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Three cups of coffee a day makes breasts shrink - study


October 23, 2008 05:01pm

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+ - Print Email Share Add to MySpace Add to Digg Add to del.icio.us Add to Fark Post to Facebook Add to Kwoff What are these? Coffee-drinking can make breasts shrink, study says

Three cups a day enough to trigger effect

Breasts shrinkage can increase of every extra cup

DRINKING just three cups of coffee a day can make women's breasts shrink, researchers say.

Nearly 300 women were surveyed about their bust measurements and how many cups of coffee they drank in an average day.

According to the Swedish researchers, three cups a day was enough to start making breasts shrink, with the effects increasing for every cup drunk.

They said there was a clear link between drinking coffee and smaller breasts, as about half of women possessed a gene shown to link breast size to coffee intake.

"Drinking coffee can have a major effect on breast size," said Helena Jernstroem, a lecturer in experimental oncology at Lund University in Sweden.

"Coffee-drinking women do not have to worry their breasts will shrink to nothing overnight. They will get smaller, but the breasts aren't just going to disappear.

"However, anyone who thinks they can tell which women are coffee drinkers just from their bra measurements will be disappointed. The problem is that there are two measures for a bra - the cup size and the girth - so you wouldn't be able to tell."

Andy Smith of Holland It was not all bad news for women, as the researchers also found that regular hits of caffeine could help to cut the risk of breast cancer.


The fact that eating too much sugar is unhealthy isn't exactly breaking news. But CNN reports that it might be even worse than previously thought. If a recent study in the British Journal of Dermatology is correct, eating sugary foods can actually contribute to developing wrinkles.

Macro photograph of a pile of sugar

(Credit: Lauri Andler via Wikipedia)When glucose enters the bloodstream, it latches onto proteins in the body. As it turns out, collagen and elastin, the proteins that help keep skin elastic, are two of the most susceptible proteins to this process, according to the study.

As if there weren't reason enough to cut back on sugar intake, maybe this new study will encourage more people to skip the treats and use sugar to power their iPods instead



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then sign up to minionship of Head Wrecks temple of the Teapot, and the church of britishness

I prefer the nice quiet Zen of the Japanese Tea Ceremony, tyvm.

Well, this would save some people on reduction mammoplasty. I think my record at this point is a total of 7000 grams removed from both sides.

Sorry to those that like large breasts, I have seen women with such pleading in tears of pain to my PRS people to have them reduced. It becomes a health issue.

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