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Medical Marijuana


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I'm for it, because if your in pain, and its the only thing that will alleviate it, legalize the herb!

I myself don't smoke, and I know any kind of smoke of substance inhaled regularly besides oxygen is potentially dangerous to your health.

BUT I chose the lesser of two evils,

A. a prescription drug that gives you MORE problems than it can fix?


B. MARIJUANA, gives you icky phlegm! but damn the pain is GONE! andooo my food tastes yums.

seriously legalize it.

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I'm for legalization of all drugs for medical and recreational reasons. The main reason is freedom. There's also the false information going on to this day with the educational system when it talks to young people about drugs which helps as much as teaching abstinence instead of sex. You can't stop a carnivore from eating meat as much as you can stop someone from making informed choices about drugs in a society that acts like it's on all of them. Lastly, the drug war makes police officers look like clowns. Originally, police officers were supposed to be public defense, now drugs have to be made sinister to developing minds in order to keep government image from being tarnished.

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i'm for it. always have been. i won't get into all the reasons why but it has always made me wonder why things like cigarettes and alcohol are legal but not marijuana. honestly? i'd like to see some proof that marijuana is even "bad" in the first place. i've never known a person to smoke weed and die or kill anyone else for that matter. (of course i am relating this to cancer/other illnesses from cigarettes and drinking and driving/alcoholism.)

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One more for it! Medicinally, there aren't any bad side effects, or withdrawals. Also, there's no hangover!

Notice how over-the-counter pain killers are becoming stronger and stronger (Tylenol... etc.). Perhaps they will have over-the-counter marijuana during my lifetime :happy:

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I'm against it. I was addicted to it from age 17(maybe 16 too) to 23. When I went to get off it I had a hard time doing my job I was an inspector and felt like dying. Its mentally addictive. Hate to be the odd man out but we already have a well line of pharmacy drugs that we can take for pain without ruining our lungs I heard one joint is equal to a pack of cigarettes said someone that spoke to my school when I was in high school. I don't even like attending parties where pot is smoked or want to be around it. One of my friends smokes but I just told her that shes not allowed to in my house. I can't wait to hear my responses its just gonna go for more negativity towards me and I don't need it cuz my grandfather is in the hospital with congestive heart problems.


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I'm for it when it comes to people who are in constant pain from severe illnesses. I'm annoyed by the people who I've heard saying, both seriously and jokingly, that they need to try to get a prescription for it because of depression, ADD, a knee injury, intermittent back pain, asthma, etc. Abuse of prescription drugs pisses me off, and makes it more difficult for the people who truly need them to get them.

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I think it has its good and bad points, really. YES, it makes those in pain (as well as those who aren't) feel REALLY good. But, like DD said, it's hard on the lungs. As an asthmatic, I can't do that. I hate even taking pills for any kind of pain. I can't ingest anything into my lungs, so meds in pill form are slightly more appealing.

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I am for it and I am on it. It has already saved me hundreds of dollars that I would have spent on pain pills and allowed me to say no to a second expensive operation to try to fix my knee again.

No it does not cause any lung problems if used properly. In fact many respiratory therapists in Maidson have had patients use it to clear out the lungs. It can clear out the nasty shit you have in your lungs. That is why some people cough more than others. The sensation that you feel like your lungs are smaller and you can't breathe is odd but again doctors have found nothing to support the claims that this is a problem.

If you are against it because you know people that were addicted that sucks because just like anything else if this is abused then yes it will hurt you. This especially goes for those cross-bred crops that people smoke which are made to really fuck you up. I know alot of really fat people that refuse to stop eating or work out...should I be afraid of food? It is all mental when it comes down to it.

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Oh and Madison has legalized it even for those without prescriptions for some reason. Seems to work out with that too. But many cancer patients are on this including my grandma and she can finally die without pain and worrying about which giant cup full of pill she has to take now.

Remember, you don't just walk in and get this shit, you have to need it.

Edited by candyman
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I think it has its good and bad points, really. YES, it makes those in pain (as well as those who aren't) feel REALLY good. But, like DD said, it's hard on the lungs. As an asthmatic, I can't do that. I hate even taking pills for any kind of pain. I can't ingest anything into my lungs, so meds in pill form are slightly more appealing.

Most people who use marijuana medically do NOT smoke it, they own either a vaporizer or crush up weed into hollow gel caps and take it as a pill, fyi. Most people have the arguement that you do about the smoking and the lungs, but with a vaporizer you're getting 96% of the THC and 0% smoke (whereas with a joint you get like 28% THC and assloads of smoke, and a bowl/pipe/bong I think you get roughly 75% THC, depending on the piece).

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I'm against it. I was addicted to it from age 17(maybe 16 too) to 23. When I went to get off it I had a hard time doing my job I was an inspector and felt like dying. Its mentally addictive. Hate to be the odd man out but we already have a well line of pharmacy drugs that we can take for pain without ruining our lungs I heard one joint is equal to a pack of cigarettes said someone that spoke to my school when I was in high school. I don't even like attending parties where pot is smoked or want to be around it. One of my friends smokes but I just told her that shes not allowed to in my house. I can't wait to hear my responses its just gonna go for more negativity towards me and I don't need it cuz my grandfather is in the hospital with congestive heart problems.


Yes, it CAN be mentally addicting if you have an addictive personality and/or don't keep yourself in check. I hate to say this DD, but it's unfair to take away something that could help MANY people just because you couldn't controll your "addiction" to it. I say this because I also used to be mentally addicted to the stuff, until I realized that 85% of life is mind over matter and am now able to recreationally enjoy it without going overboard. I'm happy with my choice, I would hate to not use it, I enjoy it, and yet I was tired of being down, out, "needing" it (note the quotes), and spending tons of money on it. So I literally stopped myself by constantly being disciplined and being mindful of my actions constantly, almost ritualistically, like a zen buddhist monk or something :laugh:. I get better with it all the time, and with other things (i.e. losing weight, quitting coffee, meeting goals, keeping my house clean, etc).

I dunno, just my take on it...I've noticed pretty much anyone who is against medical marijuana is against it because of their own personal life experience (not anything based on science or reason), and that just doesn't seem very fair to everyone else.

I'm almost fully against western medicine...one pill of vicoden has far more poison in it than weed smoked a vaporizer, and vicoden is physically addicting, like crack or heroin...whereas weed is not addicting at all (unless you let it be).

Edited by Chernobyl
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Most people who use marijuana medically do NOT smoke it, they own either a vaporizer or crush up weed into hollow gel caps and take it as a pill, fyi. Most people have the arguement that you do about the smoking and the lungs, but with a vaporizer you're getting 96% of the THC and 0% smoke (whereas with a joint you get like 28% THC and assloads of smoke, and a bowl/pipe/bong I think you get roughly 75% THC, depending on the piece).

Ahh...see, I don't know these things! I used to smoke it to sleep. Now, I don't use it at all.

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...MOST pills fuck up your liver, kidney, & some shit in between there...you can also O.D.

...& they DO NOT mix with Alcohol...any one that sais that their pill & their drink do not...are SIMPLY LYING TO THEMSELVES. ;)

Thank You...that's ALL I haz fo' now...other than +5 to Cherny's WHOLE rant!!!!! :clap:

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Ahh...see, I don't know these things! I used to smoke it to sleep. Now, I don't use it at all.

Yep yep, it's something that not everyone is aware of, which is why I threw it out there. A vaporizer/pill form cancels out all dangers from smoke inhalation, I'll probably save up and get one myself but a good one is like $300.

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...MOST pills fuck up your liver, kidney, & some shit in between there...you can also O.D.

...& they DO NOT mix with Alcohol...any one that sais that their pill & their drink do not...are SIMPLY LYING TO THEMSELVES. ;)

Thank You...that's ALL I haz fo' now...other than +5 to Cherny's WHOLE rant!!!!!


So...I must ask..to threadjack just ever-so-gently: Why has everyone been giving me +5 lately instead of +1? Have I really just been that on the ball? Or is everyone humoring me because 'tis the season? :tongue:

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So...I must ask..to threadjack just ever-so-gently: Why has everyone been giving me +5 lately instead of +1? Have I really just been that on the ball? Or is everyone humoring me because 'tis the season? :tongue:

..there are 5 Reverends in this head...when we ALL agree...we type +5. :w00t:

WE honestly think everyone else wants to be as cool as WE are. ;)

...we will NOW resume using the singular speech..."I" do this to ease the confusion that inherently flairs when "I" say "WE" instead.



How the fuck did you quote me? Must be MOD-POWERS... ;)

Edited by Rev.Reverence
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..there are 5 Reverends in this head...when we ALL agree...we type +5. :w00t:

WE honestly think everyone else wants to be as cool as WE are. ;)

...we will NOW resume using the singular speech..."I" do this to ease the confusion that inherently flairs when "I" say "WE" instead.



How the fuck did you quote me? Must be MOD-POWERS... ;)

Yes...mysterious mod powers at work *spooky music* :evil:.

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