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Why is it so hard?

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You seem positive to me,

You're voluptuous,

Don't feel like looking that one up,

Aren't we all,

Again, aren't we all?


So what if you get sick?!? Don't we all?



Thanks. *HUG* Like I said.. I don't agree with all of it.. *L*

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:lick bring it on Nienna.


You missed it. Now you have to wait until I feel like wearing it again. I'm making a new one this week so I'll probably wear that if I go to the club this weekend. SO :tongue:

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I didn't notice this until now but it's funny seeing the thread title on the index page: Why is it so hard?.......makes you wonder what Brenda was REALLY thinking of when she typed that.  :whistling


You perv!

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I'd like to point out that there is a HUGE difference with being negative and being realistic. I'm happy with who I am, that is why I am who I am.

My family has a large southern heratage on both sides which is where the cowboy in me comes from. I like living at home as it allows me to save money and concentrate on things/have fun while I can. Being Spock like is awesome, logic is my best friend, and I don't completely lack emotion, I just hide it very well. Computers and music are also my bread and butter, without them I'd probably die.

Someone also mentioned enlarging ones circle of friends. I'm a DJ and head of PR for a nightclub. For an antisocial guy I've done a lot to go against that and make friends/connections for myself. Still most of those people are just aquantances and my true friends I can count on one hand and none of them are female.

If I'm alone it isn't for lack of trying, ok well maybe it is but I'm a bit picky too.

Now since I'm such a big fan of science and hypothisising. Brenda, lets say you weren't married and I was interested in you as more than a friend. Would you seriously considder it? Remember this is the gothic cowboy talking.

Ok now lets change that a little bit to where you don't know me at all and I'm walking up to you in the bar.

I wouldn't even considder it, so don't try to tell me otherwise.

I am happy with who I am and accept the fact that most women are uninterested in me for that fact. Some people are alone for good reason.

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I believe if you go into things looking to enlarge your circle of FRIENDS, NOT to pin-down a perfect mate, you might end up eventually finding yourself falling in love with someone you didn't initially think could be "right" for you.

I can't tell you how many married friends I've had over the years who met their spouse either from initially being friends with them, or from "a friend of a friend".


i agree. even if you are hanging out with someone and they turn out not so "right" for you ... you might meet someone else through them.

and that is how i met my husband through friends and hanging out. (actually through my friend's sister) when i met him he had a girlfriend even so we were just friends for a long time.

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I didn't notice this until now but it's funny seeing the thread title on the index page: Why is it so hard?.......makes you wonder what Brenda was REALLY thinking of when she typed that.  :whistling


I swear I wasn't thinking what you think I was thinking...

Now since I'm such a big fan of science and hypothisising.  Brenda, lets say you weren't married and I was interested in you as more than a friend.  Would you seriously considder it?  Remember this is the gothic cowboy talking.


I find nothing wrong with "gothic cowboys". I'm not great with logic, so if you can tolerate me babbling on about corsets and lipstick, I can try to get logic.

I'm not like a lot of people that you might know. Y'all need to learn that.

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Now since I'm such a big fan of science and hypothisising.  Brenda, lets say you weren't married and I was interested in you as more than a friend.  Would you seriously considder it?  Remember this is the gothic cowboy talking.

Ok now lets change that a little bit to where you don't know me at all and I'm walking up to you in the bar.

I wouldn't even considder it, so don't try to tell me otherwise.

I am happy with who I am and accept the fact that most women are uninterested in me for that fact.  Some people are alone for good reason.


Why address this to just Brenda?

I HAVE met you once or twice at CC. Both Jon and I found you INCREDIBLY interesting, genial, and fascinating. And these are two seriously anti-people people here.

And while I don't like to comment on the attractiveness of other people due to my married state (both Jon and I loathe flirtation), I will break my rule to let you know I find you VERY attractive - in both personality and appearance. I find a certain "type" attractive, and you fit the bill.

But, unfortunately, there's a part of me that's afraid your thought in response to that would be, "big deal - you're fat. It'd be more flattering if YOU weren't desperate/unattractive/abnormal, too."

Which brings me back to the point that most people don't give "imperfect" people a chance. Which is so sad.

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I was thinking some of those same thoughts, Critter. I'm in a relationship, but if I were looking, ScaryGuy - you have a lot of things I like in a guy. the living at home thing could be a problem but I've dated someone in a similar situation and it can be worked around when necessary. I can't comment on appearances - don't think I've met you yet, but the Mr. Spock thing *drool* I find logical men very attractive, maybe because I tend to be that way somewhat myself, also maybe because I used to have a crush on Mr. Spock when I was a young girl, heh.

The computer thing too - been into them since I could read and I tend to sit online for hours at times. I tend to take my puters apart and see what makes them tick, add all kinda gadgets and enjoy learning more. I *know* there are semi-geeky women out there like me. Maybe they are all hiding behind their computer screens, but they are out there.

With all that said though, it is good that you can be okay with your current situation. Actually that in itself is very attractive. (nothing worse than someone who acts desperate). Being comfortable with being oneself is a valuable trait and at least you don't end up attracting people who like you for something you are not.

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Guest MsMaldoror

I've been alone a lot and have had long, long dry spells from dating. I agree with you that some people are alone for good reason. I think it's better to be alone than to just be with anyone. Spend your time wisely...

I'd like to point out that there is a HUGE difference with being negative and being realistic.  I'm happy with who I am, that is why I am who I am.

My family has a large southern heratage on both sides which is where the cowboy in me comes from.  I like living at home as it allows me to save money and concentrate on things/have fun while I can.  Being Spock like is awesome, logic is my best friend, and I don't completely lack emotion, I just hide it very well.  Computers and music are also my bread and butter, without them I'd probably die.

Someone also mentioned enlarging ones circle of friends.  I'm a DJ and head of PR for a nightclub.  For an antisocial guy I've done a lot to go against that and make friends/connections for myself.  Still most of those people are just aquantances and my true friends I can count on one hand and none of them are female.

If I'm alone it isn't for lack of trying, ok well maybe it is but I'm a bit picky too.

Now since I'm such a big fan of science and hypothisising.  Brenda, lets say you weren't married and I was interested in you as more than a friend.  Would you seriously considder it?  Remember this is the gothic cowboy talking.

Ok now lets change that a little bit to where you don't know me at all and I'm walking up to you in the bar.

I wouldn't even considder it, so don't try to tell me otherwise.

I am happy with who I am and accept the fact that most women are uninterested in me for that fact.  Some people are alone for good reason.


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that's the problem brenda. too many people here do think there is too much wrong with them. or they think something is wrong with everyone else and don't look to themselves to see why they can't be happy. you can't be happy with someone else if you are not happpy with yourself first.


who said anything about being unhappy. theres a purpos in life for all of us. i think i figured out mine and i am content on being just one. maybe its way life is meant to be. either way i'm fine as i am. i'm alive. and i can still wield a sword so i'm okay

I didn't notice this until now but it's funny seeing the thread title on the index page: Why is it so hard?.......makes you wonder what Brenda was REALLY thinking of when she typed that.  :whistling


get your mind out of the gutter. i dont care if its attached to your body

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Why address this to just Brenda?

I HAVE met you once or twice at CC. Both Jon and I found you INCREDIBLY interesting, genial, and fascinating. And these are two seriously anti-people people here.

And while I don't like to comment on the attractiveness of other people due to my married state (both Jon and I loathe flirtation), I will break my rule to let you know I find you VERY attractive - in both personality and appearance. I find a certain "type" attractive, and you fit the bill.

But, unfortunately, there's a part of me that's afraid your thought in response to that would be, "big deal - you're fat. It'd be more flattering if YOU weren't desperate/unattractive/abnormal, too."

Which brings me back to the point that most people don't give "imperfect" people a chance. Which is so sad.


I guess it was addressed to me because I'm so adamant about liking people for who they are, warts and all. I think I'm probably overzealous about making that particular point.

As far as these so-called "imperfect people". I think that they ARE the ideal. I can't stand what society thinks is "perfection". It really grates my nerves!

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Wow what were you on? I need me some of that lol

Anyhow I addressed the question to Brenda because she started the thread.

FC it doesn't matter what you look like, you could be thin and you would still be the same person you are now.

Solitude is overrated, but it really is better than being with someone who isn't worthy of you and is a complete waste of flesh.

Finding that someone is important (to me at least) because I'm incomplete without her. We're stuck on this rock for what seems like a minute. The more time I spend not in eachothers arms the more empty my life is. I don't have the desire or the drive to do anything and am pretty depressed about everything. I don't do anything because there really isn't much of a point since I'm just going to fizzle out of existance anyhow.

There I've found the root of my problem, I'm a depressing human being that is going no where except on the cellular level. I have no drive to do anything other than waste time until my eventual and inevitable demise.

I don't want anyone's pitty, or sympathy, or empathy. I guess anything is better than the apathy I'm aflicted with. Nothing good or bad, just existance.

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