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Former Porn Star now Elementary School Lunch Lady

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VINELAND, NEW JERSEY -- A recent discovery that a D'Ippolito Elementary School teacher's aide had a previous career in the adult entertainment industry has resulted in parents complaining to school officials.

Board of Education President Frank Giordano is unhappy with the situation and personally feels the woman should be fired. But Superintendent Charles "Chalky" Ottinger said the district has been advised against taking action.

"Not that we don't want to," Ottinger said.

Louisa C. Tuck of Vineland, a cafeteria and playground aide at the school, who also works with children at the YMCA of Vineland, starred in adult- oriented movies, performances and photo shoots under the name Crystal Gunns.

She told The Daily Journal it has been five years since she was involved in the adult entertainment industry.

However, the films and several other nude and seminude photographs of her are readily available on the Internet.

Crystalgunns.com, a Web site with photos and videos of Gunns, was accessible when school officials started an investigation earlier this month. However, within the past two weeks, site administrators made the home page of the Web site password-protected.

Gunns' work largely consists of racy photo shoots and solo performances.

She's been a cover model for Score Magazine, an adult-oriented publication, and has done several photo shoots and interviews for the magazine. The performer has appeared or starred in at least three adult videos, all of which are described as solo performances. In one video clip available on the Internet, Gunns is seen engaging in a sexual act with a man, but does not have intercourse.

In an interview with The Daily Journal, Gunns defended her ability to work around children despite her past career in adult entertainment.

"If this is about morality, our president-elect has admitted to doing crack, and he's our president. Does that make him a bad person?" Tuck said. "Bill Clinton smoked pot. Does that make him a bad person?"

Tuck's comment about the president-elect was a reference to Barack Obama, who in one of his books admitted to using cocaine while he was a high school student. Obama did not say he used crack.

Ottinger and Giordano said Vineland Public Schools officials had no idea Tuck had been involved in the adult entertainment industry when they hired her in June for a $5,772-a-year part-time job as a D'Ippolito aide.

School district and New Jersey School Board Association attorneys recently advised Vineland officials they have no legal grounds to fire Tuck based of her past employment, Ottinger said.

Frank DiDomenico, an associate solicitor for the school board, said the district got legal opinions from him, board associate solicitor Harold B. Shapiro and NJSBA lawyer Michael F. Kaelber.

"It's a constitutional privilege of free expression. She's employed by the school district, but that doesn't take away her constitutional rights," DiDomenico said.

While there is certain information school district officials can request during the interview process, such as a criminal background, DiDomenico said he didn't see what they could do to learn if an applicant has a background in the adult entertainment industry.

"There's no way the board could delve into someone's private life," he said.

'It's not illegal'

A Web search of the name Crystal Gunns produces several pages of links to sites that include photos, videos and other information about the performer. A review by The Daily Journal found none that mentioned Gunns' real name is Louisa Tuck.

Gunns appeared on an episode of "The Jenny Jones Show" about people who improved their looks and wanted to confront people from their past who had teased them. In a video clip of the show, available on YouTube, a picture of Tuck as a teenager is shown on screen before Gunns appears to cheers and applause.

Ottinger said the district didn't know about Tuck's former lifestyle and added "that type of thing" is not revealed in a background check.

"I don't know what you could do," he said. "It's one thing if it's an illegal activity, because that would come up in the check. There is no way for us to know if a person is involved in these types of activities."

However, Ottinger said, school officials would continue to look into the situation and determine their options, keeping the best interest of the children in mind.

"We have no real legal stance or legal right to do anything for two reasons -- one, it's not illegal, and two, it's not on school time," Ottinger said.

Parents complain

D'Ippolito Principal Gail M. Curcio sent an e-mail last week to Vineland Public Schools' executive director of personnel, Maryann Greenfield, that said, "Louisa Tuck's Web site has reached the hands of the parents."

About two hours later, Ottinger wrote in an e-mail to Board of Education members that the district investigated the possibility a staff member participated in a pornographic Web site. He said the district determined, "We do have such an employee who works at D'Ippolito School as an aide."

In the same e-mail, Ottinger wrote that Curcio "has received several calls from parents complaining about this situation." He noted the district's central office also had received calls.

It is not clear how many parents complained to school officials.

Curcio did not return three messages left for her at her office this week by The Daily Journal.

'People can change'

George Steinbronn Jr., executive director and chief executive officer at the YMCA of Vineland on East Landis Avenue, declined comment on Tuck, citing personnel issues.

Tuck, who said she works as a supervisor for some children's programs at the YMCA, spoke highly of the YMCA of Vineland and its employees.

"The YMCA has been great to me. They are a Christian place that believes that people can change. I'm sorry I had to put them through this," Tuck said.

Tuck declined additional comment on multiple occasions over the past two weeks. She did not respond to a list of questions she asked The Daily Journal to submit to her in advance. Her Vineland-based lawyer Jeffrey DiLazzero also declined to speak on the record.

Shawn Rivers of Vineland has two children in the preschool program at the YMCA. She considers herself a close friend of Tuck's and said she "would trust her with my children at any time."

"She has nothing but love and compassion with all kids," Rivers said.

She called Tuck "an excellent role model with good values," adding she is appalled Tuck's background would make news.

"There's never been a problem with her reputation or conduct," Rivers said. "And I just want everyone to know that."

High expectations

Both Ottinger and Giordano couldn't recall, during the time they spent with Vineland Public Schools, any employee who was involved or participated in pornography or adult entertainment. Ottinger became superintendent in 2006 and was a principal at Vineland High School the 12 years prior, and Giordano has spent 11 years on the school board.

Giordano, who emphasized he was speaking personally and not on behalf of the board or district officials, said he understands why parents are concerned. He said if he were a parent, he would be concerned, too.

"I don't know all the details, whether it's active or inactive," he said of the Web site. "I don't think it's a healthy situation. Period."

Giordano said he doesn't know Tuck and said she "could be one of the best aides we have," but her involvement in the adult entertainment industry makes him question how good of a role model she can be for students.

"Not speaking on behalf of Chalky or the school board members -- if it were up to me, I would terminate the individual and worry about where the chips are going to fall after," Giordano said.

Giordano clarified he was not saying what the district will do, just how he would react.

"At least I could say to parents: 'We terminated the employee. We had no choice. Here's the court order,'" he said.

"Do I understand a crime was not committed? Absolutely," Giordano continued. "But knowing it? I can't live with that."

Ottinger said Vineland Public Schools officials have "very high expectations" for their employees, who should be examples students can emulate.

"I think, without being judgmental, the thing I want to say most is we have an expectation for all the employees to be held to the highest standards," he said. "It's our desire that that exist both in and out of school. We want them to be held to the highest standards."

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This is bull. I used to do porn I even invented porn websites and made thousands off them in the early 2000s when things were hot in the internet industry, but I had a reconing with god and sold my largest site dollarporn to a private investor for $5,000. I hated what he did with the site when I ran it the site had a dvd archive with about 10,000 dvds you could download. I also used to work for adultbouncer.com as a copyright liason getting illegal content removed by our webmasters. That was a thousand a week and also in the early 2000s. Basicly, all it did to me was make it that I become extremely picky with the girls I'd be with and they'd have to be perfect 10s or 9s at lowest. Today I do not do anything or sell home made porns to vivid video like I used to for their "amateur porn". I did films in Indiana and about 10 in Michigan. but an employer shouldn't hold it against me actually they wanted to see my work at one interview on a site I made with other peoples content to see my HTML and Javascipt skills.

End of story


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.....WTF?!?!?!? Serioul? :rolleyes:

I don't get it really, do not get it. Everyone fucking goes home and gets naked and laid, just because this lady chose to do it on camera, did a few nude shoots/videos and one movie that involved a guy (not even involving intercourse) she's a "bad role model" for children? What the fuck? I'm not even going to explain my view on this because it should be painfully obvious to anyone as to why this is total bullshit. It's her personal life, it's not an illegal activity, those parents need to build a fucking bridge and get over it. :laugh:

Hell, maybe some of the moms are jealous that their husbands are looking at one particularily hot teacher's aide when picking the kids up from school? I dunno, like I said, they're just a few nudes and interaction with a male minus intercourse, they're acting like they accidentally hired one of the skanks that starred in 2 Girls, 1 Cup.

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parents and community can be absolutely rabid about this sort of thing. there is no logic, it's all about opinion and perception. if some influential member of the community has it in for you, your life will be hell. this is actually why i dropped out of the goth and fetish scenes for years - i was worried about parent reactions to anything "other". took me 5 years to get the ovaries to just do what i want.

a friend of my family was accused of ordering or possessing illegal pornography. he was an excellent teacher and loved his job. however, he lived in a rural area of WV and the police raided his house looking for porn. everyone knew. his career was over. unfortunately, he didn't see any way out of his situation and killed himself.

it's unbelievable the affect that public opinion can have on a teaching career.

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..and THIS is one reason I'm having such a difficult time getting out of the industry. The general public has a slanted eye towards people who have ever worked in adult entertainment. They think we are damaged goods. I rarely mention what I do for a living, when searching for "legitimate" work, unless I think it would be good props to help land the job.

Surprisingly enough, even adult novelty and adult clothing retail businesses are loathe to hire an ex-dancer or porn star. You would think they would be GLAD to have such useful experience in their establishments. We have an extended knowledge of their inventory. :p If I were a store owner, I would be WANTING to hire people who know have an intimate grasp of what they are selling, and are more well-able to help customers with their choices. Alas..another job app I shouldn't have mentioned my "secret" to.

Sometimes, it really hurts that I can't just be honest with employers and other plebeians. I am beginning to HATE my line of work-- because I'm tired of the social stigma that comes with it; I'm so tired of being treated like a pariah.

I feel for this poor woman, very deeply. She wants to have a normal life, too. Just like anyone. She was enjoying her new job very much, and beginning to feel like a normal human again. Then, out come the wolves, dragging her past out into the open. If those wolves could only SEE just how CARELESSLY they have destroyed a good, caring woman, who wanted to change her life. It's so hard to get away-- so difficult to change-- when no one will let us, my dear sister..

The camera truly DOES steal one's soul.

Sometimes, I feel as if my past is a bad penny that keeps coming back, no matter how much light, goodness, and love I have given to this world. It just doesn't matter. I will always be of the Magdalen.

This news article upsets me very, very much.

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It makes me sick how repressed our country is. Anything to do with sex and everyone goes nuts.

Now that they have brought all this attention to it and made such a big deal of it she's probably going to have to quit and move on. I can just imagine how much harassment she's going to have to face now.

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its not just there.

over here a teacher had lost her job because during her time in university she took on a bit of extra work in an advertisement for work clothes that was suggestive, but nothing shown.

its just fucking silly that people have these hangups in this day and age.

It's also fucking silly that society puts more of an emphasis on "hush hushing" sex when we're conditioned to be violent and not care about violent imagery from an early age (I mean come on, Tom and Jerry anyone? Stuff like that, which escalates into more violent imagery, i.e. R rated movies).

I remember when I was a little kid my Boshy was more lenient about me seeing sex stuff than she was in letting me see violent stuff. My aunt argued her and said "Well, kids can go out and have sex but it's not like seeing violent stuff is going to up and convince them to kill people..." And then that little boy killed his little sister in a house fire that he set after watching an episode of Beavis and Butthead, at which time, my Boshy took advantage of this and grabbed the opportunity to call my aunt up and pwn her.

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Don't even advocate this devil. This is is a situation which hits very close to home; and it angers and upsets me-- to the point of losing every bit of reason!!!!! :rant:

If you try for my goat on this one, you'll be getting the end with the horns, first.

This is EXACTLY why I want to help people who want to get out of the industry, with their dignity intact. Someday, I will organize a half-way house and resource center for adult entertainers in transition-- after I've navigated my way out of this purgatory. And I WILL.

All human beings deserve their dignity, even the ones horny men stroke off to. Oh, wait-- we're not people. We're just fuck dolls with no feelings, hopes, dreams. Our lives are worthless, except for giving guys shaking tits, asses, and dripping orifices to look at. We don't have friends, families, or children. We don't have lives. We don't have human potential. We just sit around all day, waiting for someone to molest us with their eyes. All for you, my dear public. Tous pour vous.

All the boys love us, until we try and escape from the prison of their fantasies, to make our way in the real world. Women's Lib, and the Sexual Revolution were all for naught, judging by the way this double standard for female former adult stars still exists. It's absolutely APPALLING, and WRONG. Most of us are brave, educated, savvy, and strong women. Good thing, because we NEED to have our wits about us-- when dealing with careless, heartless cretins, who have no grasp of the human condition.

I'm SO glad my line of work has given me the inner strength to deal with the adversities and adversaries I will face, as I push ahead towards my personal life goals. Try and stop me, player haters. I will succeed, whether those people think I deserve to, or not.

I could rant on for another five years about this. Don't even get me started. Your eyes will bleed.


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Don't even advocate this devil. This is is a situation which hits very close to home; and it angers and upsets me-- to the point of losing every bit of reason!!!!! :rant:

If you try for my goat on this one, you'll be getting the end with the horns, first.

This is EXACTLY why I want to help people who want to get out of the industry, with their dignity intact. Someday, I will organize a half-way house and resource center for adult entertainers in transition-- after I've navigated my way out of this purgatory. And I WILL.

All human beings deserve their dignity, even the ones horny men stroke off to. Oh, wait-- we're not people. We're just fuck dolls with no feelings, hopes, dreams. Our lives are worthless, except for giving guys shaking tits, asses, and dripping orifices to look at. We don't have friends, families, or children. We don't have lives. We don't have human potential. We just sit around all day, waiting for someone to molest us with their eyes. All for you, my dear public. Tous pour vous.

All the boys love us, until we try and escape from the prison of their fantasies, to make our way in the real world. Women's Lib, and the Sexual Revolution were all for naught, judging by the way this double standard for female former adult stars still exists. It's absolutely APPALLING, and WRONG. Most of us are brave, educated, savvy, and strong women. Good thing, because we NEED to have our wits about us-- when dealing with careless, heartless cretins, who have no grasp of the human condition.

I'm SO glad my line of work has given me the inner strength to deal with the adversities and adversaries I will face, as I push ahead towards my personal life goals. Try and stop me, player haters. I will succeed, whether those people think I deserve to, or not.

I could rant on for another five years about this. Don't even get me started. Your eyes will bleed.


:grouphug:grouphug I'm sorry me posting this article upset you so much.

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:grouphug:grouphug I'm sorry me posting this article upset you so much.

It didn't upset me per se; it upset me because I am at the exact same point of transition in my own life-- leaving the old hat behind, and trying on a new one. This sort of news isn't very encouraging or inspiring to people of my ilk.

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From what I've read, some of the women get into porn do it because they've been treated like shit by their parents, who are also the sort of people who bitch about an ex-porn star working in the school.

At the same time, how do you suppose someone recognized her? Because someone's dad probably saw her and said, "Hey, I know those cans! I have 300 jpg's of her on my 'puter. Here's MY chance to be a star!!!" And they made a complaint, and got to be on the news for 12 seconds. Seriously, you know at least 40 percent of the dads who have children going to that school are beating off to pictures of her now.

Also, everyone here is a purist now? Be honest. If Crystal Gunns was found to be of upstanding character, was really fun to be around, and had a great personality, (all of which are entirely possible) 95 percent of the dudes here would date her, (or at least pound pelvises with her) so don't even lie. lol

I think she's hot. I'd hit that, I'd date her if I liked her personality. I like a pretty wide variety in womens, and when you're a beggar for the right personality, you can't be a chooser for image. Boob job or not.

I can understand a stigma against violent ex-convicts, but who cares if adult industry veterans are in our class rooms, they're already in millions of peoples houses via computer and magazines, right?

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