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Are their any other Vegan/Vegetarians here?

Would like to share recipes, ideas, suggestions, links, etc?

Thinking of going Veggie? Need some support?

Want to meet for lunch?

I am a lacto vegetarian (I don't eat meat or eggs, or anything made with them)

I do indulge in cheese (my only dairy source) very rarely, but enough to not claim veganism...plus I like my leather...as long as its on the outside

I feel so alone...

Surely there is more of my ilk here...?

Oh and if this was covered already I apologize

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Are their any other Vegan/Vegetarians here?

Would like to share recipes, ideas, suggestions, links, etc?

Thinking of going Veggie? Need some support?

Want to meet for lunch?

I am a lacto vegetarian (I don't eat meat or eggs, or anything made with them)

I do indulge in cheese (my only dairy source) very rarely, but enough to not claim veganism...plus I like my leather...as long as its on the outside

I feel so alone...

Surely there is more of my ilk here...?

Oh and if this was covered already I apologize

I avoid most meat, but I gave up being an official Veg a while ago.....

I know some great recipes though.....I was a Chef for years.....

I guess technically I still am, but I don't do it for a living now..... =P

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I avoid most meat, but I gave up being an official Veg a while ago.....

I know some great recipes though.....I was a Chef for years.....

I guess technically I still am, but I don't do it for a living now..... =P

Ohhh I would love to see some recipes! I tend to avoid most of the fake meat, it doesn't really do anything for me. I gave up meat and its products more for health than ethical reasons. I gave up eggs so I wouldn't be tempted by pastries. And Milk...well that just makes me say 'ew' heh

One of my favorite recipes calls for couscous, black beans, vinegar, and all kinds of veggies. Its one of those recipes where you make a big bowl on Sunday and it gets better each day.

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I'm not totally veggie but about 95% of what I eat is.

I'd love some recipes.

As stated below this is one of my favorites I found it on allrecipes, but I veganized it. If you'd like the original let me know, I think I saved it on my blog


1 cup uncooked couscous

1 1/4 cups vegetable broth (low sodium preferably) (or water, if you don't want any salt)

1 small can of diced green chilis

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 or 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar (or seasoned rice vinegar)

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

8 green onions, chopped (or half a spanish onion)

1 red and 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped

1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

1 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed

2 (15 ounce) cans black beans, drained


Bring vegetable broth to a boil in a 2 quart or larger sauce pan and stir in the couscous. Cover the pot and remove from heat. Let stand for 5 minutes.

In a large bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lime juice, vinegar and cumin. Add green onions, red pepper, cilantro, , corn and beans and toss to coat.

Fluff the couscous well, breaking up any chunks. Add to the bowl with the vegetables and mix well. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Its an easy recipe to adapt to whatever you have on hand, and whatever vegetable is your current favorite. If you're like me, it changes all the time. Right now mine is red peppers.

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...I like eating vegetarians... :shock:

...really I do..............they taste SO MUCH betta'... ;)


...I eat mostly veggies when I can get enough...other than that I am a dairy/grain machine...

...but to stay healthy (I eat very little to begin with) I have to include meat in my diet...

......but I have had stints ov vegetarianism/veganism for Ceremonial cleanings...

...I was also a cook for many years...I'll have to think of some veggie dishes to share..

......but not the houmous...that's a family secret...

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Here is one of my classic receipts adapted to Vegan. Enjoy. This soup is better than Campbell's, I've been told.

Super Easy Vegan Cream Of Tomato Soup:

2 T. Earth Balance Natural Buttery Spread

1 T. dried minced onion or 3 T. freshly minced Spanish onion

2 T. all-purpose flour (better yet, winter wheat bread flour if you have it-- makes for a smoother roux ;))

1 Qt. Red Gold (or inferior brand) tomato juice

1 T. raw sugar or clover honey (VERY IMPORTANT!)

2 cups Silk soy milk or Rice Dream rice milk

1/2 t. Lawrey's seasoned salt, or Morton's All Purpose seasoning salt

Freshly ground black pepper to taste (this is what really makes the soup!)

In a dutch oven or medium stockpot, saute onions on med. low heat in butter spread until translucent. Lower heat, and add flour until a thick paste is formed. Add the cold tomato juice, sugar or honey, and seasoned salt; raise heat to medium, and stir with a balloon whisk constantly until thickened. Incorporate the rice or soy milk while still stirring, until of desired thickness. Do not bring to a full boil, or the soup will "break." Remove from heat, pour into bowls, top with a few grinds of black pepper, and serve!!!

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Here is one of my classic receipts adapted to Vegan. Enjoy. This soup is better than Campbell's, I've been told.

Super Easy Vegan Cream Of Tomato Soup:

2 T. Earth Balance Natural Buttery Spread

1 T. dried minced onion or 3 T. freshly minced Spanish onion

2 T. all-purpose flour (better yet, winter wheat bread flour if you have it-- makes for a smoother roux ;))

1 Qt. Red Gold (or inferior brand) tomato juice

1 T. raw sugar or clover honey (VERY IMPORTANT!)

2 cups Silk soy milk or Rice Dream rice milk

1/2 t. Lawrey's seasoned salt, or Morton's All Purpose seasoning salt

Freshly ground black pepper to taste (this is what really makes the soup!)

In a dutch oven or medium stockpot, saute onions on med. low heat in butter spread until translucent. Lower heat, and add flour until a thick paste is formed. Add the cold tomato juice, sugar or honey, and seasoned salt; raise heat to medium, and stir with a balloon whisk constantly until thickened. Incorporate the rice or soy milk while still stirring, until of desired thickness. Do not bring to a full boil, or the soup will "break." Remove from heat, pour into bowls, top with a few grinds of black pepper, and serve!!!

Ohh! I am def going to try this! I LOVE tomato soup and I've been trying to make a vegan version myself and have yet to perfect it. I normally use blue agave for a sweetner, but I think I can try the raw sugar since it only calls for a 1T I'll let you know how it turns out

Thanks so much!

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...I like eating vegetarians... :shock:

...really I do..............they taste SO MUCH betta'... ;)



I had a bumper sticker on my truck that said "Vegetarians taste better" I'll need to get another though, mine was stolen (it was on a magnet back)

and it's true we DO taste better

...I eat mostly veggies when I can get enough...other than that I am a dairy/grain machine...

...but to stay healthy (I eat very little to begin with) I have to include meat in my diet...

......but I have had stints ov vegetarianism/veganism for Ceremonial cleanings...

...I was also a cook for many years...I'll have to think of some veggie dishes to share..

......but not the houmous...that's a family secret...

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Ohhh I would love to see some recipes! I tend to avoid most of the fake meat, it doesn't really do anything for me. I gave up meat and its products more for health than ethical reasons. I gave up eggs so I wouldn't be tempted by pastries. And Milk...well that just makes me say 'ew' heh

One of my favorite recipes calls for couscous, black beans, vinegar, and all kinds of veggies. Its one of those recipes where you make a big bowl on Sunday and it gets better each day.

Have you ever had Quinoa?????

Soooo good & versatile.....Packed with protien

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Have you ever had Quinoa?????

Soooo good & versatile.....Packed with protien

When I can get it, I enjoy it alot

I work with a personal trainer alot, and she's always pushing my protein intake up. Actually I get more now that I don't eat meat. From either soy protein powder, or tofu or beans. (or my weakness peanut butter)

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i'm not a vegetarian but most of my diet is vegetarian. i could NEVER be vegan. i like too many things that i could never exclude to be vegan. i could see myself being vegetarian but i'm not sure why i never tried to be yet? i prefer to eat that way so it would be very easy for me to give up meat, i don't like it very much, just never gave it up completely yet. i kind of feel sick after i eat meat so i don't like to eat it very much and there are not very many meats i like to begin with.

i'm always looking for well balanced recipes so i can get everything i need out of what i am eating. i tend to like certain things and stick with it without finding out about new things i might like/want to try.

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i'm not a vegetarian but most of my diet is vegetarian. i could NEVER be vegan. i like too many things that i could never exclude to be vegan. i could see myself being vegetarian but i'm not sure why i never tried to be yet? i prefer to eat that way so it would be very easy for me to give up meat, i don't like it very much, just never gave it up completely yet. i kind of feel sick after i eat meat so i don't like to eat it very much and there are not very many meats i like to begin with.

i'm always looking for well balanced recipes so i can get everything i need out of what i am eating. i tend to like certain things and stick with it without finding out about new things i might like/want to try.

That's pretty much how I was before going veggie. Giving up the actual meat wasn't a hardship, giving up the products made with it was a little more time consuming. You would not believe the things they put meat products in!

I used to feel sick after eating meat as well, just never really made the connection until I gave it up and felt so much better in so many ways that I doubt I will ever go back to eating it.

There's a huge amount of websites that have a ton of recipes, if you ever decide to go veg and want some links/recipes let me know.

I'm the only vegetarian in my family, I still cook meat for the rest of the house, but now they get alot more side dishes that I can eat, and the actual meat is their only link. I just use nonmeat gravies/sauces/broths whatever so I have things to eat as well.

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I noticed that it always seems to be the women that are veggie people only. I have yet to meet a male one. Why is that?

I appreciate NOT bein' counted as "Man"...thanx... ;) <not sarcasm>

...I have known several FULL time vegetarians that are men...& a vegan or three...I have found it is rarely a thing a dude will do on his own...girlfriends are the #1 cause of vegetarianism in men...(other than a spiritual path {Hindu, Buddhism, Taoism, some Witches}..but that may be a tie)...

I know there is a scientific reason...but I can not find any scientists that care about it to back me up...

BUT..there is an iron deposit in the bridge of the human nose...it has a vein of iron in it...your nose is SO sensitive...that you do not even know it...BUT...it acts as a COMPASS....& males have a larger deposit...I think it is due to the fact that females loose blood monthly, & that males are driven by instinct to eat LARGE quantities of iron in the early pubescence...this is to ensure that they can effectually hunt later in life. It would also ensure that the Tribe will not get "lost" when migrating (when we did such things)....

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I noticed that it always seems to be the women that are veggie people only. I have yet to meet a male one. Why is that?

I was a total vegan from 17-34 finances kept me from my ways. I traveled to Washington(that protest cost the fur industry 1.7million dollars in subsidies) been to New Jersey and California on protests and my beliefs. I also protested circuses locally and got arrested for "wearing a mask in public" which is on the law books "except for the antics of children on halloween" this happened in Birmingam in the early 90s. I was a total vegan for 17 years I wouldn't even eat calcium casseinate(which is a byproduct of milk) so even if u think you're eating vegan they slip in nice stuff into "vegetarian cheese" like calcium casseinate. End of story and Rev that was rude what u had to say God created animals with souls we just abuse them. I used to order my combat boots for clubs from "heartland products" which can be easily found on the web. Any questions ask me I was even vegan when I met homicidal healthen for the first time 10 yrs ago.


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Guest greyhalo

I noticed that it always seems to be the women that are veggie people only. I have yet to meet a male one. Why is that?

My last boyfriend was basically vegan. I've known quite a few vegetarian and/or vegan gentlemen actually.

I don't consider myself vegetarian, but I don't eat meat. I haven't had red meat in like 17 years. However, I like seafood, dairy, and eggs on occasion. I also wear leather boots. I love to cook and will post some recipes later.

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I don't consider myself vegetarian, but I don't eat meat. I haven't had red meat in like 17 years. However, I like seafood, dairy, and eggs on occasion. I also wear leather boots. I love to cook and will post some recipes later.

sounds like you are pescatarian.

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I noticed that it always seems to be the women that are veggie people only. I have yet to meet a male one. Why is that?

I'm wondering how anyone could be veg/vegan...there's no effing way I could do it. I'm an animal person and there's still no way I could do it, too damn good to give up :laugh:. Kudos to anyone that can pull it off and be satisfied with it though.

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Guest greyhalo

sounds like you are pescatarian.

Yes. :happy:

I don't even eat much seafood. One thing I can't give up is dairy. I LOVE cheese. Soy cheese doesn't compare to real cheese.

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I'm wondering how anyone could be veg/vegan...there's no effing way I could do it. I'm an animal person and there's still no way I could do it, too damn good to give up :laugh:. Kudos to anyone that can pull it off and be satisfied with it though.

I'm with you on this one. I don't have the will power to give up meat, and if I tried I'd probably last a day if that lol. More power to the ones who can handle it.

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