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not from me should of done some research before seeing the movie

Maybe he didn't want to spoil it...

I guess it should have been presented as a kids movie in the media/ads and there would not be an issue...

I have seen this happen before, when a movie that is a comedy is presented in previews and write-ups as a drama and vice versa....

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I mean look at it this way...

(and I do actually see your points about doing a genere flick with a twist... one of the reasons I really liked the movie "Near Dark" for example.)

There is this Italian "zombie movie" I own called "Nightmare City" in the movie the things that are referred to as zombies, eat flesh, don't speak, and spread when bitten, ("zombie movie" staples) But in this movie, they also drive cars, fly planes, use machine guns, devise plans, etc.... the movie is terrible in epic proportions (not just because of the genre... but the acting and direction as well)... but anyway, is it a zombie movie... they are called zombies, and zombies are plastard all over the box but "why?"

Lets say I wanted to make a Vampire movie myself, but it took place in the distant past... and the vampires actually could go into the sunlight, and they grew to enormous beastial size.... and they had scales too, some had horns, and some had really long necks, and the earth had volcanos.... but they happen to drink blood.... so they are vampires, and this is a vampire movie right?

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Okay...for FANS of the movie....or rather especially the BOOKS.....I just wanted to share this....

From Stephanie Meyer's Website....

***November 22, 2008***

In case you haven't read about it on fansites or movie blogs, here is the news that we have all been waiting for [source: Summit Entertainment (summit-ent.com)]


Los Angeles, CA November 22, 2008 — Summit Entertainment announced today that the studio is officially moving forward with the production of NEW MOON, the second installment of its filmed franchise TWILIGHT, the action-packed, modern day vampire love story. The movie will be based on the second novel in author Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series titled, New Moon. The first movie in the TWILIGHT franchise, the self-titled TWILIGHT, arrived in theaters this weekend to sold-out showings.

Stephenie Meyer stated, "I don't think any other author has had a more positive experience with the makers of her movie adaptation than I have had with Summit Entertainment. I'm thrilled to have the chance to work with them again on NEW MOON."

Starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, TWILIGHT tells the story of 17-year-old Bella Swan who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington to live with her father, and becomes drawn to Edward Cullen, a pale, mysterious classmate who seems determined to push her away. But neither can deny the attraction that pulls them together...even when Edward confides that he and his family are vampires. Their unorthodox romance puts her in physical danger when Edward's nemesis comes to town and sets his sights on Bella.

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Guest greyhalo

Frankly, in my mind the love story was more important than the vampire part.

I agree. The story also deals with issues of self control and making choices. Everyone has their own take on vampires, and I like the way S. Meyer portrays them.

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I never did finish reading the book before seeing the film...but I reallllllly wanted to see the film. So I saw that on Friday and LOVED it. I loved the music and the actors. I know the book is more than likely 10 times better, so I am reading it now. I had to sit 3 rows away from the screen which kind of sucked at first...but I had to sit 1 away when I went and saw Sweeney Todd last year, yikes!!!

I also cried during the movie...heh. When she was leaving her dad, it reminded me of the shit my dad and I went through just a few weeks ago. So I was looking at the screen, but what was playing on it was my dad and I in my eyes. It was pretty rough.

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From what I have heard.... its a vampire movie.... but the vampires can go out in the sun, there are no fangs, there is no blood, no nudity/sex, two (offscreen) deaths only, one kiss, and a neckbreak....


*Goes to find his copy of John Carpenters "Vampires"*

Nosferatu is the most original Vampire movie (Granted it was made in 1921/22), the movie inspired other movies of it's genre, and it had no violence, blood, nudity/sex, deaths were also off screen (in fact they thought it was the plague). Although, there were fangs, and there was death by sunlight, but it doesn't have to have all that stuff to make a vampire movie a vampire movie.

Personally, I like anything that gets teenagers/kids to read these days. With a world filled with video games, cell phones, ipods, and other electronic distractions, where regular TV has way too many "sexual situations" and "violence" it's good to see someone out there is thinking that stories don't have to be filled with all that extra stuff, to make it a good story.

If I went to watch this movie with a critical eye, yeah, I probably wouldn't like it, the special effects weren't that great, the acting wasn't that great. It was like watching kid models in the back woods. There were way too many close-ups with the same kind of facial emotions... kinda looked like they were either punched in the gut before the scene was filmed, or they had really bad gas.

BUT, I went to see a love story, and vampires just so happen to be in the periphery.

I'd see it again. It doesn't make me all gushie inside like Harry Potter, but it was still entertaining.

Edited by hunhee
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Nosferatu is the most original Vampire movie (Granted it was made in 1921/22), the movie inspired other movies of it's genre, and it had no violence, blood, nudity/sex, deaths were also off screen (in fact they thought it was the plague). Although, there were fangs, and there was death by sunlight, but it doesn't have to have all that stuff to make a vampire movie a vampire movie.

I know what you're trying to say here, but, a movie over 80 years old is not a good basis of comparison. Society has changed so much since then. What film makers were pushing the edge with then doesn't hold a candle to what they are now.

Not only that, but, what exactly determines what makes up a vampire? Up until this book/movie it was a vicious lust for blood, fangs (front two, canines, or a whole grill full & retractable or not), and the inability to go into direct sunlight.

Whether you want to add things like sleeping in coffins, super strength, flight, morphing into a bat, the ability to seduce anybody, fear of garlic, crosses, & holy water, stake through da heart, etc etc... that's one thing, but, to take away the basic staples of what makes a vampire a vampire is just silly. What do you have left? A junky with super strength. Not a vampire.

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I read the books, no, I devoured the books and loved every tasty morsel. That said, the movie was a disappointment. I knew it could not be nearly as good as the book, but I had hoped that the character development would have been better. IMO you don't come to care about the characters and what happens to them like you do in the book. The movie felt rushed and sloppy and like it was raced out to theaters so all involved could cash in. *sigh* I will be re-reading the first book so as to get the awful taste of the movie out of my mouth and my head. Remember, just my opinion. For those who loved the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it, I am happy that you feel you got your money's worth.

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I read the books, no, I devoured the books and loved every tasty morsel. That said, the movie was a disappointment. I knew it could not be nearly as good as the book, but I had hoped that the character development would have been better. IMO you don't come to care about the characters and what happens to them like you do in the book. The movie felt rushed and sloppy and like it was raced out to theaters so all involved could cash in. *sigh* I will be re-reading the first book so as to get the awful taste of the movie out of my mouth and my head. Remember, just my opinion. For those who loved the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it, I am happy that you feel you got your money's worth.

I couldn't agree more. I loved, really loved, all four of the books, (Although, Breaking Dawn had its moment of disappointment for me) but I was very disappointed by the movie. I think you hit the nail right on the head when you mentioned the lack of character development and the rushed sense. It's really too bad. I think if it would have been done better I could have lived with it not being the spitting image of the book. I'm skepticale about going to see New Moon now. I may wait for it to come out on DVD. I don't know yet.

On a side note, though...I just have to say that even in the book, as much as I enjoyed the book, when I got to the sparkely vampire; I couldn't help but think "cheese". Other than that, I thought the books were very well written. They were captivating and enjoyable but certainly not your everyday vampire saga.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read the first half of the first book this summer. Didn't finish it before school started, and I don't read for pleasure during the school semester. I am going to try to finish the book over break, so I'll withhold judgement until then, other than to say that what I've read so far has dragged a bit in my opinion. Had I started reading it when I was 13 I'd probably have devoured it, but at 28, eh...

I'm in no hurry to brave a theater full of starry-eyed pre-teen girls to see the movie, I'll probably wait until it comes to video.

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