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Homeowner's Illegal Status Exposed After Aborted Sale

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ROSWELL, Ga. — Like all illegal immigrants, Lorenzo Jimenez knew the knock on the door from immigration agents could come at any time.

Still, he had enough faith in the American dream to buy a house in this Atlanta suburb, even though signing the papers meant raising the risk: He put his 2-year-old, American-born daughter's name and Social Security number on the title.

And it worked, for a while. Jimenez and his family lived happily enough for several years alongside "regular" citizens.

Nicole Griffin's mom lived a few doors away, and when Griffin visited, she said, her kids played with the Jimenez children. When Jimenez put his four-bedroom, two-bathroom home up for sale last spring, wanting more space, Griffin was immediately interested.

A contract was negotiated but when the sale appeared to go sour, Griffin raised a new issue: that she was a citizen and Jimenez wasn't. She told local media, immigration officials, his boss and others that he was here illegally. She even put signs in the yard of the house exposing his residency status.

As a result, agents came knocking last month, and now Jimenez is fighting to keep from being deported. He also lost his job.

"I'm very sad and very worried," said Jimenez, 32. "I can't sleep because I'm thinking about my family. What's going to happen? I don't know."

Griffin insists her intent was to buy the house, nothing else. The 28-year-old single mother of two maintains she was wronged first, so she acted to protect her interests. She has no regrets.

"At the end, do I feel bad the family got in trouble? No, not at all," she said.

Those who enter the U.S. illegally often say they're just striving for the same things that most American citizens want out of life — a good job, home ownership, maybe a chance to get a little bit ahead. But the ambitions of citizens and non-citizens can collide and, as the painful entanglement between Jimenez and Griffin shows, both sides can wind up feeling like victims.

Jimenez, who is Mexican, has been in the U.S. for about a decade. When he bought the house four years ago, the real estate agent handling the sale told him he could get a better interest rate using his daughter's information on the closing documents than he could using the federal tax identification number he uses to pay income tax here.

Jimenez later filed papers to have his own name added to the title, and that's how it stayed until Griffin spotted the "for sale" sign and $164,500 list price this spring.

With both sides enthusiastic about the sale, a deal was reached and the closing was set for May 15.

Griffin, a payroll clerk and first-time homebuyer, asked to postpone the closing until June 1 because she had problems locking in her interest rate. Jimenez agreed but asked that she move into the house as planned and pay rent until the closing.

Shortly after Griffin moved in, her attorney said there was a problem with the title on the house, namely that Jimenez's young daughter's name was on the title but her signature wasn't on the sale documents. Attorneys said some extra paperwork — establishing a conservatorship to watch out for the child's interest, the first step in getting the title transferred solely to her father — would clear the title, and everyone agreed to postpone again.

Griffin didn't pay the rent, however, claiming she was promised three months free since the delay was Jimenez's fault. She has an e-mail from his real estate agent, Alina Carbonell, saying he'd made the offer.

Jimenez's lawyer, Erik Meder, told her that offer was never firm and insisted she pay rent or vacate the house.

Locked in a letter war with Meder, Griffin escalated her actions. She contacted the FBI, the Roswell Police Department, local media, the state attorney general's office and the governor's office, among others. She asked her congressman, U.S. Rep. Tom Price, for help, saying she felt Jimenez and Meder had deceived her. Price's office, in turn, contacted U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said Brendan Buck, a Price spokesman.

"I am a law-abiding American merely trying to purchase a home," Griffin wrote in mid-July in a letter to American Homebuyers, a nonprofit that helps low- to moderate-income families buy homes. "An illegal family fraudulently obtained a mortgage using a 1 yr old SSN, and appear to have all the rights in this situation — How can this be when they shouldn't even be in America?"

She said she contacted anyone she could think of who might be able to help the sale go through.

Jimenez said she started making his life a nightmare. He claims she caused cosmetic damage to the house and intentionally clogged the plumbing, both of which she denies.

Griffin also went after Carbonell, the real estate agent. She contacted the Georgia State Real Estate Commission to try to get her license revoked. Carbonell said the threat to her reputation and to her career caused her so much stress she had to take a leave of absence.

Griffin said she reported Carbonell because the agent knew Jimenez's daughter's name was on the title from the beginning but didn't tell her right away. (Carbonell was not the real estate agent who originally advised Jimenez to use his daughter's name.)

In September, Meder got a judge to order Griffin to pay retroactive rent and get out of the house within a week.

Griffin then went to the upscale Atlanta restaurant where Jimenez worked as a cook and told his boss he was undocumented, which Jimenez said resulted in his firing.

"It was my last resort," Griffin said, "but once I realized my family had seven days to get out of a house that a family's not even legally supposed to own, I did go to his employer and I did let his employer know."

She also put bright red signs in the yard reading, "This house is owned by an illegal alien." When Jimenez tore them down, she put up new ones.

Griffin said she wanted the neighbors to share her outrage over what was happening.

"I don't feel bad for anything that happens to the Jimenez family at this point," Griffin said recently, "because no one feels bad that all I tried to do was buy a house, and I ended up living back with my mother."

In early October, plainclothes ICE agents showed up at Jimenez's apartment. They asked him about his residency status and his purchase of the house, then handcuffed him and took him away. He was released a few hours later and is due before a judge in January and could face eventual deportation.

His lawyers plan to apply to keep Jimenez in the country permanently, a process that could last several years. While it's pending, he will be eligible for a work permit. But even if he gets one, Jimenez will be living in limbo. His application to stay could be rejected, which means he still could be ordered to leave the country.

Jimenez has taken the house off the market but doesn't want to move his family back in amid the uncertainty, so they're still in the apartment that was supposed to be a transitional stop until they bought a bigger place.

Griffin hasn't tried to buy another home, in part because she can't afford to, so she and her kids are still staying with her mother.

Down the street, the Jimenez house sits empty.

What a cunt. Frankly I think he should have been trying to get a greencard or something, but he wasn't commiting any crimes like some illegals do. And frankly it sounds like Griffin couldn't afford the house anyway, and she knew it which is why she went all crazy on the man. But thats just my opinion.

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Not committing crimes?

Just being in the country was a crime.

And the guy buys a house on a cook's wage, using his daughter's name to get a mortgage?

Fuck this guy.

That woman's also a cunt, I wouldn't be surprised if any real estate agent gives her shit when she tries buying a house in the future.

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Not committing crimes?

Just being in the country was a crime.

And the guy buys a house on a cook's wage, using his daughter's name to get a mortgage?

Fuck this guy.

That woman's also a cunt, I wouldn't be surprised if any real estate agent gives her shit when she tries buying a house in the future.

It's not like he was selling drugs to school kids or in a gang killing people. He was working and according to the article paying taxes. Yes being in this country illegally is a crime, but in the grand sceam of things not a huge crime.

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I do feel bad that he encountered this woman. But nonetheless, if I were to do something like that in another country, I would be caned then crucified or deported. There are legal channels you have to go through and if one gets away with it, the rest of the horde claim they should be able to do the same thing. Then you have quite a population of illegals. The scary thing is, that its probably actually happening.

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I really do feel bad for these immigrants...

On the other hand, they are doing something illegal and in the whole grand scheme of things, it does matter. My aunt worked at Mayo and through all her years there they had one big problem. The biggest that hospital had like most others in the country is the fact that illegal immigrants were causing a huge loss money wise. Its hard enough for a hospital to take care of legal americans that don't have money, now add all the illegals. They ones that they busted that "had no money" were often dropped of by someone driving a nice car and the "poor patient" was wearing new and nice clothes.

They are also taking jobs and that has become very evident in my town. It is very true that if we did the same thing in any other country were would be screwed for life. We, for some damn reason, are always trying to be like Europe yet almost all the countries over there have very strict rules about immigration.

I personally would like to shake this womans hand. It may seem harsh but it was a crime and they had it coming. If he really cared about his family and was willing to work hard he would have ahd no trouble entering this country legally. I know some hispanic people in my town that have done that. And one of the guys i work with, Art, came here legally and he hates illegal immigrants because they are doing something wrong and are giving his people a bad name. He learned english because he knew that is what we spoke.

Also, in Madison I have seen many marches put on by illegal immigrants. They say that they are marching for their rights. What rights? Yeah they have rights as humans but that isn't what they are fighting for. They fly huge mexican flags with a small, upside down american flag underneath at these marches. Why? The news papers and TV reported on these events and it showed alot of pictures, many of which showed signs that said some horrible things about America and then "let us stay". No i am sorry that shit just isn't right.


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I really do feel bad for these immigrants...

On the other hand, they are doing something illegal and in the whole grand scheme of things, it does matter. My aunt worked at Mayo and through all her years there they had one big problem. The biggest that hospital had like most others in the country is the fact that illegal immigrants were causing a huge loss money wise. Its hard enough for a hospital to take care of legal americans that don't have money, now add all the illegals. They ones that they busted that "had no money" were often dropped of by someone driving a nice car and the "poor patient" was wearing new and nice clothes.

They are also taking jobs and that has become very evident in my town. It is very true that if we did the same thing in any other country were would be screwed for life. We, for some damn reason, are always trying to be like Europe yet almost all the countries over there have very strict rules about immigration.

I personally would like to shake this womans hand. It may seem harsh but it was a crime and they had it coming. If he really cared about his family and was willing to work hard he would have ahd no trouble entering this country legally. I know some hispanic people in my town that have done that. And one of the guys i work with, Art, came here legally and he hates illegal immigrants because they are doing something wrong and are giving his people a bad name. He learned english because he knew that is what we spoke.

Also, in Madison I have seen many marches put on by illegal immigrants. They say that they are marching for their rights. What rights? Yeah they have rights as humans but that isn't what they are fighting for. They fly huge mexican flags with a small, upside down american flag underneath at these marches. Why? The news papers and TV reported on these events and it showed alot of pictures, many of which showed signs that said some horrible things about America and then "let us stay". No i am sorry that shit just isn't right.

Well said. I totally agree and you covered more points that I would have liked to pointed out.

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personally are we talking about immagrants, or borderline refugees here that well can not physically survive in mexico anymore. people who are desperate and see the examples of how amarica was started of immagration see that as justification. its also slap in the face why a rich country has to be next to a poor country. like amarica is above them to. kinda psycological there.

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personally are we talking about immagrants, or borderline refugees here that well can not physically survive in mexico anymore. people who are desperate and see the examples of how amarica was started of immagration see that as justification. its also slap in the face why a rich country has to be next to a poor country. like amarica is above them to. kinda psycological there.

Its still wrong for me to steal shit from someone regardless of need or want. Yeah, we can here is immigrants, just like people were doing all over the world. Then we saw some problems arise from just letting anyone in so laws were set up, again this happened pretty much everywhere. Now, no one is getting on a boat to go to a new and promised land. It does suck that a rich country like us has to be next to a poor country like mexico, it makes them sad. But it isn't America's fault and there are many countries pushed together that are in the same boat. Call me an asshole but these countries also have themselves to blame for their situations. My favorite example is Iraq but I don't want to get killed here so I will shut up. I will admit that some of these illegal immigrants could bring something to our country to make it better. But when they go about it in the way that they are it completely nullifies anything that would have been good. Its harsh but just like everyone else they should have to pick up the pieces and do something to better their situation without hurting others and PUTTING THIER FAMILIES IN THE LINE OF FIRE!

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maybe if all those people stayed in mexico and put the effort in, they could make something of the damn country.

it's not like it's a poor country, it has natural resources, and tourism. it's just run like.... well like it's run by a bunch of stereotypical mexicans.

edit: actually let me add onto that comment above: more like it's run by a bunch of spanish descendants... lazy corrupt ignorant mother fuckers that they are. i don't know why i hate the french, the spaniards deserve it a lot more.

start at the top. get rid of the corrupt officials on the drug/coyote traffickers payroll. get rid of the military officers who think it's ok to help immigrants sneak into america, and take pot shots at us border patrol.

start extraditing violent criminals back to america to face their crimes.

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i can see how fighting for your own country whould be better then jumping to greener grass. of course some countries are beyond repair and just lack any natural resource to rise up the ladder. well companies abusing the lowest wage possible is pretty shitty to. mexico not included, theres just a huge class gap with them.

on a side note it whould be a shitty dice roll on life to be born in a third world country. or country thats been suppressed so far it couldnt be changed. just gotta put yourselfs in the boots of these people to understand the situation. in some way i whould be for a one world goverment if it was a peaceful and non violent type. to bad the fear that the new world order whould be full of elitists bastards kinda trumps that

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in some way i whould be for a one world goverment if it was a peaceful and non violent type. to bad the fear that the new world order whould be full of elitists bastards kinda trumps that

A United States of Earth is what is needed.

There are no governmental institutions that can beat America and Switzerland in terms of "by the people, for the people".

This is why I consider myself an imperialist. One race, one planet, one government.

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i can see how fighting for your own country whould be better then jumping to greener grass. of course some countries are beyond repair and just lack any natural resource to rise up the ladder. well companies abusing the lowest wage possible is pretty shitty to. mexico not included, theres just a huge class gap with them.

on a side note it whould be a shitty dice roll on life to be born in a third world country. or country thats been suppressed so far it couldnt be changed. just gotta put yourselfs in the boots of these people to understand the situation. in some way i whould be for a one world goverment if it was a peaceful and non violent type. to bad the fear that the new world order whould be full of elitists bastards kinda trumps that

No country is supressed enough to snuff out all hopes of rising up. Sometime, the people need the help of an outside source to get their kick start. Sometime fighting and dying IS the only way to get your country back. Sometimes having a democracy that is partially controlled and monitored by another democracy is the only way to get your government going. Sometimes...you have to do what you hate, work with eveything you have including your life to make anything happen. Yeah so I just described Iraq but the same can apply to Mexico. We have been fighting a drug war with a handful of DEA agents, local police, and laws. Those are three things that drug dealers don't give two shits about. Its time to use something that works and yes I do mean this literally...bring out the big guns.

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