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What are the oddest things you have ever witnessed?


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One of the oddest things I ever witnessed happened about 15 years ago..

My friend Angie and I were driving down Huron Street in Pontiac, almost to Josephine Ave., when we were stopped in a traffic jam. I don't know if anyone remembers, but there used to be a "Hot N Now" hamburger stand there.

As the traffic slowly inched forward, we could see an ambulance, a few cop cars, and a bunch of bystanders milling around. As we got closer still, I saw a scruffy-looking man sprawled out on a stretcher. Getting even closer, yet, we saw a bent-up bicycle laying on its side in the middle of the road. Here's the funny part-- there were hamburgers ALL OVER THE ROAD, all around the bike! I mean they were EVERYWHERE!!! :rofl: This guy must have had about 50 bucks worth of hamburgers in the big basket on the back of that bike!! :rofl:

It was very odd, to say the least. :p

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Here's another odd thing I've come across. Luckily, I had a camera! These two used to feed together at our birdfeeder on the lake quite often.

All I could think of was, "It's RABBIT season!" "No, it's DUCK season!" :p


Edited by jynxxxedangel
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ooh jynx what a wonderful thread idea! i love the absurd, it makes me so happy :happydance

some of my best absurd stories come from the ann arbor diag when i was in college. one day i was walking through when i noticed something in a tree. i glanced up, expecting to see a bird or a squirrel, but the thing didn't seem to be the right shape. i walked over to get a better look, and realized that it was

a l o b s t e r.

not a bright red cooked one either.

it was a particularly dead shade of greyish blue.

i looked around to see if someone was watching and giggling, but everyone else was just going about their business.

being a curious hands-on sort of person, i tried to reach it, but even on my tiptoes i was too short. so i stepped back and just stared at the thing. i was totally floored. gobsmacked, as my grandmother would say. i tried to imagine scenarios where a lobster crawled across the diag and up the tree and of course had no success with that. after a few minutes of staring silently, i realized that i was not likely to get any explanation, and continued on my way.

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  aequorea said:
ooh jynx what a wonderful thread idea! i love the absurd, it makes me so happy :happydance

some of my best absurd stories come from the ann arbor diag when i was in college. one day i was walking through when i noticed something in a tree. i glanced up, expecting to see a bird or a squirrel, but the thing didn't seem to be the right shape. i walked over to get a better look, and realized that it was

a l o b s t e r.

not a bright red cooked one either.

it was a particularly dead shade of greyish blue.

i looked around to see if someone was watching and giggling, but everyone else was just going about their business.

being a curious hands-on sort of person, i tried to reach it, but even on my tiptoes i was too short. so i stepped back and just stared at the thing. i was totally floored. gobsmacked, as my grandmother would say. i tried to imagine scenarios where a lobster crawled across the diag and up the tree and of course had no success with that. after a few minutes of staring silently, i realized that i was not likely to get any explanation, and continued on my way.


My best imagined scenarios, as to how Mr. Pincers got into that tree, are as follows:

1.) A dinner date went badly, and things were thrown out from an upper story window

2.) He attempted a valiant escape from someone's kitchen; and after deftly tripping out the window on his little flippers, he realized he couldn't fly! Thankfully, his fall was broken by the tree..but it was too late, when he realized there was no water below!!! He suffered a slow, torturous ending-- drying out in the hot sun, draped over a tree branch.

3.) A crow found the lobster in a rubbish bin, and stashed it there

3.) Allen Funt was hiding around the corner close-by


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it took me a while to think of something odd that i have seen or have happend to me and i couldnt think of anything and i was astounded that i cant belive that i have never witnessed anything odd then i remebered when i was 12 years old and me and my friend got hungry and there was no food in the house and all we had was 6 bucks so we went to the local mom and pop shop near our house got a can of sloppy joe mix and a bag of buns well on the way back we ran into a group of our freinds in the little park by our hosue and went to go play a quick game of tag well 1 game turned into 5 and lost track of time well we got back to our bikes as a Homeless guy sittin on a bench near our bikes and eat jerry rigged open our sloppy joe can and was eattin our manwhich's we couldnt help but laugh as we walked up he satrted runnin off....we shruged our shoulders and went on our way about a year later we seen him now and then and hed wave and smile and wed say hi and talk to him every now and then about bullshit hed joke around with us sayin if we didnt go to school wed be like him and hed laugh and then say he was seriouse well about 6 years prior to that we really didnt see him much and i was working at rams horn in allen park and he walked in and i reconoized him and he sat down and asked for cofffee gave him his coffee and he just kept giving me odd glace's every now and then and after his third refill he asked me my name i told him and he remebered me as a kid growin up and remebered stealin my man which meat i was flabber gasted i picke dup his tab for him but had a good laugh about it......

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Does anyone remember the McDonald's McLean Burger? Their version of the veggie burger?

When I was pregnant with Ian, my Mom and I worked in a warehouse, where we crushed old & damaged cosmetics. It was almost lunchtime, and we gathered our McDonalds order. Tommie and her asshole daughter-in-law went to get it.

I ordered the McLean meal.

We all ate. I ate like it was running from me (like most pregnant women do), and proceeded to go outside with my Mom, who wanted to smoke. It was a very pretty day, and I just wanted to join her. But, I felt a tightness in my chest. Almost a lump. I coughed, and the ENTIRE burger came out. IN TACT. Like I never even ate that thing.

But wait, there's more.

Not only was it in tact, but it made it into the wastebasket, over 3 feet from me. TWO POINTS!

Mom looked at me, and said "Now, THERE'S something you don't see every day." We went outside.

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  Brenda Starrr said:
Does anyone remember the McDonald's McLean Burger? Their version of the veggie burger?

When I was pregnant with Ian, my Mom and I worked in a warehouse, where we crushed old & damaged cosmetics. It was almost lunchtime, and we gathered our McDonalds order. Tommie and her asshole daughter-in-law went to get it.

I ordered the McLean meal.

We all ate. I ate like it was running from me (like most pregnant women do), and proceeded to go outside with my Mom, who wanted to smoke. It was a very pretty day, and I just wanted to join her. But, I felt a tightness in my chest. Almost a lump. I coughed, and the ENTIRE burger came out. IN TACT. Like I never even ate that thing.

But wait, there's more.

Not only was it in tact, but it made it into the wastebasket, over 3 feet from me. TWO POINTS!

Mom looked at me, and said "Now, THERE'S something you don't see every day." We went outside.


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oh i just remebered one i was like 19 and got a roofing job for the summer and it was starting to rain some where in BFE like a good hour drive north from downtown i had my boss called me off the roof cuz it said on the radio thunder storm a brewin and i got down started packin most of the stuff in the truck up and the sky opened up and we got in the truck and waited for a break in the strom to grab the ladder after about 15 mind my bosss went fuck this lets get the ladder off the side of the house and get home i said ok...as we were about to hop outta the truck he was already half way there and lightin hit the ladder and knocked it over we didnt see it a course cuz its impossible to see lighting with the naked eye but he turned around and said never mind we can wait and walked back to truck....ive never laughed so hard in my life

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I have another weird hamburger story, involving a crow.

I was driving home from work one evening, when I used to commute to Pontiac every day. I was just turning the corner of Pontiac Lake Road onto M-59 (near Waterford Meijer), when I noticed a big crow-- it was flying through the air, and it had an entire White Castle hamburger (cardboard box and all) in its bill!!

If that wasn't weird enough--

When I got home, I looked out the dining room window into the yard, and noticed one of our backyard crows (I'd been befriending them with tidbits)-- eating a White Castle! The oddest thing was, my house was over near Oxbow Lake! That crow had flown for miles with the hamburger, and it was odd that I happened to see it in my travels.

What is it with hamburgers and irony? I see a pattern, here. :alien:

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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  jynxxxedangel said:
I have another weird hamburger story, involving a crow.

I was driving home from work one evening, when I used to commute to Pontiac every day. I was just turning the corner of Pontiac Lake Road onto M-59 (near Waterford Meijer), when I noticed a big crow-- it was flying through the air, and it had an entire White Castle hamburger (cardboard box and all) in its bill!!

If that wasn't weird enough--

When I got home, I looked out the dining room window into the yard, and noticed one of our backyard crows (I'd been befriending them with tidbits)-- eating a White Castle! The oddest thing was, my house was over near Oxbow Lake! That crow had flown for miles with the hamburger, and it was odd that I happened to see it in my travels.

What is it with hamburgers and irony?

the crow was saying jynxxxy eat whity's go get more sliders for us to share

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  TheGimp said:
it took me a while to think of something odd that i have seen or have happend to me and i couldnt think of anything and i was astounded that i cant belive that i have never witnessed anything odd then i remebered when i was 12 years old and me and my friend got hungry and there was no food in the house and all we had was 6 bucks so we went to the local mom and pop shop near our house got a can of sloppy joe mix and a bag of buns well on the way back we ran into a group of our freinds in the little park by our hosue and went to go play a quick game of tag well 1 game turned into 5 and lost track of time well we got back to our bikes as a Homeless guy sittin on a bench near our bikes and eat jerry rigged open our sloppy joe can and was eattin our manwhich's we couldnt help but laugh as we walked up he satrted runnin off....we shruged our shoulders and went on our way about a year later we seen him now and then and hed wave and smile and wed say hi and talk to him every now and then about bullshit hed joke around with us sayin if we didnt go to school wed be like him and hed laugh and then say he was seriouse well about 6 years prior to that we really didnt see him much and i was working at rams horn in allen park and he walked in and i reconoized him and he sat down and asked for cofffee gave him his coffee and he just kept giving me odd glace's every now and then and after his third refill he asked me my name i told him and he remebered me as a kid growin up and remebered stealin my man which meat i was flabber gasted i picke dup his tab for him but had a good laugh about it......

Hahahaha wow too funny.

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Guest Megalicious

  Msterbeau said:
There was these guys in a band I knew that played "Wipeout" in a service elevator (That was going up and down a 12 story building)during college, pissing off an old gay man who threw fits due to the noise. Oh wait. i was in the band...


That is great Marc ! :rofl:

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On acid? or otherwise? because everything seems funny on acid.

1) Not that statistically odd, I suppose, but I did witness a drive-by shooting. I shortly thereafter saw a man expire on the sidewalk. Blood from the lungs really looks like lava or something. So bright red and frothy. My only regret was that I didn't hold his hand at the end; I just stood there staring like everyone else. No one should have to die alone like that.

2) This summer, while I was planting flowers in my mom's yard, I kept seeing this young guy in a green T-shirt walk by; four times he did this. What was weird about it was that he was always walking the same direction. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he was walking around the block--except that my mom's street is such that a feat of that kind requires walking a mile and I kept seeing the guy in five minute intervals. I know it was the same guy because he was carrying the same shopping bag and continually texting or talking into his phone. The third and fourth time, I watched him as he walked nearly a half mile down the road. I'd avert my eyes for a few minutes and BAM! there he was walking by again approximately in the same place as when I first spotted him. And, no, I haven't taken acid in over ten years, so it wasn't that. My brain says, likely explanation, he was a drug dealer and kept on getting picked up by clients out of my sight and getting dropped off somewhere down the street from me OR he has identical twins and they like fucking with people. But it was weird.

3) In New Orleans, there was a street performer who played the armonica in Jackson Square and who rode around on a bicycle. He had white hair and beard which he always died a bright color: blue, purple or green, usually, but pink once. He had a little Lahsa Apso whom he died to match; the dog always rode around in a basket in the front of the bicycle.

4) When my now ex-husband, then fiance, came to the restaurant where our parents were meeting altogether with us for the first time, he wore my burgundy broomstick skirt (sans underwear) and a poet shirt. That wasn't the odd part. He did that rather frequently, but normally wouldn't wear my skirt OUTSIDE. I was a little annoyed because, even though my parents both already believed me to be irredeemably weird, I was hoping he would take more pains to inspire in them more confidence in our planned union. Anyway, I was joining the party (already seated) after getting out of work (I worked as a cashier at Reverend Zombie's House of Voodoo). I got there just in time to see my fiance introduce Mad Hattie, the Duck Lady, to our parents. (She's a legendary Quarter Critter, having been around since the Great Depression--she was eight, homeless and would ride around on roller skates begging cigarettes, food and booze from tourists on behalf of her duck whom she kept on a rope.) Hattie looked Mack up and down, very disapprovingly and suddenly cold-cocked him declaring "YOU AIN'T NO DRAG QUEEN!" before storming out of the restaurant with her duck in tow.

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I was sitting on Me front porch when Rev & I lived in Detroit at about 3-4 am.....

I was drinking a fifth of whiskey w/ my buddy when these COPS pulled a guy over in front of the house.....

They didn't even look at us once.....I was strange.

They took the dude out of his car and roughly bent him over the hood of his own car and searched him.....

They then cuffed him & put him in the squad car.

They then proceeded to turn up the guys radio & dance in the street..... :shock:

It was sooooo fucked up.....Then one of them got in the guys car & the other in the squad car and they squealed off.....

Craaaaazy shit man, crazy fucking shit.

I love Detroit

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I was house-sitting, or, rather, cat-sitting for these friends of my mom's. Jacques was a sweet cat, a Maine Coon and feisty, but very affectionate. He was 14 at the time, very active, an accomplished hunter despite having been hit by a car and having a missing tail and frozen hip.

Occasionally, though his owners TRIED to keep him indoors, he would manage to sneak out of the house. "Don't worry about it if he gets out," they told me. "Just leave the sunroom window open a crack and he always comes back by morning." So, when he got out, which eventually he did, I left the sunroom window open, went home and came back the next morning. Jacques was at the back door meowing.

"Silly Jacques! I left the window open; why didn't you go in?" Upon opening the door, Jacques followed me in, but with all the hair on his back standing up. "Well, obviously you WERE here last night--all your food is...gone." I spotted a dog under the grand piano in the living room, just lying there, panting, happy, and now fed. (Yes, grand piano--they were rather well-to-do.)

I picked up the now hissing Jacques and stashed him in the basement and then called the police. They weren't at all helpful. They just chased out the dog, nearly upset art pieces I'm damn sure I could never afford to replace, and left muddy footprints all over the white living room carpet. Dumbasses. What's more, one of them heard Jacques scratching at the door in the basement and let him out. Jacques took off outdoors again. But weren't they so proud of themselves that they chased the dog out! "There, all better now. That dog won't bother you again."

"You don't know anything about animals, sir. THAT DOG ATE HERE. It will be back."

"No, no. See him running away over the golf course? That dog is gone."

"Respectfully, sir, I disagree."

I decided that the best thing to do that night was wait up for Jacques to return. I sat up all night in the sunroom (reading "Like Water for Chocolate" and then "The Witching Hour", but I didn't actually finish "The Witching Hour". Never have, actually. Maybe I should.) About 5 a.m. a very hungry Jacques squeezed in through the casement window. Finally, I could sleep.

I went to the back door to take my leave of the place and noticed the dog sitting on the deck staring up at me longingly. "What's up, puppy?" She was smallish. She held her tail funnily too. It never wagged, but she had a very smiley looking face. I figured she was friendly enough and tried to push my way through the door, but so did she. I couldn't leave without the dog getting into the house behind me!

Fortunately, the house had an attached garage. I gave up on the side door and went out the garage, making sure to close the door to the kitchen very tightly before hitting the button to open the garage door. The dog bounded in, very excited to see me. I hit the door button again and ran out before it closed (since I didn't have an opener). The dog made it out with me.

But the next part was strange, for me, anyway. I opened up my car door to drive home and the dog jumped in. I couldn't get her out. She was that intent on adopting me! I took her home with me, because I didn't know what else to do. I knew I couldn't keep her because my dad was very allergic. I put her in my yard until Animal Rescue could take her. She tore up all of our screen doors trying to get in the house. But she knew commands: sit, stay, heel, lie down. Anyway, to sum up, there was a very high likelihood that my dog wasn't all dog, but coyote too.

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  taysteewonderbunny said:
I was house-sitting, or, rather, cat-sitting for these friends of my mom's. Jacques was a sweet cat, a Maine Coon and feisty, but very affectionate. He was 14 at the time, very active, an accomplished hunter despite having been hit by a car and having a missing tail and frozen hip.

Occasionally, though his owners TRIED to keep him indoors, he would manage to sneak out of the house. "Don't worry about it if he gets out," they told me. "Just leave the sunroom window open a crack and he always comes back by morning." So, when he got out, which eventually he did, I left the sunroom window open, went home and came back the next morning. Jacques was at the back door meowing.

"Silly Jacques! I left the window open; why didn't you go in?" Upon opening the door, Jacques followed me in, but with all the hair on his back standing up. "Well, obviously you WERE here last night--all your food is...gone." I spotted a dog under the grand piano in the living room, just lying there, panting, happy, and now fed. (Yes, grand piano--they were rather well-to-do.)

I picked up the now hissing Jacques and stashed him in the basement and then called the police. They weren't at all helpful. They just chased out the dog, nearly upset art pieces I'm damn sure I could never afford to replace, and left muddy footprints all over the white living room carpet. Dumbasses. What's more, one of them heard Jacques scratching at the door in the basement and let him out. Jacques took off outdoors again. But weren't they so proud of themselves that they chased the dog out! "There, all better now. That dog won't bother you again."

"You don't know anything about animals, sir. THAT DOG ATE HERE. It will be back."

"No, no. See him running away over the golf course? That dog is gone."

"Respectfully, sir, I disagree."

I decided that the best thing to do that night was wait up for Jacques to return. I sat up all night in the sunroom (reading "Like Water for Chocolate" and then "The Witching Hour", but I didn't actually finish "The Witching Hour". Never have, actually. Maybe I should.) About 5 a.m. a very hungry Jacques squeezed in through the casement window. Finally, I could sleep.

I went to the back door to take my leave of the place and noticed the dog sitting on the deck staring up at me longingly. "What's up, puppy?" She was smallish. She held her tail funnily too. It never wagged, but she had a very smiley looking face. I figured she was friendly enough and tried to push my way through the door, but so did she. I couldn't leave without the dog getting into the house behind me!

Fortunately, the house had an attached garage. I gave up on the side door and went out the garage, making sure to close the door to the kitchen very tightly before hitting the button to open the garage door. The dog bounded in, very excited to see me. I hit the door button again and ran out before it closed (since I didn't have an opener). The dog made it out with me.

But the next part was strange, for me, anyway. I opened up my car door to drive home and the dog jumped in. I couldn't get her out. She was that intent on adopting me! I took her home with me, because I didn't know what else to do. I knew I couldn't keep her because my dad was very allergic. I put her in my yard until Animal Rescue could take her. She tore up all of our screen doors trying to get in the house. But she knew commands: sit, stay, heel, lie down. Anyway, to sum up, there was a very high likelihood that my dog wasn't all dog, but coyote too.

...as I find most stories...THIS one is better heard than read... ;)

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One time, while doing some late night/early shopping at Meijer, I turned the corner into the canned vegetable section, just in time to see a retarded man squatting and making number 2 in the middle of the aisle. :X

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...a grandmotherly lady (in the super-market)...had her cell phone go off (not a grandma ring tone)...

.....(it was a rap song).....NOW...I was minding MY OWN...but I just happen to have overheard the start of her conversation...& it SINCERELY seemed to be a drug-call...& she was on the SELLING END! :shock:

This Grandma was like, "I got that"...(she was a Caucasian Lady)...

G-Ma! :rofl:

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