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I do too have a life CHERNY! (a post whore thread)

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I know I have allot of posts in not too much time....

...but I have been to Club like 3 of the last 4 weekends...AND I'm plannin' an expedition to OUT this weekend...

...also there is the chores & music...however, I don't have any paint brushes right now (for miniatures)...& I lack a place to set up me woodworking...

..but I also write down some poems (some of those posts were just that)...I also co-host a weekly poetry night (allot of posts on that thread)...

...then there are the ENDLESS debates about politics, religion, economics, & semantics.....or sifting through the "Erisian Oasis".......

...then there's the SILLY threads...& the SERIOUS thread...& the numerous "person above you/one word" threads...

...there is also about a hundered or so Welcome threads I had to tag...not to mention the hundred or so quizzes...

...& I'm not sure...but I think that there MIGHT just POSSIBLY be a thread on Agnosticism...

Top 20 posters of all time. :jamin

...WELL..............I did not say I had MUCH of a life...

Edited by Chernobyl
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well, sheesh, I had 400+ before I had been here 3 months... and look at me now.... Been here a little over a year, and look how many I have. I have slowed down, but I am still posting like crazy. I think that I have slowed because I make less posts, but they are longer. I use to make really short posts... Mine mean more, now, than they use to, I guess.....

A life, or lack there of, Rev, I think that everyone looks forward to your posts, just to see what you'd say. :) I know that I do. So, keep up the good post whoring. lol :)

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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you dony need an excuse to make friends on a website

i have made a few worthwhile lifelong friends on here its not lame

in fact, internet dating is no longer shunned and thought of as a bad thing

(i just read a report on it)

lots of people do this to meet others now

now that i said all that...


post whore, that iz... :wink

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I would post more but you know...I have things I have to do like keep a roof over my head and get an education and all, so that takes up a lot of time. Then there's trying to battle my gross-ass fat that has overstayed its welcome by way of Dance Dance Revolution, then I've been trying to finish my novel(s) that I've been working on for like three fucking years now, and also I'm starting to design fashion and picking up dreadfalls again. I also have to set aside time for Mugen, Gitzie, and Pestilence.

Between all that, and keeping my house clean since everyone messes it up every damn weekend on D&D night :tongue:, I get about an hour every two or three days to post.

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Just a thought, Rev..

Have you ever tried using cats' whiskers to paint miniatures? I use them for lots of projects with small details. They are also great for painting the trim on model vehicles and airplanes. You can even fashion a small multiple-haired brush with some whiskers, a toothpick, and floral tape.

P.S. If you need some cat whiskers, I have TONS of them. I pick them up and keep them in a toothpick canister, when I find them around the house, for just such art projects. I probably have hundreds. :)

P.P.S. Give me some time, and I'll be right up there with you guys on the post count! :p

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Just a thought, Rev..

Have you ever tried using cats' whiskers to paint miniatures? I use them for lots of projects with small details. They are also great for painting the trim on model vehicles and airplanes. You can even fashion a small multiple-haired brush with some whiskers, a toothpick, and floral tape.

P.S. If you need some cat whiskers, I have TONS of them. I pick them up and keep them in a toothpick canister, when I find them around the house, for just such art projects. I probably have hundreds. :)

P.P.S. Give me some time, and I'll be right up there with you guys on the post count! :p

...free hint on post whoring...post ANYTHING...if something made you laugh...but not think of words...QUOTE IT & POST: :rofl:

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Guest greyhalo

I'll admit that I am at times too. I posted a lot in a short amount of time after re-joining the board. But, I'm at a computer all day at work anyway, and muti-tasking is a good skill, right? :wink

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Just a thought, Rev..

Have you ever tried using cats' whiskers to paint miniatures? I use them for lots of projects with small details. They are also great for painting the trim on model vehicles and airplanes. You can even fashion a small multiple-haired brush with some whiskers, a toothpick, and floral tape.

P.S. If you need some cat whiskers, I have TONS of them. I pick them up and keep them in a toothpick canister, when I find them around the house, for just such art projects. I probably have hundreds. :)

P.P.S. Give me some time, and I'll be right up there with you guys on the post count! :p

I can't collect my ketteh's whiskas.... both shin and ryuu have wirey curly whiskers. lol BUT I want to find me a minurature to rep my new DnD character, so when I do, I can has some of your's? :)

OH MY GAWD! I have to show you guys my EPIC FAIL, since I'm talking about DnD... this is great... lmao


This is my first character sheet, first campain, first night playing, and my very first roll was a damn 1! :rofl: man, we all had a good laugh.. it was great... thank TheLordOfSins for capturing this hilarious moment in time... lol

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