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Medical Marijuana


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Against it, and I hope anyone who is for it gets caught with it while its still illegal, thrown in jail and ass raped :)

have a nice day. Ive stated my thoughts on this before here.

Wow. This person's life has clearly been ruined in some very traumatic way in the past for him to have such strong feelings about such a subject. I have some of the same thoughts of say..murderers?, but really? Really?? Not even just people who use it, but anyone who doesn't share the same opinion? Not only is that an insult to many people on this very board, but it gives the impression that this person thinks he/she is for somehow (in some imaginary kingdom) better than everyone else. If you're gonna be some kind of snob, at least be rich, or cure cancer, or have some leverage with which to claim superiority.

As for my thoughts on the subject:

I'm all for it. I could go on listing all kinds of reasons I think so, but I think most on this thread who are for it have many of those reasons covered. I personally love smokin the stuff. Granted, I started and continue using it for recreational purposes, but I also suffer from chronic muscle spasms and back pain. I plan to get my medical card in the future when it's convenient. But for now, using illegaly or not, it really does help with a lot of my muscle pain, it doesn't make my lungs scream like cigarettes did/do, and it tastes good.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those 14 year old pot head cheerleaders who says there are no negative effects at all. Yes, it will make you spacey. Yes, it will kill your motivation to do whatever it is you were planning before you got high. I do not think it's worse for your lungs than cigarettes just on the basis that I'm much shorter of breath after smoking a cigarette than I am a joint, scientific studies be damned. So hey, it's not for everyone, but it's not crack either. So give eggs a break.

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Wow. This person's life has clearly been ruined in some very traumatic way in the past for him to have such strong feelings about such a subject. I have some of the same thoughts of say..murderers?, but really? Really?? Not even just people who use it, but anyone who doesn't share the same opinion? Not only is that an insult to many people on this very board, but it gives the impression that this person thinks he/she is for somehow (in some imaginary kingdom) better than everyone else. If you're gonna be some kind of snob, at least be rich, or cure cancer, or have some leverage with which to claim superiority.

As for my thoughts on the subject:

I'm all for it. I could go on listing all kinds of reasons I think so, but I think most on this thread who are for it have many of those reasons covered. I personally love smokin the stuff. Granted, I started and continue using it for recreational purposes, but I also suffer from chronic muscle spasms and back pain. I plan to get my medical card in the future when it's convenient. But for now, using illegaly or not, it really does help with a lot of my muscle pain, it doesn't make my lungs scream like cigarettes did/do, and it tastes good.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those 14 year old pot head cheerleaders who says there are no negative effects at all. Yes, it will make you spacey. Yes, it will kill your motivation to do whatever it is you were planning before you got high. I do not think it's worse for your lungs than cigarettes just on the basis that I'm much shorter of breath after smoking a cigarette than I am a joint, scientific studies be damned. So hey, it's not for everyone, but it's not crack either. So give eggs a break.

Herb don't cause cancer...see this guy?

He looks FINE!~

In fact...I don't even believe that the tobacco causes cancer, (many old peoples {G.Burns case #1} smoke their whole life, & NO CANCER...many peoples, do not smoke, & have cancer.} I am personally convinced, that hatred held in the heart makes the cancer, & that it is the natural way peoples die, formerly known as CONSUMPTION....

Oh..& don't worry about Knocker (a kind of Celtic-Mischief-Troll)...he's "just like that"...there is nothing wrong that a therapist can help...he assures us... :rofl:

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I know this is already approved and this is an old thread but I wish the government would start to take steps to put research into more natural/alternative cures and treatments. Why stop at marijuana? Vitamin D3 deficiency is linked to Multiple Sclerosis, depression and bipolar disorder are linked to thyroid issues which is linked to the way your body processes iodine, not too mention many other disorders, specifically psychiatric, are due to heavy metal toxicity, (ie people with ADHD being exposed to lead based paint/products).

It seems the government should be putting more funding into researching more natural treatment options, I guess we will have to wait for that to happen when the government can find there own ulterior motive for these treatments.

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How backwards is that we live in a country where something as non-damaging and non-addictive as weed is illegal over something as horribly devastating as alcohol/cigarettes. I will never understand the (failed) logic. I don't want this to stop at medical...it needs to be FULLY LEGAL already!

How backwards is that we live in a country where something as non-damaging and non-addictive as weed is illegal over something as horribly devastating as alcohol/cigarettes. I will never understand the (failed) logic. I don't want this to stop at medical...it needs to be FULLY LEGAL already!
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From what I've seen, most of the arguments against it and for it are based on people's personal experiences and preferences. I know that my opinion is heavily influenced by the fact that personally, I don't like it. Second hand marijuana smoke gives me a horrible headache, and it makes me way more aggressive and argumentative than I normally am, and it's a big part of why I don't go over to hang out with certain friends more often than I do. I just don't want to be around it, at all. I am against legalizing it for the general public unless legalizing it comes with a huge set of restrictions regarding where and when it can be smoked. That doesn't make my opinion any less valid than that of someone who is for it because they claim it helps them focus, or because it lessens pain, or because they're just a pothead.

I think it should be moved from a schedule I to a schedule II drug. It has never made sense to me that marijuana is considered medically more dangerous than opiates or amphetamines, which are both schedule II drugs. I think the effects, both positive and negative, on medical conditions needs to be studied more. All medications have some harmful effects on people. It's all about whether the positive effects outweigh the negative.

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  • 2 weeks later...

See...they went over that LEGAL-LINE, & did a dance in the grey zone...tsk-tsk...what did they think, they could get away with anarchy?...it's a long way from Ann Arbor, you know...?.....which, is where they have HAD dispensaries, & grow-clubs, & other meetups (for trading & such), UNMOLESTED, & for a little while now...these fools 'stepped out of bounds'


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  • 3 months later...

I think I might have ADD. Hey did you guys see that new Jeep Grand Cherokee? I think I might have ADD.... Lol..Fact: Age 17 I took the GED test, while stoned. Both days, I blazed one before I went in. I scored a 674/700. 26 points away from a perfect score. I had the "highest" grade the county had seen in 10 years. Just throwin' that out there.

the only reason they're legalizing it is so the government can make money off of it.

it's just as bad if not less bad for you as cigarettes.

I'm just so indifferent on it, it's ridiculous haha.

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Guest Megalicious

I'm all for. I work with DYING people and if I can give them any relief at all for symptoms or make dying more comfortable for them in any way, I'm ALL for it- my personal beliefs aside --end of story.

That being said I am having an issue here- that no professor can seem to answer.

There is an IV form of dronabinol, so why on hospice rounds/cancer floors do I SEE PILL form EVERYWHERE. It doesn't make sense in my head. *sigh*

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I'm all for. I work with DYING people and if I can give them any relief at all for symptoms or make dying more comfortable for them in any way, I'm ALL for it- my personal beliefs aside --end of story.

That being said I am having an issue here- that no professor can seem to answer.

There is an IV form of dronabinol, so why on hospice rounds/cancer floors do I SEE PILL form EVERYWHERE. It doesn't make sense in my head. *sigh*

Maybe it cost more to turn it to a liquid with out reducing the dosage doing so?

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They say Marijuana is a gateway drug. That's usually the most often used "ammunition" when people who oppose marijuana speak.

Well, let's think about that. What is a drug?

Pharmacology . a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being.


(in federal law)


any substance recognized in the official pharmacopoeia or formulary of the nation.


any substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans or other animals.


any article, other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of humans or other animals.


any substance intended for use as a component of such a drug, but not a device or a part of a device.


a habit-forming medicinal or illicit substance, esp. a narcotic.

That was taken from dictionary.com. Ok now that I've gone back to 6th grade Health Class and defined a DRUG, what falls under this category, that is legal?

Cigarettes (nicotine)





Now, Illegal.





Crystal Methamphetamine

Now that we know what a drug is, which one is really the gateway drug? I'll let you decide that for yourself. But first, allow me to make a few points.

First of all, marijuana is smoked. Now, in my personal experience and from what I've seen and talked to other people, I think it's safe to say most of us who have ever tried marijuana, tried Cigarettes first.

Here's my personal list of drugs used in chronological order.

Acetominophen. (Tylenol) Who hasn't had a dose of this by age 5?

Aspirin. Same, who hasn't had a dose of this by at least 10 years old?

Caffeine. C'mon, it's in a LOT of things.

Alcohol. Commonly found in night time flu medications.

Tobacco. Tried cigs for the first time at age 12. Didn't start smoking regularly till 16.

Marijuana. Tried for the first time at age 16. Didn't smoke again or start smoking regularly till I was 18.

Personally, I think, if I never started smoking Cigarettes, I probably never would have started smoking weed. To smoke marijuana, I think, requires a pre-existing desire to smoke. And I can honestly say I know VERY few people who smoke marijuana who do NOT smoke or DID not smoke cigarettes before they started smoking marijuana.

So let's just throw the whole "gateway drug" excuse out the door, because it's an excuse, and that's all it is.

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I'm all for. I work with DYING people and if I can give them any relief at all for symptoms or make dying more comfortable for them in any way, I'm ALL for it- my personal beliefs aside --end of story.

That being said I am having an issue here- that no professor can seem to answer.

There is an IV form of dronabinol, so why on hospice rounds/cancer floors do I SEE PILL form EVERYWHERE. It doesn't make sense in my head. *sigh*

...we ALL dying, from the day we are born.....

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

For it (always have been even before I started using it) because nothing cures painful nausea from chron's disease like a little cannabis. Plus it should be legal for all anyway its not more harmfull (less even) than cigarettes and alcohol.

also I don't think many non cannabis smokers know about this but there are things called vaporizors that take the whole bad for your lungs out of the equation.

Edited by wormsinwombs
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Yep yep, it's something that not everyone is aware of, which is why I threw it out there. A vaporizer/pill form cancels out all dangers from smoke inhalation, I'll probably save up and get one myself but a good one is like $300.

lol damn you beat me too it oops. I got a nice hand held one for 100 (came with a bunch of stuff, without the stuff its more like 60)

edit because idk what went wrong with the quote might have been because of the coloring lol

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For it (always have been even before I started using it) because nothing cures painful nausea from chron's disease like a little cannabis. Plus it should be legal for all anyway its not more harmfull (less even) than cigarettes and alcohol.

also I don't think many non cannabis smokers know about this but there are things called vaporizors that take the whole bad for your lungs out of the equation.

You can also cook it into fucking everything. You get a completely different feeling altogether when you do. Eating it = Absolutely 100% harmless (if people are still not sure about vaporizers).

You can also cook it into fucking everything. You get a completely different feeling altogether when you do. Eating it = Absolutely 100% harmless (if people are still not sure about vaporizers).
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  • 6 months later...

i can grow it very well hydroponicly,and think it has awesome effects for cancer,aids and other ailments. that being said I am for all use of weed recreational,medical and otherwise i think you should be able to go to the store and buy a pack of pot or a baggy.ps i dont grow anymore but i would for a medical patient or show them how .also i dont use it.

Edited by havoc
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