for everyone hun. I also have fibromialgia. I know I must sound like a hypochondriac, but these mental illness and other symptoms were much wirse when I was EXTREMELY active and eating EXTREMELY well. I was a health and activity buff in highschool and just out of it. I was even in weight traning class all 3 years. thats when my mental illness started and was BAD. oh, and tourette's syndrom ISNT a mental illness. its a neurological disorder. and fi you want to talk about high protien, Ive read several alternative health books on anxiety disorders and bipolar and they actually TELL YOU to be on something similar to the atkins diet. not so hard, but something very very similar to what Im doing. and back to my point. I have fibromialgia. if I wasnt so damn hyper and driven Id be stuck in bed all day. I do my stretches against advice and the doctors tell me that I should limit my amount of activity. fibrom,ialgia is ALSO a neurological disorder. it has nothignt o dow ith muscels like originally thought. its your brain misfiring your pain receptors, so it actualy hurts me more to do more activity than it helps me. but my body will be easier on itself if I lost weight. I am not interested in "looking good" but I am proud that I am now under 200lbs for the firstt ime in a year.

I really dont mind you posting to my stuff. however off-topic it may be. but seriousely, do you have something against me? I am just very sensitive and I was asking for HELP in a seriouse situation and you kinda bombarded me with what Im doing WRONG, instead of telling me what I can do RIGHT. Id like a bit more possitive energy :) no ill feelings. I have to stay possitive or Im dead. point blank. hope you understand and dont hate me know =P thank you for caring tho :) I knwo thats all you are trying to do :)

BTW... if you have an issue with my writing and spelling too you can just eat me...just kidding lol =P

Actually as a studying Holistic Practitioner, I would say Cherny is 100% correct in the advice she is giving you.....

Fad diets will get you nowhere.....& all of the protein you need to eat on that diet is not going to be properly digested witch means you body is not properly absorbing the nutrients from any of your food.....

Fibromyalgia is very treatable.....You must balance your body & mind.....Stress is a HUGE factor is this issue.....

YOGA.....Start out light at first, but you must do both Hatha & Raja Yoga.....

Lower your stress level, eat at least 80% raw foods, and do your Yoga.....

& you should get a juicer.....You will not need vitamin supplements if your food contains all the Vites you need.....

Also a good liquid mineral supplement will really help.....also MSM.....

& make sure to keep you immune system strong.....Olive leaf helps.....

As for the Tourretts, diet & exercise will also help alleviate symptoms.....

Klamath weed is great for the ticks.....Especially in conjunction with wormseed.....

B-Complex like broad bean powder would be helpful to you.....{must be the POWDER}

You need to do a colon cleanse, that includes a parasite cleanse.....If you are interested you can PM Me and I can tell you about a fairly inexpensive way to do that.....Don't worry no enema bags involved..... :wink

{Everyone should do a colon cleanse twice a year, at least once a year especially if your on any kind of Meds} :whip

Anyhoooo, I hope this helps.....

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weirdest thing... the link doenst work and it didnt work when I put it in. so I searched for it and the EXACT same address showed up "goodherbs.com" weird huh???

anyway, thier stuff is all extracts and capsils. looking for the dried herbs form. thanks tho rev!

Oh, and Ive also thought about hypnotherapy. I knwo professionals who do it but not sure if they would specifically cater to something like that. and I wonder if medicare or medicaid will pay for acupuncture if its recommended by my doc for this? hmmmm....

You are better off having the extracts honestly.....

The average person can not get untainted dried herbs unless you grow them.....& good luck finding the ones you need.....

Good Herbs is the highest quality you can get around here.....All organic.....

& what would you do with the dried?????

Make a tea.....That kills a good portion of what you need from them.....

& if you plan on making a tincture, why not let the professionals do that for you..... =P

Just my semi-professional opinion.....

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You are better off having the extracts honestly.....

The average person can not get untainted dried herbs unless you grow them.....& good luck finding the ones you need.....

Good Herbs is the highest quality you can get around here.....All organic.....

& what would you do with the dried?????

Make a tea.....That kills a good portion of what you need from them.....

& if you plan on making a tincture, why not let the professionals do that for you..... =P

Just my semi-professional opinion.....

yeah, I thought about that. teas actually weaken that amount right??? I found a store in ann arbor that has over 100 herbs and they have everything but lady's slipper. he said if I find some on the woods hell buy it fromt me. WTF? isnt that ilegal since they are endangered? Im going to see if wholefoods has any of the tinctures first tho, and whatever I cant get there I'll get on goodherbs. because if I have a reaction I can return them for a full refund to whole foods. do you think adding one thing at a time would be best???

as for yoga, juicer, certains foods, etc... I knwo its the best but seriousely... count the people that you knwo actually do this, because they have the discipline. not counting your people at your school. and compare them tot he rest of the public in percentage. I am on atkins because I need to lose weight for the fibro, the docs said only extremely light yoga, not a class, just a few stretches at home because A: Ive ALWAYS been inflexible even when I was an athlete, and B: it hurts so bad its hard to do it. plus the doc said no more excersize than walking a few blocks... other than stretchinmg. I get WAY more exercise than that, but I think the docs would know about this alot. oh, and fibromialgia isnt really about the muscels. Im already on MSM because it also helps with the receptors. Mialgi was a chosen word before they knew about it. it is actually a neurological disorder between the dopamine and petuitary and one other thing, cant remember, but its a misfiring of the pain receptors in your body. its not actualy muscel artheritis.

but I toally understand what BOTH of you are saying. its was more the way it was said not WHAT was said. I actually follow your thought too, just dont have the willpower to do it. hell, its hard enouhg not to eat donuts at the gas station! lol I tried an organic raw foods diet several years ago. microbiotics right? tried it for about a month without cheating... just cant do it. I was a vegetarian for 3 years too. my husband is a chef and its hard on him too. plus hes allergic to pretty much EVERYTHING in a raw foods diet and it would be too hard to do it by myself.

anyway, thanks for your oppinion :) oh, and Id be happy to learn about the colon clense if I can still take my meds with it. THANKS!

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yeah, I thought about that. teas actually weaken that amount right??? I found a store in ann arbor that has over 100 herbs and they have everything but lady's slipper. he said if I find some on the woods hell buy it fromt me. WTF? isnt that ilegal since they are endangered? Im going to see if wholefoods has any of the tinctures first tho, and whatever I cant get there I'll get on goodherbs.

We have lady's slipper, but it is pricey.....

& the web prices are retail.....I can get you wholesale..... because if I have a reaction I can return them for a full refund to whole foods. do you think adding one thing at a time would be best???

Yes, then you know what is working for you.....

as for yoga, juicer, certains foods, etc... I knwo its the best but seriousely... count the people that you knwo actually do this, because they have the discipline. not counting your people at your school. and compare them tot he rest of the public in percentage.

Well lazyness will get you nowhere.....I know it's hard but being healthy and happy is worth it.....

I am on atkins because I need to lose weight for the fibro, the docs said only extremely light yoga, not a class, just a few stretches at home because A: Ive ALWAYS been inflexible even when I was an athlete, and B: it hurts so bad its hard to do it. plus the doc said no more excersize than walking a few blocks... other than stretchinmg. I get WAY more exercise than that, but I think the docs would know about this alot. oh, and fibromialgia isnt really about the muscels. Im already on MSM because it also helps with the receptors. Mialgi was a chosen word before they knew about it. it is actually a neurological disorder between the dopamine and petuitary and one other thing, cant remember, but its a misfiring of the pain receptors in your body. its not actualy muscel artheritis.

I know very well what it is.....

but I toally understand what BOTH of you are saying. its was more the way it was said not WHAT was said. I actually follow your thought too, just dont have the willpower to do it. hell, its hard enouhg not to eat donuts at the gas station! lol I tried an organic raw foods diet several years ago. microbiotics right? tried it for about a month without cheating... just cant do it. I was a vegetarian for 3 years too. my husband is a chef and its hard on him too. plus hes allergic to pretty much EVERYTHING in a raw foods diet and it would be too hard to do it by myself.

anyway, thanks for your oppinion :) oh, and Id be happy to learn about the colon clense if I can still take my meds with it. THANKS!

Yeah it's hard.....

Honestly if you are not willing to make huge changes in your ways of life you will be suffering for the rest of it.

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Yeah it's hard.....

Honestly if you are not willing to make huge changes in your ways of life you will be suffering for the rest of it.

there is a fine line between healthy and "happy"... Id be miserable. Id rather be sick and happy than healthy and miserable. I couldnt do it because Id still long for the other stuff and would be completely miserable. thats why I choose not to. plus it would take a long time to not be on my meds, and it doenst completely work if I were on them. and there is no way in hell Id ever be without my meds again. Ive seen what hell is like and Im not going back there. I choose to be comfortable and happy, and do what I can without being miserable to ease what ailments I can.

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there is a fine line between healthy and "happy"... Id be miserable. Id rather be sick and happy than healthy and miserable. I couldnt do it because Id still long for the other stuff and would be completely miserable. thats why I choose not to. plus it would take a long time to not be on my meds, and it doenst completely work if I were on them. and there is no way in hell Id ever be without my meds again. Ive seen what hell is like and Im not going back there. I choose to be comfortable and happy, and do what I can without being miserable to ease what ailments I can.

Well I'm sorry.....Then I can not help you.....

I though you were asking for sound advice that you would consider doing.....

The Holistic way IS NOT easy.....

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Well I'm sorry.....Then I can not help you.....

I though you were asking for sound advice that you would consider doing.....

The Holistic way IS NOT easy.....

I wasnt neccissarily looking for a new lifestyle, I was looking for herbs and vitamins, etc, to help ease the tics. they are actually doing better the last few days, but I still want to get on those tintures. you did help very very much. I wasnt trying to insult you, Im sorry. I get realy really touchy about that stuff. There are some personal situations where Ive gotten very sick from either trying something new, or going off my meds. and some very personal tradgedies happened. that had nothing to do with my mental ilness, but rather the stuff I was trying or the lack of meds. Id rather not talk about it... but just so you know, it wasnt personal. Just very touchy about a non-medicated lifestyle. but I truslky beieve in herbs and stuff. they have helped int he past, and soem have hurt, so thats why I am going to see if Wholefoods has the liquids because if I react poorly I can return them for a full refund. whatever I dont get there, I will get from you. except the ladys slipper lol I dont have that kind of money lol. speaking of money, need money to buy that stuff first! expensive vet visit today :( and my husband is in the hospital and hospital food is HORRIBLE on the pocket book!

Im getting off topic. thanks for all the advice :) you too chernobyl!

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oddly enough chiropractor helps me. . .takes them down to managable. ive had it since i was 6 and aside from having absolutely no stress in life this is one of the only things that realllly helps. . .

nice to hear from someone that can relate. I know the stress thing is a big deal. but the odd thing is that altho Ive been very busy lately, I really dont feel too stressed about stuff. thats the weirdest thing about this whole falreup. been taking my meds religeously for the "occational" episodes (take as neeed meds) and they really arent helping that much. I think Im gonna call the doc tomorrow and see if I can get in. went to a neurologist this summer and he checked me out, did this and that to me, and goes "yep, you have tourettes" and sent me home! FUCKER!!! I might try and get into a neurological specilist at the university.

anyway, going to get my liquid herbs tomorrow from wholefoods. whatever I cant get there and if its tolerated I'll contact you, Oh My Goth, and see if you are able to get me the other stuff I need. Was supposed to go out tonight for my actual Bday, but I think the herbal stuff is way more important.

thank you all who have helped.

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  • 8 months later...

I do not have Tourette's syndrome but, I do have a neurological disorder (Charcot Marie Tooth disease) and I have gone to Homeopathic physicians in the past and acupuncture as well as osteopathic manipulation have done wonders to relieve neurological pain. I also have gotten herbal mixtures (mixed by the dr.) that have also helped to balance my body's chemistry. The last doctor I saw unfortunately is located in Chicago, IL.

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