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What are the oddest things you have ever witnessed?


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I once saw about a dozen punk kids playing polo in washington square in nyc.

you know, old school polo, the kind you play while riding a horse, with mallets and things.

the thing is, they were riding BICYCLES.

there were swinging mallets and screeching tires and chains clanging everywhere, and every once in a while a mallet would get stuck in some bicycle spokes and someone would go flying. it was AWESOME.

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me prick skyfire and 11 and a few other freinds went to necto a short while back and decided to walk to bells pizza to get sum food well 11 spoted the cookie truck and we stoped by to get a cookie well 11 got one and rick got one 11 gave me a bite....still being fairly intoxicated i yelled out to cookie vendors....*if i gave jesus a blow job and he came in my mouth this is what it would taste like* the girl selling the cookies about died of laughter after she compossed herself prick...well being prick proceeded to hit on the girl asking for a 2 for 1 deal and then about the same time we both waved and said gooodbye hot cookie girl

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me and a few of my friends had been drinking all day and were going out on foot for cigarettes and Arbys, when this old black man who absoultly reeked of crack and thunderbird asked us if we could buy him food. I said yes, so he proceded to tell some terrible old jokes.

when we got to Arbys, he said he wanted a kids meal, then asked me what a kids meal was. It was at that point that he began talking about islam, and the whole kitchen staff at the arbys was dying laughing, and he didn't even relize it. I had to show this man how to get a fountin drink. I was the most entertaining thing I've ever scene a crackhead do.

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I once saw about a dozen punk kids playing polo in washington square in nyc.

you know, old school polo, the kind you play while riding a horse, with mallets and things.

the thing is, they were riding BICYCLES.

there were swinging mallets and screeching tires and chains clanging everywhere, and every once in a while a mallet would get stuck in some bicycle spokes and someone would go flying. it was AWESOME.

OOOOH! I want a re-enactment!

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me and a few of my friends had been drinking all day and were going out on foot for cigarettes and Arbys, when this old black man who absoultly reeked of crack and thunderbird asked us if we could buy him food. I said yes, so he proceded to tell some terrible old jokes.

when we got to Arbys, he said he wanted a kids meal, then asked me what a kids meal was. It was at that point that he began talking about islam, and the whole kitchen staff at the arbys was dying laughing, and he didn't even relize it. I had to show this man how to get a fountin drink. I was the most entertaining thing I've ever scene a crackhead do.

I met a man once who proved that crack and Tourette's don't mix.

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I was sitting in the parking lot of the Mobil gas station at Cooley Lake Road and Williams Lake road, waiting for my friend to pay for his gas. I saw a large, stray hunting hound (it appeared to be a Catahoula /German Shorthair Pointer mix) trotting merrily down the street. I whistled to him, and he stopped and looked at me.

The dog was wearing a collar with tags, so I was trying to get him to come closer to read them. He never came my way, but crossed the intersection, to the parking lot of the CVS drugstore that was catty-corner to the gas station. A man was walking up to the store, which has automatic doors. The dog started towards him, the man completely oblivious to the fact there was a dog following. He walked into the store's entrance, with the dog following right behind him! The doors then closed behind. I just about died laughing!!!!!! I can only imagine the stir this unexpected shopper caused, once inside! :rofl: I'm sure someone ended up reading the dog's tags, and giving his owner a ring to pick him up!

The entire ride home, I cursed not having had my camera with me, to catch the whole thing on video..

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I've seen a lot of odd things in my day, but I remember on my first date with my husband; we went a lot of different places, just kinda walking around and talking. Ann Arbor was one of them. Late at night, as we were crossing the diag, a dude on a unicycle, wearing a pink tutu, striped knee socks, and one of those alien deellybopper headbands was passing out flyers for a party.

I kinda took it in stride, but my husband was somewhat flabbergasted for a moment.

I told him "Welcome to my world."


we've been together about 10 years now.....

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I honestly think there are more colourful characters in AA than there are in Detroit. :rofl: I know I see more than a few each time I pass through that way.

I recall my ex and I visiting his cousin Kathy, who lived on campus, about two years ago. We were sitting in an intersection; and this skinny old bum, who looked like he was on an outpatient Thorazine program, came shuffling across the road. He was wearing a wrinkled, dirty polyester leisure suit (with no shoes!), and looked as if he hadn't slept in a week. He was obliviously jaywalking in between the backed-up cars. His eyes were blank, and his footsteps mechanical. The funniest thing was, he had his arms outstretched, in the very same manner as a zombie or sleepwalker from the movies! :rofl:

My ex and I looked at each other, and simultaneously (completely on the same wavelength) uttered, "BRAINZZZ...!" (with eyes rolled up in head and tongue out). We had to pull over in a parking lot, we were laughing so hard!!! :rofl:

We were pretty stoned, too-- so it was that much funnier! :p

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One of the oddest things I ever witnessed happened about 15 years ago..

My friend Angie and I were driving down Huron Street in Pontiac, almost to Josephine Ave., when we were stopped in a traffic jam. I don't know if anyone remembers, but there used to be a "Hot N Now" hamburger stand there.

As the traffic slowly inched forward, we could see an ambulance, a few cop cars, and a bunch of bystanders milling around. As we got closer still, I saw a scruffy-looking man sprawled out on a stretcher. Getting even closer, yet, we saw a bent-up bicycle laying on its side in the middle of the road. Here's the funny part-- there were hamburgers ALL OVER THE ROAD, all around the bike! I mean they were EVERYWHERE!!! :rofl: This guy must have had about 50 bucks worth of hamburgers in the big basket on the back of that bike!! :rofl:

It was very odd, to say the least. :p

umm...you were in Waterford. Rot n Cow was west of Telegraph.

Good story, though. :)

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OK. This has to be one of the weirdest things that's ever happened to me:

When I was about 16 years old, my best friend was dating an older guy. Needless to say, we all ended up going on many drunken adventures together, because he had a car and could buy.

One time, it seems like it was winter, her boyfriend and his buddy decided they wanted to drive down to the Cobo-- to the Super Sale that used to go on every year. They asked if we wanted to ride along. Of course we wanted to!

It was quite a long drive-- all the way from White Lake to Detroit! On the way, we had him stop and buy a pint of Canadian Club whisky for us. We rode in the back seat, getting absolutely HAMMERED. By the time we got there, she and I were entirely too inebriated to mingle with the general public-- so we were instructed to stay in the car.

Of course, we drank the rest of the bottle before they returned-- and by the time they did, we both had to pee BADLY!

So anyways, we were fairly bursting, and whined and pissed about it, until we got the guy to stop at a gas station. This place was not in the greatest part of town. I could tell we had crossed over into the wastelands. It was one of those places where one has to go inside the station and get the key from the attendant. This particular key was chained to a fucking BROOM. I swear on my life. :laugh:

We finally got inside the bathroom, and she took the loo, while I was stuck with the sink (she was too chubby to share the seat with). In our haste, we forgot to lock the door behind us. Here's where it gets weird.

The door bursts open, and in walks this wild-looking trio-- straight out of Starsky and Hutch, or Beretta!! It was a black guy and two black ladies. The man was wearing a hat with a long feather, a long fur coat, and alligator shoes. The women looked like San Francisco streetwalkers-- with more makeup, sequins and feathers than I've ever seen on anyone, before or since, in real life.

All my friend and I could do was stare at them, and each other, in disbelief!

The guy hollered gruffly, "Hurry up, we gotta use the bathroom!" and they exited, slamming the door behind them. We were almost afraid to come out, because we'd never seen anything like that before!!!!

When we finally did come out, the odd trio was not there. We went back into the station and gave the attendant back the key, got into the car, and got the hell out of there! The guys were having fits laughing, because they saw the entire thing from outside. :rofl:

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Not only is the way the factory packed these plastic, dollar-store dinosaurs odd-- it's also FUNNY as FUCK, beyond words!!!!!! :rofl:

Every package on the shelf had dinos jumpin' each others' bones!!!

:rofl: :rofl:



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Not only is the way the factory packed these plastic, dollar-store dinosaurs odd-- it's also FUNNY as FUCK, beyond words!!!!!! :rofl:

Every package on the shelf had dinos jumpin' each others' bones!!!

:rofl: :rofl:

Apparently, they don't want to waste a good boner!

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Your comment just made it that much funnier! :rofl::cry:rofl:

I really couldn't believe it, when I saw these dinosaurs. It was too good of a sight gag to be true!! I wish my phone cam was better, or I'd had the Kodak on me-- I would have got a shot of the entire rack of orgiastic dinos!!

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Your comment just made it that much funnier! :rofl::cry:rofl:

I really couldn't believe it, when I saw these dinosaurs. It was too good of a sight gag to be true!! I wish my phone cam was better, or I'd had the Kodak on me-- I would have got a shot of the entire rack of orgiastic dinos!!

I do what I can. :wink

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  • 4 months later...

I was at a little bar in Key West, years ago, when I saw this burly, old, "patched" outlaw biker guy dancing. It wasn't so odd that he was dancing-- it was the fact that he was skankin' around to the song, "Buffalo Soldier," by Bob Marley. How ironic. I think this old white-power guy must have been too wasted to realise what music was playing. :rofl: It goes to show, NO ONE can resist the power of Bob Marley.

I have seen some of the WEIRDEST shit in Florida. Seriously.

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I was at a little bar in Key West, years ago, when I saw this burly, old, "patched" outlaw biker guy dancing. It wasn't so odd that he was dancing-- it was the fact that he was skankin' around to the song, "Buffalo Soldier," by Bob Marley. How ironic. I think this old white-power guy must have been too wasted to realise what music was playing. :rofl: It goes to show, NO ONE can resist the power of Bob Marley.

I have seen some of the WEIRDEST shit in Florida. Seriously.

Alzheimer's ftw!

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I was at a little bar in Key West, years ago, when I saw this burly, old, "patched" outlaw biker guy dancing. It wasn't so odd that he was dancing-- it was the fact that he was skankin' around to the song, "Buffalo Soldier," by Bob Marley. How ironic. I think this old white-power guy must have been too wasted to realise what music was playing. :rofl: It goes to show, NO ONE can resist the power of Bob Marley.

I have seen some of the WEIRDEST shit in Florida. Seriously.

He musta' just been dancin' to halfa' the lyrics...? :blink:


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I see straaange things in the d area...have posted many on here over the years.

there was the green lady with a full orbit of planets (foam) on her head.

The puppet guy

The robot

Now I just saw this guy on a purple shinny crotch rocket with a bright ass neon green shirt...wearing...a huge black helmet and he had welded a light bulb to the top. Looked like he took some solder and attached it at the bottom metal part. weird.

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I was sitting here one day the summer I bought the house and heard a bird screeching outside. So I look out the window and sure enough, the neighbor cat has this bird down in my yard. Then my cats and another neighbor cat came and stood near the cat w/the bird, just watching... then another cat comes over... only it wasn't a cat, it was a fucking SQUIRREL... and it just sat there with the 4 spectator cats, watching the first cat maul the bird which was still screeching and flapping.

We have some seriously aggro squirrels around here... I once saw one jump to the street from about 20 feet up in a tree.

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I was sitting here one day the summer I bought the house and heard a bird screeching outside. So I look out the window and sure enough, the neighbor cat has this bird down in my yard. Then my cats and another neighbor cat came and stood near the cat w/the bird, just watching... then another cat comes over... only it wasn't a cat, it was a fucking SQUIRREL... and it just sat there with the 4 spectator cats, watching the first cat maul the bird which was still screeching and flapping.

We have some seriously aggro squirrels around here... I once saw one jump to the street from about 20 feet up in a tree.

Squirrels are well-known to eat baby birds, as well as eggs in nest, when they are calcium-deficient. Adult buck squirrels (big balls, like a tanuki!) are the worst culprits. Cats see them as peers, because they are TOUGH. This is not unusual.

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Squirrels are well-known to eat baby birds, as well as eggs in nest, when they are calcium-deficient. Adult buck squirrels (big balls, like a tanuki!) are the worst culprits. Cats see them as peers, because they are TOUGH. This is not unusual.

Maybe I've just never lived anyplace where there were quite this many squirrels... esp. not very large healthy-looking ones (prolly due to the massive quantities of acorns produced by the 5 oak trees on my little spread). I know my cats don't appear to view them as prey at all... and all three are pretty serious hunters. Well, except for Lynx who at 22lb is too fat to actually catch anything. But yeah, they keep their distance from the squirrels.

They also have a possum buddy who I've seen them chillin' with.

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