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Ghosts, the Paranormal, Mythical Creatures

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I once lived with a chick who was deep into psychic readings, tarot, etc. We lived in a 3 bedroom house. The corner bedroom she explained....was "haunted". I laughed at that. I was stupid. In a year and a half I saw two different roomates who lived in that room go nuts and become institutionalized.

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Guest gothicfaerie

I do believe in the paranormal. I live in a house that is on a native american holy land. Alot of really wierd things happen there. Things suddenly disappear and then reappear in very strange places. My jewlery box went missing for a week and then appeared under my mom's car one day. The remote contols disappear all the time. There are shadow figures that roam through the house. I often hear voices chanting when I'm in the Kitchen. It doesn't bother me that much, but I would appriciate it if they would stop taking the light bulb out of my son's night light. I had to replace 9 light bulbs in 2 weeks.

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Let's see....... I remember one time at my dad's house, I was the only one awake, it was after midnight and I was in the living room watching TV. I then decided I wanted to go into my room to grab some drawing supplies. Well, you have to pass through the den to get to the bedrooms and the den has a dimmer switch. Well, I didnt turn the switch all the way up, it was bright but not as bright as it can get, and when I started walking into the hallway where the rooms were, I saw this dark haze literally drop from the ceiling. Out of nowhere, this dark haze just dropped from the ceiling and hovered there. Pretending I didnt see it, I quckly opened my bedroom door and grabbed what I went in there for, went out, shut the door and sped-walked back to the living room.

Now, here in BFE......

When I first came here, I was very anti-social and didnt get out much. Everytime I DID go out, it was forced and with my mom and stepdad. Well, I finally decided I was going to go out for walks (( first excuse was to get away from the narrow-minded bible-thumpers, now it's for exercise AND for getting away from the narrow-minded bible-thumpers )). During my walks, my head would become clear and I could concentrate on things, meditate if you will. I could stargaze, do whatever the hell I wanted. Well, I started honing in on the atmosphere of the neighborhood. I became conscious of these tiny spots where there seemed to be no energy, which I soon dubbed them "void-spots." These spots would hover over or around houses, over flora, etc. There's a void-spot that seems to frequent hovering near the little caged-in pond. Mind you, these spots would be there regardless of whether or not there would be green grass or a house of animals there.

Well, I came to the conclusion that with all these void spots in the neighborhood, there had to be some type of bad people living in this trailer park. Drug abusers, child abusers, drunks, sexual predators, etc. Well, this past summer, in June, I was walking with my friends Kelly and Chanielle and Kelly pointed out the empty trailer next door to hers and said that a sexual predator used to live there until he got arrested and sent to jail.

Mind you, I found out that there was a sexual predator in the park 4 years AFTER I figured there'd be one living here. So it kinda creeped me out.

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I have not ever witnessed seeing a ghost or anything weird.

But I have had the Willies, or the heebie Jeebies, you get that feeling like you're being watched or that tehre is something there.....

The Mind is a very powerful thing.

The only thing I am scared of is Zombies. EEEEK Flesh eating people that are dead!

Not possible or real, but still a scarey thought.......

I am a skeptic.

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Hopefully this will offend no one but as much as I might like to just explain certain things away as having been paranormal happenings, things for which any ordinary rationalization has been vague, I instead admit that I do not understand how everything works and allow for possibilities beyond my perception: much more common liklihoods though...the notion of mystical beings seems ridiculous to me and I appologize if that hurts anyone but that's just the way things are to me. I'm not saying that I do not allow for the chance of these things existing entirely, just that to me they are most unlikely. Here is a list of other things that i do not believe in:

God (s)/Goddess(es)




Tooth Fairy

-I'm just not religeous.

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Hopefully this will offend no one but as much as I might like to just explain certain things away as having been paranormal happenings, things for which any ordinary rationalization has been vague, I instead admit that I do not understand how everything works and allow for possibilities beyond my perception: much more common liklihoods though...the notion of mystical beings seems ridiculous to me and I appologize if that hurts anyone but that's just the way things are to me. I'm not saying that I do not allow for the chance of these things existing entirely, just that to me they are most unlikely. Here is a list of other things that i do not believe in:

God (s)/Goddess(es)




Tooth Fairy

-I'm just not religeous.


God - yes

Souls - yes

Devils/deamons - yes

Angels - yes

Tooth Fairy - a real struggle but no

- I'm not religeous either.


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God - yes

Souls - yes

Devils/deamons - yes

Angels - yes

Tooth Fairy - a real struggle but no

- I'm not religeous either.



I believe in a Higher Power. Souls, yes. Devils and Demons, most definitely. Angel, yep yep. Tooth Fairy? Umm, I know it's my parents sneaking in to twitch my tooth for a dollar but hey, it's fun to pretend.

Mind you, if it was something like Darkness Falls....... =D

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I'm kinda skeptical on this subject.. personally, I need to see or have some sort of proof to believe. That also goes for just about everything in life. Though, I have has some "weird" experiences that I couldn't explain.. maybe just my mind playing tricks on me.

A few years ago I was a member of The Michigan Ghost Hunting Society and we did some investigations that made me kinda think " well maybe". I've got pix of myself with "orbs" in them but that could of been caused from anything.. see I'm skeptical! But at the same time I do kinda sorta believe in that stuff... I just need proof :grin


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i am open minded. but i dont get fooled by dust on the cammera lense

so many people round here are the "want to belives" when in my experience people who see spooks tend to be more of the willing to learn and have a little bit of ability

my mothers side of the family (the druid/celtic nobeltry) are very strong when it comes to extra bits.

my dad (the roma side of the family) is completely innert

just cant seem to sense any ability in him whatsoever. i get same vibe of a lot of wanttobelivers and one or two scam psychics who prey of the former.

sad really

met quite a few people who just seem like a beacon on ability (an aqaintance i usually end up with in a team is very strong indeed)

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Guest gothicfaerie

I don't completely believe in GOD however I do believe in a higher power. I believe every living creature has a soul. Any one who ever owned a pet would probably agree. As for devils/demons I strickly believe that they not only exist but that they thrive off our pain and sorrow, but fear love and honor. My father encountered a creature he described as a huge black shaggy dog with glowing green eyes. My mom (who was pregnant) was in the car with him. she said he went into convulsions for three hours. He later went back and for the bleached bones of seven goats about fifty yards away from where the car had been. Dad, Tom, and Aunt Jackie said the bones were placed in a perfect pentagram with an alter in the middle. Angels : I am pretty sure exist even if only in our hearts. The tooth fairy not a chance.

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