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Through a rapist's eyes...


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Got this from a friend via email. It looks legit and seems worth sharing:

When this was sent to me, I was told to forward it to my lady friends,

but I forwarded it to most everyone in my address book. My men friends

have female friends and this Information is too important to miss


Please pass it along and share it with your children.

A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interviewed on what

they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts:

1) The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They

are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun, braid or other

hairstyle that can easily be grabbed . They are also likely to go after

a woman with long hair . Women with short hair are not common targets.

2) The second thing men look for is clothing. They will look for women

who's clothing is easy to remove quickly. Many of them carry scissors

around specifically to cut clothing.

3) They also look for women on their cell phone, searching through their

purse, or doing other activities while walking because they are

off-guard and can be easily overpowered.

4) Men are most likely to attack & rape in the early morning, between 5:

00a.m. and 8:30a.m.

5) The number one place women are abducted from/attacked is grocery

store parking lots. The number two:office parking lots/garages. Number

three: public restrooms.

6) The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman

and quickly move her to another location where they don't have to worry

about getting caught.

7) Only 2% said they carried weapons because rape carries a 3-5 year

sentence but rape with a weapon is 15-20 years.

8) If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged

because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going

after you isn't worth it because it will be time-consuming.

9) These men said they would not pick on women who have umbrellas, or

other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands

Keys are NOT a deterrent because you have to get really close to the

attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys

you're not worth it.

10) Several defense mechanisms he taught us are: If someone is following

behind you on a street or in a garage or with you in an elevator or

stairwell, look them in the face and ask them a question, like what time

is it?, or make general small talk: 'I can't believe it is so cold out

here,' 'We're in for a bad winter.' Now you've seen their face and could

identify them in a line-up; you lose appeal as a target.

11) If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of you

and yell STOP! or STAY BACK! Most of the rapists this man talked to said

they'd leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be

afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY target.

12) If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a huge advocate of it

and carries it with him wherever he goes), yell I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY and

holding it out will be a deterrent.

13) If someone grabs you, you can't beat them with strength but you can

by outsmarting them. If you are grabbed around the waist from behind,

pinch the attacker either under the Arm (between the elbow and armpit)OR

in the upper inner thigh VERY VERY HARD. One woman in a class this guy

taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to

date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore out

muscle strands - the guy needed stitches. Try pinching yourself in those

places as hard as you can stand it - it hurts.

14) After the initial hit, always GO for the GROIN. I know from a

particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy's parts it is

extremely painful. You might think that you'll anger the guy and make

him want to hurt you more, but the thing these rapists told our

instructor is that they want a woman who will not cause a lot of

trouble. Start causing trouble and he's out of there.

15) When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers

and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing down

on them as possible. The instructor did it to me without using much

pressure, and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked audibly.

16) Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of

your surroundings, take someone with you if you can and if you see any

odd behavior, don't dismiss it, go with your instincts!!!

You may feel a little silly at the time, but you'd feel much worse if

the guy really was trouble.

1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do : The elbow is the strongest point on your body.

If you are close enough to use it, do!

2. Learned this from a tourist guide in New Orleans : If a robber asks

for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from

you....chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or

purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE


3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back

tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy.

The driver won't see you, but everybody else will. This has saved lives.

4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating,

working, etc, and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list,

etc.) DON'T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you, and this is the

perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun

to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR


a. If someone is in the car with a gun to your head DO NOT DRIVE OFF,

repeat: DO NOT DRIVE OFF! Instead gun the engine and speed into

anything, wrecking the car. Your Air Bag will save you. If the person is

in the back seat they will get the worst of it. As soon as the car

crashes bail out and run. It is better than having them find your body

in a remote location.

5 A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot or parking


A.) Be aware: look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side

floor, and in the back seat.

B.) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the

passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them

into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.

C.) Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and the

passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car,

you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a

guard/policeman to walk you back out.

IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than


6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are

horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot. This is

especially true at NIGHT!)

7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS

RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times.

And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN, preferably

in a zigzag pattern!

8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP! It may get

you raped or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking,

well-educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting

women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked 'for help' into

his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next


9. Another Safety Point: Someone just told me that her friend heard a

crying baby on her porch the night before=2 0last, and she called the

police because it was late and she thought it was weird. The police told

her 'Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.'

The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a

window, and she was worried that it would crawl to the street and get

run over. The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way,

whatever you do,DO NOT open the door.' He told her that they think a

serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of

their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby. He said they have

not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that they

hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night.

Please pass this on and DO NOT open the door for a crying baby --- This

should be taken seriously because the Crying Baby theory was mentioned

on America's Most Wanted this past Saturday when they profiled the

serial killer in Louisiana

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very interesting info! :blink: a lot of it is new to me, too! thanks for posting it.

i am definitely an advocate of "better safe than sorry." i have called 911 twice in situations where i was alone and felt that i was being targeted. in retrospect, i was probably not in physical danger in either situation... but i'd rather not be a headline thankyouverymuch.

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Another deterring technique taught by self-defense courses, which is not mentioned here, is to vomit on oneself or the attacker. It sounds disgusting, but if your life is on the line, and you have no other defense-- it could mean your last chance.

I also want to remind all my fellow ladies to be ESPECIALLY watchful this time of year, while getting into your cars in store parking lots!! There are muggers and creeps out there, just waiting for someone who's off guard, so they can rob them! Please be safe!

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Good post Marc. Worthy of some repeat posting by all of us.

I know I'll be teaching my daughter to "rip their bloody balls off," how to efficiently crush the esophagus in one move, and the proper technique to "thumb their eyes until you hit brain." I believe in having a few well rehearsed tricks in your repetoire. :rant:

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Good post Marc. Worthy of some repeat posting by all of us.

I know I'll be teaching my daughter to "rip their bloody balls off," how to efficiently crush the esophagus in one move, and the proper technique to "thumb their eyes until you hit brain." I believe in having a few well rehearsed tricks in your repetoire. :rant:

...rehearsal....THAT!...is the OTHER half of the battle! ;)

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my sister was raped when she was 16 in Lansing, on her way to school , van pulled over grabbed her, and off they went, she told me, Kristine, If you are ever raped, pretend like you wanna suck him, and when He lets you, bite down on that fucker as hard as you can, and once hes immobile, run!

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If you really and are serious about defending yourself ask me to train you free I would train a dgn'r no cost in 4 styles(TKD, TSD, 7 Star PM KF, and Japanese Jiu Jitsu) but you would have to be serious I was 125 at age 21 skinny(I was a vegan) but well trained I took down boxers 250-300 just by throwing them and choking them unconscious. I could teach u how to get out of a reverse choke preying mantis kung fu style and many other things. I have all the time free in the world all u gotta do is ask. I charge other people tho that want to learn just I wouldn't charge a dgn'r. Usual cost is $60 a month I pay for handwrap tape we fight no pads and you learn at my pad. Just an offer. I had cousins in british columbia that trained under Sifu Jon Funk and they taught me when they stayed with our family at my grandmas for 4 years. My instructor was a girl. 2 of my 3 instructors in tae kwon do my first art were girls laura and linda williams. There brother was the other instructor and was a mountain of a man. I was 14 I'm 36 now very skilled.


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Good post Marc. Worthy of some repeat posting by all of us.

I know I'll be teaching my daughter to "rip their bloody balls off," how to efficiently crush the esophagus in one move, and the proper technique to "thumb their eyes until you hit brain." I believe in having a few well rehearsed tricks in your repetoire. :rant:

Poor Ian...

my sister was raped when she was 16 in Lansing, on her way to school , van pulled over grabbed her, and off they went, she told me, Kristine, If you are ever raped, pretend like you wanna suck him, and when He lets you, bite down on that fucker as hard as you can, and once hes immobile, run!

I wish that I had know that move back in the day....

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...we'll have to chat on that...but it sounds cool! (& WE can go at it ;) you look to be a challenging spar)...from here anyhow...

LOL, I'm rustier than an Atlantic trowler, no knees to speak of, and I'm fat...but I have three patented moves, catlike reflexes, and good enough instincts to avoid most confrontations these days. But I'd slap on the pads and volunteer to help assist in self defense training.

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LOL, I'm rustier than an Atlantic trowler, no knees to speak of, and I'm fat...but I have three patented moves, catlike reflexes, and good enough instincts to avoid most confrontations these days. But I'd slap on the pads and volunteer to help assist in self defense training.

...I smell a B-B-Q...with Kung-Fu...& ALL of YOU!

(cool poem huh!)

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Most of that I've heard before, a couple things were new, but a refresher is always good.

my sister was raped when she was 16 in Lansing, on her way to school , van pulled over grabbed her, and off they went, she told me, Kristine, If you are ever raped, pretend like you wanna suck him, and when He lets you, bite down on that fucker as hard as you can, and once hes immobile, run!

Yeah, I've always wondered how a man can force a woman to go down on him any other way than actually having a gun pointed to her head. We have teeth! And fingernails!

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my personal favorite defensive art is aikido - i love aikido! btw, anyone know of a dojo near royal oak?

also, it was nice to read this and remind myself that i'm not overcautious... people have teased me about walking down the middle of a sidewalk or parking structure to stay away from 'hiding places,' and about paying attention to shadows and footsteps at night. seriously, i drive woodward alone at 4am most weeks, caution is healthy, yes?

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personally along with petofiles i think once a rapist is caught he should be castrated so it wont happen agian

I don't think he should even have a chance to get caught. I think the woman should forgo the elbow strikes, groin blows, and pepper spray, and just shoot the fucker dead with a concealed carry weapon. Muggers, give him your wallet and if he still threatens you, shoot to stop the threat. But rapists ... the threat doesn't stop until he's dead.

(Disclaimer: The preceding statement is the opinion of the character Spook and does not necessarily represent the views of DGN, the members of DGN, and Spook's alter ego Scott Drebus. Only shoot when the perpetrator meets the three criteria of use of deadly force applicable to your state laws, mostly - means, opportunity, and willingness; only use deadly force when retreat is not possible or your state has castle doctrine and/or stand your ground legislation i.e. no duty to retreat laws; only shoot to stop the threat.)

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Alright, here's the line item response I promised.

1) The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun, braid or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed . They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair . Women with short hair are not common targets.

Mostly true. Women with shorter hair are not common targets but they are still potential targets. Rape is not about sex, it is about power. Most rapist just hate women in general but some have been slighted by one woman in particular. If this woman had short hair, then the rapist will seek out women who remind him of that one and target short haired women. Also, with date rape your hair doesn't matter as he uses seduction and not abduction.

3) They also look for women on their cell phone, searching through their purse, or doing other activities while walking because they are off-guard and can be easily overpowered.

A quick primer on Jeff Cooper's color codes of situational awareness.

White - Condition White is where you walk around in your own little bubble completely unaware of the world around you. You are distracted with phone conversations, price comparisons of groceries, trying to figure out where your keys are in that mammoth purse, etc. Most people in the world live in condition white wandering around like sheep. This is a dangerous condition to be in. Try to never be in Condition White.

Yellow - Yellow is when you are aware of the world around you. You know where people are, where cars are, what speed and direction everyone is going, who is alone, who's watching you, which lines are longest and which are moving fastest, who the cutest bank teller is, you know exactly where your keys are, you remember where you parked in the parking lot, you're roughly aware what time it is, etc. We should try to always live in Condition Yellow.

Orange - This is when you've identified a potential threat or threats so your awareness heightens as you pay attention to see what may develop. If in Condition Yellow you notice a man who's been standing against a wall for a while but as you pass he starts walking the same direction you are, you enter Condition Orange to see if he's really following you, or if it's just a coincidence. In Condition Yellow you see the cross traffic light turn yellow, then red but notice a car coming from your right at a higher velocity than normal, you enter Condition Orange to see if he'll slam on his brakes in time or run the red light. They key thing to remember when entering Condition Orange is not to be so focused on the potential threat as to have blinders on and White to everything else. You still need to be Yellow just in case more threats might crop up. Orange can be a stressful condition to be in so you should only raise to this level when their might be a threat. Of course, walking alone at night through a parking garage it is always good to be in Orange. But, if the potential threat turns out to be a false alarm, you can drop back down to Yellow. If, however, the potential threat turns out to be a real threat, then you need to heighten your level to ...

Red - Condition Red is when you have identified a real threat and it must be dealt with. There are generally two choices: fight or flight. Of course, conditions may show that you can try flight until you are cornered and forced to fight, or fight until an exit presents itself then flight, or whatever. Red is a very taxing and dangerous condition so deal with the threat as quickly and efficiently as possible. When the threat is neutralized, don't breathe a sigh of relief and drop in White. Stay in at least Orange until you are sure you're safe then maintain Condition Yellow.

So, now that you understand that, most rape victims were in Condition White. Stay in Yellow and you're less likely to be targeted. If you are targeted and you jump into Condition Orange, the rapist is most likely to abort his plans. They don't want to deal with a Condition Red response.

4) Men are most likely to attack & rape in the early morning, between 5:00a.m. and 8:30a.m.

Which shows that as soon as you wake up, start your day in Condition Yellow. Morning grogginess is no excuse to wander around like a zombie in Condition White. (tee hee ... White Zombie, lol)

5) The number one place women are abducted from/attacked is grocery store parking lots. The number two:office parking lots/garages. Number three: public restrooms.

Remember what I said above how you generally only raise into Orange when you identify a potential threat, but there are some circumstances when you should just be in Orange anyway because of the environment? Well, parking lots, parking garages, public restrooms, alleyways, night-time conditions, etc. are all Orange worthy environments.

6) The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman and quickly move her to another location where they don't have to worry about getting caught.

The first 15 seconds are the most critical. A few attackers will give up the fight after 5 seconds but with most attackers, if you can fend them off for 15 seconds, they will give up and seek easier prey. Of course that's most, not all.

8) If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going after you isn't worth it because it will be time-consuming.

See preceding.

9) These men said they would not pick on women who have umbrellas, or other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands


(to be continued since DGN only allows so many blocks of quoted text ...)

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    • I am currently floored.   FedEx did a massive 6 box delivery to the wrong address.  I had an autoship order scheduled to arrive before this past weekend.  Nothing showed up.  I contacted the order site and they had a link for the order...a photo of all my boxes thrown in the snow and up the sidewalk of a residence that was not mine.   You would think that at some point, the driver would have looked at the delivery address after they kept throwing box upon box at this location with no shelter from the elements.  They didn't even knock on the door to inform the residents that massive 65+ pound boxes were left all over their walkway.  Nope.  Just dumped them, took a photo as they were walking away and left.   I wonder what the person who found all of those misdelivered boxes must have been thinking when they saw them.  Maybe they kept everything to use, distribute or sell.  No idea.  No claim was filed on that end as of yet.   Fortunately for me, one of the sites that I ordered from, replaced everything at no extra cost.   Unfortunately, now I'm concerned for the other items yet to be delivered.   Needless to say, I'll be watching my notifications like a hawk.
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    • ~~~~~ Yeah, thank you for the check-in.   Happy to say it was all a misunderstanding.  But she pulled out her "ghetto" and that's when things went South.  I get very professional minded when I enter into situations like that because when someone starts bring the court into conversations, I'm in court 2 times a year, every year, so don't go there with me because I will get legal all over you.   She did try to change what she thought she might have said, but I had to call her on it because it's all in written text.  Then she apologized and we were able to have a decent conversation.   I know I joke about me talking so much that people don't hear what I say except for keywords that they are looking for, but that is exactly what happened here.  She heard "payment", "money" and "help out".  It was crazy.  I literally had to have the entire conversation all over again, but I definitely condensed it to only address those 3 words.   Things are back on track, but I emphasized that if she every needed clarification for anything, please say something first instead of jumping to conclusions, then questioning that conclusion, then answering that conclusion, then getting upset at the answer and taking it out on someone who doesn't have a clue what the San Juan Hill just happened.   But this is exactly the reason I do everything with a paper trail. 
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