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McCain is a politician, but very elitist as well

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In case you hadn't noticed, most of the mainstream media is, and has been for quite some time, in the tank for Obama.

I mean think about this; how many times has John McCain appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone ? Maybe Once?? if at all. Obama has been on the cover of Rolling Stone, amongst many other publications, at least Twice. The mainstream media has slammed McCain every chance they've gotten. Compare that to how many times they have slammed Obama.

Oh wait, that's right, they're in the tank for Obama, they Haven't slammed Obama yet.

McCain is still a spoiled brat ?

Obama's circle of friends includes radicals, liberals, a racist preacher, a former TERRORIST, amongst others.

Does McCain have any radical racist liberal former terrorist friends ?? No.

Barack Obama wants to tax and spend this country into the ground, but does the media call him on this? NO.

They give Obama a pass; they turn a blind eye and deaf ear to it, and pretty much do everything just shy of gettin down and giving him a BJ.

If Obama wins,

you think you're hurting now ?

Just wait till he takes command.

Wait till he bankrupts the coal industry, an industry that produces 50% of all electric power in this country.

Just wait until he bankrupts the coal industry, and puts hundreds of thousands of people out of work.

Then ask yourself if that's what you intended to vote for.

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In case you hadn't noticed, most of the mainstream media is, and has been for quite some time, in the tank for Obama.

I mean think about this; how many times has John McCain appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone ? Maybe Once?? if at all. Obama has been on the cover of Rolling Stone, amongst many other publications, at least Twice. The mainstream media has slammed McCain every chance they've gotten. Compare that to how many times they have slammed Obama.

Oh wait, that's right, they're in the tank for Obama, they Haven't slammed Obama yet.

McCain is still a spoiled brat ?

Obama's circle of friends includes radicals, liberals, a racist preacher, a former TERRORIST, amongst others.

Does McCain have any radical racist liberal former terrorist friends ?? No.

Barack Obama wants to tax and spend this country into the ground, but does the media call him on this? NO.

They give Obama a pass; they turn a blind eye and deaf ear to it, and pretty much do everything just shy of gettin down and giving him a BJ.

If Obama wins,

you think you're hurting now ?

Just wait till he takes command.

Wait till he bankrupts the coal industry, an industry that produces 50% of all electric power in this country.

Just wait until he bankrupts the coal industry, and puts hundreds of thousands of people out of work.

Then ask yourself if that's what you intended to vote for.

He is who I voted for (Obama)....

And I ackowledged that the artical is biased... it doesn't make the facts in it not true... I was asking an honest question.... can some one show me stuff that is this bad about Obama? (Not being sarcastic I say again, if what you are saying is true that the media doesn't like McCain... then I want to get the other side of the story)

And yes it came from Rollingstone... music journalism is by nature very leftist.....

I know the Fox Network is very Rightwing... It doesn't mean that every fact they state is untrue either

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He is who I voted for (Obama)....

And I ackowledged that the artical is biased... it doesn't make the facts in it not true... I was asking an honest question.... can some one show me stuff that is this bad about Obama? (Not being sarcastic I say again, if what you are saying is true that the media doesn't like McCain... then I want to get the other side of the story)

And yes it came from Rollingstone... music journalism is by nature very leftist.....

I know the Fox Network is very Rightwing... It doesn't mean that every fact they state is untrue either

..& though I did not vote for Obama...I can not say much against him...only thing that I have against him; is that he wishy-washes...

...well...that & I can not get behind the pandering...

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McCain is still a spoiled brat ?


Obama's circle of friends includes radicals, liberals, a racist preacher, a former TERRORIST, amongst others.

Does McCain have any radical racist liberal former terrorist friends ?? No.

I am a Libral... but I think you are using it in the rightwing sense which is kind of a swear word yes?

Barack Obama wants to tax and spend this country into the ground, but does the media call him on this? NO.

Into the ground? We are in the ground now.... we have a tombstone up and the stuff that McCain proposed is adding dirt.

you think you're hurting now ?

Just wait till he takes command.

Wait till he bankrupts the coal industry, an industry that produces 50% of all electric power in this country.

Just wait until he bankrupts the coal industry, and puts hundreds of thousands of people out of work.

Then ask yourself if that's what you intended to vote for.

I know how many people have lost there jobs already due to Bush/McCain experience.... I would really like another person to have a chance, and if they skrew it up worse then Bush/McCain... at least I tried to make things better, instead of accepting the "worse" we are living now.

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I know how many people have lost there jobs already due to Bush/McCain experience.... I would really like another person to have a chance, and if they skrew it up worse then Bush/McCain... at least I tried to make things better, instead of accepting the "worse" we are living now.


(you ever think of running if there is a 2012 or 2016?)

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He is who I voted for (Obama)....

And I ackowledged that the artical is biased... it doesn't make the facts in it not true... I was asking an honest question.... can some one show me stuff that is this bad about Obama? (Not being sarcastic I say again, if what you are saying is true that the media doesn't like McCain... then I want to get the other side of the story)

And yes it came from Rollingstone... music journalism is by nature very leftist.....

I know the Fox Network is very Rightwing... It doesn't mean that every fact they state is untrue either

I think what you may have meant to say is, that FoxNews's information may not always be 100% true.

But they are one of the only media outlets that reported campaign news fair and balanced.

I only have 2 credible sources that I have been monitored. Gaf may be able to provide you with the sources of info that you seek. This year is the first year that I have seriously cared about and have been paying attention to politics.

I know not to take a reporter's word for it when they report something, but when I start seeing the things they talk about, that makes me pay attention.

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I think what you may have meant to say is, that FoxNews's information may not always be 100% true.

But they are one of the only media outlets that reported campaign news fair and balanced.

I only have 2 credible sources that I have been monitored. Gaf may be able to provide you with the sources of info that you seek. This year is the first year that I have seriously cared about and have been paying attention to politics.

I know not to take a reporter's word for it when they report something, but when I start seeing the things they talk about, that makes me pay attention.

Which is why I wanted a counter point... exactly

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I think what you may have meant to say is, that FoxNews's information may not always be 100% true.

But they are one of the only media outlets that reported campaign news fair and balanced.

I only have 2 credible sources that I have been monitored. Gaf may be able to provide you with the sources of info that you seek. This year is the first year that I have seriously cared about and have been paying attention to politics.

I know not to take a reporter's word for it when they report something, but when I start seeing the things they talk about, that makes me pay attention.

..I personally think that ALL the Media is skewed in one way or another... so I try to take it ALL with a grain of salt..

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The American Code of Conduct for Armed Forces (you fellow vets remember this, don't you?)

I. I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense. Reading memoirs of his fellow squadron members, all he was ever prepared to give his life for was the next party.

II. I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist. I *won't* fault him for surrendering. With two broken arms, he had no means to resist.

III. If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and to aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy. He was afforded special treatment because both his father and his grandfather were 4-star admirals. Once NVA found out that fact, he was treated better than most. The spirit of The Code states he should have refused. I have met and talked with Vietnam Vets who lived through (and showed their scars of,) things that make what he went through look like a picnic.

IV. If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way. I have looked extensively for where he commanded or kept faith with his fellow prisoners. What little I found has him described as toxic to unity among POW's. As a lieutenant commander, he would have been one of the highest ranking person at Hanoi Hilton. I have seen no command decisions, no examples of him maintaining moral with his prisoners. If anyone has a memoir stating otherwise with documentation, let me know.

V. When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause. There is the confession he made while a POW.

VI. I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America. Due to the his father and grandfather being admirals, he got away with quite a bit. Negligent crashing a multimillion dollar fighter plane is enough most of the time to ground a pilot to a career-ending desk job. He crashed *five* and got barely a slap on the hand. Sounds like someone who doesn't believe in responsibility for his actions.

There is also the way he hasn't supported the care of the vets of the same conflict he was a POW of. He has voted against GI bill/VA funding most of the time. In POW/MIA Senate inquiries, his childish, vicious attacks on family members testifying forced them to tears. He gave no support to vets.

Perhaps I work too closely with Vietnam vets, (the ones that still have nightmares about the war, PTSD, or who were mutilated mentally and physically in ways not seen since WW-I.) But anyone who violates a code I was ready to follow to the point of deformity or death, and then fails to take care of war buddies when he can, does not qualify as someone I would want sending my friends (many of whom will serve until 2012 and beyond,) to fight and die, only to come home to a lack of government support.

Web sites:

www.vietnamveteransagainstjohnmccain.com --includes links to class standings, disciplinary reviews.



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