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Christians Crash a Gay Meeting, Abuse an Old Lesbian;

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Radical Homosexuals Trample a Cross, Harass a Granny, Crash a Church, and Threaten Joe the Plumber’s Life

Can you imagine what would happen if a gang of angry male Christian activists started shouting down and shoving around some nice old lesbian during a religious rally right after ripping her rainbow pride flag from her hands and waffle stomping it?

How much television coverage do you think that spat of stupidity would spawn? What kind of outrage do you think the gays would gin up over such an inexcusable and pathetic act?

I’ll tell you what would happen: We would see an irate Elton John hold a special Candle in the Wind concert on the old lesbian’s behalf, Lance Bass would host a telethon, Ellen would weep, Brad and Angelina would adopt another baby and Rosie would shave the right side of her head again and again until justice was served and those chunks of corn were convicted and sent to prison

Story Here

Not sorry if I tricked you.


I enjoyed the video, especially the end where the guy is holding an "Equality for All" sign in front of the camera, blocking the view of the old lady's cross being trampled.

Equality, except in the case of Freedom of Assembly and Speech, for All. Real hypocritical idiots.

And I support gay marriage.

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I support gay marriage too, but people in Cali are going to far this time. People of that state have spoken twice and both times said they didn't want gay marriage. People on the pro-gay marriage side having hissy fits and being generally abusive it not helping the cause at all.

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I support gay marriage too, but people in Cali are going to far this time. People of that state have spoken twice and both times said they didn't want gay marriage. People on the pro-gay marriage side having hissy fits and being generally abusive it not helping the cause at all.

It didn't work for the IRA, it's not working for Al Qaeda.. what the fuck makes them think it's going to work for them?

It's just unfortunate that the majority of blacks see gay marriage as anti christian and anti tradition, and not as a matter of civil rights.

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It didn't work for the IRA, it's not working for Al Qaeda.. what the fuck makes them think it's going to work for them?

It's just unfortunate that the majority of blacks see gay marriage as anti christian and anti tradition, and not as a matter of civil rights.

Very true, but I think a lot try not to think gay rights being on the same level as when blacks marched for their rights. Hate breeds hate, and frankly I don't forsee it changing till the last of the baby boomer generation dies off.

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To be fair, she walked into a lions den with a piece of meat draped around her. It was naive, if not downright stupid of her to walk into their midst. She could have made own protest nearby and it would have caused her a lot less anguish. And the title of the story is a little misleading. Radical? No.. They're just regular gay folk.. They're pissed because conservatives keep trying to deny them a right that straight couples have. I'd be pissed too if I was gay. Hell, I'm pissed and I'm not gay. And where was the "church crashing"?

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To be fair, she walked into a lions den with a piece of meat draped around her. It was naive, if not downright stupid of her to walk into their midst. She could have made own protest nearby and it would have caused her a lot less anguish. And the title of the story is a little misleading. Radical? No.. They're just regular gay folk.. They're pissed because conservatives keep trying to deny them a right that straight couples have. I'd be pissed too if I was gay. Hell, I'm pissed and I'm not gay. And where was the "church crashing"?

If some gay got that treatment by the Westboro Church, would you honestly have that same opinion?

Regardless, the old bat didn't break any laws, she had as much right to protest their protest and to expect to do so in safety.

Read the link, its in there.

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If some gay got that treatment by the Westboro Church, would you honestly have that same opinion?

Regardless, the old bat didn't break any laws, she had as much right to protest their protest and to expect to do so in safety.

Read the link, its in there.

I read the link and watched the video.

Having the right to be there doesn't mean it's a good idea. I would have the same opinion if it were reversed.

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I am all for gay marriage too. Hell, you want expensive divorces...a larger tax rate...ect...ect...go for it!

The only reason I got married was so my guy would have access to my kids in an emergency as some hospitals will only let you in if your 'next of kin' under certain circumstances...I figure gays are fighting for things such as that...but...I thought most gays professed being lovey dovey and peaceful and tolerant. That is not tolerant.

If you didn't like how the vote turned out...then why were you not out campaigning for your cause for weeks in advance making sure more people turned up at the polls that day? Drive your friends to the polls, the one's with no transportation?

Most elderly persons are from a different era...embrace some sort of strick religious dogma and MOST VOTE.

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I am all for gay marriage too. Hell, you want expensive divorces...a larger tax rate...ect...ect...go for it!

The only reason I got married was so my guy would have access to my kids in an emergency as some hospitals will only let you in if your 'next of kin' under certain circumstances...I figure gays are fighting for things such as that...but...I thought most gays professed being lovey dovey and peaceful and tolerant. That is not tolerant.

If you didn't like how the vote turned out...then why were you not out campaigning for your cause for weeks in advance making sure more people turned up at the polls that day? Drive your friends to the polls, the one's with no transportation?

Most elderly persons are from a different era...embrace some sort of strick religious dogma and MOST VOTE.

Well spoken. I am all for gay marriage too, but creating this kind of atmosphere is going to fuel the voters to keep it from being voted in. They are probably going to be viewed as animals because of this. And just as the pitbulls were percieved to be a vicious breed of dog even though its the owner that trained them to be that way, the gay community will be seen the same way, for a few people trying to represent the many.

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To be fair, she walked into a lions den with a piece of meat draped around her. It was naive, if not downright stupid of her to walk into their midst. She could have made own protest nearby and it would have caused her a lot less anguish. And the title of the story is a little misleading. Radical? No.. They're just regular gay folk.. They're pissed because conservatives keep trying to deny them a right that straight couples have. I'd be pissed too if I was gay. Hell, I'm pissed and I'm not gay. And where was the "church crashing"?

its not there time yet. this is amarica, and the majority has the say on issues. cause its the majority that gets to vote no. the only way gay people will have there freedom is to go a constitutional freedom type setting. they back the wrong party for that one.

also please dont blame conservates, being cristian does not negate you as conservative, and the other way around. conservative idiology has nothing to do with religion aside from parellels with morals. do it yourself to survive, you reap what you sow attitude. and to say theres no religious left wingers that dont also have a moral base on gay marriage whould be a lie. just cause your left dont make you suddenly accepting of everyone when your religion damns the act. i think the issues has nothing to do with partisianship. it has everything to do with morals and the fear amarica is turning to babylon and will be smited as such bye god.

you know in the end what whould fix this, the goverment not recognizing marriage for anyone. everyones a individual and it should be recognized as so. when children are concerned . only the fact there living togeather should be enough if its on the books as such. this also whould take down any divorce laws that gives the upperhand in most cases and accually puts a payout on divorce. which is good incentive to push for a divorce even if theres little wrong.

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