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I'm a gamer chick mainly with Halo, rofl

And I'm not very good.

I'm one of those girls who is content with just sitting and watching people play videogames all day

I play games... >.>

I especially do the RPG/Card (Munchkin ect.) games... but I like video games. :)

And here I thought the Barbie Dolls had destroyed the last of the remaining "Girls that don't make me want to hang myself by speaking to me" (title pending) in the Douchebag Rebellions of the early 20XX's! Yay they do exist!

Just to clarify: I love girls that can appreciate being shown/told about interesting and cool stuff. Tyger and Eevee, girls like you give nerdy dudes around the world hope for the future.

P.S. Anime and foreign culture in general also rocks~

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Well...lets be honest, some girls say they play video games, but not in the same sense that guys play video games. Which im not saying is a bad thing.

True. But if I had all the time in the world like some guys do, Id probably be playing games too... ;)

I haz life... so I cant :animier:

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Well...lets be honest, some girls say they play video games, but not in the same sense that guys play video games. Which im not saying is a bad thing.

Hey, I'm happy with them simply not laughing and running out of the room when I mention an Xbox while smiling nostalgically. I mean sure, it'd be great to sit down and experience a badass video game that has a kickass story with a girl. Baby steps though. Baby steps.

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Well...lets be honest, some girls say they play video games, but not in the same sense that guys play video games. Which im not saying is a bad thing.

I have met you several times IRL at nectos.... I remember you..... but you don't remember me.... hmmm I can use this to my advantage.

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i like video games, reading, and anime....

Someone already married me, though. ;)

there are plenty of us dork girls out there, you guys just dont look hard enough.

its usually because you're looking for her:


and dont notice that awesome girl next to you, pwning you at Halo.

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i like video games, reading, and anime....

Someone already married me, though. ;)

there are plenty of us dork girls out there, you guys just dont look hard enough.

its usually because you're looking for her:


and dont notice that awesome girl next to you, pwning you at Halo.

You tell'em sis!

Ahhhh the White Buffalo. You know the Native Americans belive that only one is born every thousand years. I gave up on looking for a gamer chick a long time ago bro. Besides Vids time is good "me time".

And Hey you what am I chopped liver.... I like watching you play and like playing games myself :yes I was kinda disappointed to find out you finished final fantasy with out me there.... aww well there will be others I guess :wink:p

Edited by Lillylu29
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I would be amazed if someone on this board was crushing on me...especially because im pretty sure the only woman on this board who has seen me irl is chernobyl.


Edited by Chernobyl
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Ahhhh the White Buffalo. You know the Native Americans belive that only one is born every thousand years. I gave up on looking for a gamer chick a long time ago bro. Besides Vids time is good "me time".

I will rock your world at Modern Warfare 2. Apparently I'm good with a knife. Y'all can call me Stabby McSlicerfaceton. My GamerTag is A11Y0URBA5E.

(For those who can't read the yellow)

I will rock your world at Modern Warfare 2. Apparently I'm good with a knife. Y'all can call me Stabby McSlicerfaceton. My GamerTag is A11Y0URBA5E.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Well...lets be honest, some girls say they play video games, but not in the same sense that guys play video games. Which im not saying is a bad thing.

I'd LOVE to play games all day...but I'm a woman which means I usually have important/productive shit that I need to get done :laugh:.

(For people who can't see my yellow)

I'd LOVE to play games all day...but I'm a woman which means I usually have important/productive shit that I need to get done :laugh:.

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GO FOR IT FAIL_GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :animier:

See oddly enough, I do have Halo III but I haven't even so much as put it in my xbox.. I've been playing MW2, but I keep going back to that damned Nazi Zombie game.

Just the problem i see with Eevee is, she's not looking for a relationship :p

Not saying that's a bad thing by any means because I got alot to sort out in my life still before I really can think of getting serious with anybody.

But at the same time, those pesky crushes do happen. You know you're having a crush when you smile every time you get a PM from that someone.

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Ahhhh the White Buffalo. You know the Native Americans belive that only one is born every thousand years. I gave up on looking for a gamer chick a long time ago bro. Besides Vids time is good "me time".

True, but apparently I have a heard of white buffalo on my gamer friends list lol!! It's almost an even steven ratio of girls/guys.

Most everyone I know in person guy wise, yet girl wise like only one, maybe two.. and really they're just people to game with really.

And when i'm looking for some mi time, I plug in my Wii and get in some good ol' Metroid or Zelda.

Maybe I should start a thread.. wich is cooler,

Blasting the shit out of Nazi Zombies (CoD WaW)

Blasting the shit out of Space Pirates (Metroid)

Beating the shit out of monsters with fuckin Broad Swords dude! (Zelda)

Is it any wonder why video games are most often labeled a "guy hobby"? And why a girl that partakes in certain affairs is usually friendzoned by the guy.. (wait, WAT?)....

I best stop there, or I'll open a new can of worms that'll totally threadjack crushes.. or maybe not, but this jack i almost opened up i think already has a thread it would fit better under.

I will say, video game discussion is not threadjacking. The fellas out there will understand, when it comes to women vs video games.. man, video games = love that never leaves ya. That can count as a crush... right?

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True, but apparently I have a heard of white buffalo on my gamer friends list lol!! It's almost an even steven ratio of girls/guys.

Most everyone I know in person guy wise, yet girl wise like only one, maybe two.. and really they're just people to game with really.

And when i'm looking for some mi time, I plug in my Wii and get in some good ol' Metroid or Zelda.

Maybe I should start a thread.. wich is cooler,

Blasting the shit out of Nazi Zombies (CoD WaW)

Blasting the shit out of Space Pirates (Metroid)

Beating the shit out of monsters with fuckin Broad Swords dude! (Zelda)

Is it any wonder why video games are most often labeled a "guy hobby"? And why a girl that partakes in certain affairs is usually friendzoned by the guy.. (wait, WAT?)....

I best stop there, or I'll open a new can of worms that'll totally threadjack crushes.. or maybe not, but this jack i almost opened up i think already has a thread it would fit better under.

I will say, video game discussion is not threadjacking. The fellas out there will understand, when it comes to women vs video games.. man, video games = love that never leaves ya. That can count as a crush... right?

I hate it when I'm in a room and have little 13 year old boys being like "OMFG...You're a girl! You play games!"

Yes, little boy, I have had a controller in my hand of some sort WELLLLLL before God had even thought of you.

Or when I'm playing with my roommate, The Game, I want to slap him a bit sometimes because I'll talk shit and he has to go out of his way to announce to the room "Yeah, how you like that you just got shit talked by a female?" or "You got pwned by a female, what do you think about that!" Like I'm some novelty. Like beccccause I'm female I'm not to be "taken seriously" so whenever I DO pwn (which is more often than not) a special announcement has to be made like I'm a little kid that just figured out how to color within the lines for my first time. He's from the south though, so I'm sure he's astonished by half of the shit I do that "women don't do". I also get to "beat" his ass on a regular basis because "he doesn't hit women"...but I hit hicks.

I'm not "outing" or talking shit about him, he knows he does it, it's already public :laugh:.

(For people who can't see the yellow font)

I hate it when I'm in a room and have little 13 year old boys being like "OMFG...You're a girl! You play games!"

Yes, little boy, I have had a controller in my hand of some sort WELLLLLL before God had even thought of you.

Or when I'm playing with my roommate, The Game, I want to slap him a bit sometimes because I'll talk shit and he has to go out of his way to announce to the room "Yeah, how you like that you just got shit talked by a female?" or "You got pwned by a female, what do you think about that!" Like I'm some novelty. Like beccccause I'm female I'm not to be "taken seriously" so whenever I DO pwn (which is more often than not) a special announcement has to be made like I'm a little kid that just figured out how to color within the lines for my first time. He's from the south though, so I'm sure he's astonished by half of the shit I do that "women don't do". I also get to "beat" his ass on a regular basis because "he doesn't hit women"...but I hit hicks.

I'm not "outing" or talking shit about him, he knows he does it, it's already public :laugh:.

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I hate it when I'm in a room and have little 13 year old boys being like "OMFG...You're a girl! You play games!"

Yes, little boy, I have had a controller in my hand of some sort WELLLLLL before God had even thought of you.

Or when I'm playing with my roommate, The Game, I want to slap him a bit sometimes because I'll talk shit and he has to go out of his way to announce to the room "Yeah, how you like that you just got shit talked by a female?" or "You got pwned by a female, what do you think about that!" Like I'm some novelty. Like beccccause I'm female I'm not to be "taken seriously" so whenever I DO pwn (which is more often than not) a special announcement has to be made like I'm a little kid that just figured out how to color within the lines for my first time. He's from the south though, so I'm sure he's astonished by half of the shit I do that "women don't do". I also get to "beat" his ass on a regular basis because "he doesn't hit women"...but I hit hicks.

I'm not "outing" or talking shit about him, he knows he does it, it's already public :laugh: .

Trust me.. that's something that annoys the shit out of me playing online.. kids for one.. they just never SHUT UP... thankfully I have mastered hitting select, highlight name, MUTE, exit, all in under 2 seconds.

As for what The Game does.. yeah you see it all the time, girls bragging about how they're girl gamers.. it's like yeah ok, raise the flag that you are lacking just as much of a real life as the rest of us guy gamers. It just frusterates me because common sense would indicate, you're not actually running around with all that gear on, you're pushing buttons, something that any retard can do reguardless of race, sex, national origon, or whatever the hell else that equal opportunity statement says.

Point is, I don't care if you're 14 or 41, guy or girl, or whatever, you push buttons on a controller, and it is in fact JUST A GAME, not to be taken seriously.. except for the heat of the moment when that 7 year old punk called you a, "fucking idiot" right after he stabs you.. then it's all about RAGE!!!!

But speaking of the game... you just lost it.

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Trust me.. that's something that annoys the shit out of me playing online.. kids for one.. they just never SHUT UP... thankfully I have mastered hitting select, highlight name, MUTE, exit, all in under 2 seconds.

As for what The Game does.. yeah you see it all the time, girls bragging about how they're girl gamers.. it's like yeah ok, raise the flag that you are lacking just as much of a real life as the rest of us guy gamers. It just frusterates me because common sense would indicate, you're not actually running around with all that gear on, you're pushing buttons, something that any retard can do reguardless of race, sex, national origon, or whatever the hell else that equal opportunity statement says.

Point is, I don't care if you're 14 or 41, guy or girl, or whatever, you push buttons on a controller, and it is in fact JUST A GAME, not to be taken seriously.. except for the heat of the moment when that 7 year old punk called you a, "fucking idiot" right after he stabs you.. then it's all about RAGE!!!!

But speaking of the game... you just lost it.

Fucking damnit...I just lost the game :wallbash:.

(For people who can't read the yellow)

Fucking damnit...I just lost the game :wallbash:.

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I'm a gamer chick mainly with Halo, rofl

And I'm not very good.

I'm one of those girls who is content with just sitting and watching people play videogames all day

Wanna face off in House of the Dead 3? I have it on Wii. =)

I'm not big into gaming, but Wii Sports is fun. And Tekken games. But I'm a rabid button-masher at those games, people hate me because I normally win. XD

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See... we're out there. ~high fives Eevee~

Where is there exactly? You claim that gamer girls like you exist but nope...can't find them.

Well, I guess me looking for a gamer girl at bars or the shooting range would mean I am at the wrong hunting grounds though...

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Where is there exactly? You claim that gamer girls like you exist but nope...can't find them.

Well, I guess me looking for a gamer girl at bars or the shooting range would mean I am at the wrong hunting grounds though...

I go to bars and am getting a gun soon so I will be able to be spotted at shooting ranges.

I just changed the game, didn't I?

(For people who can't read the yellow)

I go to bars and am getting a gun soon so I will be able to be spotted at shooting ranges.

I just changed the game, didn't I?

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Really? He's drool worthy?

Wanna face off in House of the Dead 3? I have it on Wii. =)

Uhh...sure? :rofl:

I've never heard of it and will moooost likely suck :p

Where is there exactly? You claim that gamer girls like you exist but nope...can't find them.

Well, I guess me looking for a gamer girl at bars or the shooting range would mean I am at the wrong hunting grounds though...

A lot of my friends (of both genders) are into playing videogames.

My close friend actually plans to have a Halo tournament somewhere this weekend so we can pwn at Hammers in the Epitaph. And Nicole just started playing Halo too and likes it, haha!

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Yeah but I am in Wisconsin bars...mostly biker chicks that could rape me or farmer girls that could, well, produce many children...yes you did change the game but gamer girls are still a rare item in the "game"...and is it a big gun?

I fail at Halo so thats out, can't seem to do anything but dance in my underwear while playing WoW so yeah, and Battlefield 1942 is the only game I am good at...

Edited by candyman
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True, but apparently I have a heard of white buffalo on my gamer friends list lol!! It's almost an even steven ratio of girls/guys.

Most everyone I know in person guy wise, yet girl wise like only one, maybe two.. and really they're just people to game with really.

And when i'm looking for some mi time, I plug in my Wii and get in some good ol' Metroid or Zelda.

Maybe I should start a thread.. wich is cooler,

Blasting the shit out of Nazi Zombies (CoD WaW)

Blasting the shit out of Space Pirates (Metroid)

Beating the shit out of monsters with fuckin Broad Swords dude! (Zelda)

Is it any wonder why video games are most often labeled a "guy hobby"? And why a girl that partakes in certain affairs is usually friendzoned by the guy.. (wait, WAT?)....

I best stop there, or I'll open a new can of worms that'll totally threadjack crushes.. or maybe not, but this jack i almost opened up i think already has a thread it would fit better under.

I will say, video game discussion is not threadjacking. The fellas out there will understand, when it comes to women vs video games.. man, video games = love that never leaves ya. That can count as a crush... right?

There is some validity here for sure. The gamer girls say they're out there, but hey, I also heard that snow leopard's hunt mountain goats. Even though the kill has never actually been caught on film (that I know of). Analogies are fun.

Also, I'm not awesome at first person shooter games, but I'll pwn all of you at Tekken 6!! Ya that's right right. The gauntlet has been dropped.

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