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Your Wish Toys of Christmases Past


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I had Fashion Plates! :biggrin:

The very same Christmas, I received a "Tinkerbell" brand make-your-own cosmetics kit. It had ingredients to make brush on-peel off nailpolish, lip gloss, and perfumes. I think my folks regretted that one, after I spilled some of the perfume stuff on the hardwood floor in my bedroom, and it ate the finish off.

Did anyone else ever get an orange Ziffy-Whomper sled? It was a short, hard, hollow plastic sled, with handles on either side. It was embossed with the logo, picturing a penguin in hat, muffler, and skis. This sled was perfect for getting a running start, and doing a belly flop down the hill. Another neat thing about the sled, is that it had a rough-textured top surface-- so it was easy to stand on. Great for "snowboarding." I loved that sled SO much!!

Remember those "magic carpet" plastic roll-up sleds, with the single handle at the front? Talk about feeling every bump all the way down! I can't forget to mention the ubiquitous plastic saucer sled, either. Those things should be banned, if ever there were a dangerous winter toy! No better way to get creamed by every other kid coming down the hill on a sled, or hit trees, or run into moving or parked vehicles! I can't even think of all the times I got hurt playing with one of those!

One time, my cousin (who was two years older) waited around the side of the house and ambushed me with a big slab of ice, which had formed in the saucer sled. KARRRUNK! Right over the head. Knocked me the fuggout for a sec, too! I went after him, but he ran straight to Mamaw, and cried like a weaning calf. We both ended up picking switches that day. :rofl:

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I was so obsessed with Star Wars as a lad, that I pretty much considered the commercials to be min Christmas specials. And I knew it was the holiday season when these started rolling around heavy like.

I remember watching this and thinking

a- That's not what a wampa sounds like you stupid kid.

b- I wonder if they got to keep the toys? (Seriously, they did the commercial and now you don't let them keep the toy?)

c- I would probably fight the kid with the wampa

d- Was yesterday's episode of Scooby Doo "to be continued?"

e- The inside of a taun taun must be like spaghettios

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Did anyone else ever get a pair of roller skates like these under the tree?


They had metal wheels, and every chip in the sidewalk or stone would send you FLYING!! You actually had to carry a "skate key" around with you, to adjust the length, trucks, and wheels. They made a horrible ruckus, and if you shagged behind a car, you could make sparks!

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I was so obsessed with Star Wars as a lad, that I pretty much considered the commercials to be min Christmas specials. And I knew it was the holiday season when these started rolling around heavy like.


I remember watching this and thinking

a- That's not what a wampa sounds like you stupid kid.

b- I wonder if they got to keep the toys? (Seriously, they did the commercial and now you don't let them keep the toy?)

c- I would probably fight the kid with the wampa

d- Was yesterday's episode of Scooby Doo "to be continued?"

e- The inside of a taun taun must be like spaghettios

:rofl: :rofl: @ your concept of taun-taun inners!!!!!!

Looking back, it was pretty gruesome for Hasbro to use that particular movie scene in a children's playset! :rofl:

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Guest Megalicious


I remember getting this one year.

This Halloween I had a trip down nostalgia lane. We were at Jarod's (which is my sons father, for those of you that don't know) parents house. Jarod's mom brings out a box of Jarod's old toys. It just so happens to be a box of old Voltron, Transformers, and Gobots !!!!! There were all are (Jarod, Keegan and I) sitting on the floor, all excited! It was awesome.

Infact, I think Jarod and I enjoyed it much more then Kee did. He was content and happy with a Firetruck Transformer. Jarod was doing something with Optimus Prime and I was putting the Space Voltron together. It was classic. :happy:

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This was the best toy I think I ever got


It may not seem like much but I was the first girl in my school to get a black barbie

It was a big deal back then, there were no black dolls.

My mom got it for me...my dad picked on me for it. He has since toned the racist crap down CONSIDERABLY but I am sure he hated shelling out cash for it...

Oh and I loved these.


I love horses...

I always wanted one like this but my sister got it

this is what we used to scare the crap out of her after a twilight zone episode lol


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This was the best toy I think I ever got


It may not seem like much but I was the first girl in my school to get a black barbie

It was a big deal back then, there were no black dolls.

My mom got it for me...my dad picked on me for it. He has since toned the racist crap down CONSIDERABLY but I am sure he hated shelling out cash for it...

Oh and I loved these.


I love horses...

I always wanted one like this but my sister got it

this is what we used to scare the crap out of her after a twilight zone episode lol


My sister had a Barbie Town House. In the year 1983 it fell after a brutal 4 hour siege by my Star Wars forces. I eventually relinquished control when my friend down the street heard about it and called me a gay.

I used to have a whole herd of plastic horses. All of the legs and tails eventually busted off. You had to have a great imagination to just play with horses for a few hours.

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I wanted one of those for YEARS. My parents finally got me one when I was 18 during my freshman year of college. I made some of those pasty brownies for my roommies in the dorm.

Ah, the ever-useful art of light bulb cooking. I think we made one cookie with mine- it took about an hour to bake. After that my MaMa refused to be bothered with the thing again.

What I really lusted after was Barbie's Country Camper. My cousin used to get every Barbie accessory that came out, but I never even got clothes for my impoverished Barbies... they had to ride around in shoe boxes with napkins wrapped around them. My cousin's Barbies always laughed at them when they went to the X-rated drive in to see "Nasty Passty". Now I think about it, I prolly never had an actual Barbie... I had the black versions- Christie and Julia (from the TV show with Dihann Carroll)... and Dawn's friend Dale (Dawn & friends were smaller versions of Barbies).

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Did anyone else have this?


I wanted one of these in the worst way, but Santa never delivered one. I had to make due with using a two-sided ladder and planks of wood and created my own welfare looking Barbie apartment building, and had to make furniture and stuff out of empty toliet paper rolls and tissue boxes. *sniffle, sniffle*

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I wanted one of these in the worst way, but Santa never delivered one. I had to make due with using a two-sided ladder and planks of wood and created my own welfare looking Barbie apartment building, and had to make furniture and stuff out of empty toliet paper rolls and tissue boxes. *sniffle, sniffle*

So you had the Barbie projects?

Don't feel bad, for 3 days I had a Millenium Falcon made out of an old stale pizza with a bar of soap for the cockpit. My parents failed to laud my creativity on that one.

There was sausages on it.

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I wanted one of these in the worst way, but Santa never delivered one. I had to make due with using a two-sided ladder and planks of wood and created my own welfare looking Barbie apartment building, and had to make furniture and stuff out of empty toliet paper rolls and tissue boxes. *sniffle, sniffle*

Haha my Barbies prolly drove over in their shoebox-mobile to cop every night...

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Guest greyhalo

I had the aforementioned Barbie camper and townhouse too. I also had the pink Barbie Corvette and dream pool. My Barbie dolls had it all. Ken thought he had it all too until this Mormon hunk came along and took it away from him:


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I had the aforementioned Barbie camper and townhouse too. I also had the pink Barbie Corvette and dream pool. My Barbie dolls had it all. Ken thought he had it all too until this Mormon hunk came along and took it away from him:

LMAO...Donny was the shit..I never had no dream house or corvette either :no

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I got the pink Corvette with silver decals one year for Christmas (I can't find an image of one like mine!). I also got a really cool Western Barbie that year,


and her horses, Dallas and Midnight (for whom I cannot find images--some of these toys sure are hard to track down :wallbash:).

I never got a new Barbie camper, but I did get one of these, handed down through the family:


To be honest, I think this one was much cooler than the contemporary one of the time. It had camping furniture, and a pop-out tent.

Edit: I found a photo of the "Midnight" Barbie horse!!!


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