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Proposition 1 - Medical Marijuana

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United States Constitution

Article 6, Second Paragraph

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States

which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties

made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the

United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and

the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing

in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary


Now Proposition 1

© Although federal law currently prohibits any use of marihuana except under very limited circumstances, states are not required to enforce federal law or prosecute people for engaging in activities prohibited by federal law. The laws of Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Washington do not penalize the medical use and cultivation of marihuana. Michigan joins in this effort for the health and welfare of its citizens.


"the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby"

The next time a stoner whines to me about his constitutional rights being trampled by some cop, I swear I'm going to beat him with a copy of it.

Let me ask you, what is the point of having federal law if the states do not have to enforce it.

City and County police and courts enforce state laws, do they not?

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Im conflicted with this, because I believe that if a person has a medical condition and pot can help that, they should be allowed to have it. But it is against federal law, and those people given 'scripts for pot can still get busted and goto jail under federal law. I think that it's time for it to become legal in the whole country.

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United States Constitution

Article 6, Second Paragraph

Now Proposition 1


"the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby"

The next time a stoner whines to me about his constitutional rights being trampled by some cop, I swear I'm going to beat him with a copy of it.

Let me ask you, what is the point of having federal law if the states do not have to enforce it.

City and County police and courts enforce state laws, do they not?


ahahahahaha YOU'RE interpretation means jack....shut the hell up.

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"When it comes to a drug that is currently listed in schedule I, if it is undisputed that such drug has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and it is further undisputed that the drug has at least some potential for abuse sufficient to warrant control under the CSA, the drug must remain in schedule I. In such circumstances, placement of the drug in schedules II through V would conflict with the CSA since such drug would not meet the criterion of "a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States." 21 USC 812(b)."

if its for medical use. it conflicts. so people can use it for medical use, but its STILL a section 1 drug

im happy its passed. why should we make this plant illegal. when its HISTORICLY the most useful plant ever. and every little inch is good. althou the whole state overriding csa thing is a bit screwy. im sure there is no other way to go about changing the status aside from having enough states where csa whould have to lower it

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Guest Megalicious

United States Constitution

Article 6, Second Paragraph

Now Proposition 1


"the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby"

The next time a stoner whines to me about his constitutional rights being trampled by some cop, I swear I'm going to beat him with a copy of it.

Let me ask you, what is the point of having federal law if the states do not have to enforce it.

City and County police and courts enforce state laws, do they not?

I would have to agree with you in general, HOWEVER...

Although federal law currently prohibits any use of marihuana except under very limited circumstances

I think limiting it to circumstance such as people with AID's, cacner ect, is the right thing to do. There is a time when postconventional morality is a good thing, this would be one of those times.

These are people that are dying in the most awful sort of ways. To deny them any kind of comfort or aid that might help them to get through the day with a smile is well worth going against conventional thinking IMO.

If we always went along with things that uphold the laws and social rules we would never get anywhere as a society.

*rambling ended*

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United States Constitution

Article 6, Second Paragraph

Now Proposition 1


"the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby"

The next time a stoner whines to me about his constitutional rights being trampled by some cop, I swear I'm going to beat him with a copy of it.

Let me ask you, what is the point of having federal law if the states do not have to enforce it.

City and County police and courts enforce state laws, do they not?

i dont even smoke and i still think it has legitimate uses!!!

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Marijuana is an herb not a drug(opinion for myself and only myself)

its a drug if someone laces it with chemical crap,like coke,heroin,etc.etc.

I do not trust the drugs Phizer,Upjohn and others mgf,since it seems to me that the side affects

more often out weigh the condition you are trying to treat

I'll deal with having the shits before dealing with a side affect that results in heart attack risks

I smoke weed on a very very rare occasions,and IMO it does help with depression

I still to this day will never trust anti depressants,too many side affects,and yes I voted YES on proposal 1

I know others that did as well,and they do not smoke weed at all.

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Marijuana is an herb not a drug(opinion for myself and only myself)

its a drug if someone laces it with chemical crap,like coke,heroin,etc.etc.

I do not trust the drugs Phizer,Upjohn and others mgf,since it seems to me that the side affects

more often out weigh the condition you are trying to treat

I'll deal with having the shits before dealing with a side affect that results in heart attack risks

I smoke weed on a very very rare occasions,and IMO it does help with depression

I still to this day will never trust anti depressants,too many side affects,and yes I voted YES on proposal 1

I know others that did as well,and they do not smoke weed at all.

well said bravo!

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Marijuana is an herb not a drug(opinion for myself and only myself)

its a drug if someone laces it with chemical crap,like coke,heroin,etc.etc.

I do not trust the drugs Phizer,Upjohn and others mgf,since it seems to me that the side affects

more often out weigh the condition you are trying to treat

I'll deal with having the shits before dealing with a side affect that results in heart attack risks

I smoke weed on a very very rare occasions,and IMO it does help with depression

I still to this day will never trust anti depressants,too many side affects,and yes I voted YES on proposal 1

I know others that did as well,and they do not smoke weed at all.

accually the drug form of thc is more legal then the plant form.

"Medical marijuana already exists. It's called Marinol.

A pharmaceutical product, Marinol, is widely available through prescription. It comes in the form of a pill and is also being studied by researchers for suitability via other delivery methods, such as an inhaler or patch. The active ingredient of Marinol is synthetic THC, which has been found to relieve the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy for cancer patients and to assist with loss of appetite with AIDS patients."

marinol is just thc mind you, so the cannibus has a lot more smaller things in it. therapeutic things

heres a website with a good destription.


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Marijuana is an herb not a drug(opinion for myself and only myself)

its a drug if someone laces it with chemical crap,like coke,heroin,etc.etc.

I do not trust the drugs Phizer,Upjohn and others mgf,since it seems to me that the side affects

more often out weigh the condition you are trying to treat

I'll deal with having the shits before dealing with a side affect that results in heart attack risks

I smoke weed on a very very rare occasions,and IMO it does help with depression

I still to this day will never trust anti depressants,too many side affects,and yes I voted YES on proposal 1

I know others that did as well,and they do not smoke weed at all.

I consider it a drug, but it can be much safer than others if used correctly, im not a big fan of it, but if someone uses on occasion and is not irresponsible with it i dont got a big problem with it, i just dont want ppl drivin high or in possesion of it around me cuz i dont wanna deal with goin to court!!!

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I consider it a drug, but it can be much safer than others if used correctly, im not a big fan of it, but if someone uses on occasion and is not irresponsible with it i dont got a big problem with it, i just dont want ppl drivin high or in possesion of it around me cuz i dont wanna deal with goin to court!!!

well said

I am the same way,I will not allow anyone in my vehicle if they have a bag in their possesion I don't need the cop crap my self either,just like open beer in a car will not fly either with me.shit I probably only smoke about 5 times a year if that,and I don't drink heavily anymore as well.

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well said

I am the same way,I will not allow anyone in my vehicle if they have a bag in their possesion I don't need the cop crap my self either,just like open beer in a car will not fly either with me.shit I probably only smoke about 5 times a year if that,and I don't drink heavily anymore as well.

thats not bad, i drink more often then needed but ive cut back, im taken better care of myself, workin out, goin to a therapists, i got a kid(with my ex) and a woman i love , I want to get myself mentally and physically fit for myself and the ppl i care about.....no back to the topic..... i used to smoke during and a while after high school, but now i just dont see the point, i may on rare occasions with the right ppl in the right place but other than that I aint smokin!!

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I hate weed. I've never smoked it and I never will. I gag when I have to smell it outside my apartment on rare occasions. I can't stand having to try to have a conversation with someone who is on it(personal preference, I have an easier time dealing with drunks than stoners) and I hate the idea of legalizing it as a general rule.

I still voted yes on Prop 1. When one reaches the point of terminal illness and constant pain, I say give them whatever makes them more comfortable. The prescription painkillers that these patients are taking are the medical equivalent of opium and heroin anyway. Medical marajuana is certainly not going to mess up anyone's system worse than any of that.

I could do a better job of stating that if it wasn't late and I wasn't tired, but you get my gist.

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I also have a possible better job offer probably next year and I dont want to ruin a good chance,considering my line of work right now is steady and I refuse to drink alcohol or smoke weed and run a Cinncinatti grinder under the influence,bad things can happen.

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It has nothing to do with whether or not it is beneficial for people suffering from ailments.

Marijuana is illegal under federal law. A state that claims to be able to make a (state) constitutional amendment, or law, that is contrary to one federal law; can likewise claim to be able to make an amendment/law contrary to ANY federal law.

If a state is allowed to pass a legal marijuana law, it can also take away your amendment rights.

Some people are fine with that when it comes to gun rights, but what about freedom of speech? religion? assembly? slavery? suffrage?

It's a pandora's box that should NEVER be allowed to open.

hahahahaha YOU'RE interpretation means jack....shut the hell up

It's not an interpretation, it's the exact wording of the document. It's clear as day. Anyone with third grade reading comprehension should be able to understand the language of that article.

p.s. - your*

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I also have a possible better job offer probably next year and I dont want to ruin a good chance,considering my line of work right now is steady and I refuse to drink alcohol or smoke weed and run a Cinncinatti grinder under the influence,bad things can happen.

we dont want you to loose your horn fingers. :jamin

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Guest Megalicious

accually the drug form of thc is more legal then the plant form.

"Medical marijuana already exists. It's called Marinol.

A pharmaceutical product, Marinol, is widely available through prescription. It comes in the form of a pill and is also being studied by researchers for suitability via other delivery methods, such as an inhaler or patch. The active ingredient of Marinol is synthetic THC, which has been found to relieve the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy for cancer patients and to assist with loss of appetite with AIDS patients."

marinol is just thc mind you, so the cannibus has a lot more smaller things in it. therapeutic things

heres a website with a good destription.


hmmm. So its ok to give them pure THC which has far more psychological effects? and not as many benifits? Not to mention it takes pill form 1-3 hours to work, leaving plenty of time for people to throw it right back up, since a vas majority of them are taking it to NOT throw up. hhmm I don't know about you but that doesn't sound very effective to me. Considering that smoking takes care of vomiting in about 5 minuets, and gives AID and cancer suffers a healthy appetite for a change.

And BTW, please don't copy and paste things that are not yours, its called plagiarism, because here is theWEBSITE from which you copy and pasted. If you going to make a point and state a view, make sure its yours. And no, I don't mean to be be bitchy its just one of my pet pevs so to speak.

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IMO for myself,I'd rather be around people smoking weed and laughing,than be around people who cannot handle alcohol,ever been around a violent drinker?

now back to the topic,anyone who is terminal should be allowed to

use marijuana to ease the pain.

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Guest greyhalo

It has nothing to do with whether or not it is beneficial for people suffering from ailments.

Marijuana is illegal under federal law. A state that claims to be able to make a (state) constitutional amendment, or law, that is contrary to one federal law; can likewise claim to be able to make an amendment/law contrary to ANY federal law.

If a state is allowed to pass a legal marijuana law, it can also take away your amendment rights.

Some people are fine with that when it comes to gun rights, but what about freedom of speech? religion? assembly? slavery? suffrage?

It's a pandora's box that should NEVER be allowed to open.

It's not an interpretation, it's the exact wording of the document. It's clear as day. Anyone with third grade reading comprehension should be able to understand the language of that article.


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hmmm. So its ok to give them pure THC which has far more psychological effects? and not as many benifits? Not to mention it takes pill form 1-3 hours to work, leaving plenty of time for people to throw it right back up, since a vas majority of them are taking it to NOT throw up. hhmm I don't know about you but that doesn't sound very effective to me. Considering that smoking takes care of vomiting in about 5 minuets, and gives AID and cancer suffers a healthy appetite for a change.

And BTW, please don't copy and paste things that are not yours, its called plagiarism, because here is theWEBSITE from which you copy and pasted. If you going to make a point and state a view, make sure its yours. And no, I don't mean to be be bitchy its just one of my pet pevs so to speak.

thats where the quotation marks are, im not well with html thingys to put quote bars into. the quotation marks is a quote, just not as umm formal in this world of forums. sorry for the misunderstanding. i should of put that url in to but i had the reply sitting there for like 30 minutes as i was being bothered with computer issues

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Guest Megalicious

thats where the quotation marks are, im not well with html thingys to put quote bars into. the quotation marks is a quote, just not as umm formal in this world of forums. sorry for the misunderstanding. i should of put that url in to but i had the reply sitting there for like 30 minutes as i was being bothered with computer issues

Honestly, I was in a shitty mood. I'm sorry I projected my crappy mood upon you. I apologize. :hope: It was not my intention. But thank you for not reacting in a defensive manner, I appreceiate it. :happy:

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