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Okay, so for Marc's photoshoot, I want to make myself some dreadfalls... I want to use colors that will match


that shirt....

I know the colors I want to use.... I'm curious as to what's the best thing to use to attach them to me head.. I've seen drawstring, or elastic ribbon...

I've even seen them attached to a hair tie..

what's your advice.. any advice would be best.. I want pigtail... and I usually wear them towards the back of my head. I know that more towards the center and top would be better.. also, what's the best, in your opinion, to use for fillers (ribbons, plastic strings, ect) I have the basic concept, and everyone I talked to says that its pretty easy to make them... I would also like to know what are some no-no's... like, what should I avoid all together...

I want to do the "candy-cane" stripe, as well as some solid ones... but what's the best materials? I will be going, in the next few days... i've never done this before, but I have a good eye for figuring out how things are made... I just want to make sure I do it right, so that they don't fall apart.. I'd like them to last longer than one wearing... :)

thanks for any advice. I was nervous about the asking, because i wasn't sure how to word what I wanted to say... :)

Oh and lets keep the negativity out of the thread... I'm not asking if I should do this, I'm asking how I should go about doing it. Thanks. :)

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Ive made many many yarn ones. Theyre cheaper than good quality synth hair.

Suggestion: Stick to very thick yarns (and i do mean *very* thick. You want something almost of a dread thickness), and mix the textures. Some good materials to look for in the yarn section: Lion brand chenille 'Thick and Quick', and a wavy one called "homespun" is a good filler, cant remember the brand, might be lion too. Dont be afraid to look at some of the smaller skeins of yarn, especially the soft angora looking stuff. It makes *excellent* falls. You might want to use something like the homespun as a 'base' and fill in with the thicker, textured yarns for the top layers. Also, a lot of neat texture add ins can be found in the more novelty looking yarns. Skinny, sparkly, whispy stuff. :)

Basically, the easiest way to do it is get ponytail holders like in your pic, cut lengths twice as long as you want em, fold in half, put the loop part over the holder, and pull the 'tail' through. Keep adding in until you have the thickness you want. They look especially good and 'poof' nice when you put em over the top of a bun, or two buns for pigtails.

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okay, so the layering...

I can do that loop thing over and over the top of what's already there? will it lay right? and look right? thanks for the advice. :)

what about twisting it... how do i keep it from unraveling?

Yup! You can get em pretty thick. It looks even better that way. You need to push it all together kinda tight, but you can loop big fat layers too. As far as the twisting? I've seen people get inventice with glue, knots, beads, wire, braiding, whatever they can think of. Experiment. :)

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Yup! You can get em pretty thick. It looks even better that way. You need to push it all together kinda tight, but you can loop big fat layers too. As far as the twisting? I've seen people get inventice with glue, knots, beads, wire, braiding, whatever they can think of. Experiment. :)

Awesome, thanks!!!

and if I get them done, before the big day, I'll try and get pics of them, and show them here. :)

:secret: Grow REAL 'locks....

*runs away*

hehehe... i know, i know... but I don't want something permanent.. besides, I like my silky locks. :p I just want a different look, but temperary. :p

(not only that, but I can't go that long w/o brushing my hair.. it drives me mad... and the feeling of a brush on my scalp.. oh man *starts to salavate*)

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okay, so here are a few ideas of what colors I want to use. :)

for the base colors:

For the outer layers:

and not this particular kind of tensil (I couldn't find a pic of that long free flowing stuff, you know the kind you throw over your tree and ppl think looks nice? and gets tangled in your vacuum and ruins the belt) but these are the colors I wanna use.. dunno how I get it in there, but I'll try..

I think that some will be braided, some will be twisted. we have a bottle of hair cement, so I will make a thin paste out of that, and see how it goes.. either that, or I'll get some elmer's glue and add water and !glitter! to it.. lmao.. who know's we shall see. :D

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okay, so here are a few ideas of what colors I want to use. :)

for the base colors:

For the outer layers:

and not this particular kind of tensil (I couldn't find a pic of that long free flowing stuff, you know the kind you throw over your tree and ppl think looks nice? and gets tangled in your vacuum and ruins the belt) but these are the colors I wanna use.. dunno how I get it in there, but I'll try..

That's funny!

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I'd tell you how to make the kind of dreadfalls you see on girls at CC usually, the synthetic kind, but not sure if you have a steamer. You can boil them to seal them, however, on the stove, that's how I used to do it. The problem is I think they may take longer than the wool ones, and more effort, but imo it's worth it, they're the best imo. I'm wondering if you'd be able to get the resources together and take the time to do them before the party. Oh well, in any case, I'll come by this thread later and drop a tutorial, in case you're interested for future reference.
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Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've made an appearance lol Couldn't resist this topic though hehe

For best and most comprehensive fake hair tutorials, advice, pics etc etc join this amazing board, it has been like a mother to me lmao: http://www.hairextensionsforum.com/

For best clip in dreads I've found anywhere, check out this website: http://www.afrocare.com/

These are the falls that I buy (they are on a drawstring which I find is the best way to do it): http://www.afrocare.com/catalog/Dreadfalls_Knot_253.html

They also do the same falls on a clip, but I find they tend to damage your hair more if you're not really carefull: http://www.afrocare.com/catalog/DreadFalls_Clip_253.html

What I do is I have two black falls which I can then wear as pigtails, and then I use little clips to add different coloured accents to them by clipping them into the fall: http://www.afrocare.com/catalog/Elysee_Star_Dreads_251.html

If you search through the site you will see they also do transitionals and swirly colours :D I love fake hair *drool*

If you want more info just let me know :) xxx

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