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click here and find out just type in your name and it will give you the urban meaning of what your name is.....

heres mine

1. Jesse

a complete pimp/stoner who everyone likes and who gets all the girls

That Guy Is Definantly A Jesse..

Oh Man What A Jesse!

Anyone named Jesse will never die a virgin. '

A very manly man.

DUDE! Jesse is an amazing person!

heres your link


plus you can lok anything else up you lie just type any word u can tink of and it gives ya a fucked up definition

DGN name


A male BDSM rubber/leather slave. Specificaly, refers to slave in full-body suit - eg, rubber leather enclosure suits, and (this is the key thing) a full head mask.

Ah, I see you've brought your gimp along. Doesn't he look sweet with that ball gag in his mouth? Is he well behaved?

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andrea 529 up, 145 down love ithate it

Andrea comes from the Latin meaning "Womanly" or "Beautiful Lady". She is steadfast and confident,honest and reliable.A tower of strenth for thoughs she cares for and a rock to the family.

omfg i rofl at this one

2. eleven

synonym for "whatever"

What do you want to do tonight? Eleven.

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Marc -

1. A really sexy kid that dates sluts

Example -yo! I wish i was like marc he is a pimp

2. A person with a very large penis who can fuck wildly.

Example -

Bre: OMG I fucked a marc last night

Tash: Realy?

Bre: It was amazing





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There weren't any just "Phee"

But there are quite a few phee root words





author pheel
















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so phee is that your real name and if not wh didnt you use ur real name hence the thread YOUR name and why didnt ya post the root word man its all in fun...?

so i did it for ya lets do the first one pheeb-

pheeby 1 thumb up love ithate it

Someone who takes care of you.

Hey Pheeby, get me a fuckin beer. Thanks Phoobs.

you dont wanna see the other ones phee man its not so nice

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head wreck 4 thumbs up love ithate it

Irish term which has several meanings usages. The meaning is fairly intuitive-

1)verb; ... wrecks my head/...is wrecking my head; something annoying or confusing.

2)Adjective: Headwrecking

3)noun; Headwrecker/wreck-the-head: an extremely annoying person.

1) This maths is wreckin my head.../that fuckin crazy frog ringtone wrecks my head!

2) calculus is headwreckin!(it's not generaly used in any other context, like "headwrecking calculus")

3) That Lorna is a headwrecker/wreck-the-head knobjockey.

1. chris 1754 up, 1295 down love ithate it

a douche bag homo that sits in his room all day beating off to cartoon porn and playing video games

Dude, Chris is such a homo.

homo fag chris douche anime

by Jerry Slickvosky Feb 5, 2008 share this 43 comments

2. Chris 836 up, 761 down love ithate it

A boy with a small penis. He wrestles just to get a feel on other guys. He is a lifeguard so he can show off his "chocolate chip" nipples.

Did you see that Chris over there? He'll never get any poon with that little dick.

chris hoshaw asshole okinawa hagerstrom

by Jobelle Jan 11, 2008 share this 4 comments

3. Chris 781 up, 513 down love ithate it

A kid who is always up to party and have a good time

Dude, I don't wanna go to that party unless Chris comes.

chill cool bitchin chillax friggin sweet

by 123cjm Jan 11, 2008 share this 1 comment

not looking good for me :D

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A sweet compassionate girl that finds the beauty in everything. She is always willing to give a helping hand. Everyone loves her as soon as they meet her. Tends to be very sexy and confident.

Going on a mission trip to Ukraine is such a Kimberly thing to do.

compassionate sweet beautiful loving selfless

The greatest most amazing gorgeous person who is loved greatly and even more by Cody Brower

Kimberly or Kim is Perfect and amazing.

kimberly kim perfect sweet gorgeous

The definition of amazing.

Kimberly is amazing!

kimberly is amazing kim wow

A fancy German-word for 'weed'. Very international for it is commonly used in downtown Maryland or Indonesia.

"Yo dawg, you got some Kimberly?"

"Where's my Kimberly you bitch?"


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Damn, I've got a lot of entries for Scott. Here are some:

1. An incredibly cool person.

That is guy is such a Scott!

2. a male friend who is extremely intelligent, funny, kind, and always there for you. They usually plan to do something to better the world like going in to the Marines or Army. Liked by a lot of people and usually very attractive

Look at him! He's definitely a Scott!

3. Scott is wonderful and caring, he's the best thing in my life, not only does he make the best boyfriend he makes an even better best friend...and he's all mine...Scott also likes to think hes a Playa..but he's too caring to be a Playa...

Laura "Scott's a blantent Playa"

5. To rape, pillage and desecrate a woman's vagina or anus with your penis in the doggy position, all the while punching her in the kidneys. Then when she wakes up, you hug her goodbye and wish her well.

1)In 2007 Penn State Football player, Austin Scott, prowled the bars of State College, spotted a very drunk and disorderly coed and dragged her back to his apartment. Once they arrived he waited til she fell asleep then lasched out, scotting her virgin pussy in a rage caused by lack of reparations. After she awoke from her pleasant slumber, Austin gave her a hug and wished her well in repairing her Rectal Prolapse.

2) Last night I totally made that bitch cry when I scotted her.

9. A horny bastard who lives only for sex. He does not care for anyone but himself and does not like other people butting into his business no matter how much he butts into theirs. a great romantic at times but as soon as he gets what he wants the romance is gone

Girl 1: hey did you see that guy? he's hot!

Girl 2: I wouldn't go near him. that's scott.

Girl 1: Oh, thanks for the warning!

14. Generally someone who is too intelegent for their own good, likes sugary candies, and is flaily. Also describes somene who is anti-social, and would rather play video games than go to the movies.

"Why the hell wont that scott go to the movies?!"

And now for my DGN name, Spook:

1. a cia agent(s)used in 1960's america

that black suv is full of spooks

3. A word to discribe a black person. Normally used by older folks in their mid 70's.

(Very old man sitting on his pourch enjoying a nice glass of Lemonade.)"I sure hope them spooks walkin' by don't pluck a watermellon from my garden."

5. government agent. i.e. CIA or NSA.

We knew something was going on when the spooks showed up.

8. (1). (noun) slang; derogatory term referring to a black person or someone of African descent; Originally used as a description of someone of African descent being scared easily at ideas of the occult or ghosts.

(2). (noun) a ghost; specter; or spirit

(3). (verb) to scare or startle easily

"Man, did you see how spooked that spook got when he was watching that movie "Saw"? Did you notice how high he jumped out of his chair? You'd swear he was on a basketball court!"

“Yeah,... stupid spook.” LOL

15. A sexual position in which you begin with having sex with a girl in the butt in the dark. When you pull out, the girl will shit which will be caught in a bucket of water. Quickly you will stir this up, and then pour it on her. You then punch her in the lip causing it to swell, and to end you simply take a picture of her looking like a spooked nigger.

Dave: "Dude, Megan smells like shit!"

Josh: "You didn't hear? Seth gave her the spook last night, she must not have bathed since."

19. V. - Getting mad high. Smoking mad kronik and getting wasted.

Person 1: "Dude I just got my hands on some mad hooties. Wanna have a bit of a spook?"

Person 2: "Lets get er dun boi!"

23. Someone who acts like a goth, but doesn't dress like one (black make-up and clothes, crucifixes, heavy eye-liner etc).

She's not a real goth, she's just a spook.

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Mike - 1. (noun)the archangel who smote lucifer with his fiery sword?huge golden cock

2. (noun)a dude you dont talk shit to or about cause hes fuckin your sister in the ass and hell fucking kill you with out stopping fucking your sister

3. (verb)to utterly put some doushebag to shame in front of his girl- and/or boy-friend.

4. (verb) to smite the wicked, shameless, obsene, obnoxious, or otherwise undesireables that everyone else is afraid of.

5. (adj) one who forgives easily others for their retardation

ie: its not his fault his parents dropped him on his face, they're the fucking tweakers...

noun:(internet nerd walks in): hey stop fucking my sister in the ass, mike!

mike: shut up bitch! (as he slaps the pussay ass faggot from across the room)


dudeA: hey did you here mike totally fucking miked that shithead rapist denton the other night?

dudeB: yeah it was like a doa and all 30 witness told the cops it was suicide

NomaD - A crazy mongreling zigaboo who roams from tailgate to tailgate with a portable grill strapped on his back and a Miller Lite tailgating pack balanced on his head. He may or may not have venison in his pocket.

Look at that crazy nomad Rocco triflin about these tailgates like a mongrel fool. Doesn't he know that he dropped a turkey burger a while back?

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Calix was not in that dictionary, so I had to go with my "middle" name.

1. Laura

-Sex on legs

-Tiger in the bedroom

-Waiscoast is TEH SEX


-Possibly the rudest person you will EVER meet

-Cute. END OF.

Michelle: "Did you meet up with Laura last night?"

Hannah: "Yeh, she was a tiger in the bedroom!"

(Laura walks past...)

Michelle: "Aye up, sex on legs.."

tiger waistcoat sex on legs teh sex cute

by michelle&hannah Oct 3, 2007

2. Laura

A really really cool person;

guys want her and girls want to be her.

Has many friends.

Everyone likes her,

they dont only pretend to like her.

Guy 1: Why can we never get a Laura?

Guy 2: They all already have great boyfriends.

Girl 1: Lauras so cool, I want to be her.

Girl 2: Your just lucky your her friend.

laura cool popular nice friends

by Coolboymccool Apr 14, 2008

3. Laura

meaning 'from the laurel flower'

a beautiful name, in fact one of the best names ever.

hey laura, you're soo fly

laura laurel flower fly beautiful

by mclaura Jul 2, 2007

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so phee is that your real name and if not wh didnt you use ur real name hence the thread YOUR name and why didnt ya post the root word man its all in fun...?

so i did it for ya lets do the first one pheeb-

pheeby 1 thumb up love ithate it

Someone who takes care of you.

Hey Pheeby, get me a fuckin beer. Thanks Phoobs.

you dont wanna see the other ones phee man its not so nice

I'm married to him and I still have a hard time using his real name. It just doesn't fit him. Even his parents don't use his real name. Everyone calls him Phee.

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I'm married to him and I still have a hard time using his real name. It just doesn't fit him. Even his parents don't use his real name. Everyone calls him Phee.

It's true.... I think Phee is more real then the one I use at work

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1. Melissa 1365 up, 213 down love ithate it

Melissa is a Greek name.

In Greek, it means "honey bee."

In Persian, it means "red rose."

The feminine version of "Melisseus", legendary "King of Crete."

In mythology, it is the name of a princess of Crete who was changed into a bee after she learned to collect honey.

Melissa is a princess name.

melisseus honey bee red rose princess greek

by RedRose Sep 9, 2006 share this 3 comments

2. melissa 1399 up, 507 down love ithate it

Hottest girl in the known universe

likes taking it from behind

wow, you look like melissa

jesse meush slut whore poon

by a.ksdj Dec 3, 2006 share this 4 comments

3. Melissa 312 up, 136 down love ithate it

a girl, who takes life as it comes,has relationship issues and falls in love easily.

She is such a Melissa, she fell in love with him after only 3 weeks, and then he left her for her best friend.

melissa bitch emo rad fantastical radtastic amazing xd

by HeHe MeLiZa May 21, 2008 share this 10 comments

ha. likes to take it from behind. ha.

4. melissa 26 up, 38 down love ithate it

cool girl. hot and sexy. has sick style. water hits her butt when she poohs. and she makes other people smell their own belly button lint. doesn't lose to rice rockets in their fast little jetta. But if your ever around a melissa who has kung fu skills that will put chuck norris to shame, be weary. because once you've been around her, you'll probably become a bugaboo!

"ohh damnnn dawggg...lay home mah...that melissa is hot status"

melissa mui stephen chow shaolin

by asdfjkl;asdfasdfasdf Oct 8, 2008 share this add comment

5. melissa 207 up, 490 down love ithate it

this is a white substance which is sniffed

"I'm picking Melissa up at the airport and partying hard tonight!"

cocaine coke babycakes blow bitch

by mrbbbb Jun 29, 2007 share this add comment

6. Melissa 51 up, 240 down love ithate it

(Nikis) Boyfriend stealing slut of a evil step sister who thinks she is the hottest thing in the world when in fact she is not! she is mean, is so ugly that u need super magical goggles just to look at her for a split second, and is so fat that when she jumps on a scale it says one at a time please she is a backstabbing evil bitch who you cant trust with anything. Thats why all her "friends" never invite her out!. Melissa is the type of person who thinks she can always win... haha how wrong she is. to anyone out there. if you meet a Melissa. WATCH YOUR BACK!

ChiCk1: Oh My God!!! the floor is shaking again!

ChiCk2: You know what that means?.


ChiCk1: Oh No!!! i hate her she is such a bitch lets take

a run for it!!!

ChiCk2: Okay Lets Go!

slut whore mole cunt backstabber asswipe

by Female_Conspiracy Jul 28, 2008 share this 5 comments

7. Melissa 94 up, 320 down love ithate it

A man who sits at home all day beating off to pictures of chipmunks collecting nuts for the winter in a butthole of an old lady with big chocolate chip nipples that have extra pointy chocolate chips in them.

Jerry: i dont need milk to get strong bones, i just need to look at pictures of chipmunks collecting nuts for the winter in a butthole of an old lady with big chocolate chip nipples that have extra pointy chocolate chips in them.

Tom: you dirty, dirty Melissa you!

melissa homo dick penis baughman

by kristina thai May 5, 2008 share this 3 comments

8. Melissa 74 up, 265 down love ithate it

a worthless queer that walks around jacking off to ducks mating. this thing also creeps around and fucks girls with a strap on dildo

betty: hey did you see that queer?

josh: yeah that melissa?

queer creeper dildo lesbian melissa jacking

by ilovenewyork Jun 26, 2008 share this 6 comments

9. melissa 62 up, 272 down love ithate it

A girl's name in which the height of its popularity was in the 1980's. The majority of females named Melissa were born with permanent sticks up their asses, and are therefore extremely uptight the majority of the time. Thereby anyone with an attitude, or literally a stick up their butt, can be described as being a Melissa. There rest of us are o.k.

Look at that Melissa with that stick up her ass! Why are you a bitch like Melissa?

bitchy irate stuck-up untrustworthy bitch

by Meem May 15, 2008 share this 5 comments

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My real first name:

1. ---- 1745 up, 622 down love ithate it

The most edible female name

---- is sooo edible - especially with cream

2. ---- 1090 up, 446 down love ithate it

A smart, sassy and sexy young woman who knows things from fashion to film to literature, from Manolo Blahniks to Mahatma Gandhi.

She impressed everybody in the meeting. She's such a ----.

DGN name:

bean water love ithate it

What you call coffee if it is the only thing in the house that you have to drink.

Drinking bean water before you go to sleep tweaks you out and makes you sweat.

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My real name:

1. andrea 529 up, 146 down

Andrea comes from the Latin meaning "Womanly" or "Beautiful Lady". She is steadfast and confident,honest and reliable.A tower of strenth for thoughs she cares for and a rock to the family.

That girl is quite the andrea.

2. andrea 367 up, 143 down

a. a sound out girl

b. has a worrying appreciation of queen

c. the best person ever

d. someone who is attractive and nice

e. very feminine and has a vagina and is straight and not manly at all!

oh wow she is such an andrea.

3. Andrea 74 up, 39 down

The coolest person ever.

Usually can be found with ice cream all over her face.

Enjoys salad....with Albi of course.

Really laid back and into chilling with bros.

Boy #1-That Andrea over there is such a chill salad eating person.

Boy #2-Yeah, weird that she has ice cream all over her face though.

Boy #1-No, not really bro.

(that's just the first three.. lol)

And my DGN name doesn't have a definition....

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